Hi! Does anyone have experience starting a new job while pregnant? I had interviewed for a government job before I knew I was pregnant and just got the call yesterday that they're offering me the job. Because it's government they said the time period from when I'm offered the job to when I start will be between 45-60 days and I'm due in December. I haven't seen the benefits package yet, they will be emailing me all that information, but the best I can tell just from Googling searches is that I may be eligible for 8 weeks of paid family leave (my current job offers only 6 weeks). Also, if I take the job, I'll be making around 24% more than I do now.
With all that said, I'm still worried about any potential repercussions of telling a new employer I'm pregnant shortly after starting and potentially not being eligible for leave when the baby is born.
Re: Starting a New Job While Pregnant?