my bitch fest is all of this crazy vaccine mask crap. Where I live so many people have such strong opinions about not getting them, and just don’t wear a mask or take any precautions at all. And then this mask mandate thing comes out from the president and they’re mad about it!? Like I just don’t have sympathy anymore. Can’t we all agree to just do our part to get this under control? If you aren’t going to get your vaccine, wear a damn mask and don’t go to football games? Like come on. I don’t particularly love it getting to the point where the government has to put a foot down on it, but I’m sick of it. We’re obviously beyond the point of self governing on this. It pisses me off that my son won’t even get to meet his brother until we get home from the hospital, and we can’t do reasonable things in public without being scared for our health. And we’ve got folks out here not giving any shits about it until their family members die. I’m over it.
Our covid thread may have been a more appropriate place for this. But I’m just mad at this point.
@photographerwife I totally feel you on this. I'm very fortunate to live in a place where the majority of people "get it" but it still just makes me so angry. And yea I'm already getting to be so sad at the prospect of Samson not being able to come visit in the hospital. The first time around I had a 5 day induction and I just can't imagine being apart for that long.
I will continue to bitch about our "glamping" trip we're going on tomorrow . This is totally my husband's idea (obviously) but guess who's going to be doing the meal planning, grocery shopping, packing, activity planning, etc etc etc... I might have signed Samson up for a soccer class this Sunday morning just so I have an excuse to demand we come home early.
@kaf1788 yes. It’s so frustrating. I’m sad about it too. I’ll have a csection, so thankfully it’ll be scheduled, but I’ll still be in the hospital for 2-3 days and it’s just irritating, and sad.
@photographerwife I'm fed up too. My area isn't great with masks and only 50% of people are fully vaccinated. So you know that plenty of unvaccinated people are walking around without masks, making the spread increase. My own dad mocks me when I said I wouldn't be indoors with his new girlfriend because she wasn't vaccinated. So frustrated with the lack of consideration for all people. No empathy... just pure selfishness.
@lexilougolden I hear you! I’m sure there are a handful of fully vaxxed people walking around without them, but mostly it’s the folks who think their rights are being taken away or whatever crap they tell themselves. 🙄
1000% agree with this BF I am beyond done with it. The more I read about how people with tumors, non COVID emergencies, etc are dying because ICUs and ORs are full of unvaccinated people, the more I struggle to maintain any sympathy or empathy.
@chgilmore no joke! I won’t lie, I had my hesitations about everything at first. But it doesn’t take a genius to see the impact that not being careful/being vaccinated is having on the population. This is not about just one person and the fact that people only start crying about it when someone close to them dies or gets seriously sick pisses me off so bad. Like take your fucking survivors guilt somewhere else and do your part! I could really go on and on on this, as I’m sure everyone else can. But I’m over it. People just aren’t making sense right now, and it’s really concerning, and saddening to see our community act this way.
Re: Monday bitch fest 9.13
I will continue to bitch about our "glamping" trip we're going on tomorrow
1) vaccinate
2) mask and test regularly
Just because you don’t like your choices doesn’t mean you don’t have any.