High-Risk Pregnancy

Incompetent cervix

Has anyone or is anyone experiencing a lot of pressure down there? I am 17 weeks 6 days and feel a ton of pressure. This could be completely normal however I am not sure. Yesterday I had some (not a ton) fluid come out again not sure what it was it could have been urination but I don’t really feel like I needed to urinate at the time. Once again could be normal.

I went on Monday November 8 to MFM for cervical check and I measured at 3.2. I’m in the normal range but on the low normal range. I saw my regular OB yesterday but did not do another cervical check because of the one that was done on Monday. However we discussed doing prophylactic cervical cerclage because I am on the lower end of cervical length and my previous history. I was suppose to MFM on November 22 for another cervical check but the OB wants me to get in this following Monday November 15. MFM was closed on Friday so I can’t speak with them until Monday. Baby was good and heartbeat was great yesterday.

Back story is I have been pregnant before with baby boy twins. I lost them stillborn at 22 weeks due to incompetent cervix. So now I am wondering am I being overly anxious or should I be concerned?
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