In my immediate bubble, my husband and I have truly open dialog around postpartum depression - how to navigate it - and it what it looks like for our unit. As we are starting to see more of our family members (thanks to vaccinations), we are now faced with opening up to our parents and others. It's been difficult, as we are often treated as if we are just being a bit dramatic (especially as pertains to growing up with elders in communities of color/navigating health). Sometimes those sentiments can be hurtful when so much of new parenting feels quite overwhelming. What helped you navigate these honest conversations? How did you manage emotions if some could not process your messaging? Any other tips to living in your truth related to postpartum depression...
Re: Navigating PPD and Having Open Discussions with older Family Members
Sending love and positive vibes your way. Hopefully others can chime in on about how they dealt w/ sharing these emotions with family members.