Hubs went out of town Friday. Was supposed to be back at midnight. But his flight got delayed to tomorrow at 10a and he won’t be home til 1:30p now and has to go directly to work. I’m annoyed. He’s annoyed. I just wanted him home 😩
My husband was switching out our windshield wiper blades this weekend and then realized the new blades he bought didn't fit. And then apparently did not put the old blade back on. So I drove to my OB appointment this morning in a Nor'Easter without a rear windshield wiper. And then when I was leaving I couldn't really see out the back + pregnancy brain fog and I bumped into a car in the parking garage as I was backing out of my space. I gave my info and I was going like 1 mph so it's not like there's much (if any? damage). Just a scratch at worst. But I sobbed the whole way home and am honestly surprised I didn't get in another wreck from that.
@angelz429 I'm sorry! Delayed flights are frustrating! @kaf1788 Girl, you need to catch a break! I'm sorry that it's been one thing after the other. +1 for emotional, though my reasoning doesn't make sense like yours does!
Re: Monday bitch fest 10.25