Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 12 // 21+6
Team blue/pink/green: Green 🌱
Upcoming appointments: another a/s to get the rest of the imaging next week
How are you feeling? Feeling good, starting to recognize more movement! Trying to eat a little better.
Rants/raves: Have been just lurking for a couple of weeks as my grandmother passed right after Thanksgiving. It was a tough few weeks, realizing she wasn't doing, knowing that she would pass soon, and then the wait for the funeral (we had to wait a week). We had a beautiful celebration for her last week. It hit me really hard, she was 93 so I feel silly because I got so much time with her, but I couldn't see her at the end because she was on the COVID floor (she didn't have COVID but she needed pulmonary support) and out of caution my family and I decided that I shouldn't take the risk. It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would, I was pretty close to her and she lived with my family for about 15 years as I was growing up. Anyways, I'm doing better, but still have some tough moments.
Rave that I got to see my college roommates over the weekend for a little holiday visit. It was so lovely to just sit and chat with them and helped me forget about all of the sadness over the last few weeks.
Questions: Anyone else not even close to being finished with their registries yet (if you're creating one)? I feel super behind and still sooo overwhelmed with all of the choices. We did pick out the crib and dresser and order them since they were already on backorder and I have other important things like infant carseat and stroller picked. But... that's about it!
@fameonmain2 I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother 💔 Also, I’m not even close on my registry either, but it’s mostly just for me and the registry discount since I’m a STM. I think as long as you finish before your shower (if you’re having one), you’re fine!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 13, 21+5
Team blue/pink/green: Pink!
Upcoming appointments: Wednesday. Regular OB appt plus going over the results of the AS
How are you feeling? Feeling good! The movements are finally becoming more regular, which is nice. I’m not a fan of this anterior placenta compared to how much I could feel DS moving!
Rants/raves: Rave- feeling like a boss at work lately. I can never really talk much about work due to confidentiality concerns, but it’s great to feel like you’re doing a good job and that you’re finally doing what you went to school all those years for 😊
@fameonmain2 Sorry you've had a rough few weeks. It's so hard not to be there when someone you care about passes. Glad to hear you're feeling a little better.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 10, 22+1
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Wednesday for check in.
How are you feeling? For some reason I've been really worrying about the baby the last couple days. I keep thinking I'm not actually feeling any movement and it's just digestion things and something is wrong. I'm not sure why I'm worrying so much. Also, I have had nausea for the last couple days and I feel like I'm back in first trimester. Weird.
Rants/raves: I'm glad for this board and for my cuddly dogs.
@fameonmain2 I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma.❤️ Losing a close family is so challenging, and the pain never quite goes away, it just becomes easier to live with as your life carries on and you’re able to distract yourself from it. Having a close support system of friends or family to lean on is so helpful.
@monstera That is such an awesome feeling, to be so passionate about what you do and to see yourself doing it well! Congrats on building a successful career that you love!
@dinomeetsjedi I’ve been the same way, it’s like every time my abdomen feels sore, or I don’t feel him kick for a while, or I do something I’m “‘not supposed to do” during pregnancy, I get so much anxiety that he’s hurt in some way! I told hubby I don’t know if my stress levels can handle another pregnancy after this! 😅 By and far the most difficult part of being pregnant so far has been the anxiety and worry! I’m hoping it’s just a first time mom thing and next time around I’ll be calmer! 🤞
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 9 / 22 weeks + 2 days
Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙💙
Upcoming appointments: Not until the new year!
How are you feeling? Just the past few days I feel like I’ve had so much more energy, and I can actually do things around the house again! 💪 My abdomen has been sooo sore and achy at times though— just this morning I woke up in so much discomfort (I think I had rolled over and was sleeping on my back), I’m guessing maybe from the pressure of my heavy uterus?
Rants/raves: My brother is getting married this weekend! We’re so excited to see some family members we haven’t seen in such a long time, but also planning to be very cautious since there will be so many people attending. My bridesmaid dress has been corseted to allow for my bursting breasts and belly. 😂 It was actually very easy to sew into the dress! We’re excited to get some cute photos of hubby and I all dressed up now that I have a bump to show off too!
Questions: Anyone else experiencing a sore/achy abdomen? Sometimes it can be really uncomfortable!
Upcoming appointments: I think the Wednesday before Christmas
How are you feeling? Definitely in the sweet spot of 2nd tri but still tired. I need to squeeze more naps into my life.
Rants/raves: Currently reading Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley. Highly recommend!
I’m also starting to feel a lot more movements, which is a huge relief! There are two babies but I also have an anterior placenta (well, two anterior placentas technically) so I’ve felt some down in my bladder and out to the sides but now I’m getting a lot more all over!
Hugs, @fameonmain2, I’m in there with you grieving my grandma. I was primarily raised by my grandparents so she was always more like my mom. We lost her in June of this year after putting her in a nursing home in August of 2020. At the time it was hard on me, but she was struggling so hard with Alzheimer’s and hadn’t been herself in so long, I was also relieved in a way that she wasn’t suffering. Now it’s kind of hitting me in waves. I know she would have been more excited than anyone about the twins, and it’s setting in that we’ll never be able to share any traditions with her again. But on the other hand I have faith that she’s in heaven with the two babies who we never got to meet, so that brings me comfort in a sad kind of way that they have each other.
Questions: Not really a question for this forum but currently trying to find evidence on delayed cord clamping Baby A when having fraternal twins. So far not much is out there— at least not without hitting a paywall.
@fameonmain2 - I am so sorry about your grandma! It's so hard to lose a loved one. It's been a while since I lost mine and I still get emotional about it. But I'm so excited to tell my daughter about her (and all the generations of strong women in our family). Also -- I am in the same boat with the registry. There are WAY too many choices. And I feel like as long as I get the big things picked out (stroller, car seat, etc) I just want everyone else to decide the rest haha. IDK anymore. Information overload for sure.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/16, 21+2
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Dec 14 with my regular OB. I'm excited/anxious to go over my anatomy scan results with the MFM, especially because what the MFM told me and the notes he left for my doctor that were in MyChart were a little I'm curious what she'll say.
How are you feeling? Feeling mostly good! We finally got curtains hung in the bedroom at our new place, and it has made sleeping so much better! I still randomly get sore, but I slept through the night last night, which wonderful. And I'm loving being able to feel our baby girl move. Makes it all so much more real.
Rants/raves: Only raves this week -- On Friday during a team meeting, we all talked about maternity leave and coming back after, and it seems like I'll be able to bring my baby in to work and also work from home part time, which is honestly a dream come true! I'm sure I'll still take advantage of daycare from time to time...but the idea of saving at least part of the cost of daycare is SUCH a relief. Plus it was so comforting knowing that everyone here is so supportive. The other rave I have is that I'm really enjoying the Christmas season this year. There was a string of several years where I just couldn't get into the season. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones, or knowing this is my last Christmas being child less, or the fact that I'm living in a festive small town...regardless...I'm glad it's a good holiday season so far.
Questions: My family has been chatting about baby showers recently, and one person who had offered to have one isn't sure that she wants to do it in person because we have one cousin who is not vaccinated. Have you started thinking about it? What are you doing, if not in-person? Also...did anyone else get a percentile during their anatomy scan? I was told my baby was in the 38th percentile...and the doctor didn't seem too concerned...but I didn't even know that they started looking at that stuff this early. Anyone else have experience?
@jessabelle05 With my first, we did a virtual/Facebook baby shower because I lived thousands of miles away at the time. We had everyone send their gifts and then we opened them on FB live so everyone could watch and participate. Also, please try not to be too concerned with growth percentiles: They’re based on data that isn’t always reliable and is not the best indicator of a baby’s wellbeing. DD6 has always, from day one, been consistently in the 0-5% percentile for height, weight, and growth, and she is one of the healthiest and smartest kids I know (I may be a little biased!). It gets worse when you have a newborn and the pediatrician tries to use these irrelevant growth charts to force you into making decisions. 🙄 I had one threaten to call CPS on me once because, “according to the growth chart”, she needed to have formula, and when I continued to decline it she said she was calling the police. So no, not a fan.
@hoosiermamajayden I’m a big advocate for delayed cord clamping whenever possible, especially with preemies. Because your twins are dichorionic (separate placentas) I don’t see any reason keeping them from DCC as long as the delivery is uneventful and they don’t require any kind of resuscitation. I’d be interested to hear what your OB says!
@fameonmain2 Thinking of you! It’s so hard to lose someone like that, especially during the holidays. We lost my grandmother last October and it was so painful for so long to even think of her. I wondered if my grieving was “normal”. I still have moments where I forget she’s gone but am able to think of her more easily now, even though it still hurts sometimes. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.
@minnie_yoga_mama I feel like my anxiety this time around has been so much worse! Maybe because I know more about what can happen…? It’s the worst!
How are you feeling? Hate the anterior placenta (again! What are the chances of two anterior placenta pregnancies?!) but maybe I should be thankful for it because holy cow, this baby is SO ACTIVE. So if I’m feeling it now I can only imagine what it would be like to have a normal placenta! They get partying and the Braxton Hicks come on in full force.
Rants/raves: After all my drama trying to find an OB here in NC, I finally found one last week that was super helpful, returned phone calls almost immediately, make exceptions to fit me into their schedule, and is just generally awesome. So relieved. I’m still missing one cervical US check but I’m at peace with it.
Questions: Has any add STM+ moms had older siblings attend births? I want DD6 to be present for labor and delivery and am trying to decide how and when to begin preparing her. We’ve talked about the anatomy and physiology of birth several times and she’s very interested, and she knows it’s painful and noisy at times, but I would love to show her videos and read some books together.
@aloha_mama I’m so relieved for you that you finally got in! Also ditto on the anterior placenta— I don’t know what normal kicking is supposed to feel like, but BOY this little one is active! Strong kicks literally alllll day long! I couldn’t imagine if I didn’t have that extra placental cushion! 😅
@jessabelle05 Our plan is to hold two showers— one in person in an outdoor park pavilion on a Saturday and one virtually via Zoom the next day on Sunday. That way people can choose what they are comfortable with. Plus, I have a lot of family living out of state who wouldn’t be able to join in unless I held a virtual option. Hubby and I are just hosting our own zoom shower, and keeping it simple by playing a few games that are easy for anyone to watch/join and enjoy: he said she said, pregnancy interview questions for mama, and toilet paper measuring around the belly.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 4/ 23 weeks
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming appointments: Had my midwife appt today- everything looking good
How are you feeling? Feeling great!
Rants/raves: We are going to start painting the nursery this week! And I picked out the rug, lamp and curtains that I want for the room and ordered them. Yay! I love the nesting portion of all this.
@fameonmain2 so sorry for your loss. It's hard in normal times but Covid really complicated it.
Also with both you and @missa_lyssa on registries. I dunno if I'll do one but haven't ordered a damn thing despite having picked out the crib, dresser and recliner.
@aloha_mama that's awesome you're thinking of having your oldest at the birth! It's likely not in the cards for us, due to Covid I doubt more than H will be allowed in, but I think if I was going to do it I don't know if I'd do videos-or I'd screen them all in advance, lol. I watched birth videos as a teenager and was horrified-until I saw my friend give birth and its such a completely different, beautiful experience comparitively. Now I don't mind videos since I have many actual births to compare it to. I'm curious to hear how mamas whose kids were present handled it, and what they did to prepare.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 29/ 19+3
Team blue/pink/green: 💙
Upcoming appointments: December 15
How are you feeling? Fine pregnancy wise! So stretchy in the ute, tons of BH. Baby is not stoked when I lean forward so I have to sit with my legs wide or sit all the way back and have my computer on my lap, lol. I have a sinus and drainage issue that is separate from pregnancy and not making me feel great, though.
Rants/raves: Moved the kids to the same room this weekend (6 and 3) so that we can move the playroom into DS3's old room and use the current playroom for the nursery (its attached to our bedroom). Both kiddos did fine last night but I'm waiting for the crazy shoe to drop and have them both keeping each other up. Happy to be one step closer to a finished nursery but not looking forward to the adjustment after getting used to both kids doing really well sleeping.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 16, 21 weeks, 2 days
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Had my midwife appnt today to go over my anatomy scan results - everything was great! We got to hear the heartbeat as well which was wonderful. Next Appnt will be end of January after a glucose test and some blood work.
How are you feeling? Overall I’ve been feeling good! Can’t complain too much.
Questions: My husband has been a wonderful partner throughout pregnancy and I know he’s going to be a fantastic father. Sometimes though I feel a little lonely in this pregnancy experience as a FTM. He hasn’t had to make any lifestyle changes and I don’t think he’s mentally preparing himself for what life will be like with a baby, where it feels like that’s all I’m doing (as much as you can prepare yourself anyways). Has anyone else been feeling similar feelings? FTM or not?
@fameonmain2 I'm so sorry for your loss. I went through that last year with my grandma, she was the same age. It really sucked because we had to have a super small funeral and she had SO many friends and loved ones who couldn't come. It'll hit you in waves, but time does help heal.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 8/ 22 + 3
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Dec 20- just regular appt
How are you feeling? Pretty good, definitely moving around slower. Heartburn is showing up so I'm really trying to keep that at bay. It makes sleeping so hard!
Rants/raves: Rave- I finally started painting the desk that I've been meaning to paint for a few months! It's kinda MCM and I'm giving it a fresh look. I'll post before/after when I get it done. Rant- I feel like I don't have enough time for anything even on my days off! I have presents to wrap, a room to clear out, 2 rooms to paint, things to organize, ahhhhhhh.
@minnie_yoga_mama you might want to check out a belly band, Bao Bei makes one that's designed by physical therapists. Also probably wouldn't hurt to get a PT eval to make sure you're not doing movements that would increase/increase risk of diastasis recti.
@natashajn this is a super common feeling, and unfortunately it's not one that really improves once baby arrives. DH was really involved as a dad in the newborn phase, but I still resented how little his life had to change. Definitely recommend therapy or even just checking out some instagram accounts or mini programs related to it (Dr Cassidy is a good resource).
@aloha_mama no personal experience, but a girl in my other BMB does home births, and she live streams them on Birth Tube. Her eldest wanted to be in the room for her 3rd birth (he was 6 I think?), but it ended up with bulging green waters (meconium in the water) and the midwife had to reach in with both hands and pull baby out, so it was a lot scarier than anything they'd really talked about, and he ran out. So, I would just consider that - I don't say it to fully deter you, but just have contingency plans because even if everyone ends up being healthy and fine, it can still be scary in the moment. DD3 is definitely sad she can't attend lol but they don't allow anyone unvaccinated (other than the newborns) in L&D here so unless this vaccine approval for 3yos really gets its show on the road I doubt DD3 could even come meet bb in the hospital.
@jessabelle05 scans (at any gestation) are suuuuper unreliable for size, so they mostly are looking for extremes to see if a baby is getting way too big (and would put mom's health at risk in a delivery) or way too small (which could signify intrauterine growth restriction) but both of those are like top 1% and bottom 1%. I think this baby was measuring like 80% for head but like 30% for limbs, so we'll see where he nets out overall. Also for baby shower, no one is going to offer one for us, but I also would not accept. Definitely not in covid, but I also just won't put myself through that again lol. Our baby shower for DD3 was...not fun lol. But if you're literally just asking about covid protocols etc, I would just make sure whoever is planning it has almost everything be refundable because you just don't know how things will go with variants etc, and maybe just have a contingency plan for moving it to virtual. I don't think it's impossible to do safely, it's just impossible to know the future.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 23+0
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming appointments: Friday, meeting one of the midwives in the practice
How are you feeling? pain puh-pain pain pain lol. Just lots of pain. Today I also feel nauseous, joy of joys.
Rants/raves: I managed to make it through a pilates class today. It was outdoors and like 55 degrees + foggy so it was kind of weird lol but also nice to move my body even if it means I'm even more tired now than I usually am. I have PT on Wednesday, and I'm struggling with knowing if it's helping or not. I feel like that's a theme in my life currently - uncertainty about if I've found the correct provider/path to deal with all this shit this pregnancy. I have perioral dermatitis all over my chin, and it's a difficult condition to treat generally, but it's even harder in pregnancy because you can't use all the regular tools. But I'm not sure I agree with this provider's treatment protocol for it - she keeps prescribing things that don't seem to be the gold standard within pregnancy, so I'm on week 5 of treatment, and it's just getting worse. Same with PT - hard to get her to understand how bad my pain is, how difficult the things she's asking me to do are. And I'm a pretty outspoken, quality communicator. Like she'll ask me to do something, and I'll try and then be like, "Oh wow, yeah, I can't move like that, ouch." And she's like "Oh no, we don't say can't!" Like lol I'm not a child, I'm an adult telling you that hurts. -_- I don't know if it's masks or what, but I've never experience people questioning my authority on myself like I have in the past two years. Like maybe it just covers the part of my face that usually intimidates people lol but it's insane. Anyway, so PT and derm both seem.... I don't know, not terrible, not great, but there aren't really other options here. And then I have to decide between the OB and midwife team still, and I'm just nervous I'll regret whatever decision I make. Which is a weird feeling for me because I'm usually fairly decisive.
How are you feeling? Still pretty good. The tiredness catches up to me every few days. I think, and hope, this week might be more low key.
Rants/raves: The baby was doing something weird last night. With my anterior placenta it seems like I feel the more sharp, defined kicks and things around the edges, and more dull generalized movement at the front. This was like having a pogo stick inside.
@doxiemoxie212 That must be awful to be in so much pain! And especially to feel like you’re not being heard. Have you tried or considered chiropractic adjustments? Your SI joint may be twisted or misaligned and compressing a nerve. When I was having severe SI joint pain (as in crying at work and having to miss work severe) last year, despite all the help from my PT coworkers, it was my chiropractor that was able to alleviate the pain long term. A word of caution: NOT all chiropractors are equal! You need to be extremely picky to find someone you can trust! During the “acute” phase: when there is an acute flare-up of sharp pain, my chiropractor instructed me to avoid/minimize ANY movements or exercises that cause pain because it could cause more pelvic instability and just snowball into more pain— focus was on weekly adjustments, SI belt 24/7, and icing pretty much all day long. Bilateral glute squeezes were extremely helpful to self adjust in between adjustments, as were slight pelvic tilts while laying down when I could tolerate it (squeezing a pillow between the knees). Good luck, I know how debilitating this kind of pain is!
Upcoming appointments: apparently also my rant: Today with 20 week US at the MFM for the more detailed machine. Omg I thought I have waited before but dear lord my appointment was at 2:30. I got there 15 minutes early as directed. I was taken back at 3:50pm. The lady who's appointment is after mine is snoring in the waiting room and wakes up on her own and we are all still waiting. My husband had to leave at 4:30 pm to get our daughter from daycare as he had to walk 15 minutes to get to his car then drive back in downtown traffic so he missed seeing the doctor but at least got to see the US tech do some pics. I then waited until 5:20pm to see the doctor and I had to pee so bad I cleaned myself up but the US gel had dried the paper cover onto my abdomen and I was a hot mess and ran to the bathroom only on coming back I left the door open and magically a nurse came over in 5 min to take my file and I made eye contact. Then immediately after, the doctor appeared out of nowhere. 30 min later I could finally leave. Thank God this doctor has an amazing personality and really showed me the stuff I wanted to see like the entrance from the umbilicus to the vena cava and her entire aortic arch and abdominal aorta to the iliac arteries. So I go to leave around 6pm and they can't even take payment because they are closed. I had been there for almost 4 hours and no one ever took payment. Ultimately, the most important thing was all looked good. He even talked about moving her due date up 4 days because she was measuring ahead but left it to my OB.
Then things got interesting. I was starving in a hospital in the middle of a giant medical center in Houston, and it's dark. I gave in and got a Snickers and a bottle of water from the Walgreens at the base of the hospital. I no sooner get in line then I hear the lady in front of me say to the pharmacy tech I've told you all a hundred times and it's not right I need to be compensated. You people never do it right, what are you anyway Mexican?. The guy responds, " It's illegal to give you your prescription for less than your copay and I'm Indian not Mexican but I'm not sure how that matters." And then she says the worst possible thing, " I'm not racist...but..." I worked to block out her next few choice sentences but it keeps escalating. By now the other tech is giving me the are you seeing this too crazy eyes. At Which, I hold up my candy bar and mouth to her I don't need a rx please just check me out and give her the yeah that lady is nuts, please save me look back. 20 minutes from when I enter a store with 2 customers including me and 5 employees I made it to my car with food and didn't have to watch Karen make an ass of herself any more then I had already witnessed.
As I was leaving the parking lot my husband calls and is like where are you? Weird way to spend 5 hours.
How are you feeling? Still sick. It surprises me.I keep waiting for it to pass. Every night at 9 pm I have to take my meds or fight nausea till they kick in.
Rants/Raves: I feel like I've got to even out that long rant. Figs are the best plus size Tall maternity Pants I have found both in stock and available online. They are the winner of my independent study and as such will be rewarded with a shout out here and me buying 1-2 more pairs of pants.
Gingerbread house making with my daughter and Christmas shopping was actually really fun. We wrapped most of her gifts and I'm ahead on getting the ones ready for her teacher. I don't know if I'm a lazy parent or just found a good grove but I feel like Starbucks gift cards and chocolate go a long way for gifts in general.
This weekend is Hotel weekend. My daughter paid us in her Halloween candy to stay overnight at a hotel with an indoor swimming pool and get a pizza. We were sick, my husband was working and then Thanksgiving kept us from going but we are driving the 15 min to a holiday inn and staying the night. I might be as excited as she is.
@aloha_mama I hope everything goes according to plan. It would be awesome for that to happen and for your child to see a normal birth. My DD5 asked to come to my C-section and I was like NO!!!! inside. Outside I was like oh hunny I think Covid might make that not happen. Sorry.
@natashajn I felt that way when I was pregnant the first time but honestly there is no way to fathom the change until it happens. It's really hard for anyone to live outside of what their reality is today. Things will change for both of you but don't forget to just enjoy the last leaves falling of your pre kid life those days are precious too.
@doxiemoxie212 I just can't. I treat SI pain and there is one like once a year that no matter what trick I use we just can't get it to go away. It's horrible and am so sorry you feel awful. I hope things turn around soon.
@dinomeetsjedi I can totally relate to not feeling much movement and being freaked out. It’s the time period where MS is gone and no regular movement yet is such a mindscrew!
However @rbflei I am right with you ans @doxiemoxie212 with still feeling the night time nausea. How rude!!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 21+1
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming appointments: a week from today
How are you feeling? Pretty pretty preeety good except still with the nausea and needing meds at night.
Rants/raves: Just finished decorating the house for Christmas and it just makes me so happy to see all the lights around the house, plus I feel like I can eat all the baked goods with no remorse 👌
Questions: This is pretty specific to Snoo users, but if anyone has used the Snoo and double swaddled, which swaddle do you use for the bottom layer?
@minnie_yoga_mama yes I get osteopathic adjustments which are the same they just can prescribe western meds and go through a medical residency etc. Because of my hypermobility adjustments only last about 20 min on me because my body just bends into a new direction, and now that the baby kicks so hard he kicks everything out of alignment (my daughter would subluxate my ribs every 5 min toward the end - so fun).
@missa_lyssa thank you glad to hear I’m not the only one lagging on the registry!
@monstera13 glad to hear that work is going so well. I always feel great when I’m making progress at work, for me it’s super fulfilling! And thank you
@dinomeetsjedi thank you right there with you on the anxiety. I’m still not feeling a TON of movement so I get randomly worried. Also weird about the nausea! Hopefully it doesn’t get too bad.
@minnie_yoga_mama thank you You’re absolutely right. It’s been a while since I had to deal with the loss of a grandparent, so it’s easy to forget that you do move on. Luckily MH has been very supportive. Congrats to your brother! Glad the dress worked out.
@hoosiermamajayden thank you nursing homes are the hardest decisions to make. Totally with you on hitting in waves. Most of the time I’m fine, and then I’ll see or hear something that just sends me right back to tears. Time will help, I know.
@jessabella05 thank you SUCH information overload. I thought after getting through the big stuff the small stuff would be way easier. Yeah, not so much. As for the baby shower, we are planning for one in person with a contingency plan in case we get closer to semi-lockdown again. We are in a pretty highly vaccinated state and just about everyone who is invited will be vaccinated and likely have the booster as well. I’m planning on asking those who are unvaccinated (which unfortunately happens to be members of MH’s family so my MIL will have to primarily deal with this) to get a PCR test. We’re thinking late Feb./early Mar. so the turnaround times should be better by then.
@aloha_mama thank you I have been thinking about “normal” grieving a lot. Might talk o the OB next week about getting a referral for a therapist. Figure that it’s not a terrible idea considering I deal with quite a bit of pregnancy anxiety as well. Of course I happen to be seeing a different OB than my usual one next week because I wanted to meet more of them in the practice just to prepare for birth. Oh well. Also hooray that you found an OB! Glad that you don’t have to deal with that stress any more.
@smashjam thank you UGH… the recliner… another thing I haven’t picked out yet lol.
@natashajn thank you I’m with you on having most of the mental and all of the physical load during pregnancy. Agree with you that MH will be great, but sometimes I just can’t get over that he consistently sleeps in until about 20 minutes before he has to leave for work. I keep thinking um, that will NOT fly when baby is here.
Upcoming appointments: Midwife tomorrow, followed by acupuncture
How are you feeling? Sore - I've started having a weird muscular thing (I think?), where when I lay down, I get cramps/spasms in my right side, around where my natural waist used to be. I had it last time, later in pregnancy, and no one could really explain or help it (midwife, RMT, chiro), so I'm hoping that acupuncture helps
Rants/raves: I'm feeling really into the holiday season this year... we just finished up Hanukkah, and the kids loved it (and were so adorable - every afternoon as soon as they woke up from naps, they'd ask 'Can we do Hanukkah now?'). We decorated our tree last night, although it ended up being a bit tall for where we want it, so I think my husband and I will have to undecorate it, trim it down, and redecorate it during a nap lol... my rant is that I'm so hormonal these days, that even commercials and music make me get all teary (and my husband doesn't get that at all, even being the third time around lol)
@doula-mama is it more toward the back? I had it more toward the back with DD3, but definitely still on the side, and my massage therapist figured out it was where my.... QL? Met some other muscle? Anyway, it was terrible, and the only way I could get it to stop was this specific pressure point where I would need DH to put his entire body weight on his elbow and dig into it, which hurt like a biiiiiitch, but then I'd get like 10 min of relief after.
@fameonmain2 I'm sorry for your loss. I hope things get a little easier each day. the registry can be so overwhelming. just work on one category/section at a time and you'll get there. I saw you mention getting a referral to a therapist and I think that is a wonderful idea. (i'm biased and very pro-therapy, but navigating grief and pregnancy and just the current state of the world can be a lot) @monstera13 how was your OB visit/review of the AS? I know you were concerned about the placental lake @dinomeetsjedi sorry the anxiety has been so bad of late. I hope it improves. About the nausea, have you had heartburn/do you take anything for heartburn. With my first I was talking to a friend, who is an OB and mentioned the nausea and she was like it could be heartburn. Turns out that's what it was! @jessabelle05 I won't be having a shower (STM), but I would suggest talking with the person who is planning/throwing the shower and discussing what you're comfortable with as far as a shower goes. I'll echo @aloha_mama and just say try not to worry about percentiles. I think its all relative. @aloha_mama glad you were able to find an OB who could accommodate you. @SmashJam sending positive vibes your way that they both keep sleeping! @doxiemoxie212 the issues with your care teams sound so frustrating. I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to find a way to feel and to be heard.
TTC#1 10/2016 TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021 planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks, some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
sorry to always be jumping in at the end of the week, this seems to be the only time I can make it to TB
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/3, 23+4
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming appointments: regular OB in 2 weeks and saw MFM this week
How are you feeling? better, the thinking/imaging shows that my previa may be resolved, so that is a relief, but still some complications so I'll continue to be seen by MFM
Rants/raves: DS was super sick last week and his sleep is now a mess, DH has been taking the brunt of the parenting load in the middle of the night. So I'm very appreciative of that
Questions: natm
TTC#1 10/2016 TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each. BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021 planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks, some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
@Avrilmai glad to hear that your placenta previa is hopefully resolved! Hopefully other complications resolve in time soon! Hopefully DS can get his sleep back to normal so you all can have a bit of a break!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 7 / 23+1
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: Had an appt yesterday with MFM for a follow up ultrasound since we couldn't get everything at the AS. Everything looked great, he was kicking back at the ultrasound tech and quite active. His head is measuring a week or so behind. But I went back and looked at our last ultrasound and that was also the case then. He's 35% so we must just grow small babies. Overall Dr was not concerned at all. He wants a quick appt again in 3 weeks and then another growth check/ultrasound 2 weeks after that. Then we will likely start regular NSTs and ultrasounds to monitor growth and placenta function. Overall he said he is cautiously optimistic that everything will go according to plan.
How are you feeling? Feeling really good. I had a UTI over Thanksgiving. The antibiotics made me nauseous which wasn't fun to be going through again. But feeling mostly better this week. Going to try and up my protein intake a bit to make sure baby is getting what he needs, but that's mostly for my own sanity.
Rants/raves: This is both my rant and my rave...I feel baby kicking nearly all the time now. I never felt DS5 move - I had an anterior placenta and since he was under a ton of stress he rarely moved. He never moved with cold water and even when they did the little buzzer on my stomach he wouldn't move. Even all the way to 29 weeks I would only feel him once maybe twice a day. Now with this baby I love it because I like feeling him squirm around and say hi. At the same time it is so hard to concentrate at work. I feel like I'm being tapped on the shoulder all day long! How does anyone get work done like this??
Questions: curious, do cervix measurements change quite a bit from appt to appt? At my AS my cervix was 3cm and I watched him measure it twice. Yesterday it was at like 4.5cm. That seems like a huge change? Overall not concerned, but was just curious if that's the norm or if someone screwed up?
@Blondesweety444 The cervix is pretty soft and flexible so it’s normal for it to change. I’ve been having cervical checks every other week and they’ve all fluctuated between 3.5 and 4.2. It seems like a big jump but, like my MFM said, anything over 3 is extra credit, so you’re at like A++++ 😂
@aloha_mama that makes sense! That's what I was kind of thinking. At the AS when I saw 3cm I was like oh no that seems pretty short for this early! I didn't realize it could change so much!. A+++++ made me laugh though
Re: Weekly Check-in w/o 12/6
Team blue/pink/green: Green 🌱
Upcoming appointments: another a/s to get the rest of the imaging next week
How are you feeling? Feeling good, starting to recognize more movement! Trying to eat a little better.
Rants/raves: Have been just lurking for a couple of weeks as my grandmother passed right after Thanksgiving. It was a tough few weeks, realizing she wasn't doing, knowing that she would pass soon, and then the wait for the funeral (we had to wait a week). We had a beautiful celebration for her last week. It hit me really hard, she was 93 so I feel silly because I got so much time with her, but I couldn't see her at the end because she was on the COVID floor (she didn't have COVID but she needed pulmonary support) and out of caution my family and I decided that I shouldn't take the risk. It hit me a lot harder than I thought it would, I was pretty close to her and she lived with my family for about 15 years as I was growing up. Anyways, I'm doing better, but still have some tough moments.
Rave that I got to see my college roommates over the weekend for a little holiday visit. It was so lovely to just sit and chat with them and helped me forget about all of the sadness over the last few weeks.
Questions: Anyone else not even close to being finished with their registries yet (if you're creating one)? I feel super behind and still sooo overwhelmed with all of the choices. We did pick out the crib and dresser and order them since they were already on backorder and I have other important things like infant carseat and stroller picked. But... that's about it!
Totally with you on the registry! Ever time I think I’ve made good progress, I realize how much more there is to decide!
Team blue/pink/green: 💙
Upcoming appointments: Not till January
How are you feeling? Sore back/hips/SI joints. Some round ligament pain but not too bad.
Rave: Feeling the baby move a lot more, and my husband has been able to feel him move a couple times too! 😍
Married May 2019
Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 13, 21+5
Team blue/pink/green: Pink!
Upcoming appointments: Wednesday. Regular OB appt plus going over the results of the AS
How are you feeling? Feeling good! The movements are finally becoming more regular, which is nice. I’m not a fan of this anterior placenta compared to how much I could feel DS moving!
Rants/raves: Rave- feeling like a boss at work lately. I can never really talk much about work due to confidentiality concerns, but it’s great to feel like you’re doing a good job and that you’re finally doing what you went to school all those years for 😊
Questions: natm
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 10, 22+1
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Wednesday for check in.
How are you feeling? For some reason I've been really worrying about the baby the last couple days. I keep thinking I'm not actually feeling any movement and it's just digestion things and something is wrong. I'm not sure why I'm worrying so much. Also, I have had nausea for the last couple days and I feel like I'm back in first trimester. Weird.
Rants/raves: I'm glad for this board and for my cuddly dogs.
Questions: none
@fameonmain2 I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma.❤️ Losing a close family is so challenging, and the pain never quite goes away, it just becomes easier to live with as your life carries on and you’re able to distract yourself from it. Having a close support system of friends or family to lean on is so helpful.
@monstera That is such an awesome feeling, to be so passionate about what you do and to see yourself doing it well! Congrats on building a successful career that you love!
@dinomeetsjedi I’ve been the same way, it’s like every time my abdomen feels sore, or I don’t feel him kick for a while, or I do something I’m “‘not supposed to do” during pregnancy, I get so much anxiety that he’s hurt in some way! I told hubby I don’t know if my stress levels can handle another pregnancy after this! 😅 By and far the most difficult part of being pregnant so far has been the anxiety and worry! I’m hoping it’s just a first time mom thing and next time around I’ll be calmer! 🤞
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 9 / 22 weeks + 2 days
Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙💙
Upcoming appointments: Not until the new year!
How are you feeling? Just the past few days I feel like I’ve had so much more energy, and I can actually do things around the house again! 💪 My abdomen has been sooo sore and achy at times though— just this morning I woke up in so much discomfort (I think I had rolled over and was sleeping on my back), I’m guessing maybe from the pressure of my heavy uterus?
Rants/raves: My brother is getting married this weekend! We’re so excited to see some family members we haven’t seen in such a long time, but also planning to be very cautious since there will be so many people attending. My bridesmaid dress has been corseted to allow for my bursting breasts and belly. 😂 It was actually very easy to sew into the dress! We’re excited to get some cute photos of hubby and I all dressed up now that I have a bump to show off too!
Questions: Anyone else experiencing a sore/achy abdomen? Sometimes it can be really uncomfortable!
FTM/STM/TTM+: 4th and 5th time mom
Team blue/pink/green: 💗💙
Upcoming appointments: I think the Wednesday before Christmas
How are you feeling? Definitely in the sweet spot of 2nd tri but still tired. I need to squeeze more naps into my life.
Rants/raves: Currently reading Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley. Highly recommend!
Questions: Not really a question for this forum but currently trying to find evidence on delayed cord clamping Baby A when having fraternal twins. So far not much is out there— at least not without hitting a paywall.
Also -- I am in the same boat with the registry. There are WAY too many choices. And I feel like as long as I get the big things picked out (stroller, car seat, etc) I just want everyone else to decide the rest haha. IDK anymore. Information overload for sure.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/16, 21+2
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Dec 14 with my regular OB. I'm excited/anxious to go over my anatomy scan results with the MFM, especially because what the MFM told me and the notes he left for my doctor that were in MyChart were a little I'm curious what she'll say.
How are you feeling? Feeling mostly good! We finally got curtains hung in the bedroom at our new place, and it has made sleeping so much better! I still randomly get sore, but I slept through the night last night, which wonderful. And I'm loving being able to feel our baby girl move. Makes it all so much more real.
Rants/raves: Only raves this week -- On Friday during a team meeting, we all talked about maternity leave and coming back after, and it seems like I'll be able to bring my baby in to work and also work from home part time, which is honestly a dream come true! I'm sure I'll still take advantage of daycare from time to time...but the idea of saving at least part of the cost of daycare is SUCH a relief. Plus it was so comforting knowing that everyone here is so supportive.
The other rave I have is that I'm really enjoying the Christmas season this year. There was a string of several years where I just couldn't get into the season. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones, or knowing this is my last Christmas being child less, or the fact that I'm living in a festive small town...regardless...I'm glad it's a good holiday season so far.
Questions: My family has been chatting about baby showers recently, and one person who had offered to have one isn't sure that she wants to do it in person because we have one cousin who is not vaccinated. Have you started thinking about it? What are you doing, if not in-person?
Also...did anyone else get a percentile during their anatomy scan? I was told my baby was in the 38th percentile...and the doctor didn't seem too concerned...but I didn't even know that they started looking at that stuff this early. Anyone else have experience?
@hoosiermamajayden I’m a big advocate for delayed cord clamping whenever possible, especially with preemies. Because your twins are dichorionic (separate placentas) I don’t see any reason keeping them from DCC as long as the delivery is uneventful and they don’t require any kind of resuscitation. I’d be interested to hear what your OB says!
@fameonmain2 Thinking of you! It’s so hard to lose someone like that, especially during the holidays. We lost my grandmother last October and it was so painful for so long to even think of her. I wondered if my grieving was “normal”. I still have moments where I forget she’s gone but am able to think of her more easily now, even though it still hurts sometimes. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this.
@minnie_yoga_mama I feel like my anxiety this time around has been so much worse! Maybe because I know more about what can happen…? It’s the worst!
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: December 16, HALLELUJAH
How are you feeling? Hate the anterior placenta (again! What are the chances of two anterior placenta pregnancies?!) but maybe I should be thankful for it because holy cow, this baby is SO ACTIVE. So if I’m feeling it now I can only imagine what it would be like to have a normal placenta! They get partying and the Braxton Hicks come on in full force.
Rants/raves: After all my drama trying to find an OB here in NC, I finally found one last week that was super helpful, returned phone calls almost immediately, make exceptions to fit me into their schedule, and is just generally awesome. So relieved. I’m still missing one cervical US check but I’m at peace with it.
Questions: Has any add STM+ moms had older siblings attend births? I want DD6 to be present for labor and delivery and am trying to decide how and when to begin preparing her. We’ve talked about the anatomy and physiology of birth several times and she’s very interested, and she knows it’s painful and noisy at times, but I would love to show her videos and read some books together.
@jessabelle05 Our plan is to hold two showers— one in person in an outdoor park pavilion on a Saturday and one virtually via Zoom the next day on Sunday. That way people can choose what they are comfortable with. Plus, I have a lot of family living out of state who wouldn’t be able to join in unless I held a virtual option. Hubby and I are just hosting our own zoom shower, and keeping it simple by playing a few games that are easy for anyone to watch/join and enjoy: he said she said, pregnancy interview questions for mama, and toilet paper measuring around the belly.
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming appointments: Had my midwife appt today- everything looking good
How are you feeling? Feeling great!
Rants/raves: We are going to start painting the nursery this week! And I picked out the rug, lamp and curtains that I want for the room and ordered them. Yay! I love the nesting portion of all this.
Also with both you and @missa_lyssa on registries. I dunno if I'll do one but haven't ordered a damn thing despite having picked out the crib, dresser and recliner.
@aloha_mama that's awesome you're thinking of having your oldest at the birth! It's likely not in the cards for us, due to Covid I doubt more than H will be allowed in, but I think if I was going to do it I don't know if I'd do videos-or I'd screen them all in advance, lol. I watched birth videos as a teenager and was horrified-until I saw my friend give birth and its such a completely different, beautiful experience comparitively. Now I don't mind videos since I have many actual births to compare it to. I'm curious to hear how mamas whose kids were present handled it, and what they did to prepare.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 29/ 19+3
Team blue/pink/green: 💙
Upcoming appointments: December 15
How are you feeling? Fine pregnancy wise! So stretchy in the ute, tons of BH. Baby is not stoked when I lean forward so I have to sit with my legs wide or sit all the way back and have my computer on my lap, lol. I have a sinus and drainage issue that is separate from pregnancy and not making me feel great, though.
Rants/raves: Moved the kids to the same room this weekend (6 and 3) so that we can move the playroom into DS3's old room and use the current playroom for the nursery (its attached to our bedroom). Both kiddos did fine last night but I'm waiting for the crazy shoe to drop and have them both keeping each other up. Happy to be one step closer to a finished nursery but not looking forward to the adjustment after getting used to both kids doing really well sleeping.
Questions: NATM!
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Had my midwife appnt today to go over my anatomy scan results - everything was great! We got to hear the heartbeat as well which was wonderful. Next Appnt will be end of January after a glucose test and some blood work.
How are you feeling? Overall I’ve been feeling good! Can’t complain too much.
Questions: My husband has been a wonderful partner throughout pregnancy and I know he’s going to be a fantastic father. Sometimes though I feel a little lonely in this pregnancy experience as a FTM. He hasn’t had to make any lifestyle changes and I don’t think he’s mentally preparing himself for what life will be like with a baby, where it feels like that’s all I’m doing (as much as you can prepare yourself anyways). Has anyone else been feeling similar feelings? FTM or not?
@fameonmain2 I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 8/ 22 + 3
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Dec 20- just regular appt
How are you feeling? Pretty good, definitely moving around slower. Heartburn is showing up so I'm really trying to keep that at bay. It makes sleeping so hard!
Rants/raves: Rave- I finally started painting the desk that I've been meaning to paint for a few months! It's kinda MCM and I'm giving it a fresh look. I'll post before/after when I get it done. Rant- I feel like I don't have enough time for anything even on my days off! I have presents to wrap, a room to clear out, 2 rooms to paint, things to organize, ahhhhhhh.
Questions: none
@natashajn this is a super common feeling, and unfortunately it's not one that really improves once baby arrives. DH was really involved as a dad in the newborn phase, but I still resented how little his life had to change. Definitely recommend therapy or even just checking out some instagram accounts or mini programs related to it (Dr Cassidy is a good resource).
@aloha_mama no personal experience, but a girl in my other BMB does home births, and she live streams them on Birth Tube. Her eldest wanted to be in the room for her 3rd birth (he was 6 I think?), but it ended up with bulging green waters (meconium in the water) and the midwife had to reach in with both hands and pull baby out, so it was a lot scarier than anything they'd really talked about, and he ran out. So, I would just consider that - I don't say it to fully deter you, but just have contingency plans because even if everyone ends up being healthy and fine, it can still be scary in the moment. DD3 is definitely sad she can't attend lol but they don't allow anyone unvaccinated (other than the newborns) in L&D here so unless this vaccine approval for 3yos really gets its show on the road I doubt DD3 could even come meet bb in the hospital.
@jessabelle05 scans (at any gestation) are suuuuper unreliable for size, so they mostly are looking for extremes to see if a baby is getting way too big (and would put mom's health at risk in a delivery) or way too small (which could signify intrauterine growth restriction) but both of those are like top 1% and bottom 1%. I think this baby was measuring like 80% for head but like 30% for limbs, so we'll see where he nets out overall. Also for baby shower, no one is going to offer one for us, but I also would not accept. Definitely not in covid, but I also just won't put myself through that again lol. Our baby shower for DD3 was...not fun lol. But if you're literally just asking about covid protocols etc, I would just make sure whoever is planning it has almost everything be refundable because you just don't know how things will go with variants etc, and maybe just have a contingency plan for moving it to virtual. I don't think it's impossible to do safely, it's just impossible to know the future.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 23+0
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming appointments: Friday, meeting one of the midwives in the practice
How are you feeling? pain puh-pain pain pain lol. Just lots of pain. Today I also feel nauseous, joy of joys.
Rants/raves: I managed to make it through a pilates class today. It was outdoors and like 55 degrees + foggy so it was kind of weird lol but also nice to move my body even if it means I'm even more tired now than I usually am. I have PT on Wednesday, and I'm struggling with knowing if it's helping or not. I feel like that's a theme in my life currently - uncertainty about if I've found the correct provider/path to deal with all this shit this pregnancy. I have perioral dermatitis all over my chin, and it's a difficult condition to treat generally, but it's even harder in pregnancy because you can't use all the regular tools. But I'm not sure I agree with this provider's treatment protocol for it - she keeps prescribing things that don't seem to be the gold standard within pregnancy, so I'm on week 5 of treatment, and it's just getting worse. Same with PT - hard to get her to understand how bad my pain is, how difficult the things she's asking me to do are. And I'm a pretty outspoken, quality communicator. Like she'll ask me to do something, and I'll try and then be like, "Oh wow, yeah, I can't move like that, ouch." And she's like "Oh no, we don't say can't!" Like lol I'm not a child, I'm an adult telling you that hurts. -_- I don't know if it's masks or what, but I've never experience people questioning my authority on myself like I have in the past two years. Like maybe it just covers the part of my face that usually intimidates people lol but it's insane. Anyway, so PT and derm both seem.... I don't know, not terrible, not great, but there aren't really other options here. And then I have to decide between the OB and midwife team still, and I'm just nervous I'll regret whatever decision I make. Which is a weird feeling for me because I'm usually fairly decisive.
Questions: none
Team blue/pink/green: 💚
Upcoming appointments: End of the year
How are you feeling? Still pretty good. The tiredness catches up to me every few days. I think, and hope, this week might be more low key.
Rants/raves: The baby was doing something weird last night. With my anterior placenta it seems like I feel the more sharp, defined kicks and things around the edges, and more dull generalized movement at the front. This was like having a pogo stick inside.
Team Pink! 💗
Upcoming appointments: apparently also my rant: Today with 20 week US at the MFM for the more detailed machine. Omg I thought I have waited before but dear lord my appointment was at 2:30. I got there 15 minutes early as directed. I was taken back at 3:50pm. The lady who's appointment is after mine is snoring in the waiting room and wakes up on her own and we are all still waiting. My husband had to leave at 4:30 pm to get our daughter from daycare as he had to walk 15 minutes to get to his car then drive back in downtown traffic so he missed seeing the doctor but at least got to see the US tech do some pics. I then waited until 5:20pm to see the doctor and I had to pee so bad I cleaned myself up but the US gel had dried the paper cover onto my abdomen and I was a hot mess and ran to the bathroom only on coming back I left the door open and magically a nurse came over in 5 min to take my file and I made eye contact. Then immediately after, the doctor appeared out of nowhere. 30 min later I could finally leave. Thank God this doctor has an amazing personality and really showed me the stuff I wanted to see like the entrance from the umbilicus to the vena cava and her entire aortic arch and abdominal aorta to the iliac arteries. So I go to leave around 6pm and they can't even take payment because they are closed. I had been there for almost 4 hours and no one ever took payment. Ultimately, the most important thing was all looked good. He even talked about moving her due date up 4 days because she was measuring ahead but left it to my OB.
Then things got interesting. I was starving in a hospital in the middle of a giant medical center in Houston, and it's dark. I gave in and got a Snickers and a bottle of water from the Walgreens at the base of the hospital. I no sooner get in line then I hear the lady in front of me say to the pharmacy tech I've told you all a hundred times and it's not right I need to be compensated. You people never do it right, what are you anyway Mexican?. The guy responds, " It's illegal to give you your prescription for less than your copay and I'm Indian not Mexican but I'm not sure how that matters." And then she says the worst possible thing, " I'm not racist...but..." I worked to block out her next few choice sentences but it keeps escalating. By now the other tech is giving me the are you seeing this too crazy eyes. At Which, I hold up my candy bar and mouth to her I don't need a rx please just check me out and give her the yeah that lady is nuts, please save me look back. 20 minutes from when I enter a store with 2 customers including me and 5 employees I made it to my car with food and didn't have to watch Karen make an ass of herself any more then I had already witnessed.
As I was leaving the parking lot my husband calls and is like where are you? Weird way to spend 5 hours.
How are you feeling? Still sick. It surprises me.I keep waiting for it to pass. Every night at 9 pm I have to take my meds or fight nausea till they kick in.
Rants/Raves: I feel like I've got to even out that long rant. Figs are the best plus size Tall maternity Pants I have found both in stock and available online. They are the winner of my independent study and as such will be rewarded with a shout out here and me buying 1-2 more pairs of pants.
Gingerbread house making with my daughter and Christmas shopping was actually really fun. We wrapped most of her gifts and I'm ahead on getting the ones ready for her teacher. I don't know if I'm a lazy parent or just found a good grove but I feel like Starbucks gift cards and chocolate go a long way for gifts in general.
This weekend is Hotel weekend. My daughter paid us in her Halloween candy to stay overnight at a hotel with an indoor swimming pool and get a pizza. We were sick, my husband was working and then Thanksgiving kept us from going but we are driving the 15 min to a holiday inn and staying the night. I might be as excited as she is.
@aloha_mama I hope everything goes according to plan. It would be awesome for that to happen and for your child to see a normal birth. My DD5 asked to come to my C-section and I was like NO!!!! inside. Outside I was like oh hunny I think Covid might make that not happen. Sorry.
@fameonmain2 so sorry for your loss.
@doxiemoxie212 I just can't. I treat SI pain and there is one like once a year that no matter what trick I use we just can't get it to go away. It's horrible and am so sorry you feel awful. I hope things turn around soon.
Questions: Dear lord I've talked enough.
However @rbflei I am right with you ans @doxiemoxie212 with still feeling the night time nausea. How rude!!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 21+1
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming appointments: a week from today
How are you feeling? Pretty pretty preeety good except still with the nausea and needing meds at night.
Rants/raves: Just finished decorating the house for Christmas and it just makes me so happy to see all the lights around the house, plus I feel like I can eat all the baked goods with no remorse 👌
This is pretty specific to Snoo users, but if anyone has used the Snoo and double swaddled, which swaddle do you use for the bottom layer?
@missa_lyssa thank you glad to hear I’m not the only one lagging on the registry!
@monstera13 glad to hear that work is going so well. I always feel great when I’m making progress at work, for me it’s super fulfilling! And thank you
@dinomeetsjedi thank you right there with you on the anxiety. I’m still not feeling a TON of movement so I get randomly worried. Also weird about the nausea! Hopefully it doesn’t get too bad.
@minnie_yoga_mama thank you You’re absolutely right. It’s been a while since I had to deal with the loss of a grandparent, so it’s easy to forget that you do move on. Luckily MH has been very supportive. Congrats to your brother! Glad the dress worked out.
@hoosiermamajayden thank you nursing homes are the hardest decisions to make. Totally with you on hitting in waves. Most of the time I’m fine, and then I’ll see or hear something that just sends me right back to tears. Time will help, I know.
@jessabella05 thank you SUCH information overload. I thought after getting through the big stuff the small stuff would be way easier. Yeah, not so much. As for the baby shower, we are planning for one in person with a contingency plan in case we get closer to semi-lockdown again. We are in a pretty highly vaccinated state and just about everyone who is invited will be vaccinated and likely have the booster as well. I’m planning on asking those who are unvaccinated (which unfortunately happens to be members of MH’s family so my MIL will have to primarily deal with this) to get a PCR test. We’re thinking late Feb./early Mar. so the turnaround times should be better by then.
@aloha_mama thank you I have been thinking about “normal” grieving a lot. Might talk o the OB next week about getting a referral for a therapist. Figure that it’s not a terrible idea considering I deal with quite a bit of pregnancy anxiety as well. Of course I happen to be seeing a different OB than my usual one next week because I wanted to meet more of them in the practice just to prepare for birth. Oh well. Also hooray that you found an OB! Glad that you don’t have to deal with that stress any more.
@smashjam thank you UGH… the recliner… another thing I haven’t picked out yet lol.
@natashajn thank you I’m with you on having most of the mental and all of the physical load during pregnancy. Agree with you that MH will be great, but sometimes I just can’t get over that he consistently sleeps in until about 20 minutes before he has to leave for work. I keep thinking um, that will NOT fly when baby is here.
@shlecks @rbflei thank you
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming appointments: Midwife tomorrow, followed by acupuncture
How are you feeling? Sore - I've started having a weird muscular thing (I think?), where when I lay down, I get cramps/spasms in my right side, around where my natural waist used to be. I had it last time, later in pregnancy, and no one could really explain or help it (midwife, RMT, chiro), so I'm hoping that acupuncture helps
Rants/raves: I'm feeling really into the holiday season this year... we just finished up Hanukkah, and the kids loved it (and were so adorable - every afternoon as soon as they woke up from naps, they'd ask 'Can we do Hanukkah now?'). We decorated our tree last night, although it ended up being a bit tall for where we want it, so I think my husband and I will have to undecorate it, trim it down, and redecorate it during a nap lol... my rant is that I'm so hormonal these days, that even commercials and music make me get all teary (and my husband doesn't get that at all, even being the third time around lol)
@monstera13 how was your OB visit/review of the AS? I know you were concerned about the placental lake
@dinomeetsjedi sorry the anxiety has been so bad of late. I hope it improves. About the nausea, have you had heartburn/do you take anything for heartburn. With my first I was talking to a friend, who is an OB and mentioned the nausea and she was like it could be heartburn. Turns out that's what it was!
@jessabelle05 I won't be having a shower (STM), but I would suggest talking with the person who is planning/throwing the shower and discussing what you're comfortable with as far as a shower goes. I'll echo @aloha_mama and just say try not to worry about percentiles. I think its all relative.
@aloha_mama glad you were able to find an OB who could accommodate you.
@SmashJam sending positive vibes your way that they both keep sleeping!
@doxiemoxie212 the issues with your care teams sound so frustrating. I'm so sorry. I hope you're able to find a way to feel and to be heard.
TTC#1 10/2016
TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each.
BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021
planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/3, 23+4
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming appointments: regular OB in 2 weeks and saw MFM this week
How are you feeling? better, the thinking/imaging shows that my previa may be resolved, so that is a relief, but still some complications so I'll continue to be seen by MFM
Rants/raves: DS was super sick last week and his sleep is now a mess, DH has been taking the brunt of the parenting load in the middle of the night. So I'm very appreciative of that
Questions: natm
TTC#1 10/2016
TTC/IF:included medicated cycles, IUIs and 2 rounds of IVF with 1 embryo each.
BFP finally in 12/2018
TTC#2 06/2021
planning FET
"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks,
some doors are open, some roads are blocked"
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 7 / 23+1
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: Had an appt yesterday with MFM for a follow up ultrasound since we couldn't get everything at the AS. Everything looked great, he was kicking back at the ultrasound tech and quite active. His head is measuring a week or so behind. But I went back and looked at our last ultrasound and that was also the case then. He's 35% so we must just grow small babies. Overall Dr was not concerned at all. He wants a quick appt again in 3 weeks and then another growth check/ultrasound 2 weeks after that. Then we will likely start regular NSTs and ultrasounds to monitor growth and placenta function. Overall he said he is cautiously optimistic that everything will go according to plan.
How are you feeling? Feeling really good. I had a UTI over Thanksgiving. The antibiotics made me nauseous which wasn't fun to be going through again. But feeling mostly better this week. Going to try and up my protein intake a bit to make sure baby is getting what he needs, but that's mostly for my own sanity.
Rants/raves: This is both my rant and my rave...I feel baby kicking nearly all the time now. I never felt DS5 move - I had an anterior placenta and since he was under a ton of stress he rarely moved. He never moved with cold water and even when they did the little buzzer on my stomach he wouldn't move. Even all the way to 29 weeks I would only feel him once maybe twice a day. Now with this baby I love it because I like feeling him squirm around and say hi. At the same time it is so hard to concentrate at work. I feel like I'm being tapped on the shoulder all day long! How does anyone get work done like this??
Questions: curious, do cervix measurements change quite a bit from appt to appt? At my AS my cervix was 3cm and I watched him measure it twice. Yesterday it was at like 4.5cm. That seems like a huge change? Overall not concerned, but was just curious if that's the norm or if someone screwed up?