1st Trimester

High hcg

I got my HCG done yesterday at about 4 weeks 5-6 days and it was 3,278. Im really scared of having multiples or something being wrong. I have a lot of medical problems and it makes me nervous that my body couldn’t  physically handle twins. 
Does this seem likely based on my levels? 

Re: High hcg

  • I think they’re fine! The chart from my OB’s office says levels from 4-5 weeks can be anywhere from 1,000-50,000
  • 4+4 was 2876
    4+6 was 5766
    so both were well above the “normal” but because the normal is so huge I wasn’t worried. I have one healthy baby girl on board. No need to worry until you have a reason to!
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  • meggymemeggyme member
    edited April 2022
    You could also be further along than you estimate if you ovulated early.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I had really high levels and still just one baby, give it some time and try not to get stressed too much over it. You will know in time what's going on, but sounds pretty normal to me. Also, if that is one of your concerns you should let your doc know about that.
  • The HCG ranges are so WILD for the first few weeks, I wouldn’t be worried yet!
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