April 2022 Moms

Check-in EDD 16-22 w/o 9/27

edited September 2021 in April 2022 Moms
*Thought we'd try splitting up the check-ins by due date this week. Tell me what you think!*

This is the weekly check-in for due dates April 16 - April 22.

Est Due Date / Weeks + Days:


Upcoming Appointments:

How are you feeling?:



Re: Check-in EDD 16-22 w/o 9/27

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 4/18 11 weeks 


    Upcoming Appointments: Next week I have the NT and NIPT tests and appointment. I'm excited and nervous 

    How are you feeling?: Still nauseous, I had 3 days last week where I felt alright so I'm hoping it's a sign that I'm turning a corner

    Rants/Raves:  Feeling sick all of the time has really stopped me from being an involved parent. I hate it but also can't seem to get it together. Luckily my husband is awesome and making up for it.

    Questions: NATM
  • Glad you're having some good, no nausea days, @robbenson! Hope you're feeling better.

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 4/20, 10w 6d


    Upcoming Appointments: October 21 for 14 weeks, which seems a long way out. We opted to do an NIPT last week in lieu of a 12w NT. 

    How are you feeling?: Light nausea, fatigue, and constant hunger (cravings, and food aversions). Also some tummy tugs. Glad to get a break from last week's insomnia though!

    Rants/Raves: Rant - I'm can't figure out when it's acceptable to shop for maternity and comfy clothes. The hairband trick has helped with pants, but I can't keep it up for much longer... Rave - I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time last week! ❤

    Questions: What are some pregnancy essential clothing items that you'd recommend for a business casual work setting? 
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  • @frannie0422, lurking from another EDD week.
     For my last pregnancy, I was due in May, which is about same seasons. I had a black pregnancy long sleeve dress that I used a ton! You can dress it up/down as needed. A couple of black/grey pregnancy slacks or jeans (depending on how casual). I prefer underbelly, no panel (got them from Gap). A few long sleeve or short sleeve pregnancy T-shirts that you can add a cardigan or sweater on top. That should be a good basic start and you can mix-match non pregnancy stuff as needed. 
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: April 17, so 11+3


    Upcoming Appointments: 12 week ultrasound and NIPT blood draw on 10-6

    How are you feeling?: exhausted and while I don't really have nausea, by the end of the day my stomach is just ....unsettled. I keep forgetting to take my prenatals during the day, so I literally have to pep talk myself into taking them (the chewable gummy kind) before bed. Ugh lol

    Rants/Raves: My son had two potty accidents at school yesterday, which is really uncharacteristic of him. Stresses me out because the school made it clear that 3 year olds need to be potty trained to enter, and now I am spiraling thinking they are going to kick him out if he keeps doing this....lol 

    Questions: Nothing this week 
    @frannie0422 to answer your question about clothing, I was mostly able to get by with my flowier non maternity tops and dresses and instead invested in maternity pants. I got some really nice thick black maternity leggings and wore those under dresses and long sweaters for most of the end of my pregnancy. 
  • @robbenson my nausea partner in crime, I hope you are turning the corner! 

    Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: 11+2


    Upcoming Appointments: Waiting for NIPT results 

    How are you feeling?: still feel sick. I’ll have a good day and get so excited and then straight sick as a dog the next day. I’m getting a little depressed about it. Hope it ends soon.

    Rants/Raves: DD6 just had her birthday party this weekend. I limited her on invites due to covid but it was still so, so awesome to throw her a birthday party after not being able to do anything last year. She is such a social butterfly and I am so grateful and happy I have daughters. It’s amazing. 

    My question is for @queenklau who I think is in a different due date week- I saw you are having a boy after two girls- congrats!! Have you noticed any difference in your symptoms from your girl pregnancy?

    @frannie0422 I invested in a few staple pieces last pregnancy - a cute stretchy maternity pencil skirt, cute pair of black maternity pants and a nice long sleeve dress. I got the first two from Motherhood Maternity which is expensive and the dress from Express! In a more casual setting I would go with maternity leggings 100%!

  • queenklauqueenklau member
    edited September 2021
    @Ivorytower2, yeah, this is the worst of all my first trimesters. The nausea is not easing up. With my girls I was feeling better by 11 weeks and was able to eat most things. with this one I am always hungry but don’t enjoy eating anything The biggest difference early on was a weird taste in my mouth (metallic). Also, my boobs were not sore, like with my girls, only my sensitive nipples 😓..

    yup-lurking from EED 8-15 😬

    edited to add the hunger component.
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

       Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • EDD: 10 weeks 4 days
    Upcoming appointments: NIPT draw on Thursday! And quick BP check.

    The feels: finally able to eat and don't feel like I have motion sickness thanks to starting Bonjesta on Friday. Now I will say I feel guilty that I feel better so a catch 22. But last pregnancy I could not consistently brush my teeth without vomiting till 2 week post delivery so...not that guilty.

    RANTS: I have a new assistant at work. She is awesome and will be a great partner but training takes time so I have to stay after work and am right on the buzzer to pick up my kid. It stresses me out. My child's homework is killing all our souls collectively. Lots of tears she is a perfectionist "I don't even know how to draw a medium sized bear!!!"

    Raves: Husband premade me a breakfast sandwich for every day this week. That and a homemade ice coffee makes me functional.

    @frannie0422 I agree with spending the money on pants at this point. Personally I'm an over the belly person  I just always feel like they will fall off. ha ha.  But later maternity bras that are nursing types and if you do get tops look for ones that are also nursing tops because you will not be back in regular clothes right away and those nursing tops are clutch. But I started in regular loose tops and maternity pants for a long time before I had to convert tops so it was easier to just buy nursing tops at that point. But everyone is different you never know.

    @morganw320 My 5 year old had potty accidents this year starting kindergarten and I was freaking out and her school was like this is normal. Daytime wetting is just a sign of stress. Which made sense as Kindergarten was a big change. In a few weeks she was past it but when I brought it up to some work friends they were like yeah that happens to our kids even a few years older when super stressed. So don't worry it's common and I doubt they will kick you out for something so common.

    Questions: Anyone else have NIPT anxiety? Haven't even done it yet and I'm just already waiting in my mind for results. Also, I only gave myself a week and change before we announce so I hope results are back before then.
  • Ivorytower2Ivorytower2 member
    edited September 2021
    @rbflei lol at the homework situation and medium sized bear. I can totally relate as my DD4 is the same way.

    I have severe NIPT anxiety mainly because I am ama this time, but I’m just a worrier in general. I stalked my doc office for the results and they said they got all the regular bloodwork back with was normal but not the NIPT, so I immediately assumed something was wrong! They assure me no, it always takes longer for NIPT (they said 10 days), but that they usually get a call right away if anything is wrong so I should maybe not worry so much? Not sure. Still worried over here.
  • Ivorytower2Ivorytower2 member
    edited September 2021
    @queenklau wow, that is so interesting! Everyone seems to think girls cause more nausea, but so far on this board those who have had girls but are now having boys hve been more sick this time! I will chime in with an update once I find out my NIPT results but this by far been my sickest pregnancy so far by a lot. 
  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: EDD is April 16, so 11 + 3


    Upcoming Appointments: hopefully Monday for ultrasound and NIPT and meet with the doctor

    How are you feeling?: not great at all. I tested positive for Covid last week, which was a big surprise for me because I’m fully vaccinated. I posted about it in the Covid thread, but basically I’ve been feeling like crap (congested, coughing, exhausted, no smell/taste), plus honestly it makes me really worried since there really isn’t any data on anything. I’m just really looking forward to my next appointment where I can talk to the doctor and get another ultrasound.

    Rants/Raves: I finally told my parents, which was a little scary because it was not only that I’m pregnant, but that I’m also moving, and I have Covid. But my mom has been so excited. She has been complaining for years that she has no grandkids and had resigned herself to never having any. She told me that giving her the news changed her life. She’s already getting on my nerves a bit about everything (advice, etc) but I’m trying my best to let her enjoy it!

    Questions: nothing at the moment
  • Thank you all so much for the clothing recommendations! (@queenklau, @rbflei, @Ivorytower2, @morganw320) This is fantastic. It looks like I have some shopping to do. 🙂
  • @jessabelle05 awe, that sounds overwhelming being pregnant and also dealing with Covid. Amazing that you had the vaccine already though so hopefully your symptoms will just be annoying and 🤞 you start feeling better soon. You’ve got exciting times coming up with seeing the baby on ultrasound and getting to tell more friends and family soon so try to hang in there!

  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: EDD is somewhere between 4/16-4/20, so almost 11 weeks or just past. 

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 4thTM DS8, DS6, DS3

    Upcoming Appointments: My midwife said she would call tomorrow and talk and schedule the next visit then.  

    How are you feeling?: every time I think I’m starting to feel better, I get crushed even worse the next day. Yesterday I felt like a miserable zombie. Seriously my worst day of this whole pregnancy by far. Today is starting better but I’m going to take it as easy as possible so I don’t crash again. 

    Rants/Raves: My kids were super awesome yesterday and it was such a big help. It’s definitely a different experience with them so much older this time around. DS3 is supposed to celebrate turning 4 this weekend and my MIL offered to come help Friday, she is seriously the sweetest. And also, I think that’s the only way I’m going to get into gear in time 😂 

    Questions: nope 
  • Est Due Date / Weeks + Days: April 16th 


    Upcoming Appointments: Ultrasound and NIPT next Monday! I didn't have the best first ultrasound experience and I'll be going to a different clinic Monday, so I'm looking forward to that!

    How are you feeling?: The last few weeks were pretty rough, so I'm happy to say I've been feeling a lot better this week, but I'm still dealing with fatigue, annoying food aversions and some nausea. 

    @frannie0422 Glad you asked about when to shop for maternity clothes. I've been wondering the same thing! Thank you everyone for the great recommendations.

    @rbflei I totally understand the NIPT anxiety! I've been feeling a bit of that too and know it'll be worse when I do have it done.

    @jessabelle05 We have the same due date and I'm also going for my NIPT Monday! I'm so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with covid though. Hopefully it's a quick healing process!
  • @Ivorytower2 I think I saw you got your results. Grats! But about how long did it take if you don't mind my asking. I just did my blood work today. Hopefully closer to one week than 2.
  • @rbflei thanks! I had the blood done on a Tuesday and I got my results the following Weds, so 8 days.
  • @Ivorytower2 ok totally reasonable. Thanks!
  • @natashajn how did your appointment go? They told me it will take 2 weeks to get the NIPT results back…which bummed me out. But I got a wonderful ultrasound photo, and go to see the baby move. I hope yours went well!
  • @jessabelle05 that’s so exciting! It’s so surreal to see the baby moving when you can’t feel anything yet. Mine went well, I got to see the heart and all the baby’s limbs and get a couple of pictures. Unfortunately I’ll likely have to wait 3+ weeks for the results because unless there’s something wrong, my midwife team goes over results at my scheduled appnts and the next one isn’t until the 25th.  
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