April 2022 Moms

Just for Fun: Predictions

We did this in my first BMB, and it was fun to do early because you (mostly; if you did IVF you probably know the sex) have no way of knowing. So just gut instinct:

Baby's sex:
Baby's weight at birth:
Baby's height/length at birth:
When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?:
When will you first feel movement?: 
Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero):
What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is):
Any other predictions?:

Re: Just for Fun: Predictions

  • Baby's sex: I keep having dreams of having another girl! But I can honestly say that either way would be wonderful.

    Baby's weight at birth: 6lb 7oz

    Baby's height/length at birth: 20in

    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 12 weeks 

    When will you first feel movement?: 16 weeks (I couldn’t feel DD until 18 weeks because of an anterior placenta so I’m hoping for earlier this time)

    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): Super active

    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD is 4/28, I’m planning on 4/14, probably in the middle of the night so like 3 am

    Any other predictions?: Bald!
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  • Baby's sex: Female
    Baby's weight at birth: 8 lbs 8 oz (DS was 8-6 and my mom had similar size babies)
    Baby's height/length at birth: 19.5 in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 15 weeks (STM)
    When will you first feel movement?: 15 weeks also
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): active like DS
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD is 04/13, my guess is 04/15
    Any other predictions?: my water will break spontaneously again
  • Baby's sex:  boy, but we're going to wait and be surprised! 
    Baby's weight at birth: 9lbs 10oz.  (REALLY hope I'm wrong, but that's the pattern from previous pregnancies and husband comes from a family of HUGE babies) 
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21 3/4 in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?:  12 weeks (have a 14mo old, so these things will probably happen fast)
    When will you first feel movement?:  14wks.  
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): super active 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD is 4/2/2022.  I'm guessing 4/2 at 1am.  Both my girls were on their due date! 
    Any other predictions?:  Since I'm super scared of, and prepared for, another crazy long labor and delivery, it wouldn't surprise me if this one decided to mess with us and show up in the car on our way to the hospital (ok, more like wishful thinking than prediction, but sticking with it!)
  • Baby's sex: I'm betting on a male, but honestly the morning sickness started early which is different from my boys. No idea really.
    Baby's weight at birth: 9lbs (first was 9lbs 5 oz, other two were 8 lbs 5 oz)
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21 inches
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 11 weeks people at work are already eyeing my stomach from bloat lol.
    When will you first feel movement?: 16 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): active!
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): due date is April 29 and I was 12 days over with my first two, 5 days over with my last. Only my last was spontaneous. I say May 9 bc it's in between the two. Between 10:30 and 2pm depending on whether it's induced or spontaneous.

    Any other predictions?: That it will take me over an hour to push, as it has every time, despite everyone saying it gets easier with each kid. 

  • Oddly enough, I actually was right on my guessed birth date last time - even though I was 4 days late.

    Baby's sex: boy 
    Baby's weight at birth: 7 lbs 5 oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21.5 in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 20 weeks
    When will you first feel movement?: 15 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): oh god I hope it's not SUPER active again... 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): my EDD is April 4 and I'm gonna guess April 4 :) 
    Any other predictions?: Last time my labor was really fast, and I just have this feeling that this time it'll be really slow or something... 
  • Baby's sex: male (my theory that is very loosely backed by science is that super well timed sex results in a boy, surprise pregnancies or people struggling to get pregnant on their own have girls- not including IUI/IVF) So far this theory has been pretty accurate with all my family and friends. 
    Baby's weight at birth: 6lbs (preemie, see below)
    Baby's height/length at birth: 17in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: I have a PCOS belly so everyone thinks they can see it now, but really its just fat  :( but I think I'll actually start to pop at 13 weeks.
    When will you first feel movement?: I'm hoping earlier than with DS; anterior placenta + IUGR I barely felt him move ever. I laughed when they asked if I was doing kick counts, I was lucky to feel him move a couple times a day all the way until he was born at 29 weeks. Hoping for 15 weeks movements this time!
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): super active!
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): Due date is Apr 7th, they won't let me go past 37 weeks and Dr said his goal is to make it to 36 weeks. So I'm estimating 35+4 for a date of Mar 6th at 8am via c-section.
    Any other predictions?: DH has some very prominent features given his ethnicity, so I predict that baby will look like him just like DS did. One nurse commented "well that definitely isn't the mail man's baby"  :D Also very very bald. DS didn't have hair until he was about 2 but not sure if that's preemie related.
  • sex: boy
    weight: 7 lbs 10 oz
    Length:20.5 my daughter was 21 I expected tall but might have do do planned C-section early.
    When will I pop? around 15 weeks
    First movement around 18 weeks my daughter was a sleepy baby and moved slowly but my best memories of her was the hiccups. She frequently had them and I could feel her little body shake.
    I think this one will be more active but I'm hoping for small consistent movement.I never enjoy feet in my ribs.
    Due date: EDD is 4/23 but that's a Saturday and I'll be a planned C-section and my doctor is picky on the staff for the surgery so he normally schedules for midweek so we are out before the weekend.
    Other predictions: lots of hair and now I'm having flashbacks to all my previous heartburn. 
  • Baby's sex: Female (total guess, we have a DD, I used to think I’d want one girl and one boy, but now I’m so excited for any possibility)
    Baby's weight at birth: 7 lb 2 oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 19”
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 14 weeks (STM)
    When will you first feel movement?: 16 weeks, but it’ll be hard to tell. I swear I get gas bubbles that feel exactly like tiny baby kicks, even when not pregnant. 
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): slightly sleepy, I saw baby on the US gently moving his/her little arms and I’m going to base everything on that 10 second observation 😆
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD 4/6, I’ll guess 3/30 actual birthday.
    Any other predictions?: Precipitous labor. I was a second baby, and my mom barely made it to the hospital in time at 9 cm dilated because her contractions were so mild. I was induced during my first labor late at night and I slept through the night with mild contractions, convinced labor had stalled and that they were about to pump me full of pitocin in the morning. I was very surprised when the OB arrived and announced I was 8 cm dilated and approaching transition. Labor hit me like a tsunami a few seconds later when the OB broke the amniotic sac…
  • Baby's sex: female 
    Baby's weight at birth: 7 lbs 10 oz (right between my other two, who were 7lbs 14 and 7 lbs 7)
    Baby's height/length at birth: 20" (the first two were both 20")
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 12 weeks, but starting to look suspicious by 11 (really, I think my body is already giving up the fight... TTM problems)
    When will you first feel movement?: 15-16 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): super active, just like the other two
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD is Apr 5, I think Apr 8, around noon
    Any other predictions?:
  • Baby's sex: Male
    Baby's weight at birth: 6.9
    Baby's height/length at birth: 19.5"
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 18 weeks, based off my body now it'll take some time to be convinced it's not a normal belly
    When will you first feel movement?: 17 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): Super active, my pregnancy for my DS was already so different that I'm assuming this kid will be his opposite. During my non-stress tests with DS we couldn't count on the kicks so we had to do a lot of ultrasounds.
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): April 4th, will be a planned c-section this time so it'll be a little early. If I get pre-eclampsia again I'll have a c-section in March though
    Any other predictions?:
    This kid is going to be the opposite of my son. Not necessarily in a bad way buy I keep assuming we will try to follow a similar path as last time (sleep training, feeding, etc.) and I don't think that's going to happen
  • Baby's sex: According to the predictor charts- girl
    Baby's weight at birth:  8 lbs
    Baby's height/length at birth:  20 in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?:  I'm already fluffy so probably like 15 weeks?
    When will you first feel movement?:  15 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero):  Well my son was sleepy so this one will probably be active.
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is):  EDD is 4/8  -- might have to do a scheduled C which would be around 4/1, but if allowed to VBAC I predict 4/9 (because it's my husband's birthday)
    Any other predictions?:  Hopefully another brown eyed kid (to take after me haha) and maybe a redhead?  We shall see
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • I love this type of thing :D

    Baby's sex: Male  
    Baby's weight at birth: 6 lbs 10 oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 20 in
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 12 weeks
    When will you first feel movement?: 16-17 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): Active! If anything like his/her brother. 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD is 4/23 and this will be a scheduled RCS - so my guess is April 19 (coincidentally my 30th birthday) at 8:20 a.m.
    Any other predictions?: Baby will be very bald lol
  • Baby's sex: one boy, one girl 
    Baby's weight at birth: both around 8 pounds
    Baby's height/length at birth: 20.5 inches
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: Probably 14 weeks
    When will you first feel movement?: 14-16 weeks. Reading up it looks like twins can be felt earlier, which makes sense, and I didn’t feel my others until 18-20 weeks.
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): I’m sure that combined they’ll be super active, lol.
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): due date is 4/4. Pretty determined to take these babies to term and my due date would have been my grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary (my grandma died earlier this year) so I’m going to stick with 4/4. Hopefully ASAP though lol.
    Any other predictions?: Umm well like I said I’m hoping to give these babies as much time to bake as possible. Mostly that they’re in a variation of normal— both head down or maybe just baby b breech but nobody transverse or footling or shoulder dystocia. Wishful thinking would prefer a quicker labor but honestly just want my birth plan to progress with healthy babies and no csection! 
  • @hoosiermamajayden Do you know yet if your twins are did/di, mo/di, mo/mo? I feel like boy-girl twins would be so fun!
  • Baby's sex: Girl… we took two Sneak Peek tests so we cheated ;)
    Baby's weight at birth: 8lbs 9oz … both my boys were over 9lbs so I’m expecting my girl may be a little smaller 
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21in 
    When will you "pop" - already did (10 weeks) TTM 
    When will you first feel movement?:16 weeks?
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): somewhere in between 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): Due date is Apr 4th and I’m having a planned c section at 39 weeks … so probably March 30 th first thing in the morning … 8:30 am?
    Any other predictions?: 
    She will have curly blond hair because both my husband and I did when we were little (mine is brown now though) and my older son has curly blond hair… younger son has curly light brown. 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • @zamoraspin2 Babies are in their own sacs so dizygotic but they told me they can’t tell me any more until my 20 week scan when they see how the placenta develops.
  • zamoraspinzamoraspin member
    edited September 2021
    @hoosiermamajayden Even twins with their own sacks and placentas (di/di) can actually be monozygotic (identical), but di/di can also be dizygotic (fraternal). Every other configuration (sharing a placenta but separate sacks, or sharing placenta and sack) will be monozygotic (but identical twins are pretty rare in spontaneous pregnancies). Our RE seemed to think our twins are mo/di (sharing a placenta, each with a sack) even at the very early u/s but I’m sure it will be confirmed later if they both (hopefully) continue to grow (we know they are monozygotic because they started from one transferred embryo). Did they lay out your monitoring? I’ve heard there is a lot of extra for twins and am assuming I will have to see a high risk dr too. 

    ETA also, sorry for the info dump! I have a lot of friends with multiples and one of them was just telling me a couple weeks ago they actually don’t know if her di/di girls, who are almost one year old, are identical or fraternal. They look a lot alike, but she can see the differences easily - but even identical twins can look a bit different because every time the cells divide there a chance for a mutation, I find that fascinating. 
  • Baby's sex: Male
    Baby's weight at birth: 8lbs8oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21.5 inches
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 4.5 months
    When will you first feel movement?: 4 months 
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): active
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): Edd 4/13, I think 4/5 around lunchtime 
    Any other predictions?: Idk
  • @zamoraspin2 No I don’t mind at all! No one’s laid it out for me yet, I’m just going off what I found on the WebMDs of the world. 

    The doctor I’ve been seeing for progesterone therapy doesn’t take twins (which is kind of a nonissue because we wanted a homebirth anyway). They offered to go ahead and do another ultrasound four weeks from the last one “just to check on them” but I declined. I see my midwife on the 22nd and I’ll see from there what she wants to do and what the protocol is for the OB who oversees her, but my guess is another ultrasound around 20 weeks and then as necessary towards my due date based off how things looks, positioning, etc.
  • Baby's sex: I think boy or B/G twins.  Hubby really wants a girl
    Baby's weight at birth:8lbs 2oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 21 inches 
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 14 weeks
    When will you first feel movement?: 16 weeks
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): super active 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): EDD April 23.  Im always late so Im going to go with May 2
    Any other predictions?:  I think there may be two in there. My last pregnancy started out as twins (only until 5-6 weeks for one of them) so we’ll see!
  • @zamoraspin2 lifestyle factors can also affect our appearance more than I think most people realize, and those things can result in identical twins looking pretty different from one another. For instance, the more tough the food you eat the more likely your teeth will be straight and you won't need braces. Or if you have a constantly stuffy nose as a kid and thus cannot press your tongue consistently on the roof of your mouth (because you wouldn't be able to breathe) it can affect your chin, nose and cheek shape. Or if you have anxiety and tend to bite your nails it can cause asymmetry in your face. 
  • Baby's sex: girl 
    Baby's weight at birth: 6 pounds 11 oz
    Baby's height/length at birth: 18 inches (we’re  short😂)
    When will you "pop" (ie, really start to show and not be able to hide it)?: 12 weeks as I’m already starting to round out now 
    When will you first feel movement?: 15 weeks hopefully 
    Super active or slightly sleepy baby? (in utero): active when I go to sleep but sleepy during the day 
    What date/time will you deliver? (remind us what your EDD is): DD 4-16 but I want to deliver the first week in April so hopefully 4/1 9:30 am 
  • @doxiemoxie212 huh I didn't even think about how those suttle habits can make such a difference in your face. Now I'm wondering about all the things I did lol
  • @miss_lynn9 it's an interesting rabbit hole. Here's a youtube channel that discusses peer reviewed research on it if you're curious (it also discusses a lot of photoshop and plastic surgery since those are the industries funding the studies): https://www.youtube.com/c/QOVESStudio/videos
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