How are you feeling?: Loving my mostly nausea free mornings! Gaggy AF in the afternoon, especially after dinner though 👎
Rants/Raves: RAVE: don't hate me, but I LOVE DST! Completely serious, this is my favorite time of year because it's *almost* starting to get light when I wake up and that really helps. DD was in a much better mood this morning when I woke her, and we all enjoyed an extra hour of sleep yesterday 😀 I think we're both highly sensitive to our circadian rhythms or something because both of us absolutely cannot and will not get out of bed unless the sun is fully up.
Questions: I *thought* I *might* have felt some fluttering the other day, am I going completely crazy? Please, someone tell me I'm being ridiculous 😂 I feel like it's way too early, and I don't remember feeling anything until it was super obvious like around 17+ weeks with DD. I've been super gassy too, it's it's throwing me off lol.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? God no. 😂 I need to, but I have no idea what to get anyone.
nauseous , tired, and like I’m too old for any of this shit
here I am getting so close to second tri and I feel worse now than I did in the beginning weeks! FML
Questions: None
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? no but I need to seeing as how Amazon is no longer really 2 day prime anymore and everyone keeps saying to do it now bc of all the supply issues.
Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: May 28th, 11 weeks/2 days
Upcoming Appointments: NT scan Nov 17th
How are you feeling?: Actually not too bad today. I’m worried I’m going to jinx it again like I did last week though.
Rants/Raves: I am loving this beautiful sunny day, 15 degrees celsius (sorry not sure what that is in fahrenheit). We are going to make the most of it, go for a walk and put the christmas lights up outside since its so nice out.
Questions: Nope
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)??
Soooo, we are pretty much done christmas shopping. I just have to wrap everything. I leave the stockings until later, but got all the big stuff.
@pajamstagrams could be gas, but it could also be baby! I started feeling this one move about a week ago, but only when I’m lying super still and it’s really faint lol. But I definitely have done this enough times now to know the difference between gas and baby 😝 (although at this point with how small the movement is, the biggest tell is where it is since I don’t typically get gassy in my uterus lol)
@pajamstagrams yes I definitely started feeling her during week 13. The first 2 days I felt it, I thought it could be gas, but I’ve felt it every day since so I’m certain it’s her. Not when I’m up moving around, I only notice when I’m sitting on the couch or relaxing. And like @skc040512 said it’s very low I’m my pelvis and midline, and I feel like gas things are usually up a little higher and off to the sides for me.
How are you feeling?: emotionally- Great. Got to see baby today and it was so sweet. He looks like a real little person now! Physically- decent. I get monster headaches and indigestion no matter if I eat a lot or a little.
Rants/Raves: anyone else feel like you can’t read your body anymore? I can’t tell if I’m hungry or stuffed. I’ll eat a tiny bowl of soup and feel so full… but then shortly after I wonder if I’m feeling bad because I’m actually still hungry. Ugh.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? im pretty much done I think! My mom needs to tell me what she wants (we’re that type of family- just send me the link lol). But I already purchased for my husband and kid. Yay! Feels great. I bought one thing off Amazon that said it would take TWO MONTHS to arrive. With Prime. Ugh.
How are you feeling?: More RLP with moving, feeling super bloated in the afternoon and evening
Rants/Raves: I think I have to give up all carbonated drinks? I usually have one in the afternoon (a Dr Pepper or a Bubly) and I think it’s what’s making me so miserable later in the day. I’ve never had this issue before and I’m really sad (though it’s probably for the best if I could finally kick the soda habit anyway lol)
Questions: none
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? I have picked up a few things in the last couple of months. Geometry dish towels for my mom and sister, lego’s for the girls, and a couple others. I need to sit down and make a list of what I have for who. I finished Amazon lists this weekend for the girls and I to share with our family.
@pajamstagrams I started feeling baby in week 13, then didn’t feel baby for over a week and just started feeling little movements this week again. It seemed SUPER early, but the location of the flutters was spot on where I would get the most movement from my previous pregnancies.
EDD: May 3, 2022 / 15 weeks tomorrow
Appointments: midwife call tomorrow, maternal screening serum testing Friday, midwife in person Monday (I think - can’t see to find it in my calendar now…)
Feeling: Great! Overall, no complaints. Symptoms minimal, no nausea, no food aversions, fatigue is gone. Just get some headaches if I’m not careful.
Rants/Raves: Loving having my energy back for workouts, house projects, and most importantly my girls.
Questions: none
I have not started holiday shopping yet. It’s definitely been on my mind and I’ve been making lists, but no purchases yet.
Upcoming Appointments: just had one today, next one is in December for the anatomy scan (wtf how is it already that soon?)
How are you feeling?: sick. Tired. I just want to sleep all day lol
Rants/Raves: my doctor freaked me out because he couldn’t find the heartbeat today. I’m 14 weeks, so he should be able to pick it up via Doppler with little problems. Buttttt apparently he forgot that I’ve had multiple kids and was looking WAY too low for a 4th baby 😂 it took like 3 minutes of poking around before he realized baby was already well out of my pelvis and practically at my bellybutton already. But he did earn points back when he gave me a pass on having to do the early glucose screening and let me do a fasting blood draw today instead (I forgot to eat before my appointment so that was handy lol)
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Im about halfway done shopping so yay! If you’re looking for cute, minimalistic jewelry, look up Windblown Jewelry on Instagram! So cute and great quality. Handmade in the US and reasonably priced. They usually do a good promo for Black Friday too! (Not my company lol. They’re local to me and I know the owner through some friends from church.)
Upcoming Appointments: had one this morning, just a routine prenatal
How are you feeling?: exhausted thanks to the fact im continuing to wake up in the MOTN and not fall back asleep. Otherwise the nausea is mostly gone but still randomly hits. I mainly just feel fat.
Rants/Raves: nothing really either way. It’s a Monday and I’m exhausted, but the weather is awesome here today and I dragged my tired butt out for a walk with the dog.
Questions: nope
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? No 😩 help me!
@pajamstagrams it makes me very excited if you did feel Movement! I can’t wait to feel it again!
Good so far this week but i don’t want to jinx it. Still craving those sour worms.
Rants/Raves: i felt little guy move last night. It’s been a week since i last felt a flutter so i was excited to feel it again.
Not as this second..
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? DD is done and I’ll just get little things here and there. She’s getting a Melissa and Doug wood dollhouse and little cloth dolls as her big gift. Since i work retail mgmt, i keep getting things for her and have been for months. Adults in the family do a 1 gift per person rule and I’m waiting for one sale in the next week to scoop those gifts up. Literally, same item x8. I’m predictable now.
Upcoming Appointments: 11/15 I have my 12 week appointment, NT scan and NIPT blood draw.
How are you feeling?:
Rants/Raves: my 4 yr old is tired but adjusted morning wakeup well to DST, but my 2 yr old is still waking up much too early. Hopefully another day or two. Also they are both just super whiny the last week or so and it is driving me nuts.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)??
I made holiday lists for my girls and started ordering for my husband. We celebrate Hannukah and it starts on the 28th so I need to start ordering/shopping a bit more this week. My husband is getting the home alone lego set which is brand new and I am super excited about it and then a bunch of things that he needs as he is going to be teaching a college course next semester (new briefcase, some new dress shoes). He has worked for home for 10 years or so and hasn't traveled in 2 yrs bc of covid so he definitly needs some wardrobe updates . The kids are only getting small things because they have too much stuff already. I think we are going to tell family at hannukah about #3. I'll be 14/15 weeks by then though so we will see if I can hide it that long. So far so good as I am not showing at all yet, but a lot will change in 3-4 weeks probably
How are you feeling?: tired mostly been getting headaches past couple days an some nausea but not nearly as bad as before.
Rants/Raves: I am not liking this time change . The sun was shining just so at the end of the day that it was hard to see my computer screen at my desk and the blinds I would have to close so I could see ok belongs to someone in upper management so I suffered for the last little bit. Rave - I have vacation coming up so it’s something to look forward to.
Questions: we plan on telling family this weekend but I am kind of nervous to. Has anyone else been anxious to tell people this far in ? My anxiety has been high this time around and I always feel like I want to wait another appt to make sure everything is still ok before saying something but I know I won’t be able to hide it for much longer.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? we got the kids (dd nieces and nephews) things off their list but nothing for adults yet. If I find any great deals I will pass them along but I feel like with all the supply chain issues that deals will be hard to come by.
@addsprinkles521 we've only told immediate family and my closest friends, and I'm kinda dreading telling everyone else, but yeah, when we see family for Thanksgiving it's gonna be hard to hide.
For me, it's a combination of this being a rainbow baby, but also, I loathe the attention I get while pregnant. I've never had my appearance commented on so much while pregnant (family + randos), and I hate it all, "positive" comments and the more negative ones. (Oddly enough, I'm ok with posting on HDBD here, maybe that's because the attention is directed more generally, "everyone's bumps look so cute!" 🤷♀️)
How are you feeling?: Much better; hard to tell if my exhaustion in the evening is baby-related or because I'm still recovering from the flu
Rants/Raves: Today is our company's first day back in the office (only going in 1x/week for now), but I can't go because I still have some congestion (no coming in if sick at all). So that's both a rant (I'm sad about not being in with everyone) and a rave because I definitely did not have my bag packed to go this morning.
Questions: No
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Not yet. I'm solidly a Christmas shopping starts after Thanksgiving person so I'll just deal with supply chain issues if they arise.
Upcoming Appointments: supposed to have an appointment for 11/11for an early gestational scan- but I am at the tail end of a cold so now I’m waiting on the nurse to call me back and let me know what I’m doing
How are you feeling?: besides slight stuffed nose and cough I feel great
Rants/Raves: rant- I need to see an endo who has yet to call me and I don’t have the dr info that my OB referred me to so I can’t call them.
Questions: none atm
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Oh man not yet we know why we are going to get but we just haven’t yet and I need to get on it.
How are you feeling?: I'm feeling a bit better, like my energy is coming back. We seem to be doing well with the dst time change. I hear everyone on the anxiety, I feel it a lot too. We'll sort of just be telling family/friends as it comes up now. Immediate family and friends already know. @pa@pajamstagrams I totally know what you mean about the attention from pregnancy! I also hate when people presume I'm feeling one way, or expect me to feel a certain way.
Rants/Raves: I made nachos last night and they were great.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? I haven't really, we have a couple things for DS that we are waiting to give him as presents. His birthday is right after Christmas so we have to think about that too. I am a big fan of giving photos as gifts to my very large very gift focused family.
How are you feeling?: AWFUL!!! definitely got tricked by a pretty mild week 11. Week 12 has come in like a freight train and my nausea has been pretty contestant and relentless. When does the glowy part start?! 😩
Rants/Raves: Rant: still waiting on my NIPT results after 12 days. Called the office today and they said “your Dr is out this week so she hasn’t approved the results to be released but we have them here”. So infuriating considering this practice makes you rotate doctors. Shouldn’t anyone be able to approve the results? I haven’t told a soul that I’m pregnant besides my husband and these results would make me feel better about telling my best friend.
***update: literally right after posting this my results came back normal!! Hallelujah!
Questions: NOTM
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet?
not really but last year we received a Eufy robot vacuum and it’s the greatest gift ever!
How are you feeling?: I've been a little gaggy today, but it could be the last remaining symptoms of the 24-hour stomach flu I just got over. It knocked me out yesterday, but thankfully I bounced back quickly!
Rants/Raves: My sister who lives in California flew in to surprise me for the gender reveal on Saturday! I had a feeling she would, but she and my mom really tricked me the morning off and I was legitimately shocked when she popped around the corner at my parents.
Questions: None
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Oh god no, but I did start making a list. DH's 30th birthday is also this month and I have really been slacking on thinking of and buying him a present 😬
Upcoming Appointments: November 11--12 week ob/gyn appointment
How are you feeling?: Finally coming out of the nauseous period, still feeling tired a lot but that could be DST... Who knows? Also feeling pretty large. This bump came way faster than with my DS.
Rants/Raves: I'm with most of y'all. DST is kicking my butt. DS hasn't slept past 6 am since Saturday and he wakes up from nap right before dark so he had been super grumpy since he isn't getting as much outside play time.
Questions: any creative/or just good, thoughtful ideas of how to tell your preschooler about your pregnancy? We're planning on telling my 3 year old son after my appointment this week. I'm sure he already had noticed some changes but I've been waiting until I got closer to 2nd trimester to tell him since we have had a miscarriage before.
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Yes. @third2022, I celebrate Hanukkah, too so I'm already in the middle of holiday shopping. I will say I've always felt it was much less pressure than Christmas, so I'm not horribly stressed about it. My husband and I decided instead of buying each other gifts we're going to give each other a closet organization system, which I'm super excited about because I hate having to figure out gifts for him. As far as deals, I've mostly just been following the Amazon deals of the day to see if any of the gifts I'm buying are on there. If anyone has any great ideas for their parents/in-laws I'm all ears... Trying to figure out what to get my parents who are super helpful with DS and very generous with their gifts to us. They are the kind of people who buy themselves what they need/want whenever they want it so it's not like there's some wish list I could choose from.
How are you feeling?: Surprisingly, a lot better. Nausea seems like it's fading away, but the exhaustion is still there. I do feel like I have more energy during the day.
Rants/Raves: When do I get to start feeling like Super Woman?!
Questions: None
GTKY: Have you started holiday shopping yet? Any great finds that you want to share (for your other kids, spouse, or parents)?? Yes. I love getting shopping done early. I'm getting hubby a traditional Mongolian horse bow (we're avid archers and hunters.) I haven't found any amazing deals yet, but we're planning on getting one of our big presents to each other on Black Friday.
@DarkSerendipity, that's so cool that you guys are archers and hunters! I don't know anything about that but it just sounds like a very interesting hobby.
@runninginva Totally agree with Hannukah being less stressful than Christmas. Instead of doing 8 days of gifts we do themed nights with our kids. One night we do a hannukah craft project, another night we do a themed baking activity, a tzedakah themed night where we do a mitzvah project and then we do game night. We do 1 big gift for each kid and then a family holiday party where they get a bit spoiled. While 8 nights of gifts is pretty easy while they are little, we couldn't fathom 8 nights of gifts from us on top of the family gifts as they get older and their requests get larger... Amazon deals is a great idea
@third2022, I love that tradition! We do themed gifts, which I got from my childhood. One night we give some kind of judaica, one night is charity night where we don't give each other gifts and instead "donate" that night to a child in need. The other nights are small or medium gifts. My parents let us go to the toy store on the last night of Hanukkah to pick our own gift. We haven't done that with my son yet, and I don't know if we will, but I have always loved the other 2 themed nights.
Re: Weekly Check-In (w/o 11/8)
TTM with surprise baby
no but I need to seeing as how Amazon is no longer really 2 day prime anymore and everyone keeps saying to do it now bc of all the supply issues.
Soooo, we are pretty much done christmas shopping. I just have to wrap everything. I leave the stockings until later, but got all the big stuff.
im pretty much done I think! My mom needs to tell me what she wants (we’re that type of family- just send me the link lol). But I already purchased for my husband and kid. Yay! Feels great. I bought one thing off Amazon that said it would take TWO MONTHS to arrive. With Prime. Ugh.
I have picked up a few things in the last couple of months. Geometry dish towels for my mom and sister, lego’s for the girls, and a couple others. I need to sit down and make a list of what I have for who. I finished Amazon lists this weekend for the girls and I to share with our family.
EDD: May 3, 2022 / 15 weeks tomorrow
Appointments: midwife call tomorrow, maternal screening serum testing Friday, midwife in person Monday (I think - can’t see to find it in my calendar now…)
Feeling: Great! Overall, no complaints. Symptoms minimal, no nausea, no food aversions, fatigue is gone. Just get some headaches if I’m not careful.
Rants/Raves: Loving having my energy back for workouts, house projects, and most importantly my girls.
Questions: none
I have not started holiday shopping yet. It’s definitely been on my mind and I’ve been making lists, but no purchases yet.
Im about halfway done shopping so yay! If you’re looking for cute, minimalistic jewelry, look up Windblown Jewelry on Instagram! So cute and great quality. Handmade in the US and reasonably priced. They usually do a good promo for Black Friday too! (Not my company lol. They’re local to me and I know the owner through some friends from church.)
@pajamstagrams it makes me very excited if you did feel Movement! I can’t wait to feel it again!
15w1d / May 1st
11/16 - can’t wait!
i felt little guy move last night. It’s been a week since i last felt a flutter so i was excited to feel it again.
DD is done and I’ll just get little things here and there. She’s getting a Melissa and Doug wood dollhouse and little cloth dolls as her big gift. Since i work retail mgmt, i keep getting things for her and have been for months. Adults in the family do a 1 gift per person rule and I’m waiting for one sale in the next week to scoop those gifts up. Literally, same item x8. I’m predictable now.
I made holiday lists for my girls and started ordering for my husband. We celebrate Hannukah and it starts on the 28th so I need to start ordering/shopping a bit more this week. My husband is getting the home alone lego set which is brand new and I am super excited about it and then a bunch of things that he needs as he is going to be teaching a college course next semester (new briefcase, some new dress shoes). He has worked for home for 10 years or so and hasn't traveled in 2 yrs bc of covid so he definitly needs some wardrobe updates
we got the kids (dd nieces and nephews) things off their list but nothing for adults yet. If I find any great deals I will pass them along but I feel like with all the supply chain issues that deals will be hard to come by.
@addsprinkles521 we've only told immediate family and my closest friends, and I'm kinda dreading telling everyone else, but yeah, when we see family for Thanksgiving it's gonna be hard to hide.
For me, it's a combination of this being a rainbow baby, but also, I loathe the attention I get while pregnant. I've never had my appearance commented on so much while pregnant (family + randos), and I hate it all, "positive" comments and the more negative ones. (Oddly enough, I'm ok with posting on HDBD here, maybe that's because the attention is directed more generally, "everyone's bumps look so cute!" 🤷♀️)
not really but last year we received a Eufy robot vacuum and it’s the greatest gift ever!
None until December
Surprisingly, a lot better. Nausea seems like it's fading away, but the exhaustion is still there. I do feel like I have more energy during the day.
When do I get to start feeling like Super Woman?!
Yes. I love getting shopping done early. I'm getting hubby a traditional Mongolian horse bow (we're avid archers and hunters.) I haven't found any amazing deals yet, but we're planning on getting one of our big presents to each other on Black Friday.
Totally agree with Hannukah being less stressful than Christmas. Instead of doing 8 days of gifts we do themed nights with our kids. One night we do a hannukah craft project, another night we do a themed baking activity, a tzedakah themed night where we do a mitzvah project and then we do game night. We do 1 big gift for each kid and then a family holiday party where they get a bit spoiled. While 8 nights of gifts is pretty easy while they are little, we couldn't fathom 8 nights of gifts from us on top of the family gifts as they get older and their requests get larger...
Amazon deals is a great idea