9 weeks 1 day (again, they changed my due date). End of this week will be a milestone.
How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? I have a cold which seems to be overriding my normal nausea symptoms. The cold is seriously kicking my butt though.
As far as nerves go, pretty good. Still on edge though. I really want to get the NIPT done. I feel like (hopefully 🤞🤞) low risk results will help. A lot if my fears stem from being AMA. I was technically AMA with all of my pregnancies but being over 40 seems so much more validly AMA to me.
Any upcoming appointments? Genetic counseling the 20th.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy?
Reeses pieces? Maybe peanut butter cups or red licorice. I also like unpopular candies like Good and Plenty and Laughy Taffy 🙈
@gadzooks_3 I hope you feel better! It's so tough having a cold on top of normal pregnancy sickness!!
How far along: 7 weeks 4 days. I have my first ultrasound at the end of next week, and that will be a milestone for me as that was the first sign something was wrong with our last pregnancy. We were measuring behind, unclear heartbeat, and then was confirmed as a missed miscarriage 2 weeks later.
How are you feeling? My nausea is better today, but in general I have just been feeling exhausted! I have an 18 month old who keeps me very busy, but I'm napping when I can and starting to feel better. Emotionally I am just trying to get to our next appointment. I think I am more stressed than I am realizing-- I just obviously really do not want to relive that experience. So fingers crossed!
Upcoming appt: next week for the first ultrasound!
GTKY: I love kit kat bars. LOVE THEM. Also Trader Joe's strawberry licorice.
How far along are you? Any milestones passed? 9w2d - had a good ultrasound last week so that's a milestone for me - like @coffeeliz when I had a MMC in 2018 the 12wk US was when we first knew something was wrong.
How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? Nausea has been a bit better (less all the time, which is nice, but now random moments of feeling extra gross), still very tired - also chasing after a toddler which adds to it. Trying to nap when he naps. My boobs get so sore in the middle of the night when I get up to go pee! Having some PGAL brain but just trying to stick with my mantra of 'happy healthy' when I feel stressed. I told my mom and aunts over the last week which was nice to get to share the excitement with them.
Any upcoming appointments? Midwife beginning of November.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Reese's pieces are my favourite candy but I love getting Coffee Crisps at Halloween because I would never buy them myself.
@g@gadzooks_3 do you have your NIPT scheduled? I'll probably go next week sometime.
@gadzooks_3 my cold/sinus infection alternates between making my nausea worse and making it better. It's super weird lol.
@coffeeliz that first appointment was super stressful for me, the hours before my appointment I couldn't focus on work. Hopefully your stress will go down after a good reassuring appointment!
@jandawg what's a coffee crisp??? Can't remember, are you Canadian and this is a Canadian thing??
How far along are you? Any milestones passed? 9+3, My MC was at 7 wks with incredibly low HCG so we're well past all that.
How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? Nausea all day every day, gaggy most of the day, so super great! 😂 Actually the nausea is comforting so I'm a lot less stressed right now. Been doing ok with PGAL brain recently, probably because my nausea is almost as bad as with my first, so in my mind, it's a good sign.
Any upcoming appointments? End of October for NIPT
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? not necessarily a Halloween candy, but my favorite probably is peanut/almond butter cups. But not Reese's, because those are so sweet they hurt my teeth soooooo bad. 2nd favorite candy is for sure almond joy/mounds. 😋
I couldn't imagine having a cold on top of being pregnant. I hope you feel better soon @gadzooks_3!
@jandawg Coffee Crips sound amazing! We don't get them here in the US 😞
How far along are you? Any milestones passed? 11w1d
How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? I'm feeling really good after our appt yesterday! We were able to hear a nice strong heartbeat of 155bpm and our NIPT results came back negative for any abnormalities.
Any upcoming appointments? We've moved to the typical every 4-week schedule, so my next one is mid-November.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Skittles have always been my favorite. I'm more of a gummy/fruity fan over chocolate.
How far along are you? Any milestones passed? 8w3d My chemical was at 5w
How are you feeling (symptoms, mentally/emotionally)? Symptoms wise I’m way more nauseous then I was with either of my boys, and so tired. I barely see my husband after we put the boys to bed because I go right to bed too. Emotionally I’m feeling really anxious. I think it’s partly because it took over a year to get here, and partly because I work in OB-GYN and just see so much...
Any upcoming appointments? I have an appointment in 2 weeks where we’ll do labs and the doppler and probably a bedside ultrasound. I was really fortunate yesterday, I mentioned some cramping to my OB-GYN at work and she did a quick peek with the bedside ultrasound for me. Little babe’s heart was beating away!!
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Reece’s for sure!! I also love Smarties though
I did have an inkling it was Canadian but I didn't know it wasn't available in the states!
From the website: Coffee Crisp is a chocolate bar made in Canada. It consists of alternating layers of vanilla wafer and a foamed coffee-flavoured soft candy, covered with a milk chocolate outer layer.
@jandawg I believe the timing is up to the genetic counselor. I am a plus size person so they tend to recommend waiting until a little later in the pregnancy for me. Different blood volume.
Re: PGAL Check In 10/14
9 weeks 1 day (again, they changed my due date). End of this week will be a milestone.
As far as nerves go, pretty good. Still on edge though. I really want to get the NIPT done. I feel like (hopefully 🤞🤞) low risk results will help. A lot if my fears stem from being AMA. I was technically AMA with all of my pregnancies but being over 40 seems so much more validly AMA to me.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy?
Reeses pieces? Maybe peanut butter cups or red licorice. I also like unpopular candies like Good and Plenty and Laughy Taffy 🙈
How far along: 7 weeks 4 days. I have my first ultrasound at the end of next week, and that will be a milestone for me as that was the first sign something was wrong with our last pregnancy. We were measuring behind, unclear heartbeat, and then was confirmed as a missed miscarriage 2 weeks later.
How are you feeling? My nausea is better today, but in general I have just been feeling exhausted! I have an 18 month old who keeps me very busy, but I'm napping when I can and starting to feel better. Emotionally I am just trying to get to our next appointment. I think I am more stressed than I am realizing-- I just obviously really do not want to relive that experience. So fingers crossed!
Upcoming appt: next week for the first ultrasound!
GTKY: I love kit kat bars. LOVE THEM. Also Trader Joe's strawberry licorice.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Reese's pieces are my favourite candy but I love getting Coffee Crisps at Halloween because I would never buy them myself.
@g@gadzooks_3 do you have your NIPT scheduled? I'll probably go next week sometime.
@coffeeliz that first appointment was super stressful for me, the hours before my appointment I couldn't focus on work. Hopefully your stress will go down after a good reassuring appointment!
@jandawg what's a coffee crisp??? Can't remember, are you Canadian and this is a Canadian thing??
How far along are you? Any milestones passed? 9+3, My MC was at 7 wks with incredibly low HCG so we're well past all that.
@jandawg Coffee Crips sound amazing! We don't get them here in the US 😞
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Skittles have always been my favorite. I'm more of a gummy/fruity fan over chocolate.
GTKY- how about we stick with the food theme: favorite Halloween Candy? Reece’s for sure!! I also love Smarties though
@karisahamdi congrats!! That must feel so good!!
@jandawg I need to know what a coffee crisp is. That sounds amazing!!
From the website:
Coffee Crisp is a chocolate bar made in Canada. It consists of alternating layers of vanilla wafer and a foamed coffee-flavoured soft candy, covered with a milk chocolate outer layer.
So. Good.
Also, coffee crisps sound good!