1st Trimester

HCG level 1100 at 6 weeks?

I have been having pains and spotting so I went to the hospital today to get checked out. They took my blood and did an ultrasound. They found nothing in my scans… no baby but my HCG levels are 1100. According to my LMP, I am 6 weeks. My last period was Feb 17 and my cycles are typically 28 days like clock work, is it possible I ovulated later in my cycle and that I’m only around 4 weeks? I go see my OB tomorrow for more testing, they’re afraid of an ectopic pregnancy but they seen no signs of that either so now I’m just googling trying to rack my brain 😮‍💨

Re: HCG level 1100 at 6 weeks?

  • Get off of Google. 
    SORRY, but did the ER do an internal scan or just abdominal? I don't trust ERs, and don't go there especially for pregnancy stuff. Just past experience.  
    More than likely you ovulated later than you think you did.  
    Follow up w/ your doctor and go from there.  Call them before running to the ER, in the future, first.
  • They did do both internal and external. I’m omw to my dr right now to have more testing done. I know google is the worst place to be. My bf got on me abo it it too because I get on there and self diagnose and then get all bent out of shape about the stuff I read 😞 no matter what I just hope I’m going to be okay, ectopic sounds so so scary, especially if they don’t find it sooner than later.  
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