February 2022 Moms

Re: UO 9.2

  • @makingbacon I hear you, I loved the WFH days when I did my admin job - you get so much done at home! definitely depends on your work environment, job type, and your needs as a person
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  • @chgilmore I am blessed to be able to do my job from anywhere with an internet connection, so that has been really nice. 
  • I only get to wfh one day a week now. I miss it. 
  • WFH would be amazing. I’m a pediatric dental hygienist and also our OSHA officer. I love the responsibility, but I wish i could WFH to do my updates and not be bothered. Lol

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @makingbacon I miss wfh last year. I have the flexibility with my job to sort of come and go as I please but am still expected to be in the office daily. I like to work smarter not harder by diving into my work and skipping all of the multiple 30-40min water cooler type conversations. I’m introverted as well but know how to make small talk but really having 40min convos throughout the day is draining as well as unproductive. I’ll have 1 a day if a co-worker needs to vent but then I ignore them after that lol I am really looking for a wfh job with baby otw. 
  • @JEM2014 I agree with you! I probably break the rules too much because I'm not used to a forum/board. I think social media makes it harder because you're used to posting whatever/whenever! Technically I'm not even having a Feb baby! (but probably will) I'm due Jan 31st. :D
  • I am so glad I'm not the only one who likes WFH.  Almost everyone I work with directly is an extrovert, so they were all so ready to go back to the office.

    @JEM2014 Depending on the day, one-off posts that aren't completely random don't bother me.  If there were a bunch on a day that I didn't sign in until the end of the day, then those would probably overwhelm me.  Overall, I don't mind the structure of the board though.

    @lexilougolden I don't know how I missed your January due date lol. If it helps, I don't really view your posts as random/one-off posts.  They usually start a completely separate discussion, so it makes sense for them to be on their own.
  • @makingbacon Yeah, my OB changed it at one of my visits but I still think my EDD is 2/1/2022 :) Maybe because I want baby to be born in February and not be born on big brother's birthday (end of Jan).
  • @lexilougolden I have a technical/medical EDD of 1/30/2022 but based on baby's growth and when I O'd, I'm pretty sure it's actually early February, but I feel you on that!
    @JEM2014 it's definitely an adjustment. having gotten used to this format through TTGP, I can't stand most other one-off boards, it just feels so chaotic and there's not control over potentially upsetting/triggering content (like pictures of bodily fluids). different strokes for different folks and all that.
  • edited September 2021
    @jem2014 I can understand somewhat. It can be overwhelming at first to understand the vibe of the group. I’ve been on the bump for quite a while and the structure of the bump is what keeps me around. There are very few groups that maintain any structure and that’s just chaotic and gross. People throwing out their cervical mucus and bombing pregnancy tests all the time (while ttc) is just too much. As someone who had a really long hard time conceiving this baby, the support and protection of not being able to do these things here really guarded my heart. The women in ttgp and Infertility saved me and offered more support than anyone, real life, internet or otherwise, and my sanity multiple times. I couldn’t have said the same thing, without the rules and trigger warnings and strictness of the group. Also, I have no interest in shouting my details into the void of the internet without actually being able to get to know the people around me. Or the patience to constantly provide support to people who have no interest in doing the same in return. I’m in a couple other groups on Facebook like that and I don’t know any of them, nor do I post or comment, usually. I feel like this structure really gives of the opportunity to be one on one more. I feel like a actually know a lot of the ladies here and look forward to their updates. 
    That being said, your relationship and things like that are totally not off limits, and we are open to making new monthly/weekly threads if someone has suggestions about that. If there isn’t a board for what you want to say, put in in the weekly randoms! But please don’t let the structure of the board hold you back. We’d love to get to know you too! 
  • @chgilmore @photographerwife People post pictures of bodily fluids/cervical mucus on the TTGP board?! Those poor ladies - pregnancy tests would be bad enough while trying to conceive.  What is the actual goal of posting those pictures?
  • @makingbacon oh no no no I don't mean the TTGP board here posted those pics, might be TMI/TW so I'll put in spoiler

    on places like Peanut and some other more popular boards, I ran into folks posting spotting/possible MC photos a LOT like...come on

  • @chgilmore I wonder how someone decides "Hmm, I think I'll take a picture of that and post it on the internet?" 
  • @makingbacon the descriptions are always like "help! does this look normal?!" and I get it, I do, it's a scary time in early first trimester especially, but go to your dr and ask them!
  • @makingbacon - I’m not a WFH fan either!! 
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • @makingbacon haha they totally do, occasionally. But mostly it’s from one off posts. The rules go against that totally. I think the only thing you’re allowed to post there is opks, and no mention of kids and stuff unless it’s relevant or in the trying for a sibling thread. It really is a safe space. Which is why I’ve felt so defensive of all of our rules. 😅
  • @JWatt5 But you can wear lounge pants all day at home!

    @photographerwife I don't blame them for having so many rules. It's hard enough trying to get pregnant without internet strangers waving around their pregnancy tests and cervical mucus (never thought I'd say that lol). I muted so many people on social media who just wouldn't quit with the pregnancy updates while I struggled to get pregnant with DS1 and DS2.
  • @makingbacon same! It’s so weird how that can affect you. Even now I don’t talk about it unless I’m asked, and I don’t post many updates because I know It’s tough. Glad we both got to “the other side” finally. 
  • @makingbacon I loved the partial white that I had. We were essential so I had a set time to be in the office each day but it was minimized to not overlap with everyone else. I'm really looking into all options during this pregnancy because I would love to not have to leave the house for the day to work after this baby comes.

  • I’m solidly a Feb 14 due date, but with my history I don’t think my MFM will let me go passed 34-36 weeks (if I make it that long), so will likely have a Jan baby 🤷🏻‍♀️

    With my 2016 baby, 2 of my friends were all due with me in Nov, but not one of us had a Nov baby 😂 Brielle was 9 weeks early and was a Sept baby, then my other friends had theirs in Oct and Dec haha
  • I’m going to have baby envy again with everyone delivering before me lol. DS2 was 8 days overdue and was supposed to be a May baby, but he apparently preferred June. 

    @angelz429 All of your babies noped out of November lol. I was due at the end of May with a clump of friends. They all went 2-3 weeks early. A couple grade school/high school friends were due in July, and they both went before me, too, which definitely wasn’t ideal, but at that point I decided literally everyone was going to have their babies before me. I was a tad dramatic at that point, even though I felt really good. 
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