May 2022 Moms

Symptoms/Concerns- April

Here’s a place to discuss your pregnancy symptoms and concerns for the month of April. 

Re: Symptoms/Concerns- April

  • Anyone else having Braxton Hicks contractions? I never had them with my first pregnancy. This little boy is just moving all over the place and I swear it’s infrequent contractions as well. 
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  • @cutiepie9687 yes I get them several times per day, they started before I was even 20 weeks for me. I get them back to back if my bladder is full! Hate them lol 
  • @cutiepie9687 Yes! I never got them with my first pregnancy either. They started for me about two weeks ago (31w) and are most noticeable right after I’ve been active. 
  • I didn't notice them with my first but have been getting them for weeks this time.
  • Glad to know I’m not the only one! At 33 weeks, I didn’t know if it was too soon! 
  • I’ve been having them since about 24 weeks (second pregnancy) but have had them a ton more in the past month. I’m 34 weeks. 
  • We scheduled my c section today!!! Baby Riley will be here May 17th!!! He’s measuring large so we’re doing it a week early! Not soon enough in my opinion! This little one kicks like a rabbit on steroids. 
  • Just checking in, 34 weeks tomorrow. Little guy is still breech and kicking up a storm constantly. I’m very fortunate I haven’t had any issues so far, but I’m definitely starting to slow down. I get out of breath so easily now so it’s tough to get things done. My OB also gave me a prescription for heartburn and I’m glad she did as it really helped.

    Hope everyone is doing ok and has a great weekend. We are all getting really close now!
  • @fireflyz_56 I’m 37 weeks tomorrow and baby just flipped head down for me from breech! FX your LO flips soon, because it definitely eased my breathing and heartburn some once she was vertex. Those kicks to the lungs will still get you though 😖
  • Pelvic pain from hell. Complete torture getting out of bed and just gets worse and worse as the weeks go on. I could manage it pretty well by propping my body a certain way with pillows before. (Super annoying to do though when you have to wake up at night to pee and rearrange every time) but now that doesn’t even seem to work 🥲 send help!
  • @jc0820 I’m so sorry!!! Does your dr have any recommendations to help? I’ve taken a muscle relaxer called Flexeril when I was having sciatica during my first pregnancy. It really helped. 
  • tak051822tak051822 member
    edited April 2022
    @jc0820 im a physical therapist, definitely get an evaluation outpatient PT prenatal specialist. Could be SPD (pubic symphysis dysfunction) and if you have sciatic pain PT treatment is a good conservative method without pharmacological intervention. Good luck! I would recommend a pregnancy belt too can be bought on Amazon. 
  • Been sleeping on my side and really trying hard to sleep on my left side. But I ALWAYS wake up to my hips hurting and my left thigh totally numb. Has anyone experienced this? I’ve put pillows for cushioning but it only helps a little bit or it would make it more uncomfortable. 
  • I have most def felt all the pain in my hips 
  • @zenyjade the only thing that has slightly helped me is to also put a pillow between my feet. But in general I also wake up with a lot of hip pain even though I’m using the pregnancy pillow 
  • @jc0820 I have pretty bad SPD at night and I have to use a ton of pillows to prop my body up in a position that doesn't make it agonizing to get out of bed to pee. Pelvic floor PT was really helping me (until I had to stop for pre term contractions 😖)
  • 36 weeks and I can’t even walk my treadmill anymore.
    I’ve been trying to walk a mile 4-5 times a week and this week I’ve hit a wall. My hips, back, and so much pressure in my pelvic floor. Having Braxton hicks like crazy. My baby is transverse as was my daughter. My doctor says I’m just built this way, my babies are more comfortable sideways because I’m short (5 foot 0) . I feel so lazy because all I can really do is the bare minimum. Anyone else feel guilty for not being able to be more active? 
    Also I’m suppose to take it easy because I don’t want to induce labor, big no no for transverse babies. C section coming on may 11th
  • @dacaccshcjac Don’t beat yourself up! I’ve also started slowing down this month. I don’t feel “guilty” but I do feel incredibly lazy! I can’t walk my dogs anymore and throwing the ball for them in the yard just doesn’t get their mental energy out as much as a good walk. 

    My advice would be to find a sedentary hobby for a bit. I’ve fallen in love with embroidery and rediscovered my love of crochet. I’ve also gotten through a few books I would not normally have made time to read if going for a run or gardening was an option. 

    My c section is scheduled for May 17th. And you can bet I’m counting down the days!
  • Ditto @dacaccshcjac!! I feel guilty for how low energy I am for my toddler. I’ve been trying to sit more at parks and gym classes etc that at least still get us out and keep us going with our normal routines but it is getting so hard!!

    I have been having super weird aches near my inner upper thigh where it feels like my left leg is almost giving out when I walk randomly. Has anyone else had this? Wondering if it’s a hormone thing where things are just loosening? Holy moly it’s a pain. And omg lightning crotch is killing me. Third tri is no joke 😅
  • Totally out of energy here too! 36 weeks currently and my midwife is concerned about my heart rate (it has been around 120 past few weeks even at rest, with normal bp). Had to do an ecg and waiting to hear back from the midwife. I was being happy that there were no complications during my pregnancy and now this just pops up out of nowhere 😔. Anyone else's heart rate high like that?
  •  Not having energy for my toddler is the worst! I feel so bad. She has latched on to her dad a lot more since I’ve been pregnant. I get random aches and pains in my entire lower half. I get sciatic pain where is feels like my leg is about to give out or I can’t put any pressure on it. Almost there! Counting the days 
  • @saizbat my heart rate has been all over the place (literally will go from around 56 BPM to 130 BPM for no reason), I have had severe anemia this pregnancy and my doctor has attributed it to that. After getting my iron up, I’ve seen a pretty big decrease in it happening, but it does still happen some. From what I’ve read, it’s pretty normal for your HR to go up by like 20 BPM while pregnant, and in the last trimester it can be normal to have a racing heart/become tachycardic due to an increase of abdominal pressure. Hope everything from your testing comes back normal!
  • saizbatsaizbat member
    EKG was normal and so was the echo. They couldn't find anything to attribute the high heart rate (tachycardia) to so was told not to worry but to get enough rest and no caffeine (I used to drink a small cup of morning tea). Now just patiently waiting for baby boy to come!
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