FTM/STM/TTM+: there's gonna be a whole basketball team over here (5)
Team blue/pink/green: pink and blue
Upcoming appointments: next week-- we're officially every two weeks now!
How are you feeling? Terrible. Just tired and unmotivated and bleh. Cleaned my bathrooms today and WHEW.
Rants/raves: This is more a random comment. So under FTM, etc, I put that we'll have a whole basketball team, colloquially meaning five. Since I've wanted five for a long time this has always been my husband's comment to people: "Yeah, my wife wants a basketball team," which bugs me so much!! Partially because I've never set out to have a "basketball team." Eventually I realized that he doesn't think I actually want a basketball team, but this is his way of saying 5. Except not everyone realizes that basketball team=5! And he was always fine with five, too, so idk why he always just let me out to be the crazy one but anyway, /rant.
Questions: Just please tell me I'm not the only one trying to figure out how to make it these last couple months.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Mmm, foreign language! I was pretty decent at Spanish for a while but I've lost a lot of it. To be instantly fluent would be amazing.
@hoosiermamajayden definitely not alone. Teetering between n trying to soak up this time knowing its most likely my last pregnancy and also being absolutely unmotivated, in pain and unable to move well. 11 weeks seems so short AND so long.
Upcoming appointments: Thursday I have another appt with my MFM and then Friday morning I have to do the 3 hr glucose test since I failed the 1 hr last week. I’m really nervous and not looking forward to it.
How are you feeling? I’m actually feeling much better than I had been feeling. I’ve been to PT a couple times now and my hip/pelvis is so much better.
Rants/raves: my daughter turns 7 tomorrow and I’m all emotional because I thought she’d be my last and now thinking of starting over and getting to so it all again.
Questions: none
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
A tech genius lol, I already feel like my kids are more advanced than me and can’t imagine how much worse it will get as they become teenagers.
How are you feeling? I feel dead. This baby is soo low my pelvis is always hurting. Tonight I feel like my belly is just gonna rip open. Exhausted all the time while trying to take care of my other two littles. Ready to be done. 😩
Rants/raves: none
Questions: none
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
Upcoming appointments: Ob. next week and a growth scan the week after.
How are you feeling? My pelvis is soooo sore on the right side. Other than that I'm all good. Enjoying feeling all the baby's movements
Rants/raves: Usually I'm a grump about hot cross buns being sold so early before easter but the choc chip ones have been the best things ever this pregnancy. I'm having 2 a day, which is probably not the healthiest idea but they are so yummy!
Questions: How do you put on socks and shoes when a) your bump is too big and b) your pelvis hurts? Kinda joking with this question, but kinda not. Send help!
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?hoosiermamajayden - foreign language! I'd love to be fluent in Japanese or French. Either that or just automatically being a guitar god
Upcoming appointments: regular checkup tomorrow and also endocrine clinic
How are you feeling? Lousy. Gestational diabetes was confirmed this week, which is really disheartening as I’m normally slim, healthy (or so I thought!) and active. I ran until 5 months and have walked since. But my age is against me unfortunately. So now I’m testing 7 times a day, strictly controlling what I eat (which was decent to begin with) and have more appointments to go to. I’m also super stressed in work and exhausted looking after DD3. And missing my parents (which makes me sound like a child I know!) I’ve only put on 10lbs so far which worried me and now struggling with that even more as my diet is so controlled. But anyway it’s just week 1 of this news so I’m sure I’ll adjust and this will just be a blip in the grand scheme of things! Thankfully everything looks healthy with the baby.
Rants/raves: Rant: see above. Rave: We sorted tv subscription problems so I can finally get in to Succession S3. Also meeting friends this weekend for the first time in forever!
Questions: natm
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
Upcoming appointments: first chiropractor appointment on Friday! OB every 2 weeks
How are you feeling? Up and down. Hip pain is really affecting my sleep, which then affects my mood. Today I'm doing well, but yesterday I was really overwhelmed by exhaustion and it was a very hard day.
Rants/raves: I'm a bit worried about surviving the rest of this pregnancy. The hip pain is getting worse, and I can't even stretch or exercise due to a back issue. So I just sit all day. If DH is home and the weathers good we go out for a walk, but it's icy where I live so I don't even walk if he's not with me. On the bright side, I scheduled a chiropractor appointment! Hoping he will work out some of this pain and teach me how to safely stretch.
Questions: none
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Jumping on the language bandwagon, I'd love to be fluent in French. Otherwise, I just wish I had more self discipline/ time management skills. WFH life is my dream but I am NOT good at it!
@leannahenrie I’m totally with you on wishing I could instantly be more sociable! That is not a skill that comes naturally to me.
@constantinabee I’ve definitely had my husband help me put on socks and shoes.
April 19/29+1
FTM Team blue! 💙
Upcoming appointments: Had one yesterday, next one in three weeks
How are you feeling? Good overall. Occasional heartburn, managing constipation and hemorrhoids, super sleepy. I had been doing a pretty good job not peeing when I laughed or sneezed, but then peed myself laughing while at my in-laws’ house because we were watching a bunch of really dumb videos. 😆 Thankfully I was able to sneak away and clean myself up a bit, and we left soon after that, so no one noticed anything.
Rave: We got our playard/bassinet from my parents, bought our crib, and assembled them both! 😍 It’s so exciting to see them set up in our home!
Questions: I’m having a hard time finding a baptism outfit that isn’t super expensive or old-fashioned or too fancy (no, my newborn doesn’t need a $50+ white tuxedo), but I would also like it to be nicer than his usual clothes. I would be happy with a nice looking white romper or a collared shirt/pants/vest combo (I’ve seen a couple possibilities like this but nothing I was super excited about). Anyone have any suggestions?
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
I’m copying @emyk0704. Self-discipline and time management are really hard for me too. And I feel like if I mastered those, it would be so much easier to learn other skills!
Me: 30 // Hubs: 31 Married May 2019 Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
@missa_lyssa you might find more options for little suits or vest outfits with Easter coming up. The dept stores and Walmart usually have some of that sort seasonally. Maybe not pure white, but white and gray or white and pastel something.
My dads side of the family is Roman Catholic and they have a simple old fashioned gown that my great grandma made based off the one she was baptized in, and my dad and all his siblings were baptized in it, and several of my cousins and now their children too. So the sentimentality of the old fashioned ones get me!
I don’t think they’re as popular anymore, like a more gender neutral gown? I’m not Catholic, but part of denominations that do baptize infants. I’ve used the family gown for my first two, but my grandmas babies were all around 7lbs at birth and mine have been 8+ (and I don’t think we baptize as quickly) so I couldn’t fit DS4 in it and just used something lightish colored shirt and pants I think. (Also, I was on crutches at the time and my level of care was pretty low…) But it seems like the people in our denomination really don’t dress their babies up extra special. So I was kind of an outlier with the gown anyways. I’ve been tempted to make our own family gown, but haven’t.
@littlestbear03 Try not to sweat the 3-hr too much. I have failed every 1-hr I've had (4) and always passed the 3-hr. I have my 3-hr to schedule yet for this baby. I got Covid and am still nursing the Covid cough, but will schedule it soon. My body just processes a hair too slow for the 1-hr. Best of luck! Take your phone & charger to pass the time or set an alarm and take a nap!
@constantinabee I rarely wear socks this time around. Lol! I WFH so I'm usually in my slip on slippers (they have arch support so that's a bonus). On the occasions that I go out, I skip the socks for short trips. If I have to wear them, I'll enlist my other kids or DH to help or I'll sit on the couch and lay one knee out to the side until I'm successful at reaching. Ditto for the other side. Make sure you pee before attempting though!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 28/28 wks 0 days
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM+ This is 4 for me
Team blue/pink/green: Team Pink!
Upcoming appointments: 3-hr glucose test once I schedule it and a normal doc checkup.
How are you feeling? Tired, congested, and large. I also have a history of depression in pregnancy and PPD so that's been a factor too.
Rants/raves: I'm in major nesting mode. I'm having fun shopping/surfing for purple girly things. This is my first and last girl so I'm going all in, within reason.
Questions: not yet.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Carpentry. I have the vision, but the skill to make it/create it would be swell.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Officially scheduled for 3/28 (can I stay in the group? Lol I’m 32 weeks
FTM/STM/TTM+: Third time mom
Team blue/pink/green: Pink (after two boys)
Upcoming appointments: Now going every other week
How are you feeling? Fine for the most part … still struggling with reflux and now I see my ankles are swollen, womp womp
Rants/raves: Big Rant! I ordered a glider from PBK. All the anticipated delivery dates of the ones I chose were due in June! So I purposely chose one that was “in stock and ready to ship”. Well it was on a truck for, I kid you not, 5 weeks! Finally we got a delivery appt. I was at work. The chair arrives broken! My husband sends it back and now our replacement doesn’t come until Late april or May! I am annoyed he didn’t just keep the broken one so had one until the new one arrived. At least it would complete the room. Now I feel like our nursery won’t be done and I just want it all done. I’ve been nesting hardcore.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? something requiring some athleticism… maybe the stunts from Cheer hahah (I’m very uncoordinated in real life)
Me: 36 DH: 36 Married: October 2011 DS: January 2016 DS: May 2019 #3: April 2022
@winterviolethope that sucks about your chair, I'm having a very similar issue with a credenza. Furniture shopping seems to be impossible. But try fbook market place for a temporary fix until your dream chair comes in. My SIL and I both found our gliders on there and we each spent about $50
@teamama80 right there with you! It really sucks. I've always loved my sweets but ive never been overweight and have always worked out. My fasting numbers won't come down so looks like I'll be starting insulin. I just want to enjoy food during the last two months of pregnancy 😩. Hang in there!! Hopefully you can manage yours with diet and everything goes back to normal after baby arrives ❤
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 8 31 +1
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Feb 15 midwife
How are you feeling? Anxious, excited slightly depressed some days.
Rants/raves: Saw baby this morning and he/she is measuring in the 75th percentile. I was officially diagnosed with gestational diabetes just over a week ago and it has added a lot of stress to things. My daytime sugars are manageable with diet but we can't seem to get my fasting to where we want so I likely have to start insulin next week. Seems like every hurdle is being thrown our way! I'm so done with needles after IVF so I'm pretty frustrated. I just want to enjoy food and not have to poke myself all of the time. Rant over.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? How to bake sourdough bread! Seems like it is the one thing I can still eat and enjoy right now. Would love to know how to make the perfect loaf haha.
@covegirl100Oh gosh after the work you put in to conceiving you deserved an easy pregnancy! It’s rotten you’re facing injections now, especially when your resting levels are out of your control. The countdown is on though so we just have to focus on the finish line! Our bodies are really not our own during pregnancy. Sending you support!
Re: Weekly Check-In 1/31
FTM/STM/TTM+: there's gonna be a whole basketball team over here (5)
Team blue/pink/green: pink and blue
Upcoming appointments: next week-- we're officially every two weeks now!
How are you feeling? Terrible. Just tired and unmotivated and bleh. Cleaned my bathrooms today and WHEW.
Rants/raves: This is more a random comment. So under FTM, etc, I put that we'll have a whole basketball team, colloquially meaning five. Since I've wanted five for a long time this has always been my husband's comment to people: "Yeah, my wife wants a basketball team," which bugs me so much!! Partially because I've never set out to have a "basketball team." Eventually I realized that he doesn't think I actually want a basketball team, but this is his way of saying 5. Except not everyone realizes that basketball team=5! And he was always fine with five, too, so idk why he always just let me out to be the crazy one but anyway, /rant.
Questions: Just please tell me I'm not the only one trying to figure out how to make it these last couple months.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Mmm, foreign language! I was pretty decent at Spanish for a while but I've lost a lot of it. To be instantly fluent would be amazing.
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming appointments: Thursday I have another appt with my MFM and then Friday morning I have to do the 3 hr glucose test since I failed the 1 hr last week. I’m really nervous and not looking forward to it.
How are you feeling? I’m actually feeling much better than I had been feeling. I’ve been to PT a couple times now and my hip/pelvis is so much better.
Rants/raves: my daughter turns 7 tomorrow and I’m all emotional because I thought she’d be my last and now thinking of starting over and getting to so it all again.
Questions: none
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
A tech genius lol, I already feel like my kids are more advanced than me and can’t imagine how much worse it will get as they become teenagers.
How to be more sociable. 🤣
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Ob. next week and a growth scan the week after.
How are you feeling? My pelvis is soooo sore on the right side. Other than that I'm all good. Enjoying feeling all the baby's movements
Rants/raves: Usually I'm a grump about hot cross buns being sold so early before easter but the choc chip ones have been the best things ever this pregnancy. I'm having 2 a day, which is probably not the healthiest idea but they are so yummy!
Questions: How do you put on socks and shoes when a) your bump is too big and b) your pelvis hurts? Kinda joking with this question, but kinda not. Send help!
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?hoosiermamajayden - foreign language! I'd love to be fluent in Japanese or French. Either that or just automatically being a guitar god
Team blue/pink/green: Blue!
Upcoming appointments: regular checkup tomorrow and also endocrine clinic
How are you feeling? Lousy. Gestational diabetes was confirmed this week, which is really disheartening as I’m normally slim, healthy (or so I thought!) and active. I ran until 5 months and have walked since. But my age is against me unfortunately. So now I’m testing 7 times a day, strictly controlling what I eat (which was decent to begin with) and have more appointments to go to. I’m also super stressed in work and exhausted looking after DD3. And missing my parents (which makes me sound like a child I know!) I’ve only put on 10lbs so far which worried me and now struggling with that even more as my diet is so controlled. But anyway it’s just week 1 of this news so I’m sure I’ll adjust and this will just be a blip in the grand scheme of things! Thankfully everything looks healthy with the baby.
Rants/raves: Rant: see above. Rave: We sorted tv subscription problems so I can finally get in to Succession S3. Also meeting friends this weekend for the first time in forever!
Questions: natm
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
ooh, foreign language or musical instrument!!
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming appointments: first chiropractor appointment on Friday! OB every 2 weeks
How are you feeling? Up and down. Hip pain is really affecting my sleep, which then affects my mood. Today I'm doing well, but yesterday I was really overwhelmed by exhaustion and it was a very hard day.
Rants/raves: I'm a bit worried about surviving the rest of this pregnancy. The hip pain is getting worse, and I can't even stretch or exercise due to a back issue. So I just sit all day. If DH is home and the weathers good we go out for a walk, but it's icy where I live so I don't even walk if he's not with me. On the bright side, I scheduled a chiropractor appointment! Hoping he will work out some of this pain and teach me how to safely stretch.
Questions: none
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Jumping on the language bandwagon, I'd love to be fluent in French. Otherwise, I just wish I had more self discipline/ time management skills. WFH life is my dream but I am NOT good at it!
Team blue! 💙
Upcoming appointments: Had one yesterday, next one in three weeks
How are you feeling? Good overall. Occasional heartburn, managing constipation and hemorrhoids, super sleepy. I had been doing a pretty good job not peeing when I laughed or sneezed, but then peed myself laughing while at my in-laws’ house because we were watching a bunch of really dumb videos. 😆 Thankfully I was able to sneak away and clean myself up a bit, and we left soon after that, so no one noticed anything.
Rave: We got our playard/bassinet from my parents, bought our crib, and assembled them both! 😍 It’s so exciting to see them set up in our home!
Questions: I’m having a hard time finding a baptism outfit that isn’t super expensive or old-fashioned or too fancy (no, my newborn doesn’t need a $50+ white tuxedo), but I would also like it to be nicer than his usual clothes. I would be happy with a nice looking white romper or a collared shirt/pants/vest combo (I’ve seen a couple possibilities like this but nothing I was super excited about). Anyone have any suggestions?
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
Married May 2019
Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
@constantinabee I rarely wear socks this time around. Lol! I WFH so I'm usually in my slip on slippers (they have arch support so that's a bonus). On the occasions that I go out, I skip the socks for short trips. If I have to wear them, I'll enlist my other kids or DH to help or I'll sit on the couch and lay one knee out to the side until I'm successful at reaching. Ditto for the other side. Make sure you pee before attempting though!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 28/28 wks 0 days
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM+ This is 4 for me
Team blue/pink/green: Team Pink!
Upcoming appointments: 3-hr glucose test once I schedule it and a normal doc checkup.
How are you feeling? Tired, congested, and large. I also have a history of depression in pregnancy and PPD so that's been a factor too.
Rants/raves: I'm in major nesting mode. I'm having fun shopping/surfing for purple girly things. This is my first and last girl so I'm going all in, within reason.
Questions: not yet.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? Carpentry. I have the vision, but the skill to make it/create it would be swell.
I’m 32 weeks
FTM/STM/TTM+: Third time mom
Team blue/pink/green: Pink (after two boys)
Upcoming appointments: Now going every other week
How are you feeling? Fine for the most part … still struggling with reflux and now I see my ankles are swollen, womp womp
Big Rant! I ordered a glider from PBK. All the anticipated delivery dates of the ones I chose
were due in June! So I purposely chose
one that was “in stock and ready to ship”. Well it was on a truck for, I kid you not, 5 weeks! Finally we got a delivery appt. I was at work. The chair arrives broken! My husband sends it back and now our replacement doesn’t come until Late april
or May! I am annoyed he didn’t just keep
the broken one so had one until the new one arrived. At least it would complete the room. Now I feel like our nursery won’t be done and I just want it all done. I’ve been nesting hardcore.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn?
something requiring some athleticism… maybe the stunts from Cheer hahah
(I’m very uncoordinated in real life)
Married: October 2011
DS: January 2016
DS: May 2019
#3: April 2022
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 8 31 +1
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Feb 15 midwife
How are you feeling? Anxious, excited slightly depressed some days.
Rants/raves: Saw baby this morning and he/she is measuring in the 75th percentile. I was officially diagnosed with gestational diabetes just over a week ago and it has added a lot of stress to things. My daytime sugars are manageable with diet but we can't seem to get my fasting to where we want so I likely have to start insulin next week. Seems like every hurdle is being thrown our way! I'm so done with needles after IVF so I'm pretty frustrated. I just want to enjoy food and not have to poke myself all of the time. Rant over.
GTKY: If you could learn one skill/talent instantly, what would you want to learn? How to bake sourdough bread! Seems like it is the one thing I can still eat and enjoy right now. Would love to know how to make the perfect loaf haha.