TW: possible loss & mention of MC
Hi! I recently had a MC in March and my numbers went down to 6.5 over the month.. we haven’t been using protection, I have not had a period yet but did feel like I ovulated at one point . A few days after the 6.5 they started going up again. My OB has me super stressed and has told me it could possibly be leftover tissue from the MC or a non viable pregnancy. I guess I’m just asking if anyone has had numbers not fully double and still have a healthy pregnancy? I would be super early! I was never told to refrain from trying until the levels already started going up. Also was never given an ultrasound or anything besides beta to make sure there was no retained tissue) Here’s a list of my recent levels..
3/25 (couple of weeks after the MC)- 174.5
4/8 (this was still watching for a decrease from the MC)- 6.5
4/14- 21.3
4/16- 37.6
4/18- 60.1
I do want to mention I have had two healthy full term pregnancies before the MC.