I have some cousins coming to visit this weekend. We're all going to get together and have a good time with the rest of my family that lives here. Lots of drinks will be flowing that I won't be able to partake in but we're thinking about getting a nanny for all the kids so we can have a good time without them! Definitely looking forward to a fun weekend!
Sitting at my computer working on some stuff and I keep hearing this popping sound. Like kinda sounds like rice krispies in milk. I put my hand on my stomach- is that me? No. I put my head down to my computer- is it coming from inside the computer? No. Is it my chair? No. Then it dawns on me several minutes later- I have one of those crackling candles going just out of sight behind my laptop.... 😐
I made a salad I saw on IG reels/tiktok (I don't actually have tiktok lol) that was just shredded iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced scallions, chopped cucumber with like a lemon juice + rice wine vinegar + garlic vinaigrette, and omg I know it's basically just water, but it was SO GOOD!!
Possible TMI random: Last night I ate a good protein snack before bed to try and sleep longer and not have a blood sugar drop or whatever. Then woke up super nauseous around 3 to throw up all the bile in my stomach. 😭 It was terrible.
Spent an hour today repairing and re organizing my children's book shelf. By repair I mean packing tape over all the chewed and ripped corners and spines till they don't instantly fall apart with gentle touching. And by reorganizing I mean throwing away all the half done activity books and books I hated and don't ever want to read again and would rather burn than donate and feel like someone was forced to read or hear them. There aren't many but like 3 books I genuinely just hate and was so happy to find them with a trash bag in hand when DD5 wasn't there to interrogate me.
I took the kids out grocery shopping today, to breakfast, and running errands. I didn't really think H was going to do his normal lay on the couch for a couple hours and do nothing thing and watch football because I took the kids so he could do some projects. He is still doing the football thing, until I do my writing thing at 3. When he watches football he lays on the couch, floats in and out of naps and ignores all people calling for him and looks annoyed when we talk to him about anything not football. It's fine for two hours or so but...a little more annoying since I had the kids out of the house for three hours and would LOVE to be able to do some housework before trick or treating....
We got the photos taken, and I posted our pregnancy announcement on social media with our Winnie the Pooh costumes (and me as Kanga). I debated posting on social media because it felt a little AW for me, but ultimately I really like sharing random stuff on my stories, and I don't like feeling like I'm keeping secrets, so who cares if it's AW. We were going to let DD3 skip her nap and go ToTing at 3pm, but it turns out ToTing does not start here, in any capacity, until 6pm at the earlier, so instead I'm going to let her take a loooong nap lol and I guess she'll stay up late (since we'll need to get home and eat dinner before bed). Maybe we won't even stay out long, though, it's cold, it might rain, there are no street lights, she might be scared lol. We'll see.
@SmashJam ugh that’s so frustrating. I’m sorry about that. My husbands a football fan himself and if he went about his football Sunday’s like he does now, when we have a baby, I’d be very annoyed.
Re: Weekly Randoms w/o 10/25
@jesiannv I see no problems with that 😉
Possible TMI random: Last night I ate a good protein snack before bed to try and sleep longer and not have a blood sugar drop or whatever. Then woke up super nauseous around 3 to throw up all the bile in my stomach. 😭 It was terrible.