February 2022 Moms

8.26 Monday BF

You know, or other things worth bitching about!

Re: 8.26 Monday BF

  • @makingbacon how do they not clean a hotel room during covid?!!
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  • @angelz429 I have heard so many places are understaffed that a lot of rooms arent being cleaned, or if they get to them they are cutting corners on the cleanliness eeeeeekkk

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  • @livingoffpbjs *gag* GROSS! 

    related BF - how is it possible that with everything going on, COVID is still not being taken seriously?! like @livingoffpbjs you have to travel for work, I'm sure lots of people have to do that, so why aren't hotels taking this super seriously, for example? the COVID stuff just really makes me mad, it's been 18 months ffs
  • @angelz429 It’s the first hotel that I’ve had issues with so far. It was really gross. Most hotels aren’t cleaning the rooms during your stay, even over multiple days. I’m usually there long enough to shower and sleep, so doesn’t affect me too much. 

    @chgilmore It’s sad that it’s still like this, but I work with a lot of people who think it’s exaggerated and aren’t vaccinated. 
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