Pregnant after 35

Pregnant again 7 mos PP

Last week I found out I am pregnant (completely unplanned and surprised, after almost 1.5 years TTC with first child I figured it would be a similar story with#2) My firstborn is almost 8 months old. I am in shock and honestly very afraid for both my health and baby’s- the baby will be born when I am 36 and I had a diagnosis of GH during my first pregnancy. Otherwise I am a healthy person, but I know there are risks esp for mother’s health with spacing so close together after 35. I am speaking with my OB next week but am looking for words of advice and encouragement in the meantime from anyone who has been in a similar situation. Thank you

Re: Pregnant again 7 mos PP

  • I had my two babies 17 months apart, albeit at 32. (Conceived when DS was 8 months old) It truly wasn’t bad and I would do it again. I will say I felt very energy-depleted in first tri and had to stop breastfeeding around 10 months (baby didn’t like the taste) but other than that I had not problems. 

    There is a risk of a smaller baby when conceived that quickly but DD was born at a healthy weight at 39 weeks. 

    Best wishes!
  • I am 38 and I conceived through ivf. I have 2 more embryos left and am currently 19 weeks pregnant. With my age, I don’t want to spread out my pregnancies too far. I added my doctor and she said she was fine with us getting pregnant again at 6 months. I was really surprised to hear that….I’ll definitely see how I feel and will wait until the moment feels right when that time comes though!
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  • @mollyrue I’m currently 25w pregnant with baby number two and my son is almost 17 months old (so kids will be 20 months apart). I was 39 when my son was born and will be 41 for this peanut. My OB is not concerned. My first pregnancy was pretty uneventful but I did need a c section after a failed induction so I’m leaning toward a repeat c section for this one. But other than determining that c section plan, there’s been no discussion of any additional risk based on my age, length of time between pregnancies. I’m older, but I was AMA last pregnancy too with no issues so it doesn’t feel that different (except for the chasing a toddler part). I hope your OB provides great reassurance and you have an uneventful, happy pregnancy! 
  • @rachelredhead how were you feeling initially emotionally? Im 10 months PP, am 8 weeks and am just. Not. Excited. It feels too soon but also not right :/
  • @knottie644e784316523e6d (I recommend changing your name then logging out and back in)

    Early pregnancy is always hard. And add in caring for a baby already, you’re likely extra exhausted. I didn’t really start to feel attached until second trimester. Now that I’m 6w from her likely appearance, I’m getting more excited. But I think chasing a toddler has made me more detached in this pregnancy, I just don’t have the energy to focus on my son and my pregnancy simultaneously sometimes. 
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