What do you do for work? Is it related to what you went to school/received training for, and if not, what were you planning to do when you were in school? If you could change careers, what would be your dream job?
Love this! Got a degree in TV production. Did that for a bit and knew it wasn’t a good fit. Flash forward 6 years after getting a free marketing certification online and doing a lot of marketing on my own for fun, I am now a marketing specialist for a home gardening plant brand, and I love it! Took me a while to figure out what my “dream job” actually was, but totally worth all the job and career changes - there were a lot of them
I got an undergraduate degree in law. I went into college thinking I'd be a lawyer in the Navy, but I joined a band my second month in Santa Barbara and did that for 5 years while in school, and so that was a definite distraction away from that track! I decided that music wasn't going to be my career and I decided out of the blue to become a high school social studies teacher, which I did for 10 years before my first kid was born. I think teaching is my dream job, and I miss it a lot. I figure I'll go back to it when this last kid is in preschool/day care.
I have a degree in Culture/Media studies. I started my career out in entertainment publicity and liked it until I didn't. I am now a producer on a major talk show and I really like it. It's not without its stresses, but every day is different and there are a lot of cool perks.
I almost went back to school to become an elementary school teacher. I think I would really enjoy that. But my ultimate DREAM job is to be a judge on any number of cooking/baking shows...
This is so interesting to read! Great thread. I do a mix of data, IT, product, and customer support for a higher Ed marketing company. I’ve done this for 6 years now and really like it. Before that, I taught middle school math for 5 years. I actually hated it, unfortunately. Too many parents are truly awful to teachers. The bad ones really made the job a nightmare for me. God bless you wonderful ladies who love it and want to get back to it! You are gems. It was a dark time in my life and I’m so grateful I got to start over in another career and recover my mental health. My dream job is to work in a bakery or sell baked goods. Baking is my love language and who doesn’t want to spread that?!
2 time nursing school drop out. I always wanted to be a nurse. I've been a nursimg assistant for 14 years. Maybe one day I'll go back to school amd finish. But its not in the cards right now.
I'm a pediatric hematology/ oncology nurse (I take care of children with cancer and blood disorders such as sickle cell and hemophillia). I started out as an EMT when I was 18, then worked various healthcare jobs (anesthesia tech, telemetry tech) while getting a degree in biomedical lab science. I did pure research for a few years and really missed patient care, so I went back and got a masters degree in nursing.
I am a 911 emergency dispatcher for a small town.I have been doing this since I turned 21. I have not gone to school for It, therefore i’m not in any school debt which is great!! I make very good money in the town i’m in, but I do not want to do It forever. I want to be a nurse, specifically an ER nurse. Someday, but not today! I’m doing good with where I am & my husband (who is a firefighter/paramedic) & I don’t stress about money much & I don’t want to have to worry especially with a baby coming. So we will see where that journey takes me, but right now i’m going to continue answering your emergencies! Maybe i’ll go back to school when the baby is in school🤷🏼♀️
I am an expressive arts therapist. I wouldn't want to do anything else! 👩🏼🎨 But it was a LONG JOURNEY to discover this as my passion. Before this, I was an English teacher and I also did a fair amount of restaurant work. I feel like my previous work has been essential in shaping me as a therapist (and I imagine will influence me as a Mom too!)
I like this thread- so interesting! I am a pediatric occupational therapist and work for my state's early intervention program with kiddos birth to 3. I only work a few hours per week now since my son was born but still really enjoy it!
I wanted to be an elementary teacher for the longest time and also considered NURSING, nurse practitioner, or physicians assistant before choosing OT.
I’m a business major and do BD for a tech company. I love my company and it’s a great job but I wouldn’t say this is my dream job. When LO is a bit older I’d love to work for an exciting Startup with a do good mission or start my own business.
But I think @fifilala516 nailed it - could there be any better job than being a judge on a cooking/baking show?! I would LOVE to taste the food on Iron Chef or Top Chef
I teach kindergarten which I love but it’s been a little rough this year for a variety of reasons. I have a fashion degree but went back for my teaching certification and masters in early childhood admin. I guess my dream job would still be to work in fashion, specifically a fashion forecaster, but I like the stability and days off to be with my family.
This thread is super fun! Great to learn more about everyone. So I went to school for finance and currently work in corporate finance for a tech company. I basically say No a lot. 🤣. I actually really like what I do and even as a young kid wanted to work in finance (not that I knew what it was but stocks and Wall Street always seemed so glamorous to me). Not sure if I have another dream job- but food judge on a reality show seems fun! Maybe running a cat or animal sanctuary?
Re: GTKY: Careers/Dream Jobs
I almost went back to school to become an elementary school teacher. I think I would really enjoy that. But my ultimate DREAM job is to be a judge on any number of cooking/baking shows...
I do a mix of data, IT, product, and customer support for a higher Ed marketing company. I’ve done this for 6 years now and really like it. Before that, I taught middle school math for 5 years. I actually hated it, unfortunately. Too many parents are truly awful to teachers. The bad ones really made the job a nightmare for me. God bless you wonderful ladies who love it and want to get back to it! You are gems. It was a dark time in my life and I’m so grateful I got to start over in another career and recover my mental health.
My dream job is to work in a bakery or sell baked goods. Baking is my love language and who doesn’t want to spread that?!
I wanted to be an elementary teacher for the longest time and also considered NURSING, nurse practitioner, or physicians assistant before choosing OT.