August 2022 Moms

Trouble focusing at work

I was having enough trouble concentrating at work while TTC but now that I got my BFP and with the holidays coming up, it’s so hard to focus! For those that have had trouble concentrating at work, any tips/tricks!? I work from home which probably doesn’t help! 

Re: Trouble focusing at work

  • I don’t generally have a problem at work so I’m not much help here. Maybe write your tasks down? We do have a Great Big Giant Questions thread here for questions like this, to keep the board clear and clutter free just for future reference!
  • I'm so busy with so many different things at this time of year I forget I'm pregnant. Volunteer for some stressful project?
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  • @laddy12 hi Laddy12!! I totally understand! I’m a sahm and even though this is baby4, I’m so distracted. Especially since this one was a surprise. There’s also the anticipation of telling our kids and family but waiting for the first us in a few weeks. So hard to focus! I’m not much help lol but maybe if you can set aside specific time to focus on it or plan each day?
  • What @wisewitch222 said. The only thing that really works for me is having A LOT to do. I've always been this way and have taken medication from time to time, though. I guess I should avoid unneeded stress, but it's really hard for me to get things done unless I'm always in a time crunch. 

    The only other idea I have is to set aside a bit of time, maybe five minutes each hour, to allow yourself to daydream and think about baby. Treat it as a reward for focusing the other 55 minutes. Each time your mind wanders to pregnancy, remind yourself that in X minutes you can think about it, but right now you have to finish your task.
  • Even pre-pregnancy I needed a lot of work / a somewhat stressful load to be the most focused / successful - the couple weeks leading up to Christmas were slow but I’m sure things will pick back up now that everyone is back in the office and I’ll be able to focus more once I’m inundated with tasking. I like the idea of giving myself a designated amount of time to let my mind wander though - we’ll see if it’s sustainable or if I’ll get down rabbit holes too easily! 
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