How are you feeling? Sore lower back and hips, still trying to figure out a comfy sleeping position. I tried the runner/relaxation position recommended in the Bradley method book, but I have trouble falling asleep like that. I just got a body pillow from my SIL that I’m going to try tonight. I’m definitely noticing that I get out of breath faster, especially when I’m active (rarely, lol), reading aloud to my husband, or singing in choir. [I don’t know why this text is small or how to fix it…]
Rants/raves: TMI: I’ve been dealing with constipation pretty much this whole pregnancy except the last couple days, when everything has been very loose. Honestly not even complaining. 😆 It’s kind of a nice break…
Thanksgiving was great! And my husband surprised me with a trip to a drive-through Christmas lights display for my birthday.
Me: 30 // Hubs: 31 Married May 2019 Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 9 / 21 weeks + 3 days
Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙💙
Upcoming appointments: Just had our US appointment last week, so not until the new year.
How are you feeling? Well, I definitely think baby’s going through another growth spurt! Yesterday I was ravenous and inhaling everything in sight, immediately followed by crashing on the couch for the night at 8:30 PM. 😂 I ate double the amount of food Hubby ate for dinner plus snacking all night! So between the crazy-woman hunger and exhaustion I’m sure he’s growing in there.
Rants/raves: Hubby felt baby boy kick for the first time a few days ago! After weeks of endlessly holding his hand on my belly, he was finally able to feel the little flutters I’ve been feeling since week 14! Prior to this, baby would stop kicking every time he would run over to put his hand on my belly. The OB told us at my last appointment that I have an anterior placenta, which shocked me since I’ve been feeling so many kicks starting so early! He must have super strong legs to kick through it enough for Hubby to feel it now!
Questions: How is anyone getting anything done while pregnant? 😅 Between my exhaustion and pregnancy brain I could literally just rest and sleep 24/7. I couldn’t possibly imagine feeling this way with other kids to care for!
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 8 / 21 + 4
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: hmmm... December 13 I think? Or 20? Just a regular OB check
How are you feeling? Pretty good, kinda constipated still, various aches and pains, but overall good!
Rants/raves: I finally got my husband to feel some outside kicks. It's so hard to feel them with the placenta in the way, but she was in a good position apparently so he felt a couple!
How are you feeling? Pretty good, just tired! Which is just my normal with a high-spirited six year old lol so I guess I’m feeling like my normal self. It’s been hard being separated from DH but after the many deployments and Army training separations this is small potatoes… Although I’ve never been pregnant and away from him before. There isn’t much changing but I still feel like he’s missing a lot. I can feel baby kicking from the outside, now, so I know he’ll be thrilled about that when we’re together again.
Rants/raves: So I have been on a month-long quest to establish care here in NC. I started before we left HI and the office here has not answered or returned any of my calls. When I finally arrived last week I actually went in person and the front desk staff was super unhelpful, even when I reiterated how I’m a high-risk pregnancy and need care ASAP. All they keep telling me is to wait for them to call, which they don’t. I visited again yesterday and left in tears— I’m supposed to have another cervical check Thursday but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, and I’m getting anxious about it. The only other clinic in the area wasn’t accepting new patients so my only other option is to drive an hour and a half away. I submitted a request to the other clinic anyways just to see what happened and, no joke, they called within thirty seconds of my submission. I immediately left and hand-delivered my medical records to them and they said to expect a call in 24-48 hours— and the receptionist even came around and hugged me when I burst into tears 😭
TLDR; May have finally established care, normal pregnancy anxieties, DH not being here makes everything 1837189174 times worse, tbd.
Questions: Natm
@minnie_yoga_mama I get stuff done because it has to be done and DD6 needs to be fed occasionally, but it isn’t always the highest quality of services 😂 Lots of quick meals, “independent play time”, and helping her be more self-sufficient. I’m very lucky in that I have a child who is able to be by herself (as an only child for six years she’s used to amusing herself) and she can get herself snacks and water without help. We have an hour every afternoon where she has “quiet time” in her room (our transition from nap time so she can still recharge and have alone time), which I use to actually nap. God bless those of y’all with younger kids, I don’t think I’d be able to function!
@missa_lyssa Add me to the short of breath club! Whew! We have so much more blood volume now that our hearts are having to work harder to circulate it all, and while I know this in my mind I still see it as an embarrassment. I called DH while walking through a parking lot yesterday and sounded like I was running a marathon lol I also have a lot of lower back/hip pain and the only comfortable way for me to sleep is on my side with my top leg bent over my body pillow. It helps support my hips in a straight angle and I wake up less sore.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 16, 20+3 (yay for halfway!)
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow - meeting with MFM and getting an anatomy scan
How are you feeling? I'm doing ok. Physically I'm feeling good. I used a fan last night which helped me sleep a little better -- trying my best to get over this insomnia issue. Mentally I'm still struggling with coping with all the changes that come with moving. I don't ever remember having such a difficult time moving, but I keep reminding myself that it's ok to be uncomfortable, and duh...I have a baby on the way. Of course it's going to be a little harder. My partner has been mentally struggling as well (he suffers from depression/anxiety plus other things as well), so we're just doing our best to get through. We are both waiting on referrals for counseling...oh the joys of small towns. I had a great holiday, but I'm also SO ready to have a normal week that's not filled with hours long road trips (even though we have one tomorrow for the anatomy scan...3 hours total driving time...ugh!) and people coming to town, etc. But I'm so excited for tomorrow to see our baby girl...I just hope it's all good news!
Rants/raves: I'm still on a high from finding out that my SIL is pregnant! My mom went from thinking she'd never have grandkids, to getting two in 2022 (I keep telling her it's zero to two in '22!) I also can't believe I'm at 20 weeks. This is all going so quickly...which I knew it would...this time of year goes by so fast!
Questions: What's your favorite podcast to listen to? I'm looking for things related to pregnancy, mental health, or just pure fun
@jessabelle05 OMG I have so many podcasts. 😂 Good Inside With Dr Becky, Unobscured, Levar Burton Reads, Cabinet of Curiosities (short but sweet), This is Love, Wine and Crime, Where Should We Begin, Invisibilia, Criminal, Lore, Radiolab, This American Life, My Favorite Murder, Heavyweight.
Upcoming appointments: in the waiting room now for my fetal echo
How are you feeling? Feeling great! I love second tri
Rants/raves: it’s amazing how different pregnancies are. At this point in my first pregnancy I was smaller but had gained 15 lbs. in my second I was bigger but had gained 15. Now I’m even bigger and have only gained 8. Thanks lack of core musculature! Lol
@missa_lyssa yes to being winded doing ANYTHING that takes even the slightest bit of effort
@jessabelle05 I always love Armchair Expert. You can just listen to the celebrity interviews or their experts on experts. I've found some great authors and other podcasts from them.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/18 - 20 weeks
Team blue/pink/green: Blue!
Upcoming appointments: week of Christmas for another measurement check
How are you feeling? I'm feeling alright. Getting anxious and jumpy about my blood pressure with my history of pre-eclampsia. Every time I start to feel crappy I jump to my blood pressure and get so worried. I need to relax about it but that's easier said than done.
Rants/raves: I got to see my extended family on Thanksgiving. It was outside, at a park, for football but it was so nice to see them after going so long because of covid. Even with a million cousins, we are actually pretty close so it was hard not seeing everyone.
Upcoming appointments: trying out the midwife team next Friday, I think
How are you feeling? like shit, honestly. I still have the terrible taste in my mouth (rotten). I still have really strong food and smell aversions. I still get nauseous. I still have the incredibly painful hip/pelvic (SIJ/SPD) pain. But now the rib and upper back pain has begun. I can't fold laundry without extreme pain. I can't wrap gifts without extreme pain. It's hard to get in and out of bed. I seriously don't know how I'll do this for another 4+ months?
Rants/raves: Cleaning lady is here today - both rant and rave. I nearly killed myself just trying to find sheets/duvet covers for her to change the beds. I need to go through and organize them so that it's easier for me to find things, but I can't lift anything, so I need DH to help, and other things are always a priority. So this thing that's supposed to make my life easier (weekly cleaning lady) and reduce my stress actually increases it quite a lot. And it's expensive. So that's a joy. I just hope I feel better after things are clean today..... though honestly I just don't really think it's ever clean enough to warrant the cost, and then I feel like an asshole for feeling that way. But I'm seriously not even a neat freak by any stretch - I'm so incredibly messy - so I kind of feel like if I feel that way then literally anyone else would too...
@minnie_yoga_mama if I had to work fulltime, I think I would seriously have to quit or go on disability or something. The only reason I can parent DD3 is because she's 1) an extremely easy toddler, and 2) my mom comes over every single day at 11am and stays until bedtime. And DH works from home if we really get into a bind.
How are you feeling? Tired! My energy levels start okay in the morning but it just goes downhill from there! After finishing work, collecting/feeding/playing with DD3, cleaning up, bath time etc Im just fit for the scrap heap! Same as every other mom here Im sure. We have no support network locally in terms of family or friends and Im really feeling that now.
Rants/raves: Rave - got my booster yesterday after much confusion with the clinic. We dont plan a busy Christmas but its still some extra peace of mind. Also going to a winter wonderland outdoor event this weekend with DD3, should be fun! Rant - the most promising candidate for my work replacement was a no-show for interview today. Back to square one
@minnie_yoga_mama luckily DS5 is pretty self sufficient. But TBH he watches A LOT of TV and gets himself his own snacks. He eats dino nuggies for most meals. Poor kid, he's such a trooper! Our only saving grace is we have a nanny share with my cousin for 4 hours every day so I don't feel as bad.
@missa_lyssa I find it so weird that some days I'm fine and other days I can't even have a normal conversation without breathing hard. I know its just pregnancy, but still so embarrassing sometimes!
@aloha_mama sorry to hear about your struggles. Hopefully everything will be better now. Its a real bummer to have to drive so far, but hopefully the care you get there will be worlds better as well! Are you going to be in NC long? I thought I remember you mentioning this was temporary? My cousin and his wife is also moving there from Hawaii in the next month and he is in the Army too!
@jessabelle05 sorry to hear you guys are struggling, but sounds like you are both taking steps to care for yourselves. Here's some podcasts I like - The Dropout (Elizabeth Homes story), Dr Death, Dying for Sex (funny & heartfelt, no necessarily all dirty sex talk), Imagined Life (stories of celebrities lives before they were famous and you have to try and guess who).
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 7 / 21+5
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: Dec 8th for another ultrasound
How are you feeling? Last week I was feeling a ton of aches and pains which isn't typical for me. My whole stomach felt sore like I had done a giant ab workout. I think 2 things happened: 1) UTI which I'm now on abx for even though they said its barely in treatable range and 2) I think I got dehydrated and started having contractions/BH. Once I upped my water intake considerably I felt a lot better. Although upping water intake + UTI makes for a lot of peeing....
Rants/raves: I swear everyone at Thanksgiving was sick. I made my dad take a covid test and was negative so not worried about that. But now my husband, BIL and sister are all sick. I'm feeling like it's only a matter of time before me and DS5 get it too. Ugh.
Questions: Are any of ya'll starting to pay attention to kick counts? I feel like some days he's trying to break his way out and others he's sleeping all day long (which of course worries me).
@doxiemoxie212 sorry you feel so terrible. I'm glad that your mom and DH are able to jump in and take care of most things. Give yourself some slack - you are growing another human! Its ultimately temporary and it will be a small blip on the overall radar. Do what you need to survive for now, worry about the big stuff later.
@Blondesweety444 Yes, we’re only here in NC until February, so hopefully our next move won’t be as dramatic with finding care! If it works out with this “new” clinic it’ll only be a 20 minute drive so fingers crossed.
How are you feeling? Best I’ve felt so far this pregnancy but still pretty tired. I feel y’all on the out of breath thing!
Rants/raves: Fruit flies are taking over my house! It’s been 2-3 days and I can’t for the life of me figure out where they’re coming from!
In other news I’m done working (kind of—they’ve asked me to fill in a few days here and there) and being able to sleep in the morning is so freaking nice. Would not be functional otherwise.
We have a date/location set for my baby shower now so I’m feeling pretty good about that!
@hoosiermamajayden zamoraspin2 shows last active today but I don't remember seeing a post from her since there might be an issue with one of the twins. Loveanddatadriven hasn't been active since October. I hope they are all alright and just don't feel up to posting.
Upcoming appointments: Having my 20 week anatomy scan in a week. Super excited to see baby!
How are you feeling? Also easily out of breath, particularly when going up the stairs at work (so many times a day!!). Tummy is feeling very tight/stretched which feels a bit odd. Having a bit of trouble with staying asleep through the night but other than that great!
Rants/raves: Rant: Feeling a bit sad that my mum still hasn't apologised about our argument regarding vaccines and being around the baby when they're born. I feel like she is missing out on a lot of this pregnancy (which is for her first grandchild) in her stubborness. Rave: Finished writing my report cards and reaching the fun time of the year at school. I'm feeling so ready for the summer holidays!
@jessabelle05 - I can't imagine doing a big move while pregnant, and your insomnia certainly doesn't help. Hoping you can find counselors soon!
@robbenson - I also love Armchair Expert! It's one of my favourites.
@constantinabee - I'm so sorry about the argument with your mom and that she still hasn't apologized. I have a close friend who's anti-vax and that's challenging enough, it would be so much harder to have an immediate family member. Hopefully soon she realizes what's more important - you and the baby.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 16th, 20 weeks, 4 days
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Midwife appnt next Monday to discuss anatomy scan results and such.
How are you feeling? I've been very under the weather the last couple of weeks so I was very quiet on here. I'm feeling so much better this week though. I have some aches and pains at night, trying to stay comfortable but overall I feel really good. Starting to show off my growing baby bump too.
Rants/raves: Rave - Had my anatomy scan Monday and it was so good to see baby moving around, waving its arms and hands. I was able to facetime my husband but the service was poor so it kept cutting out, but he got to see some of the movement which was exciting for him. I've been able to feel that movement now, which is fun. Rant - Canada has been moving pretty slowly on rolling out third doses and I would love that extra sense of security. We are visiting my family in Alberta in January (about a four hour flight) and I'll feel a lot better travelling if I can get that shot before we go.
Upcoming appointments: telehealth on the 5th day of Christmas
How are you feeling? Good! This is the first pregnancy I’ve actually felt the sweet spot of 2nd tri. I’m really, really thankful because I feel like I have a lot on my plate atm.
Rants/raves: We had the anatomy scan on Monday - anterior placenta again. Only my 1st was posterior. Oh well, DH can already feel some kicks anyways. We got to see baby playing with his hands a lot, which was cute, also trying to hide his face in my placenta. Baby has an EIF but everything else looks good so the midwife didn’t even bring it up at my 20 week appointment last night.
And I’m totally guessing this baby will be another DH lookalike, just like DS8 and DS4
EDD: April 22 but C-section planned for April 15th.
Team Pink
Upcoming appointments Dec 6th with anatomy scan downtown at the specialist office as apparently their machines are better and then the specialist is onsite to review in case.
How are you feeling? Out of energy most of the day then right when the time release of Bonjesta wears off at 9:30pm super sick if I miss my 24 hr window to retake it. Then I fight nausea for a half our to get to sleep then wake up like nothing happened. So weird.
Rants: Waiting on my tall Figs to get here because some of the maternity pants I ordered for a tall 32-33 inch inseam were a joke. Super short or the material sucked. I'm still in prepregnancy yoga pants but I suspect only for a few more weeks.
Raves: Leftovers. Super into chicken gravy and stuffing and cranberry sauce still. Will end it by end of this week though.
Podcasts: radiolab and Stuff you missed in history class.
Questions: anyone else try the Haakaa to get the milk let off from other breast while feeding? Does it really work?
@rbflei I haven’t tried the Haakaa, but last pregnancy I did use a milk catcher (I think Milkies brand) to catch the milk from the other breast. It was much needed with the dripping, and it let me slowly build my freezer stash.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 13, 21 +0
Team blue/pink/green: Pink!
Upcoming appointments: Next Wednesday for regular OB and going over results of my anatomy scan
How are you feeling? Yesterday I was super tired (like, ready for bed at 5 pm) and I woke up with heart burn in the early morning hours. But overall I’ve been doing well.
Rants/raves: I hate not having family in the area. DH has a holiday work party, but he has to go alone because it’s adults only and we don’t have any one to watch DS4 while we get away for a night.
@rbflei everyone I know swears by the haakaa. My question is whether it works if you don't leak at all. I never leaked at all with DD3 (and I BF for 2.5 years lol) so I'm not sure if it would've worked for me. They're pretty cheap, though, so I'll probably try it regardless with this bb.
How are you feeling? Still pretty good... having to get up and pee more in the nights, which is annoying. And of course, this little guy likes to be super active just as I'm trying to fall asleep lol
Rants/raves: Ugh - mostly rants this week... let's see... My dog is sick and it looks like he has an autoimmune disorder; we're still waiting on a final diagnosis, but the meds are both helping the issue and causing him other side effect. Still hoping for the best though. My son (3yo) has been sick with a cold. He's mostly feeling better but still super snotty, and has now passed it to both my husband and I. The little one (18m) still isn't sick and it's been over a week, but she's been having a bit of a runny nose lately, so we're just waiting on it. Also, we live in BC, which has been hit with catastrophic flooding the past couple of weeks - we're totally fine, but my vacation (this week) had to get cancelled since we were supposed to go to our cabin in the interior, and the roads are mostly closed (and what is open is restricted). It's such a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but I really needed a break. Now, we are hoping to get up over the holidays, but it'll be snowy, I'll be bigger, and our main highway will still be closed so the 5 hour drive will become a 7-8 hour drive, IF there are no major incidents/accidents along the way. My one rave? I gave in and am getting a house cleaner, and she starts on Thursday!
@rbflei It ABSOLUTELY works. It seemed like magic. I don't feel like I leaked while nursing, so @doxiemoxie212 it definitely pulled milk out without leaking - at least in my perception. I did leak if I was bursting at the seams though, so I can't say I NEVER leaked.
@shlecks I literally never leaked, even if I was bursting at the seams. I could go 12 hours without BFing (immediately after round the clock BFing) and not leak. I would, however, still get clogged ducts lol so definitely do not recommend that... lol
I apparently didn’t use my haakaa right? I would let DS4 start nursing to get letdown going, then when he’d pull off in anger over how forceful it was, I’d pop on the haakaa and let that go for awhile until things calmed down and he was angsty to nurse again.
I didn’t have it for the first two kids, and followed the same sort of pattern but with squirting and hand expressing straight into a bottle. Although DS6 went with the flow, he’d get letdown started and then open his mouth wide to passively receive the milk.
@rbflei IBCLC here, and I absolutely LOVE the Haakaa. I recommend it to all my clients. No, @doxiemoxie212, you don’t have to visibly leak for it to be helpful. It can help with getting letdown stimulated, increase milk supply, and help with an overactive letdown. It does stimulate milk production and is not just a passive thing— so if you have issues with over-production it may not work as well for you after the first few weeks unless you are working with an IBCLC or CLC for block feeding schedules. One excellent thing I love about it is that you can fill it with warm water and Epsom salts and attach it to your breast for a nice, soothing soak to help with clogged ducts.
Ok then Haakaa is on my Amazon list. Thanks for the good info! Especially that big about clogged ducts. I never had happen last time nursing so I know I'll jinx myself and need that info this time. Lol.
Oh that’s good to know with clogs. I got them allll the time. Luckily a hot shower followed by a really good pump and massage usually cleared it. It seemed to be connected to anytime I had a glass of wine. So I spent most Sunday mornings pumping out clogs. 😤
one time after a shower with a clogged duct, the clog “popped” before I started pumping. I was shooting milk across the bathroom into the sink for quite a while 🤣🤣
How are you feeling? My stomach is really sore right behind my belly button and has been for a few days. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.
Rants/raves: My best friend just had her baby and I got to see them this week. I'm getting excited to have a newborn, probably because she has very calm babies who are good cuddlers. Also I got my registry done, which I am glad for because it was really overwhelming with all the choices.
Questions: I've had a breast infection before even though I've never been pregnant or breastfed. Now that I'm getting pretty regular crusties and some leaking, I'm worried about getting an infection again. Is there anything I need to do to keep that from happening at this stage or it's just fine to keep hygiene at business as usual?
@minnie_yoga_mama I was told at my ultrasound I have an anterior placenta too and I was surprised because of how early and how strongly I have been feeling kicks. I've been able to feel them from the outside too and so has my husband. Maybe we have strong babies or it's only partially anterior somehow?
@hoosiermamajayden I'm glad you asked about those two. I have been wondering also but I was afraid I missed something. Hopefully everyone is doing okay.
@dinomeetsjedi, I am not aware of anything special for hygiene around breast tissue, try not to stimulate the nipples if you are having early leakage.
@doula-mama, thinking of you, hoping your kids and doggie are feeling ok, and your community as well.
@minnie_yoga_mama, I really survive day by day. Between the 2 girls, the dog, work, the house and the exhausting, I just have to set my expectations LOW. Just gotta prioritize the critical and important stuff, family, critical work stuff and napping, the cleaning can come later…
@aloha_mama, good luck with confirming your health care at the new site!
+1 for the Haaka. I loved it so much I got two so that I could use them as manual pumps, when needed.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 20w6d
Team blue/pink/green: blue!
Upcoming appointments: just had anatomy scan Wednesday and 24 week check up on December 27.
How are you feeling? I feel good overall, glad to hear the baby is doing well in there.
Rants/raves: At my anatomy scan, the baby looked great but the doctor found something called Vilmamentous cord insertion. It’s a rare placement of the connection between the placenta and umbilical cord. The U/S doc and my ob told me that they aren’t concerned, just that they will keep monitoring the growth in a monthly basis, so I will get monthly ultrasounds through the end I think. I went down the google rabbit hole and just upset myself. Anyone have any experience with this?
Questions:Just the one above.
******TW******Siggy warning BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d; BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
@queenklau I think that my cousin had this. I'm not entirely sure it is exactly the same. Her's was the cord was attached at the side of the placenta instead of the middle. Is that the same?
Her daughter was born at 37 weeks (naturally) and was a bit small at almost 6lbs. But otherwise no complications. They didn't know about her cord insertion until the placenta was delivered though. So she never got any extra monitoring or anything.
@dinomeetsjedi Sounds like normal leaking breasts to me! It’s very common to see colostrum at this time of your pregnancy. Some moms leak more than others, some not at all. As you get closer to the end you could even begin manually expressing the colostrum to have a little supply before delivery, if that’s something you’re interested in, but best not to do anything at this point. Infection would come with redness, inflammation, fever, and body aches/chills. As for preventing an infection, there isn’t anything special to do: Leaking of colostrum does not open you up for infection unless you are handling your breasts with dirty hands or not changing your bras/shirts on a regular basis. Where the colostrum is coming out is not at this point a two-way valve where it’s considered an open wound or an entry for bacteria/viruses.
@Blondesweety444, thanks! Yeah, it’s placed on the side. Most are not diagnosed until after birth, I read. Glad to hear that her baby did well. I am also happy that they saw it and they can monitor the growth as needed. So far he is measuring great.
******TW******Siggy warning BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d; BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
@aloha_mama Thank you. I knew it was normal but I just never want to have a breast infection again, it was not a good time. It's good to know it's not a 2 way opening at the moment.
@dinomeetsjedi I just reread your post and I see now that you weren’t worried about it being an infection NOW, just that you don’t want one LATER. Sorry about that! There’s still always a risk of something entering your system (you know that already from your history, that sounds awful), it’s just super rare in a non-lactating person. Just keep it clean and be on the lookout for those other symptoms!
Re: Weekly Check-in Week of 11/29
Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙💙
Upcoming appointments: Today
How are you feeling? Sore lower back and hips, still trying to figure out a comfy sleeping position. I tried the runner/relaxation position recommended in the Bradley method book, but I have trouble falling asleep like that. I just got a body pillow from my SIL that I’m going to try tonight.
I’m definitely noticing that I get out of breath faster, especially when I’m active (rarely, lol), reading aloud to my husband, or singing in choir. [I don’t know why this text is small or how to fix it…]
Rants/raves: TMI: I’ve been dealing with constipation pretty much this whole pregnancy except the last couple days, when everything has been very loose. Honestly not even complaining. 😆 It’s kind of a nice break…
Married May 2019
Baby #1 due April 19, 2022
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 9 / 21 weeks + 3 days
Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙💙
Upcoming appointments: Just had our US appointment last week, so not until the new year.
How are you feeling? Well, I definitely think baby’s going through another growth spurt! Yesterday I was ravenous and inhaling everything in sight, immediately followed by crashing on the couch for the night at 8:30 PM. 😂 I ate double the amount of food Hubby ate for dinner plus snacking all night! So between the crazy-woman hunger and exhaustion I’m sure he’s growing in there.
Rants/raves: Hubby felt baby boy kick for the first time a few days ago! After weeks of endlessly holding his hand on my belly, he was finally able to feel the little flutters I’ve been feeling since week 14! Prior to this, baby would stop kicking every time he would run over to put his hand on my belly. The OB told us at my last appointment that I have an anterior placenta, which shocked me since I’ve been feeling so many kicks starting so early! He must have super strong legs to kick through it enough for Hubby to feel it now!
Questions: How is anyone getting anything done while pregnant? 😅 Between my exhaustion and pregnancy brain I could literally just rest and sleep 24/7. I couldn’t possibly imagine feeling this way with other kids to care for!
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: hmmm... December 13 I think? Or 20? Just a regular OB check
How are you feeling? Pretty good, kinda constipated still, various aches and pains, but overall good!
Rants/raves: I finally got my husband to feel some outside kicks. It's so hard to feel them with the placenta in the way, but she was in a good position apparently so he felt a couple!
Questions: None
Team blue/pink/green: 💚
Upcoming appointments: Hopefully soon (see rant)
How are you feeling? Pretty good, just tired! Which is just my normal with a high-spirited six year old lol so I guess I’m feeling like my normal self. It’s been hard being separated from DH but after the many deployments and Army training separations this is small potatoes… Although I’ve never been pregnant and away from him before. There isn’t much changing but I still feel like he’s missing a lot. I can feel baby kicking from the outside, now, so I know he’ll be thrilled about that when we’re together again.
Rants/raves: So I have been on a month-long quest to establish care here in NC. I started before we left HI and the office here has not answered or returned any of my calls. When I finally arrived last week I actually went in person and the front desk staff was super unhelpful, even when I reiterated how I’m a high-risk pregnancy and need care ASAP. All they keep telling me is to wait for them to call, which they don’t. I visited again yesterday and left in tears— I’m supposed to have another cervical check Thursday but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen, and I’m getting anxious about it. The only other clinic in the area wasn’t accepting new patients so my only other option is to drive an hour and a half away. I submitted a request to the other clinic anyways just to see what happened and, no joke, they called within thirty seconds of my submission. I immediately left and hand-delivered my medical records to them and they said to expect a call in 24-48 hours— and the receptionist even came around and hugged me when I burst into tears 😭
TLDR; May have finally established care, normal pregnancy anxieties, DH not being here makes everything 1837189174 times worse, tbd.
Questions: Natm
@minnie_yoga_mama I get stuff done because it has to be done and DD6 needs to be fed occasionally, but it isn’t always the highest quality of services 😂 Lots of quick meals, “independent play time”, and helping her be more self-sufficient. I’m very lucky in that I have a child who is able to be by herself (as an only child for six years she’s used to amusing herself) and she can get herself snacks and water without help. We have an hour every afternoon where she has “quiet time” in her room (our transition from nap time so she can still recharge and have alone time), which I use to actually nap. God bless those of y’all with younger kids, I don’t think I’d be able to function!
@missa_lyssa Add me to the short of breath club! Whew! We have so much more blood volume now that our hearts are having to work harder to circulate it all, and while I know this in my mind I still see it as an embarrassment. I called DH while walking through a parking lot yesterday and sounded like I was running a marathon lol I also have a lot of lower back/hip pain and the only comfortable way for me to sleep is on my side with my top leg bent over my body pillow. It helps support my hips in a straight angle and I wake up less sore.
Edited for spelling issues
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow - meeting with MFM and getting an anatomy scan
How are you feeling? I'm doing ok. Physically I'm feeling good. I used a fan last night which helped me sleep a little better -- trying my best to get over this insomnia issue. Mentally I'm still struggling with coping with all the changes that come with moving. I don't ever remember having such a difficult time moving, but I keep reminding myself that it's ok to be uncomfortable, and duh...I have a baby on the way. Of course it's going to be a little harder. My partner has been mentally struggling as well (he suffers from depression/anxiety plus other things as well), so we're just doing our best to get through. We are both waiting on referrals for counseling...oh the joys of small towns. I had a great holiday, but I'm also SO ready to have a normal week that's not filled with hours long road trips (even though we have one tomorrow for the anatomy scan...3 hours total driving time...ugh!) and people coming to town, etc. But I'm so excited for tomorrow to see our baby girl...I just hope it's all good news!
Rants/raves: I'm still on a high from finding out that my SIL is pregnant! My mom went from thinking she'd never have grandkids, to getting two in 2022 (I keep telling her it's zero to two in '22!) I also can't believe I'm at 20 weeks. This is all going so quickly...which I knew it would...this time of year goes by so fast!
Questions: What's your favorite podcast to listen to? I'm looking for things related to pregnancy, mental health, or just pure fun
Team blue/pink/green: pink!
Upcoming appointments: in the waiting room now for my fetal echo
How are you feeling? Feeling great! I love second tri
Rants/raves: it’s amazing how different pregnancies are. At this point in my first pregnancy I was smaller but had gained 15 lbs. in my second I was bigger but had gained 15. Now I’m even bigger and have only gained 8. Thanks lack of core musculature! Lol
@jessabelle05 I always love Armchair Expert. You can just listen to the celebrity interviews or their experts on experts. I've found some great authors and other podcasts from them.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: 4/18 - 20 weeks
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming appointments: trying out the midwife team next Friday, I think
How are you feeling? like shit, honestly. I still have the terrible taste in my mouth (rotten). I still have really strong food and smell aversions. I still get nauseous. I still have the incredibly painful hip/pelvic (SIJ/SPD) pain. But now the rib and upper back pain has begun. I can't fold laundry without extreme pain. I can't wrap gifts without extreme pain. It's hard to get in and out of bed. I seriously don't know how I'll do this for another 4+ months?
Rants/raves: Cleaning lady is here today - both rant and rave. I nearly killed myself just trying to find sheets/duvet covers for her to change the beds. I need to go through and organize them so that it's easier for me to find things, but I can't lift anything, so I need DH to help, and other things are always a priority. So this thing that's supposed to make my life easier (weekly cleaning lady) and reduce my stress actually increases it quite a lot. And it's expensive. So that's a joy. I just hope I feel better after things are clean today..... though honestly I just don't really think it's ever clean enough to warrant the cost, and then I feel like an asshole for feeling that way. But I'm seriously not even a neat freak by any stretch - I'm so incredibly messy - so I kind of feel like if I feel that way then literally anyone else would too...
Questions: no
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: Anatomy scan this Friday
How are you feeling? Tired! My energy levels start okay in the morning but it just goes downhill from there! After finishing work, collecting/feeding/playing with DD3, cleaning up, bath time etc Im just fit for the scrap heap! Same as every other mom here Im sure. We have no support network locally in terms of family or friends and Im really feeling that now.
Rants/raves: Rave - got my booster yesterday after much confusion with the clinic. We dont plan a busy Christmas but its still some extra peace of mind. Also going to a winter wonderland outdoor event this weekend with DD3, should be fun! Rant - the most promising candidate for my work replacement was a no-show for interview today. Back to square one
Questions: natm
@missa_lyssa I find it so weird that some days I'm fine and other days I can't even have a normal conversation without breathing hard. I know its just pregnancy, but still so embarrassing sometimes!
@aloha_mama sorry to hear about your struggles. Hopefully everything will be better now. Its a real bummer to have to drive so far, but hopefully the care you get there will be worlds better as well! Are you going to be in NC long? I thought I remember you mentioning this was temporary? My cousin and his wife is also moving there from Hawaii in the next month and he is in the Army too!
@jessabelle05 sorry to hear you guys are struggling, but sounds like you are both taking steps to care for yourselves. Here's some podcasts I like - The Dropout (Elizabeth Homes story), Dr Death, Dying for Sex (funny & heartfelt, no necessarily all dirty sex talk), Imagined Life (stories of celebrities lives before they were famous and you have to try and guess who).
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: Apr 7 / 21+5
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: Dec 8th for another ultrasound
How are you feeling? Last week I was feeling a ton of aches and pains which isn't typical for me. My whole stomach felt sore like I had done a giant ab workout. I think 2 things happened: 1) UTI which I'm now on abx for even though they said its barely in treatable range and 2) I think I got dehydrated and started having contractions/BH. Once I upped my water intake considerably I felt a lot better. Although upping water intake + UTI makes for a lot of peeing....
Rants/raves: I swear everyone at Thanksgiving was sick. I made my dad take a covid test and was negative so not worried about that. But now my husband, BIL and sister are all sick. I'm feeling like it's only a matter of time before me and DS5 get it too. Ugh.
Questions: Are any of ya'll starting to pay attention to kick counts? I feel like some days he's trying to break his way out and others he's sleeping all day long (which of course worries me).
FTM/STM/TTM+: these are 4 and 5
Team blue/pink/green: 💖💙
Upcoming appointments: Tuesday before Christmas
How are you feeling? Best I’ve felt so far this pregnancy but still pretty tired. I feel y’all on the out of breath thing!
Rants/raves: Fruit flies are taking over my house! It’s been 2-3 days and I can’t for the life of me figure out where they’re coming from!
We have a date/location set for my baby shower now so I’m feeling pretty good about that!
Questions: Has anyone heard from @loveanddatadriven or @zamoraspin3?
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Having my 20 week anatomy scan in a week. Super excited to see baby!
How are you feeling? Also easily out of breath, particularly when going up the stairs at work (so many times a day!!). Tummy is feeling very tight/stretched which feels a bit odd. Having a bit of trouble with staying asleep through the night but other than that great!
Rants/raves: Rant: Feeling a bit sad that my mum still hasn't apologised about our argument regarding vaccines and being around the baby when they're born. I feel like she is missing out on a lot of this pregnancy (which is for her first grandchild) in her stubborness.
Rave: Finished writing my report cards and reaching the fun time of the year at school. I'm feeling so ready for the summer holidays!
Questions: none.
@robbenson - I also love Armchair Expert! It's one of my favourites.
@constantinabee - I'm so sorry about the argument with your mom and that she still hasn't apologized. I have a close friend who's anti-vax and that's challenging enough, it would be so much harder to have an immediate family member. Hopefully soon she realizes what's more important - you and the baby.
Estimated due date/ weeks + days: April 16th, 20 weeks, 4 days
Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming appointments: Midwife appnt next Monday to discuss anatomy scan results and such.
How are you feeling? I've been very under the weather the last couple of weeks so I was very quiet on here. I'm feeling so much better this week though. I have some aches and pains at night, trying to stay comfortable but overall I feel really good. Starting to show off my growing baby bump too.
Rants/raves: Rave - Had my anatomy scan Monday and it was so good to see baby moving around, waving its arms and hands. I was able to facetime my husband but the service was poor so it kept cutting out, but he got to see some of the movement which was exciting for him. I've been able to feel that movement now, which is fun.
Rant - Canada has been moving pretty slowly on rolling out third doses and I would love that extra sense of security. We are visiting my family in Alberta in January (about a four hour flight) and I'll feel a lot better travelling if I can get that shot before we go.
Team blue/pink/green: 💚
Upcoming appointments: telehealth on the 5th day of Christmas
How are you feeling? Good! This is the first pregnancy I’ve actually felt the sweet spot of 2nd tri. I’m really, really thankful because I feel like I have a lot on my plate atm.
Rants/raves: We had the anatomy scan on Monday - anterior placenta again. Only my 1st was posterior. Oh well, DH can already feel some kicks anyways. We got to see baby playing with his hands a lot, which was cute, also trying to hide his face in my placenta. Baby has an EIF but everything else looks good so the midwife didn’t even bring it up at my 20 week appointment last night.
Team Pink
Upcoming appointments Dec 6th with anatomy scan downtown at the specialist office as apparently their machines are better and then the specialist is onsite to review in case.
How are you feeling? Out of energy most of the day then right when the time release of Bonjesta wears off at 9:30pm super sick if I miss my 24 hr window to retake it. Then I fight nausea for a half our to get to sleep then wake up like nothing happened. So weird.
Rants: Waiting on my tall Figs to get here because some of the maternity pants I ordered for a tall 32-33 inch inseam were a joke. Super short or the material sucked. I'm still in prepregnancy yoga pants but I suspect only for a few more weeks.
Raves: Leftovers. Super into chicken gravy and stuffing and cranberry sauce still. Will end it by end of this week though.
Podcasts: radiolab and Stuff you missed in history class.
Questions: anyone else try the Haakaa to get the milk let off from other breast while feeding? Does it really work?
Team blue/pink/green: Pink!
Upcoming appointments: Next Wednesday for regular OB and going over results of my anatomy scan
How are you feeling? Yesterday I was super tired (like, ready for bed at 5 pm) and I woke up with heart burn in the early morning hours. But overall I’ve been doing well.
Rants/raves: I hate not having family in the area. DH has a holiday work party, but he has to go alone because it’s adults only and we don’t have any one to watch DS4 while we get away for a night.
Questions: natm
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming appointments: midwife next week
How are you feeling? Still pretty good... having to get up and pee more in the nights, which is annoying. And of course, this little guy likes to be super active just as I'm trying to fall asleep lol
Rants/raves: Ugh - mostly rants this week... let's see... My dog is sick and it looks like he has an autoimmune disorder; we're still waiting on a final diagnosis, but the meds are both helping the issue and causing him other side effect. Still hoping for the best though. My son (3yo) has been sick with a cold. He's mostly feeling better but still super snotty, and has now passed it to both my husband and I. The little one (18m) still isn't sick and it's been over a week, but she's been having a bit of a runny nose lately, so we're just waiting on it. Also, we live in BC, which has been hit with catastrophic flooding the past couple of weeks - we're totally fine, but my vacation (this week) had to get cancelled since we were supposed to go to our cabin in the interior, and the roads are mostly closed (and what is open is restricted). It's such a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, but I really needed a break. Now, we are hoping to get up over the holidays, but it'll be snowy, I'll be bigger, and our main highway will still be closed so the 5 hour drive will become a 7-8 hour drive, IF there are no major incidents/accidents along the way. My one rave? I gave in and am getting a house cleaner, and she starts on Thursday!
one time after a shower with a clogged duct, the clog “popped” before I started pumping. I was shooting milk across the bathroom into the sink for quite a while 🤣🤣
Team blue/pink/green: Pink
Upcoming appointments: December 7
How are you feeling? My stomach is really sore right behind my belly button and has been for a few days. Otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.
Rants/raves: My best friend just had her baby and I got to see them this week. I'm getting excited to have a newborn, probably because she has very calm babies who are good cuddlers. Also I got my registry done, which I am glad for because it was really overwhelming with all the choices.
Questions: I've had a breast infection before even though I've never been pregnant or breastfed. Now that I'm getting pretty regular crusties and some leaking, I'm worried about getting an infection again. Is there anything I need to do to keep that from happening at this stage or it's just fine to keep hygiene at business as usual?
@minnie_yoga_mama I was told at my ultrasound I have an anterior placenta too and I was surprised because of how early and how strongly I have been feeling kicks. I've been able to feel them from the outside too and so has my husband. Maybe we have strong babies or it's only partially anterior somehow?
@hoosiermamajayden I'm glad you asked about those two. I have been wondering also but I was afraid I missed something. Hopefully everyone is doing okay.
I'm enjoying all the podcast recommendations.
@aloha_mama, good luck with confirming your health care at the new site!
Team blue/pink/green: blue!
Upcoming appointments: just had anatomy scan Wednesday and 24 week check up on December 27.
How are you feeling? I feel good overall, glad to hear the baby is doing well in there.
Rants/raves: At my anatomy scan, the baby looked great but the doctor found something called Vilmamentous cord insertion. It’s a rare placement of the connection between the placenta and umbilical cord. The U/S doc and my ob told me that they aren’t concerned, just that they will keep monitoring the growth in a monthly basis, so I will get monthly ultrasounds through the end I think. I went down the google rabbit hole and just upset myself. Anyone have any experience with this?
Questions:Just the one above.
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016
Her daughter was born at 37 weeks (naturally) and was a bit small at almost 6lbs. But otherwise no complications. They didn't know about her cord insertion until the placenta was delivered though. So she never got any extra monitoring or anything.
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016