Trying to Get Pregnant

TWW Wednesday 12/1

**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!** 




Typical LP length: 




Re: TWW Wednesday 12/1

  • Month/Cycle: 4/3

    CD/DPO: 19/5

    Timing: good

    Typical LP length: 12ish

    Testing: 12/8 probably

    R/R: Feeling kind of "meh" today. Trying to get into the holiday spirit and plan things to do the next week to keep my mind off the TWW. Anyone have anything fun on their holiday bucket list this year? I'm hoping to wrap Christmas presents this weekend which I love doing.

    CS/Q: Nope

  • Month/Cycle: 3/3 I think?

    CD/DPO:  28/15

    Timing: Ok, we missed a day because DH wasn't feeling so great.

    Typical LP length: about 13

    Testing: Tested yesterday, BFN so waiting for AF

    R/R:  Just truckin' along, trying not let my biological clock tick too loudly in my ear. Not much else to really say, my life is not that exciting lol.

    CS/Q: I forgot what this one means lol

    @a@abjm0325. Ugh, I know the feeling. Last few years it's been a real struggle to get into any sort of holiday spirit. Not if it's just the mundane of life getting to me or just so much sh*t going on in the world. I've barely even started my Christmas shopping, lol. Hoping to at least get a tree this weekend.

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  • @regalmommy1 CS/Q stands for "Chart Stalk/Questions" so you can upload a chart there (if you chart) or ask any TTGP questions. Ugh, I totally get the loud biological clock ticking too. 
  • @abjm0325 got it, thanks!
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  • @abjm0325 I have a love/hate relationship with wrapping. I always think I love to do it until I get half way through, then it just seems like a chore lol.

    @regalmommy1 Do you go for a real tree or a fake one? I would love a real one, but it's way too much of a mess for my OCD husband to deal with.

    Month/Cycle: 5/5AL

    CD/DPO: 17/5

    Timing: "good"

    Typical LP length: 13/14

    Testing: probably not

    R/R: I am so ready to just throw this cycle out the window. My temps and chart are all over the place. I'm feeling really down about it because this is our last cycle before we have to take a break because of some family obligations next Sept so I really wanted this one to work out and now it's just a whole heaping pile of sh*t so I'm just wafting it to be behind me. Sorry for the negative rant, but man this sucks.


    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

  • @abjm0325 Christmas wrapping is a favorite of mine, too. I'm hoping to start that soon as a lot of our gifts that we bought for family are already coming in.

    @regalmommy1 A tree might help bring in some Christmas spirit :wink: hopefully!

    @tessiesmom26 I'm sorry about your chart throwing things off, and also having to take a break. Are you just skipping December, or will you be putting it off indefinitely? 

    Month/Cycle: 4?/3

    CD/DPO: 26/13

    Timing: -2, -1, O

    Typical LP length: 14-16 days

    Testing: WFAF

    R/R: I'm working from home today cause I woke up with a migraine. I'm trying to power through it with some ibuprofen and a bunch of water.

    CS/Q: I don't know what my chart is doing. lol Also, some questions...for the month/cycle, how do you all calculate the month? Is it just the month that we're in? So for me, we started trying in September, which would be month one, and now that we're in December this would be month 4? Or would it be from the first day of my first cycle trying, so early September would put me at almost 3 months trying? 

    One more, I'm going to start using OPKs next month. Any brands you'd recommend? I found some on Amazon that have great reviews, called Easy@Home which I'll probably get. Any OPK tips or things I should know?

  • We usually get a real one but as you stated, as lovely as they are they do make a horrible mess. And by the time Christmas comes around I'm already sick of remembering to water it lol. I've toyed with the idea of getting a fake one but we lack an abundance of storage space at the moment.

    @annanbby I hope to too! It does help to see a nice, beautiful, sparkling tree, it's always been one of my favorite parts of the holiday
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  • @annanbby Sorry about the migraine! I don't know if there is really a "right" was to do the month/cycle. I count by the calendar month (for ease of remembering) and change the cycle number each time I have AF.
    Also, *TW MC*
    I opted to just start counting over after my MC because doing that complicated math (Do I count the months I was pregnant? Or skip ahead?) made my head hurt and made me sad. Others have chosen to do that differently though. 
  • @abjm0325 got it! I agree, the calendar month thing seems easier so I think I’ll go with that too.
    *TW for loss*
    Absolutely. It’s definitely dependent on the person. I actually wish there was a way for me to acknowledge my daughter each time, even something as simple as “AL” at the end, but we didn’t start trying immediately, it was a few months after she passed. But I understand not wanting to mention a loss as well. To each their own in that. ❤️
  • @annanbby We are taking a break because we have two big family weddings next September. If this cycle works then the DD would be mid/end August, so next cycle would put us in Sept so we have to stop. As for starting back up after the break, I would/will have to decide just how pregnant I would feel comfortable being at said weddings. Also, I agree with how @abjm0325 counts the months/cycles. I think however you choose to do it is appropriate. 
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

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