May 2022 Moms

Monday B*tchfest - 1/24


Re: Monday B*tchfest - 1/24

  • I hate cold weather. 33° in central Florida this morning when i woke up. No thank you.
  • My bf is with the weather - ITS SO FUCKING COLD!!!! I shouldn’t complain bc in a few months I’ll be bitching that it’s hot AF already but my sinuses are just JACKED, my hair is full of static, my lips are crying, and my skin is itchy and dry. Go take a hike, Jack Frost, Louisiana doesn’t like you. 🥶
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  • @And846 yes exactly!!!! 😆😆 Give me allll the soup and fuzzy socks bc this WHOLE week that’s the same forecast!!
  • @MrsLaLaBug bring on all the hot AF weather! I’m ready! It so much easier to cool down than warm up. 
    I also loathe showers when it’s cold. It’s always an experiment of how many days i can go with dry shampoo after a 3.2 second body shower. 
  • pajamstagramspajamstagrams member
    edited January 2022
    @and846 yes bathing when it's cold is the worst! I need daily baths right now (all the things hurt) and getting out is miserable. Because you're kinda cold in the bath, but you know you'll be even colder out of the bath. 
  • @And846 whaaaat! You’re the first person I’ve heard say that it’s easier to cool down than to warm up. I’ve lived in both extremes of the climate and I think it’s easier to bundle in a jacket. Unless you have the option to constantly be swimming in a pool during the heat!! Haha. Although I think heat is better for my mood
  • Ohhhh man. So the entire family has been down with covid this weekend. DH, DS and I are basically over it. DD1 is on her way over it. DD2 doesn’t seem to have it that bad but hooo boy she’s in a cranky mood. I lost my ish on her this morning after she kicked her brother in the face. So if any of y’all are worried that your parenting skills are lacking today, at least it hasn’t been WWE smack down with toddlers for you today
  • And846 said: 
    I also loathe showers when it’s cold. It’s always an experiment of how many days i can go with dry shampoo after a 3.2 second body shower. 
    😂😂😂😂 you are singing the song of my people 
  • @brookejay06 in the heat i just wear dresses, can pop in for AC when needed and we have a pool to jump into. The thought of layers and cold in the winter is just not for me. 
  • My dumb self scheduled an 8 am appointment to renew my drivers license and we got home at 12:30 am from the airport 😩 I thought that was the worst part but I had to stand outside for an hour waiting to get into the place because their internet was down. At one point I had to go to a Panera down the street and come back because I had to go to the bathroom so bad. I finally got home at 10 and took like a 30 min hot shower because I couldn’t stop shivering. What kind of system do you have that you make people stand outside for an hour+ in freezing weather?! 
  • @b_1029 renewing your driver's license is definitely part of one of the circles of hell. It's quite possibly the most miserable, frustrating, and ill-managed processes I've ever seen in my life. That sounds like absolute hell to have to do that + freeze outside. 🥶

    But honestly, NGL, having an 8 am appointment and being home by 10 sounds pretty good time wise 😂 is it sad that I think that?? Am I that conditioned to expect the worst?
  • @b_1029 can you not renew your DL online? I know once i did the last DMV in person and got that sucker verified it allowed me to online renew.
  • b_1029b_1029 member
    edited January 2022
    @pajamstagrams it truly is mind blowing how horrible the process is. It is sad it seems to be a fast appointment 😆 I wouldn’t have minded AS much if I didn’t have to stand outside!

    @And846 I think you can, but I was getting my real ID renewed and I didn’t see an option for that on the website. We also moved so I had to do a proof of new address 
  • @b_1029 that sounds so frustrating! 

    I am also losing my patience with the cold weather.  We've had sub-zero wind chills for what feels like weeks!  We've hardly been able to be outside and it's just a hassle to go anywhere and get DD all layered up.  Car seats and winter gear are just the worst. 
  • Oh man guys, it’s been a day. I am definitely stressed about our move this week and every little thing is getting on my nerves. Last minute house issues, DD somehow figured out how to download tiktok on her tablet without my permission, and DH’s sister who hasn’t talked to us or him in 12 years asked us to visit her mid-move. DH wasn’t happy about her messaging him and asked me what I thought… I reminded him she had 12 years to reach out and “catch up” and there is no way I am making a special detour on a 3500 km trip for someone who hasn’t bothered to reach out in all this time. Not going to happen.
  • @And846 agree 100% on the fact that it's easier to cool down than warm up. I am one of the few who would rather be too hot than too cold. The cold is the worst! 

    @b_1029 I discovered a magical place where I live called DMV Express. There was nobody else in the place and the man let me take my pictures 3 times. It was an amazing discovery lol 

    @fireflyz_56 ugh moves are such a headache. I feel like they make everything else 10x more frustrating. 
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