Are you planning on making freezer meals to make your life a little easier after baby? Do you have a favorite recipe you love or one you’ve been dying to try? Drop all your recipes here!
I love everything I’ve ever made from this website, and these are the perfect portion sizes and so easy to make. Usually I make a double recipe and freeze one of them.
Not a whole meal, but last year i learned that bread freezes really nicely (just slice it before freezing). Put a frozen slice straight to the toaster and it tastes just like fresh bread. If I come across any good freezer meals I'll be sure to share.
Oh thank you for this thread! I've been thinking about it quite a bit lately as I don't think I've prepped enough meals!
Whenever I can I've been making double or triple batches of food and then freezing a bunch of it (food saver is well worth the money for doing this! I can't rave about it enough!) The other day I made 5lbs of taco meat and then just froze a bunch.
Here's one of my favorite recipes to do a freezer meal with. I cut the meat/veggies and put it into the bag with all the sauces. Then when its time to cook I just dump it frozen in the pan or put it into a crock pot. Serve over rice with fresh avacado and cilantro. So delicious!
I don’t have specific recipes now, but with my first I made casseroles once a week for a month or so before she was born. I doubled the recipes and froze one in a disposable casserole dish. Then I had lots of easy meals for now and for when baby was born! It was the best thing I did, it’s so hard to cook that first month after baby is born. Thank you all for recipe ideas!
This thread is super helpful. Thank you! Here is my gross food stained recipe. It freezes super well but you warm it up and put it over spaghetti, so there is a little cooking involved.
@emky0704 We freeze bread all the time! I’ve found that adding a small paper towel to the bag when it is thawing out gives it the fresh taste once thawed. Then remove the paper towel once completely thawed so as not to dry it out. I have not found a good way to freeze buns though..
Re: Freezer Meal Recipe Exchange
If I come across any good freezer meals I'll be sure to share.
I haven’t tried these, but probably will this time:
Whenever I can I've been making double or triple batches of food and then freezing a bunch of it (food saver is well worth the money for doing this! I can't rave about it enough!) The other day I made 5lbs of taco meat and then just froze a bunch.
Here's one of my favorite recipes to do a freezer meal with. I cut the meat/veggies and put it into the bag with all the sauces. Then when its time to cook I just dump it frozen in the pan or put it into a crock pot. Serve over rice with fresh avacado and cilantro. So delicious!
I’m also planning to do chili and lasagna (no specific recipes).
The lactation cookies are a great idea! I can’t wait to try those!