How are you feeling? Good! I’ve had a a bunch of growing/round ligament pains in my pelvis the past few days, but it’s mild. But good overall! Excited to be getting further and further along. I feel like this pregnancy has been quick so far.
Rants/Raves? We got more done in the nursery! We did our second coat on the accent wall and painted the other three, and changed the light fixture. We just need to do touch ups on the paint. And finish the trim paint. And then decorate! I haven’t bought anything baby related so far.
Questions? I’m curious, if others have started buying baby stuff? What did you buy?
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? if I’m going baby related right now, it be one of those fancy snoo bassinets that’s rocks the baby. I think they’re like $1500 😅 or one of those doona infant car seats that pulls up into the stroller. But again, it’s like $600 and would maybe last a year, so not buying that either! If I’m going splurge for myself, I’d love to just take a super nice vacation, and not have to worry about the cost, or covid.
Upcoming Appointments? I have my first appointment with the OB tomorrow!
TTGP Grad? nope
IF/RPL/High Risk? nope
How are you feeling? I was feeling way better, then this morning I woke up with a headache and threw up when I tried to take a tylenol . Baby girl is keeping me on my toes.
Rants/Raves? My son goes back to daycare tomorrow after 2 weeks of vacation. Thank God!!! He cried pretty hard when we dropped him off this morning which is new because he's always loved going. Hopefully he gets back into the routine quickly.
Questions? none at the moment.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? if cost of taxes was also no issue then... a house? But if it was something just for me it would be one of those fancy expensive espresso machines.
@photographerwife I've taken advantage of the end of summer sales and bought some clothes. I literally already have more baby clothes than she can wear from hand me downs from my son and two nieces butttt it's just so cute! For practical things we already have most of what we need, but this time around we're living in a more spread out three story house as opposed to a tiny one floor condo so I do want some extra seats/portable bassinets/changing areas, etc so I don't have to be constantly carrying things (or the baby) up and down stairs. I haven't bought any of it yet but am actively stalking Marketplace so will jump on anything when I see a particularly good deal.
Happy Monday ladies. I feel terrible that I have essentially been MIA the last two weeks but I will attempt to be better starting this week. I've been dealing with some mental health stuff going on with the stresses of work, kiddos, and pregnancy. Just haven't been coping well. I hope to start putting in place some things this week that will point me in the right direction.
How Far Along? 14w6d
How big is baby? Beet
Upcoming Appointments? Sep 1st (both midwife and chiropractor, love getting everything in on one day)
TTGP Grad? Nope, surprise over here
IF/RPL/High Risk? None
How are you feeling? Much better physically, yes I'm still tired but the incessant nausea has lightened up. I'm still floored that it's already second trimester and things are moving along quickly.
Rants/Raves? I always rant about back to work on Mondays but my rave is that with my new schedule change I get to sleep in until after sunrise two days out of the week. I think it's really going to help me not feel so disconnected when I'm at home. It was essentially go to work, get home, sleep. This week we started a new routine with the girls since DD1 goes to Kindergarten starting on Wed. She is so excited.
Questions? NATM
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? I wouldn't say item, I would say a long vacation/trip to an all inclusive resort. A babymoon where we can fully relax and unwind before this third one comes in.
@photographerwife we haven't bought anything yet but we have a ton of clothes from the other two kids. I need to start pulling stuff out of the basement and taking inventory. I guess I could include the bunkbeds we just got, once they come in then we'll move DD2 out of the nursery and into DD1s room. She's still using our crib/toddler bed so we need to get her out of that so we can reconvert it back. Wanted to do it early while I'm still pregnant so she doesn't associate it negatively with the new baby coming and "stealing" her bed.
How Far Along? 17w5d... Wait, how do we count the days? if Im 17 weeks on a Thursday am I 17w1d on Thursday or 17w0d? Meaning the next Wednesday would it be 17w6d or 17w7d?
How big is baby? Not big enough for as big as this belly is, she staking up a tiny amount of room wayyyyy low and Ive got this melon up top
Upcoming Appointments? Not for a few weeks
IF/RPL/High Risk? Factor V puts me at high risk
How are you feeling? Ok I guess, happy to be out of the 1st Trimester and vaccinated
Rants/Raves? I was super emotional yesterday and it sucked. My husband even made a comment that I went from angry to sad to "do me" In a span of half an hour
Questions? That one up top about how to count days
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Id go with that Snoo bassinet too. I just cant see paying that much for something only used a few months and this being our last child. Even renting them is too much for me. I am looking into the Sense2Snooze though, it has the auto cry detection and is only $300. Not baby related.... I guess a new house, we've outgrown ours but since we are moving out of state in a few years it doesnt make sense to buy in this high market to move again in a few years.
@photographerwife Im trying not to but if I find a good deal on things I am buying them, Target had the diaper sale so I bought a total of 2000 diapers last week but I got them all for like $170. I also bought the Graco duoglider back in January or February but then had my miscarriage, but I kept it so I have that. Since we had a winter baby girl in 2018 I dont need any clothing. I bought a play yard and a new pack and play that were on sale.
@angelob88 hugggggssss, sorry youre going through a rough time
Upcoming Appointments? One of the big ones with MFM this Friday
TTGP Grad? Briefly
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk
How are you feeling? Physically significantly better than last week (covid), but still tired and getting headaches mentally still trying to keep myself numb until Friday
Rants/Raves? We actually followed all quarantine and isolation protocols, which in the US is a privilege unfortunately to be able to do. I can honestly say I did not infect anyone with covid 🙌🏼 Despite this, and the cdc protocol for a shortened quarantine, my 4yo can’t go back to school until Wednesday because the shortened guidelines are for k-12 kids, not pre-K and below 🙄
Questions? Natm
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Oh I WILL be splurging on a Doona and Snoo 🤣 I got them last year for Black Friday, but returned them after our loss. I wish I would have at least kept the Donna 😩 but we didn’t know we were going to try again, let alone be pregnant again so 🤷🏻♀️ Will be getting them on Black Friday again.
@photographerwife we have a hallway full of baby things that I’ve bought but not unpacked because I keep getting 20% off coupons for buy buy baby and bed bath and beyond. I also had my registry completion coupon code from Amazon for my loss baby and opted to rebuy the things I returned in February March. So I have like a boppy lounger, 2 diaper pails, a bath tub, and some bottles, and a few cute gender neural outfits.
@kaf1788 aww, I hope his back to daycare isn’t too rough on him. I bet he’ll adapt well once he’s back into his routine. And an espresso machine is a good one! Is it the property taxes that is expensive where you live? I think multiple stations is a great idea if you’re in a big house! Ours is open floor plan to the room is just right off of the main area of the house, or id do the same thing!
@angelob88 it’s totally fair to have off weeks! I think we all do when life catches up to us. I hope you feel better mentally soon, all of this can be stressful! Glad you have a new schedule and the vacation is exactly what I had in mind too, but unfortunately it’s not in the books for us, unless we just did a chill weekend trip. That’s a great idea about the bed situation! Hope it goes well!
@photographerwife the problem is actually that property taxes are super cheap where we currently live 😂 (in the city of Boston). Anytime we’ve considered moving to the burbs and then realize that the taxes would be like… ten times what we pay now we get overwhelmed and drop it lol.
How big is baby? An artichoke, bell pepper, or big red staple from Office Space. Upcoming Appointments? It was today! HB sounded good! Next appointment is anatomy scan in 2 weeks. TTGP Grad? No IF/RPL/High Risk? No--will be AMA when I deliver. How are you feeling? Lots better, haven't thrown up in a week and I can't believe it! My acid reflux is bad though (I'm usually medicated for it off and on) so I'm getting back on medication for that. Rants/Raves? Rave: Went on our first family (me, MH, SS, GR-Golden Retriever) camp trip and it went really well! We're excited to do more next year with a little baby! Also, I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby move the last few days! Wahoo! Rant: Still wondering how people sleep on their sides. It's so uncomfortable to me! I'm a back sleeper and my poor body is hating my sleep positions now. Questions? No GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Well, with camping in my head...I'd love to get an RV. We live somewhere where we could camp every weekend in a new beautiful spot, so I think we'd love it.
@kaf1788 that’s crazy! I always hear of places being crazy like that on property taxes. You would think they’d be higher in the city! I don’t blame you!
@lexilougolden glad your appt went well! And that your trip was fun! I’m usually a back sleeper too, but I’ve noticed recently that my body just doesn’t feel as comfortable sleeping on my back and defaults to the sides. Maybe a pregnancy pillow will help you, if you aren’t already using one! Gl!
@photographerwife I'm so jealous that you're getting the nursery done! We still need to transition my SS to basement room and he's going to hate it... so I think we keep procrastinating because of that. But if baby's room was already free (the one next to our room) then I would have it done by now I was a nanny and the family had a Snoo for their last baby. They really liked it! Definitely would be a nice thing to have. I've just gotten clothes so far. Need to start a registry soon! @angelob88 Glad to see you back! Sorry that things are difficult, we're here for you! That's kind of what we're dealing with too...trying to have older child move rooms and not wanting him to feel like his room was taken from him. I want to do it soon so he has time to adjust, but life is so busy right now! @livingoffpbjs So glad you're vaccinated too! +1 for being emotional. I cried at a movie and just walking and touching my tummy (which I find funny because I'm typically not emotional). I think if you're 17 weeks on Thursday, that Friday you would be 17 weeks and 1 day. The following Wednesday would be 17 weeks and 6 days and 18 weeks on Thursday. Did that make sense? @angelz429 Glad you're getting better! FX for Friday, my thoughts are with you.
@livingoffpbjs Thursday would be 17w0d through the following Wednesday at 17w6d and then that Thursday would be 18w0d. Wow!! 2000 diapers!! I’m impressed! And is that the graco one? I’ve heard good things about their version too, but I haven’t really looked into it yet. and I agree, for the amount of time babies can stay in a bassinet, even renting it’s a lot. My son was only in his for like 3-4 months. But thankfully we still have a few things from ds too!
@angelz429 thinking about you for your appt this week! We’ll all just be sitting over here jealous about your doona and snoo! 😂😂 (you hear that? @lexilougolden@livingoffpbjs 😂) it sounds like you’re pretty prepared. I still have my ubbi pail from ds and pack and plays, swing, etc. so we don’t need a ton. Mainly nursery furniture, a new seat and we may upgrade a few things! I’ll have to check out those Black Friday deals if they’re that good and buy buy baby! I never bought anything through them last time.
@lexiloigolden that sounds like that will be difficult. We’d be in the same position, but we just bought a house last November, so that saved us the headache. Hopefully it goes smoothly for you guys.
How big is baby? I can't remember 😂. I looked ahead to week 15 and that says size of an orange.
Upcoming Appointments? Next Wednesday for regular OB visit and an US to measure cervical length.
TTGP Grad?
IF/RPL/High Risk?
How are you feeling? Same old same old. Not pregnant at all.
Rants/Raves? Rant: My classes started last week and I'm super annoyed that MH wanted to chat for 40 minutes while I was trying trying to study during nap time today, and then 10 minutes after he left to go to the gym our 1 year old woke up. He is cranky AF and now I don't get any studying in until late tonight when I'm already tired. 🤬
Questions? Anyone seeing super cute gender neutral hospital/coming home sleepers/gowns? I haven't done much searching yet, but if anyone has found something cute I'd take the suggestions!
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be?
An acreage/build a house. I love our house in town, but I know my kids and husband would be much happier out of town.
Upcoming Appointments? 20 week ultrasound/appointment in a couple weeks
TTGP Grad?
IF/RPL/High Risk? RPL, AMA, broken thyroid (in remission, thank goodness)
How are you feeling? I'm just tired these days, but I'm not sure I can 100% blame that on baby. Chasing the boys, working full time + traveling almost every week, and attempting to keep up with all things house has been taking it out of me, too.
Rants/Raves? Rave: I'm finally feeling tiny baby kicks that I can definitively classify as kicks! Rant: My crockpot hates me. I put everything in it yesterday afternoon so it would be ready when DH walked through the door because I was with the boys getting haircuts. Thank goodness I checked it about an hour before I had to leave because I apparently didn't turn it all the way on. The timer was set, the mode was set, but instead of a start button, you're supposed to hit the power button twice to make it go. I must have only hit it once. So I reset the mode to high, warned DH (who thought it was hilarious - crockpot and I fight a lot more than I care to admit), and dinner was ready when we got home. So it was a hard fought battle, but I won in the end.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? I'd splurge on a house with land so I could run a pet rescue/animal sanctuary. I'd love somewhere that people could come see animals, but also adopt ones that were adoptable. I used to volunteer with local pet rescues, but stopped when we started having kids. Hopefully once everyone is older we'll start up again.
@photographerwife I haven't bought anything yet, but will likely wait until after baby is born because we're Team Green. We have a bunch of toys and baby equipment (I'm a hoarder lol), so we won't need much other than more winter newborn clothes. My friend bought a snoo, and she said it's the best thing ever. If she was closer, I'd ask her if I can rent it from her because it sounds amazing.
@kaf1788 I hope this morning treated you better than yesterday! How did your son do this morning with daycare drop-off? Tears at drop-off always make me feel guilty, even though I know he has a blast after I'm gone.
@angelob88 Starting kindergarten is exciting! How are you feeling about her going? I'm also glad your work schedule has gotten better!
@livingoffpbjs Hormone swings are the worst! DH still talks about when I was pregnant with DS1, and I sat on the couch on the main floor and cried because I missed him. He was upstairs putting some laundry away, and he didn't hear me calling for him. I was too tired to walk up the stairs, so I cried instead lol.
@angelz429 Good luck at your appointment on Friday! I'm glad you are feeling better. How is being out of quarantine?
@lexilougolden Your camp trip sounds like fun. I can only sleep on my left side with either my snoogle or DH to prop me up. Otherwise, I roll onto my back or stomach. My stomach is super uncomfortable right now, so I wake up and move. I sometimes wake up on my back, so I just try not to worry about it.
@modoodles I hope you were able to get some studying done. I promised DH when we relocate that we'll buy an acreage. I've always lived in town, but would love to have some room for the boys to run around and move. Plus, I have a list of animals I want, and I have plans for a big garden/fruit trees lol.
@makingbacon I've had that crockpot battle more times than I care to admit! Drop off today was much better than yesterday which was ROUGH. When I went to pick him up yesterday I learned that he pushed my niece off the swing and her chin was all scraped up . So sad but at least he chose the one kid he's related to - obviously my sister knows he's not a monster and that's not normal for him. I was a little worried about what would happen this morning but they were both so excited to see each other and Samson ran right in the door. Thank God.
@photographerwife Its probably kind of like it but not as nice, kind of like a kia and a mercedes are both cars and have a lot of the main features but obviously one is nicer than the other lol. But since she will only be in it a few months I dont mind the Kia version
@makingbacon thats hilarious about the mood swings and crying lol Also, if it were me I would tell my husband that crock pot "broke" and get a new one, teach that thing a final lesson!
How are you feeling? feeling good today! I've started terminating with clients this week, which is rough on my emotions, but overall I feel good.
Rants/Raves? RAVE: the sweetest child client gave me a goodbye gift that consisted of koala onesies and I cried; the first thing I bought for baby was fleece koala booties (since it'll be very cold in winter here when she comes). RANT: my mom comes to visit on Thursday for the weekend, she's been pretty pushy about asserting herself during this pregnancy. sometimes it feels like she thinks this is her's a whole thing. I've been good about setting boundaries and being clear about expectations and such but I'm just worried it's going to get worse.
Questions? normally I'm a side sleeper, and it wasn't an issue in early pregnancy, but the last few nights I've found myself waking up on my back in the middle of the night and needing to adjust back to a side position with my snoogle. has this happened to anyone else? I haven't noticed any discomfort being on my back in bed, really, but I know it'll be an issue once baby gets heavier.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? we did register for a Doona, it just makes sense because we live in the city and we don't have any space for a separate stroller and car seat (and I hope to primarily wear her anyways but we'll see). but I'd love to splurge on a larger, single family home in the city. we love almost everything about where we live now...except that it's cramped and the walls in the condo complex are old and thin, so I'm not sure how that's going to go with the neighbors once baby is here.
@photographerwife can't wait to see your nursery updates!! @kaf1788 aww kiddo! it sounds like he's adjusting alright, all things considered, and I hope he continues to do well @angelob88 pregnancy affects us all differently, I hope you start feeling better soon and that you're able to get support and help that you need and want @livingoffpbjs LOL I feel you on the belly bit. like why tf do I look soooo pregnant with a baby that's the size of a cucumber? also WOW that is a lot of diapers!!!! @angelz429 I'm glad you're on the mend from COVID and hope it passes soon. sending all the love and good vibes for Friday @lexilougolden so glad the camping trip went well!! that sounds so fun, what a great way to spend these last few days/weeks of summer. @modoodles I feel that frustration with MH too, you've got a lot going on!!!! even though you said you aren't feeling pregnant, you are still growing a human that is taking your nutrients and energy, on top of your doing school and all the other things. @makingbacon huzzah for winning against the crockpot! and yay on definitive baby kicks!
@kaf1788 I’m glad other parents think that way. Any time one of the boys is a tiny terror to another kid at daycare, I’m always relieved when it’s a kid whose parents we know lol. I’m glad today’s drop off went better for you! It’s so hard to leave them when they meltdown.
@livingoffpbjs I would have it meet with a suspicious end, but DH just bought it for me as a gift last Mother’s Day. I wanted one with a timer and delayed start option for when I have meetings at the office. So he bought me this possessed one that doesn’t have a true start button (who seriously has the power button also moonlight as the start button?!) and no delayed start. It does have a timer though lol.
Re: Weekly check in for all
Upcoming Appointments? Tomorrow, regular ob.
TTGP Grad? Yes, from June 2019-may 2021
IF/RPL/High Risk? secondary IF
How are you feeling? Good! I’ve had a a bunch of growing/round ligament pains in my pelvis the past few days, but it’s mild. But good overall! Excited to be getting further and further along. I feel like this pregnancy has been quick so far.
Rants/Raves? We got more done in the nursery! We did our second coat on the accent wall and painted the other three, and changed the light fixture. We just need to do touch ups on the paint. And finish the trim paint. And then decorate! I haven’t bought anything baby related so far.
Questions? I’m curious, if others have started buying baby stuff? What did you buy?
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be?
if I’m going baby related right now, it be one of those fancy snoo bassinets that’s rocks the baby. I think they’re like $1500 😅 or one of those doona infant car seats that pulls up into the stroller. But again, it’s like $600 and would maybe last a year, so not buying that either! If I’m going splurge for myself, I’d love to just take a super nice vacation, and not have to worry about the cost, or covid.
Upcoming Appointments? I have my first appointment with the OB tomorrow!
TTGP Grad? nope
IF/RPL/High Risk? nope
How are you feeling? I was feeling way better, then this morning I woke up with a headache and threw up when I tried to take a tylenol
Rants/Raves? My son goes back to daycare tomorrow after 2 weeks of vacation. Thank God!!! He cried pretty hard when we dropped him off this morning which is new because he's always loved going. Hopefully he gets back into the routine quickly.
Questions? none at the moment.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? if cost of taxes was also no issue then... a house? But if it was something just for me it would be one of those fancy expensive espresso machines.
@photographerwife I've taken advantage of the end of summer sales and bought some clothes. I literally already have more baby clothes than she can wear from hand me downs from my son and two nieces butttt it's just so cute! For practical things we already have most of what we need, but this time around we're living in a more spread out three story house as opposed to a tiny one floor condo so I do want some extra seats/portable bassinets/changing areas, etc so I don't have to be constantly carrying things (or the baby) up and down stairs. I haven't bought any of it yet but am actively stalking Marketplace so will jump on anything when I see a particularly good deal.
How Far Along? 14w6d
Upcoming Appointments? Sep 1st (both midwife and chiropractor, love getting everything in on one day)
TTGP Grad? Nope, surprise over here
IF/RPL/High Risk? None
How are you feeling? Much better physically, yes I'm still tired but the incessant nausea has lightened up. I'm still floored that it's already second trimester and things are moving along quickly.
Rants/Raves? I always rant about back to work on Mondays but my rave is that with my new schedule change I get to sleep in until after sunrise two days out of the week. I think it's really going to help me not feel so disconnected when I'm at home. It was essentially go to work, get home, sleep. This week we started a new routine with the girls since DD1 goes to Kindergarten starting on Wed. She is so excited.
Questions? NATM
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? I wouldn't say item, I would say a long vacation/trip to an all inclusive resort. A babymoon where we can fully relax and unwind before this third one comes in.
@photographerwife we haven't bought anything yet but we have a ton of clothes from the other two kids. I need to start pulling stuff out of the basement and taking inventory. I guess I could include the bunkbeds we just got, once they come in then we'll move DD2 out of the nursery and into DD1s room. She's still using our crib/toddler bed so we need to get her out of that so we can reconvert it back. Wanted to do it early while I'm still pregnant so she doesn't associate it negatively with the new baby coming and "stealing" her bed.
Upcoming Appointments? Not for a few weeks
IF/RPL/High Risk? Factor V puts me at high risk
How are you feeling? Ok I guess, happy to be out of the 1st Trimester and vaccinated
Rants/Raves? I was super emotional yesterday and it sucked. My husband even made a comment that I went from angry to sad to "do me" In a span of half an hour
Questions? That one up top about how to count days
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Id go with that Snoo bassinet too. I just cant see paying that much for something only used a few months and this being our last child. Even renting them is too much for me. I am looking into the Sense2Snooze though, it has the auto cry detection and is only $300. Not baby related.... I guess a new house, we've outgrown ours but since we are moving out of state in a few years it doesnt make sense to buy in this high market to move again in a few years.
@photographerwife Im trying not to but if I find a good deal on things I am buying them, Target had the diaper sale so I bought a total of 2000 diapers last week but I got them all for like $170.
I also bought the Graco duoglider back in January or February but then had my miscarriage, but I kept it so I have that. Since we had a winter baby girl in 2018 I dont need any clothing.
I bought a play yard and a new pack and play that were on sale.
@angelob88 hugggggssss, sorry youre going through a rough time
Upcoming Appointments? One of the big ones with MFM this Friday
TTGP Grad? Briefly
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk
How are you feeling? Physically significantly better than last week (covid), but still tired and getting headaches
Rants/Raves? We actually followed all quarantine and isolation protocols, which in the US is a privilege unfortunately to be able to do. I can honestly say I did not infect anyone with covid 🙌🏼 Despite this, and the cdc protocol for a shortened quarantine, my 4yo can’t go back to school until Wednesday because the shortened guidelines are for k-12 kids, not pre-K and below 🙄
Questions? Natm
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Oh I WILL be splurging on a Doona and Snoo 🤣 I got them last year for Black Friday, but returned them after our loss. I wish I would have at least kept the Donna 😩 but we didn’t know we were going to try again, let alone be pregnant again so 🤷🏻♀️ Will be getting them on Black Friday again.
Upcoming Appointments? It was today! HB sounded good! Next appointment is anatomy scan in 2 weeks.
TTGP Grad? No
IF/RPL/High Risk? No--will be AMA when I deliver.
How are you feeling? Lots better, haven't thrown up in a week and I can't believe it! My acid reflux is bad though (I'm usually medicated for it off and on) so I'm getting back on medication for that.
Rants/Raves? Rave: Went on our first family (me, MH, SS, GR-Golden Retriever) camp trip and it went really well! We're excited to do more next year with a little baby! Also, I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby move the last few days! Wahoo! Rant: Still wondering how people sleep on their sides. It's so uncomfortable to me! I'm a back sleeper and my poor body is hating my sleep positions now.
Questions? No
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? Well, with camping in my head...I'd love to get an RV. We live somewhere where we could camp every weekend in a new beautiful spot, so I think we'd love it.
@angelob88 Glad to see you back! Sorry that things are difficult, we're here for you! That's kind of what we're dealing with too...trying to have older child move rooms and not wanting him to feel like his room was taken from him. I want to do it soon so he has time to adjust, but life is so busy right now!
@livingoffpbjs So glad you're vaccinated too! +1 for being emotional. I cried at a movie and just walking and touching my tummy (which I find funny because I'm typically not emotional). I think if you're 17 weeks on Thursday, that Friday you would be 17 weeks and 1 day. The following Wednesday would be 17 weeks and 6 days and 18 weeks on Thursday. Did that make sense?
@angelz429 Glad you're getting better! FX for Friday, my thoughts are with you.
Upcoming Appointments? 20 week ultrasound/appointment in a couple weeks
TTGP Grad?
IF/RPL/High Risk? RPL, AMA, broken thyroid (in remission, thank goodness)
How are you feeling? I'm just tired these days, but I'm not sure I can 100% blame that on baby. Chasing the boys, working full time + traveling almost every week, and attempting to keep up with all things house has been taking it out of me, too.
Rants/Raves? Rave: I'm finally feeling tiny baby kicks that I can definitively classify as kicks! Rant: My crockpot hates me. I put everything in it yesterday afternoon so it would be ready when DH walked through the door because I was with the boys getting haircuts. Thank goodness I checked it about an hour before I had to leave because I apparently didn't turn it all the way on. The timer was set, the mode was set, but instead of a start button, you're supposed to hit the power button twice to make it go. I must have only hit it once. So I reset the mode to high, warned DH (who thought it was hilarious - crockpot and I fight a lot more than I care to admit), and dinner was ready when we got home. So it was a hard fought battle, but I won in the end.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? I'd splurge on a house with land so I could run a pet rescue/animal sanctuary. I'd love somewhere that people could come see animals, but also adopt ones that were adoptable. I used to volunteer with local pet rescues, but stopped when we started having kids. Hopefully once everyone is older we'll start up again.
@photographerwife I haven't bought anything yet, but will likely wait until after baby is born because we're Team Green. We have a bunch of toys and baby equipment (I'm a hoarder lol), so we won't need much other than more winter newborn clothes. My friend bought a snoo, and she said it's the best thing ever. If she was closer, I'd ask her if I can rent it from her because it sounds amazing.
@kaf1788 I hope this morning treated you better than yesterday! How did your son do this morning with daycare drop-off? Tears at drop-off always make me feel guilty, even though I know he has a blast after I'm gone.
@angelob88 Starting kindergarten is exciting! How are you feeling about her going? I'm also glad your work schedule has gotten better!
@livingoffpbjs Hormone swings are the worst! DH still talks about when I was pregnant with DS1, and I sat on the couch on the main floor and cried because I missed him. He was upstairs putting some laundry away, and he didn't hear me calling for him. I was too tired to walk up the stairs, so I cried instead lol.
@angelz429 Good luck at your appointment on Friday! I'm glad you are feeling better. How is being out of quarantine?
@lexilougolden Your camp trip sounds like fun. I can only sleep on my left side with either my snoogle or DH to prop me up. Otherwise, I roll onto my back or stomach. My stomach is super uncomfortable right now, so I wake up and move. I sometimes wake up on my back, so I just try not to worry about it.
@modoodles I hope you were able to get some studying done. I promised DH when we relocate that we'll buy an acreage. I've always lived in town, but would love to have some room for the boys to run around and move. Plus, I have a list of animals I want, and I have plans for a big garden/fruit trees lol.
@makingbacon thats hilarious about the mood swings and crying lol Also, if it were me I would tell my husband that crock pot "broke" and get a new one, teach that thing a final lesson!
Upcoming Appointments? 20w scan on 9/15
TTGP Grad? yes, feb21-may21
IF/RPL/High Risk? no
How are you feeling? feeling good today! I've started terminating with clients this week, which is rough on my emotions, but overall I feel good.
Rants/Raves? RAVE: the sweetest child client gave me a goodbye gift that consisted of koala onesies and I cried; the first thing I bought for baby was fleece koala booties (since it'll be very cold in winter here when she comes).
RANT: my mom comes to visit on Thursday for the weekend, she's been pretty pushy about asserting herself during this pregnancy. sometimes it feels like she thinks this is her's a whole thing. I've been good about setting boundaries and being clear about expectations and such but I'm just worried it's going to get worse.
Questions? normally I'm a side sleeper, and it wasn't an issue in early pregnancy, but the last few nights I've found myself waking up on my back in the middle of the night and needing to adjust back to a side position with my snoogle. has this happened to anyone else? I haven't noticed any discomfort being on my back in bed, really, but I know it'll be an issue once baby gets heavier.
GTKY: if you could splurge on one item with cost being no issue, what would it be? we did register for a Doona, it just makes sense because we live in the city and we don't have any space for a separate stroller and car seat (and I hope to primarily wear her anyways but we'll see). but I'd love to splurge on a larger, single family home in the city. we love almost everything about where we live now...except that it's cramped and the walls in the condo complex are old and thin, so I'm not sure how that's going to go with the neighbors once baby is here.
@photographerwife can't wait to see your nursery updates!!
@kaf1788 aww kiddo! it sounds like he's adjusting alright, all things considered, and I hope he continues to do well
@angelob88 pregnancy affects us all differently, I hope you start feeling better soon and that you're able to get support and help that you need and want
@livingoffpbjs LOL I feel you on the belly bit. like why tf do I look soooo pregnant with a baby that's the size of a cucumber? also WOW that is a lot of diapers!!!!
@angelz429 I'm glad you're on the mend from COVID and hope it passes soon. sending all the love and good vibes for Friday
@lexilougolden so glad the camping trip went well!! that sounds so fun, what a great way to spend these last few days/weeks of summer.
@modoodles I feel that frustration with MH too, you've got a lot going on!!!! even though you said you aren't feeling pregnant, you are still growing a human that is taking your nutrients and energy, on top of your doing school and all the other things.
@makingbacon huzzah for winning against the crockpot! and yay on definitive baby kicks!