**This is a thread that welcomes all regardless of where they are at in their TTC journeys. Please be mindful of topics that are discussed that could be hurtful to those going through tough times. Mention of children or pregnancies of others should have a TW (trigger warning) and be in a spoiler if possible, and only be mentioned if it is extremely pertinent to the conversation. Thanks for keeping this a safe place for us all to engage!**
Typical LP length:
Re: TWW Wednesday 10/20
Month/Cycle: 11/2AL
CD/DPO: 25
Timing: +1
Typical LP length: 12-14 days
Testing: welp, took one last night b/c i dunno, was in my head.... BFN
R/R: i am getting mortgage licensed and woof, yesterday was day 1/4 of all day zoom classes. adult learning is hard. i actually worked from a local coffee shop all day which was a nice change of scenery, but i def blew like $30 on coffee/lunch/snacks. oops. but all so yummy!
CS/Q: nada@anniemarie887 Working in a coffee shop sounds nice but 4 days of Zoom learning sounds terrible Good luck getting through the rest of it!
Month/Cycle: 2/2
CD/DPO: 15/3 (2?)
Timing: O, +1 (or -1, O)
Typical LP length: 11
Testing: Not planing to
R/R: I've been sick for what feels like weeks. Really looking forward to being able to breathe again! On the plus side I have the day off so slept in until 9:30 which feels like a miracle!
CS/Q: Confused on an early O. I got a surprise + OPK on CD12 and FF called that O day, but I didn't test until 4:30 pm so I'm thinking maybe O overnight? I'll see what my temps do but I'm still just so surprised I feel like it didn't really happen. Also telling myself to expect a 12 day LP so I'm not disappointed by AF in case CD13 was O. On the plus side this cycle would be a full week shorter than my last which just means I'll get to next cycle more quickly.Month/Cycle: 35/37
CD/DPO: 32/15
Timing: EOD + IUI on O day
Typical LP length: progesterone, stopping now so hopefully AF soon
Testing: negative beta today
R/R: TW - possible early CP
Oct '21 somewhat improved AMH (.51) and significantly improved FSH (8.9). Maybe it's all the pills I swallow.
Dec -21, standard antagonist. 225menupur/225gonal-f/cetrotide/5000u trigger, AFC 5; 11 days of stims. retrieval yields 5, 4M, 2 reach day-6 blast (4AB & 4BB). 1 low-level mosaic (chr. 3 deletion), 1 complex abnormal.
Feb '22 FET (low-level mosaic): CP.
May '22 egg retrieval, lupron flare protocol. HGH priming for 1 month before stims; md lupron 20/20u daily; menopur 225, follistim 225, 10k trigger after 8 days of stims; AFC 10; 13 retrieved; 10 mature; 8 fertilized. All frozen at 2PN for later thaw, grow, and biopsy.
July '22 egg retrieval same protocol: 9 days of stims; AFC 8; 10 retrieved, 8 mature, 4 fertilized and frozen.
Sept '22 ER same protocol: AFC 10; 12 retrieved, 11 mature, 11 fertilized.
From the 3 retrievals, 7 survived to day 5-6 blastocyst, from which I have 2 normal embryos!
Jan 20, Fully medicated FET, baby aspirin, dexamethasone, acupuncture, and as much woo as I can stand (which isn't very much). BFN.
July 23, Natural FET + baby aspirin. BFN.
@bows22 Sending hugs your way
Also, *TW MC*
I could still turn a test weeks after my MC when my HCG was in single digits. I agree that they are way too sensitive and can give false hope.
When I had my mc at 4w5d it was considered cp. I had a super faint line the day I got betas done and they were 5. These tests are definitely too sensitive. And that was a pregmate cheapie strip.
@bows22 Weird internet hugs to you friend ❤