February 2022 Moms

Eating Dates in the third trimester, anyone?

I read on the bump that eating dates assists with dialation and can possibly shorten labor. I’ve read this recommendation from pregnant fitness trainers also who swore by it. But wanted to know if anyone here has tried this with their prior pregnancies? I was in labor with my second for 25 hours, it was rough ! Willing to try some dates ! 

Re: Eating Dates in the third trimester, anyone?

  • I tried it with my first pregnancy and it did absolutely nothing.  Still had to be induced past my due date.  
  • I'm not sure about dates but I'm taking raspberry leaf capsules. My mom and some other women in my circle swear by it, my OB also said it was a great idea. 
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  • I started eating dates (added to smoothie) around week 38/39 but I still had to be medically induced. I was in labor for 26 hours. I am not sure if I started too late or if it doesn’t work but thought I share.
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