How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 son, he is 3, almost 4.
How are your other kids doing this week? We’ve had a pretty chill week. We’ve just done some homeschool and lots of play/ cleaning and we went to lunch with a friend yesterday.
Rants/Raves: getting him to sleep alone is going well. He’s done great going to sleep and staying asleep. We moved him back to his room this week, he was in our room on a mattress on the floor. He keeps waking up around 2-3 to come back to his little bed in our room. So not really sure how to overcome that. I considered getting a video monitor so I could intercept him before he wakes to the point of coming In our room.
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? He does know. I think it’s such a foreign concept to him that he’s excited? But not really sure what to think about it. We’re just trying to bring him up in conversation to prepare him for the change.
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? One son, almost two
How are your other kids doing this week? It’s been a week with a LOT of emotions, lol. He had his second day of daycare this past Monday and loved it. But the rest of the week has been a wild ride. He’s starting to talk a lot more though, so that’s been fun!
Rants/Raves: @photographerwife Yay about the sleep! That’s my rave too. For the past month or more (ish), most nights my son has slept through the night! For the first time in his life! YAY! *and* hes been doing a great job of going back to sleep without nursing. So that’s been wonderful. Our plan now is to just keep cosleeping and get through September, since we’ll be out of town twice and T has a big transition with starting daycare. After that, if he’s doing as well as he has been, I’ll try to get him to sleep on his mattress (instead of ours) but in our room.
Concerns/Questions: not now
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? I mean, he’s not quite two, so he doesn’t really get it. 🤨 lol. I have a couple of “big brother” books that he loves to read, and I sub out his name for “you” and “big brother” and things like that. So I’m doing my best lol.
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 boys, ages 4 and 1
How are your other kids doing this week? They're doing pretty well. DS1 has been more stubborn and having even more opinions than usual, but we're working through it. He responds better to me than DH, so it's been a struggle with all the traveling I've done recently. DS2 is just happy to be included in all the things, but is home sick with a fever today.
Rants/Raves: I have an entire tub full of 12-18 month clothes, and I can't find it to save my life. DS2 needs to size up, so I'll keep looking for it.
Concerns/Questions: Not really, we're just coordinating and controlling the chaos as best we can right now lol.
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? DS1 knows about the baby and is excited. He keeps telling us that his baby sister is in my belly. He also thinks the baby is either coming out my toe, or I'll be puking it out. So that's been interesting lol.
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 son, 2.5 y/o
How are your other kids doing this week?
He’s doing great! We’re out in the Berkshires and he’s living his best city-kid life playing in the woods and at the lake.
Rants/Raves: Rave: I was so worried about how he would sleep on vacation and he’s doing awesome! When we went to Maine a few months ago we had to share a room with him and he was up at 4:30 every morning. He has his own room here and he’s slept in past 7 both mornings so far.
Concerns/Questions: none
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? We’ve told him about it but he definitely doesn’t get it. He still refers to himself as “baby” (literally has never said his name 🤦♀️🤦♀️) so I think it will be a rough transition for him
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 living children; DS is 11, DD turns 5 on Saturday 😩
How are your other kids doing this week? Everyone is healthy 🤞🏼 DS has ADHD and is in middle school. He’s high IQ and in combo with the ADHD makes for difficulty with peers. So that’s creeping back in. We’ve already had to talk to school counselor and principal 🤦🏻♀️
Rants/Raves: my husband has been driving me nuts this week, but the kids have been okay lol. We “matched” with an au pair from Czech Republic, but there’s more I have to do before it’s official. So have to get started on that…
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? They know. They’ve known since like 12 weeks because my husband has a loud mouth. They both seem indifferent to this one because of the recent loss. And we don’t know sex/name yet, so I think they’ll get more excited when we can refer to the baby as brother/sister. That said, we will officially no longer be team green after viability. I got outvoted lol. So we’ll do a sex reveal somehow.
@photographerwife@ninrms glad sleep is going well! It's so hard to transition. We're dealing with a transition as well with our youngest moving in with her big sister now that the bunk beds are set up. Constant struggle the last few weeks but slowly getting better.
@makingbacon good luck finding the clothes! So many totes of clothing with kiddos, hard to keep things organized decent. Our basement is in shambles lol.
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 girls; 5 and 2
How are your other kids doing this week? DD1 is absolutely loving Kindergarten, I look forward to hearing her talk about during dinner. DD2 is having a little bit of a rough transition being home without her sister all day. She is a little shadow, but I think she's enjoying the one-on-one time with DH until this new little one makes an appearance.
Rants/Raves: Kiddos are going to MIL's this weekend so I know they are going to have a blast, they love visiting their grandparents for the weekend. I'm also looking forward to having a quiet household to maybe catch up on some things.
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? They came with to the first midwife appointment and heard the baby on the doppler with us. DD1 is over the moon with excitement and constantly wants to hug and kiss the baby (even though my stomach is more pudge than baby right now). It's so adorable. DD2 doesn't really understand yet but she smiles and points to my belly every so often. They both think it's another girl and call it "sister" but we're trying to make sure they know it could also be a brother. Either way I think once he/she is here gender won't matter much to them.
Last night I said something about “baby brother” to DS and he patted my belly!! I don’t think he has any idea that there’s a baby in there lol, but I like that he’s picked up on me saying “baby brother” and touching my stomach enough to make some kind of connection. ❤️
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2; DD is almost 8 and DS is 5
How are your other kids doing this week? Great! DD loves 2nd grade and enjoys school. DS thinks it’s boring. Lol
Rants/Raves: We are going to a pumpkin patch that I went to as a kid. I’m so excited to see all the new things, it’s been about 28 years since I’ve been there.
Concerns/Questions: NATM
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? Yes, DD is over the moon excited and ready to help. DS is excited, but wants a brother. We got confirmation that we are having a girl.
Re: STM+ check in 9.16
How are your other kids doing this week? We’ve had a pretty chill week. We’ve just done some homeschool and lots of play/ cleaning and we went to lunch with a friend yesterday.
Rants/Raves: getting him to sleep alone is going well. He’s done great going to sleep and staying asleep. We moved him back to his room this week, he was in our room on a mattress on the floor. He keeps waking up around 2-3 to come back to his little bed in our room. So not really sure how to overcome that. I considered getting a video monitor so I could intercept him before he wakes to the point of coming In our room.
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it?
He does know. I think it’s such a foreign concept to him that he’s excited? But not really sure what to think about it. We’re just trying to bring him up in conversation to prepare him for the change.
How are your other kids doing this week? It’s been a week with a LOT of emotions, lol. He had his second day of daycare this past Monday and loved it. But the rest of the week has been a wild ride. He’s starting to talk a lot more though, so that’s been fun!
Rants/Raves: @photographerwife Yay about the sleep! That’s my rave too. For the past month or more (ish), most nights my son has slept through the night! For the first time in his life! YAY! *and* hes been doing a great job of going back to sleep without nursing. So that’s been wonderful. Our plan now is to just keep cosleeping and get through September, since we’ll be out of town twice and T has a big transition with starting daycare. After that, if he’s doing as well as he has been, I’ll try to get him to sleep on his mattress (instead of ours) but in our room.
Concerns/Questions: not now
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? I mean, he’s not quite two, so he doesn’t really get it. 🤨 lol. I have a couple of “big brother” books that he loves to read, and I sub out his name for “you” and “big brother” and things like that. So I’m doing my best lol.
How are your other kids doing this week? They're doing pretty well. DS1 has been more stubborn and having even more opinions than usual, but we're working through it. He responds better to me than DH, so it's been a struggle with all the traveling I've done recently. DS2 is just happy to be included in all the things, but is home sick with a fever today.
Rants/Raves: I have an entire tub full of 12-18 month clothes, and I can't find it to save my life. DS2 needs to size up, so I'll keep looking for it.
Concerns/Questions: Not really, we're just coordinating and controlling the chaos as best we can right now lol.
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? DS1 knows about the baby and is excited. He keeps telling us that his baby sister is in my belly. He also thinks the baby is either coming out my toe, or I'll be puking it out. So that's been interesting lol.
How are your other kids doing this week?
Rants/Raves: Rave: I was so worried about how he would sleep on vacation and he’s doing awesome! When we went to Maine a few months ago we had to share a room with him and he was up at 4:30 every morning. He has his own room here and he’s slept in past 7 both mornings so far.
Concerns/Questions: none
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? We’ve told him about it but he definitely doesn’t get it. He still refers to himself as “baby” (literally has never said his name 🤦♀️🤦♀️) so I think it will be a rough transition for him
@kaf1788 glad your having a good trip! I’d die if my son woke up at 4:30 😅
How are your other kids doing this week? Everyone is healthy 🤞🏼 DS has ADHD and is in middle school. He’s high IQ and in combo with the ADHD makes for difficulty with peers. So that’s creeping back in. We’ve already had to talk to school counselor and principal 🤦🏻♀️
Rants/Raves: my husband has been driving me nuts this week, but the kids have been okay lol. We “matched” with an au pair from Czech Republic, but there’s more I have to do before it’s official. So have to get started on that…
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? They know. They’ve known since like 12 weeks because my husband has a loud mouth. They both seem indifferent to this one because of the recent loss. And we don’t know sex/name yet, so I think they’ll get more excited when we can refer to the baby as brother/sister. That said, we will officially no longer be team green after viability. I got outvoted lol. So we’ll do a sex reveal somehow.
@makingbacon good luck finding the clothes! So many totes of clothing with kiddos, hard to keep things organized decent. Our basement is in shambles lol.
How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 girls; 5 and 2
How are your other kids doing this week? DD1 is absolutely loving Kindergarten, I look forward to hearing her talk about during dinner. DD2 is having a little bit of a rough transition being home without her sister all day. She is a little shadow, but I think she's enjoying the one-on-one time with DH until this new little one makes an appearance.
Rants/Raves: Kiddos are going to MIL's this weekend so I know they are going to have a blast, they love visiting their grandparents for the weekend. I'm also looking forward to having a quiet household to maybe catch up on some things.
Concerns/Questions: natm
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? They came with to the first midwife appointment and heard the baby on the doppler with us. DD1 is over the moon with excitement and constantly wants to hug and kiss the baby (even though my stomach is more pudge than baby right now). It's so adorable. DD2 doesn't really understand yet but she smiles and points to my belly every so often. They both think it's another girl and call it "sister" but we're trying to make sure they know it could also be a brother. Either way I think once he/she is here gender won't matter much to them.
How are your other kids doing this week? Great! DD loves 2nd grade and enjoys school. DS thinks it’s boring. Lol
Rants/Raves: We are going to a pumpkin patch that I went to as a kid. I’m so excited to see all the new things, it’s been about 28 years since I’ve been there.
Concerns/Questions: NATM
GTKY: Do your kids know about the new baby? How do they feel about it? Yes, DD is over the moon excited and ready to help. DS is excited, but wants a brother. We got confirmation that we are having a girl.