September 2022 Moms

WTF Wednesday 4.27

No, seriously, WTF?
Current pregnancy -
First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

Re: WTF Wednesday 4.27

  • Definitely first world problems, but I ordered delivery because I don't want to leave the apartment. The delivery driver just called to tell me they can't park in our parking lot (yes I'm aware it's gated and you don't have a pass) therefore she's going to pull up to our gate and I have to meet her there. Other delivery people have figured out how to park on main St and walk down into our lot, and some *gasp* can even figure out how to open the door to our building and deliver it to my apartment door so I don't have to go out in the rain with a 1 and 3 year old. 
  • How does my stomach hurt THIS much just from eating Takis Wavy three days in a row…?
    I used to have an iron stomach and now I feel like my stomach is dissolving.
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  • @pangolindrome 🤤 love takis but they kill me now, I think it’s my age because hot Cheetos also kill me and I used to be able to eat bags of them
  • More coyotes in the backyard, this time even closer to the house than ever before. We saw two- 30 feet from our deck last night right after we let the dog out. I usually walk with the dog around the yard with a flashlight and have no idea how I missed seeing them, freaks me out to know they are that close!! I do think they’re cute, but only from afar. 
  • DH has a cold. He also gave me the same cold. However, he is "dying". Literally can't/won't do anything. He's taken like 4 naps today. Meanwhile I'm taking care of the house, kids, and pets. Man colds are seriously so annoying. 
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  • jhysmathjhysmath member
    edited April 2022
    @ashley35209 I hate the man cold. My husband had 3 in 3 months and every time was like ugh this has to be covid, even though our kids brought it home from daycare and he saw no need to have them tested, he needed to be tested each time because he was sure! No covid for him, just a man cold.

    Eta I will say once I gave him crap that he had a cold and was a wimp, I caught it from him and went for a routine physical to find out I had pneumonia, so he likely had it too. I mean I wasn't "dying" and just thought it was a cold when the Dr said you have fluid in your lungs you have pneumonia... Oops
  • @lucyg00cy coyotes howling reminds me of home. I once had one run straight at me. It was coming through some brush so it couldn't see me but but once it hit the clearing about 10 feet in front of me, i hollered, it levitated/turned and ran the opposite direction 😂 I was dying. It was a little scary cuz I wasn't sure what I was going to do of it kept coming at me but I was also fairly confident that it would run away being as their terrified of humans.
  • pangolindromepangolindrome member
    edited April 2022
    Apparently one of my 10th grade girls’ dentist told her that she’d “be beautiful if she got braces” and I am seeing red. They are going somewhere else as of that, but what the actual flightless fuck?

    Also, I almost didn’t get today’s Wordle and found it very upsetting. That was before I overheard and confirmed the above. 
  • @pangolindrome so glad that girl is going somewhere else! Being a 10th grader is hard enough, no one needs a suposed professional telling them they'll look better if they change themselves. Grrrrrrr!
  • pangolindromepangolindrome member
    edited April 2022
    WTF #2 of the day. For background, my school has a main building and a secondary building, both in which classes are held. The secondary building is divided into two separate, non-connected hallways. One has a covered walkway and has two classrooms and the library which also has the big printer. The other one has no cover and houses myself and the art teacher.
    I submitted an IT ticket to get my classroom printer hooked up because it would really, really help me to be able to print a proof copy so I can catch mistakes before I walk through the Oregon rain to the main printer. 
    The response I got from the district office was that they don’t support classroom printers anymore but my “end of the building” is getting a new printer. A tech MIGHT drop by and see if it is an easy fix. Yeah the new printer is going WHERE THE OLD PRINTER IS, ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WALL OF RAIN.
    I love my building and our staff but the DO is largely useless.
  • @pangolindrome flightless fuck has me smiling haha 
  • The soonest haircut I could schedule, at a place my husband bought me gift certificates for, is a month away. They no longer have weekend hours but are open week days until 8, and still can't get an appointment until 5/25. I have a certificate for a wax, and another for a mani/pedi I don't think I'll be able to get in for those of my husband gets the ny job and we move. 
  • @jhysmath I feel silly asking this, but what kind of wax? I can't imagine that would feel very good while pregnant, but I've admittedly never had one of any kind (eyebrows, bikini, legs, etc.).
    DD 10/2019
  • @trapperkeeper87 It feels the same. I’ve been doing my own brazilians since the pandemic started, because that’s the only way I could get one for months, and I’ve done my eyebrows a handful of times. Obviously won’t be able to keep up the brazilians when my belly grows so I’ll have to go back to a salon, but I can say it feels the absolute same.
  • I'll wax my eyebrows but NO THANKS to that on my genitals!!!

    Current pregnancy -
    First BFP on 1/4/22.  Due date 9/13/22.

    Four prior losses, no living children - 1 first trimester miscarriage, 1 blighted ovum, 1 chemical, and one extreme premature live birth daughter who died at 15 days old.

  • @kboydbowman I always thought my underarms were the worst of it! As long as you don’t go around your period, when things are more sensitive, it’s not too bad. 
  • @trapperkeeper87 truthfully I have no idea what type of wax he paid for lol but precovid I did brows, lip, underarm, legs, and bikini. I actually find getting waxed relaxing. 

    @pangolindrome you're amazing. I got the wax kit to do my own, but can't pull fast enough on sensitive areas. Also trying to wax with a toddler in the house is impossible. 
  • @laj0217 Shins and toes are the worst! I know toe hair is not a cute idea, but it's part of life.
    @jhysmath relaxing?! I wish I felt that way. I was feeling all relaxed before my last wax and picked up an energy drink just to spoil myself a little bit. Red Bull is so bad for you but I find it delicious so it's a sometimes treat for me - that was a bad idea. I'll be sticking to tea if I grab any drinks before any future wax appts!

    What else do you ladies do before or after to stay relaxed? Should I schedule the mani/pedi before to get in the mindset or after to make it like a reward? Maybe stacking for a full spa day with wax, hair trim, and mani/pedi... Spitballing here, and the more I think about it, the more I think some hot tea and a wax followed by a hair trim/blowout would be nice and then I could get my little sister to meet up with me for mani/pedi's together. That sounds like a perfect way to spend a relaxing day.
  • pangolindromepangolindrome member
    edited April 2022
    @jhysmath I do soft wax with strips, I got the brazilian kit off Amazon. Thankfully our dog knows to stay on the couch while I do it. Last time, I let my husband be in the room with strict instructions to make no comment on what I was doing. It has taken practice but I can get it done in 35-40 minutes. Pre-epilation oil is KEY. The sad thing is that it’s so much easier on my skin than what the salon does, and I’m not looking forward to going back, but I struggled with the strain last time as it was.

    @leannechristina I also find it relaxing. I get to lay around and be still. Even if it’s painful, I have nothing to do but exist for a few minutes. Doing it myself is not as relaxing, but it’s kind of like reverse “fill in the color” coloring.
  • maple1422maple1422 member
    edited April 2022
    @pangolindrome cue amazon search for kit and pre-epilation oil now... DH said I could wax his back. This might be my Mother's Day gift to myself and be worth the money.
  • @leannechristina the laying down with no one needing me, calming music, and the hot wax being poured on just feels so nice. 

    @pangolindrome I am also not very flexible lol. I have a big jug of wax off still lol. I also get a ton of ingrown hairs and need to soak and use Korean washcloths to exfoliate because my hair is just not kind, with kids I don't have the time to soak and scrub as much as I need to, so I usually just wax in the summer and make my husband deal in the off season. 
  • @jhysmath I am fairly flexible I guess, haha. Never heard of Korean washcloths until today. I use scrubby gloves for men. If I didn’t wax almost exclusively for my own sake and preference, I would probably take time off from it, lol! The first time, I used hard wax. Huuuuge mistake. It took SO LONG to use and I couldn’t get the darn wax off of me after.

    @leannechristina This is the one I use. Lotion on a paper towel works well for getting leftover wax off of yourself AND off of the wax warmer. Then, you need popsicle sticks for application, and wax strips. I am a big fan of these:

  • @pangolindrome I had a young Korean nurse one time that recommended them, they're disgustingly awesome. I used to use the gloves, and they did nothing for me. 
  • I messed up a few nights ago and ordered dinner for delivery...forgetting that I had ordered lunch to be delivered at work earlier in the week. After initially feeling cranky that my order status read as "delivered" without me having any food on my front doorstep, I investigated further and realized my mistake. :D I had to drive to the barn to pick up my dinner!
    First time mom-to-be, due 9/25/22

    Some complicated chromosomal stuff going on - our fingers are crossed, but this may not go according to plan!

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