February 2022 Moms

Weekly randoms 9.13

Time flies so fast! Can’t believe it’s already the middle of September! 

Re: Weekly randoms 9.13

  • Not quite a BF? Today I had to take my cat to the vet. He's fine, just needed a vaccine and to get his teeth checked, but nationwide shortages in vet staff have made what would normally be a 15-30 minute appointment into an hour and counting ordeal. It's a wild world out here y'all. 
  • I am attending 2 conferences this week. Today’s presentations have been dull and preaching to the choir annoyingly. 
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  • Went to a Mexican place for lunch (definitely my craving lately) and they gave me a huge platter of nachos instead of a tamale. The nachos were delicious so I'm not complaining! I'm going to get two meals out of this too :)
  • Found out my daughter wants to name the baby Cece from a character on Cocomelon 😩 I kept wondering why she was so intent on the baby being named Cece.
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  • @angelz429 Aww. I bet it would help her to feel closer to the baby to know the sex. But I bet the simple preparations for the baby--and having her be apart of that will also help her.

    @livingoffpbjs Why not? Seems like a good idea for a name :)
  • @livingoffpbjs mine wants to name the baby Cece too but because there is a Cece in her class
  • @angelz429 this next few months will fly im sure! Since we don’t have a name yet, we refer to the baby a lot to ds as baby brother or your baby brother. We say things like this is for your brother, your brothers room etc, and he seems to be getting there. He’s an only child now, so I’m just trying to prepare him for the changes. And I did add one of our profile ultrasounds to a frame today and showed him, and said look it’s your baby brother and he kind of cuddled it! So maybe things like that will help. I’m sure she is guarding her heart a bit which I’m sure is bittersweet for both of you.. 💕
  • @livingoffpbjs and @angelz429 Every time I see/hear the name CeCe, I think of the business associate on The Nanny. I may have just aged myself slightly lol. 

    My anxiety was doing really well, and then my brain went into overdrive. All of the baby’s kicks are super low, so my brain has decided that we have marginal placenta previa again, even though I have no other symptoms. So yeah, that’s how I’ve been wasting my thinking time lol. At least my ultrasound tomorrow will disprove that for me. 
  • @makingbacon I know your ultrasound will help, but most of mine have been low too. Around my hips or lower. 
  • @makingbacon The Nanny! Yes!! I actually think of New Girl when I hear Cece, but I *loved* watching The Nanny with my mom lol.
  • @ninrms I think of New Girl too!
  • Another New Girl fan here

    also I’m barely getting any movement but the few times I have it’s been really low too
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