Upcoming Appointments? Well, because of covid, I get to go get monoclonal antibodies, hopefully today. But no MFM appts til 9/3.
TTGP Grad? Kinda. Briefly participated.
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk. AMA, previous preterm birthday, TMFR for sIUGR w/ CHI causing placental failure
How are you feeling? Today, like poop because of covid. Just bad cold. Fatigue but can’t sleep well. Runny/stuffy nose. Headache. Can’t take a lot of medicine to help make me feel better because pregnant. I woke up with an earache too. So I’m hoping I didn’t get a superimposed ear infection. 😩
Rants/Raves? I will continue to rant about covid for the next 8 days I have in isolation I’m sure. I was vaccinated Dec/Jan. Hubs was March/April. Now I understand Florida is a covid hotbed, but please have your SOs get their boosters when able, even if you haven’t gotten it yet or are planning to wait until the end of pregnancy. Protect yourself by having those around you protected.
Questions? Natm
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I like dogs. I love to pet dogs and visit dogs. But I am 1000% a cat person. We have 3 cats currently. We have tried to have a dog before (foster/babysit), but they’re higher maintenance than cats and we were theme park people… so gone for 1-2 days regularly (pre pandemic), which isn’t conducive to having a dog.
@angelz429 Im so sorry to hear you have covid, its so scary your husband and you are both vaccinated and you still got it Thoughts and prayers your symptoms stay mild and everything goes smoothly
How big is baby? Yellow canary, avocado, box of crayons...how are these all the same size, or do they go by weight?
Upcoming Appointments? My next appointment is 20 week checkup/ultrasound
TTGP Grad? Nope
IF/RPL/High Risk? RPL, AMA, Thyroid
How are you feeling? Nausea and vomiting are hit or miss these days. I'm still decently tired, but I halfway wonder how much of that is from chasing the boys and/or traveling for work.
Rants/Raves? I think I felt baby moving. It's more of a brushing feeling periodically vs. the internal pummeling the boys did from the beginning lol. DS1 and I are visiting my parents this week before heading home. I have work in the area, so I brought him with me to visit. DS2 hates the car and voices his displeasure via constant screaming and meltdowns, so he stayed home with DH. It's a 10 hour drive, and I value my ear drums.
Questions? I'm trying to give myself pep talks to go back to the gym and do some light exercises. What is everyone else doing? I've got some hang-ups about going due to loss #2, but I keep telling myself if I'm cleaning the house (I clean like it's an Olympic sport, so all the furniture gets pulled out), walk 5 miles a day with the dog, and chase kids, then I can go to the gym. I also have no pants to wear, so that would also need to be rectified before going lol.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I'm a dog person, but we have a cat who is pretty awesome. We adopted the cat to keep my dog company. She has since passed away, but I had adopted her the summer after my freshman year of undergrad, so I talked DH into adopting a friend for her because I was worried she'd get lonely by herself during the day. We adopted a new beagle awhile ago, and she is fun to watch with the cat, too.
@angelz429 Not being able to take anything to alleviate symptoms makes it worse. I'm hoping and praying you get good news from your testing today. When will your results be back? I didn't realize booster shots were available yet?
How big is baby? Turnip/Clark Kent's Glasses Upcoming Appointments? Next week, check up. Then anatomy scan on 9/10. TTGP Grad? No IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA How are you feeling? Much better than last week. Last week was rough. Trying to get wedding stuff put away, visiting with friends/family from out of town, getting SS ready for school to start this week. I was really sick for 4 days and then the last few days I've been great! I've even gone on daily morning walks which wasn't doable before (everything made me nauseous). Rants/Raves? Rave: I mentioned this in the weekly's but MH gave me a prenatal massage for a wedding gift. It was divine. I've never done one in a resort, so to have the whole luxurious experience was amazing. Questions? Any back sleepers out there? I've had the hardest time transitioning to my side. My back hurts all night as I try to sleep on my side. I have a pregnancy pillow but it's too hot right now to use. Any advice? GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Dog person, for sure. I've owned labs, corgi, and now a golden retriever. I'm so excited to see my dog (Lexi) with the baby She was super cuddly last night and was squishing my baby belly. She doesn't realize that she's a 60 lb dog.
@angelz429 Not an ear infection too! Girl, you need a break! I've definitely been watching out for boosters. MH (and I) were part of the J&J 2 dose study--he ended up getting the vaccine and I didn't. His last dose was in Feb so I'm anxious about him getting any booster asap. Hopefully my SS (7) will be eligible in the next month or so to get vaccinated. Dogs are higher maintenance for sure, it's hard when we want to go for a quick trip and then I have to find a dogsitter (my dog gets carsick so bringing her is hard too). FX for your results.
@makingbacon I know the sizes have me scratching my head every week. I'm with you, I keep thinking I feel him move but then I doubt myself. FTM over here and I don't what I'm feeling, haha. I have only been able to walk here and there. I had big plans to keep my running routine up but then got too sick to do so. I would love to see my dog interact with a cat. Right now, she has the typical dog/cat hate-relationship with our neighbor cat.
How are you feeling? A lot better! Still totally exhausted but I'm sure a lot of that has to do with me taking benadryl constantly for allergies
Rants/Raves? Unrelated Rant: my favorite coworker took a role at another company and they're giving me all of her work until they hire someone to replace her This seems to happen everytime I'm pregnant.
Questions? Did anybody else feel their baby very obviously and then have it stop? I had one day where I felt very strong, obvious kicks that my husband could feel from the outside and then nothing again. Maybe some slight movements but much more subtle. I assume it just depends where she's hanging out since she's still so small? Not sure if I should be worried..
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I love both but haven't felt I was at a place in my adult life to take care of a dog. I have two cats and they're just so easy. I love being able to just leave a bowl of food and water out if we go away for the weekend and not worry about boarding or anything. Ironically I just got an email from the local humane society asking me to foster a mama and her kitten so I'm picking them up tomorrow! Pretty excited.
@makingbacon I just work out at home (in theory) and have been starting to get back into it after the misery of the first tri. I really like strength training but I get nervous about doing my regular Peloton workouts because I'm not totally sure what's pregnancy safe. I just signed up for a 2 week free trial of Momma Strong which I've heard great things about. Everything is totally pregnancy safe. I'll let you know how it goes!
@makingbacon I have a peloton so I had been spinning 2-3 days per week plus doing like 10 min arms the other days. Just something to stay active. Though nothing since Wednesday lol. Plan to try something tomorrow.
@makingbacon covid positive. Got results back yesterday. Boosters are starting to be made available, so I was just saying look out for when you or your SO is due.
Upcoming Appointments? A couple of weeks from now. Anatomy scan isn't until Oct. 6 because of scheduling issues. Bummer.
How are you feeling? So much better now that I'm over my cold. An occasional bout of nausea. Honestly I miss the nausea because it kept me from eating everything in our damn house!
Rants/Raves? This is my last week of break before we go back for workshop week next week (students start the day after Labor Day), and I'm starting to get stressed. September is going to be a hell of a month for both my husband and I. We're driving with DS1 (20 months) 9 hours away to my cousin's wedding over Labor Day. Then two weeks later we're making the 12 hour drive to my mom's house for a three day weekend. With the beginning of school, my son starting daycare for the first time ever, all the local wildfires that my husband is on call for....it's just a lot right now.
Questions? Not that I can think of
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Always been a dog person, much to my husband's chagrin. He'd love a cat. Right now we have a sweet 7 year old mutt named Doppler.
@sarahrose1993 +1 for heartburn. Pre-pregnancy I would get acid reflux and have to take medication to control it. I haven't been on that medication for a year now but I can literally hear the acid bubble up my throat. Yikes! Tums don't help a smidge. Need to talk to my doctor about options so I don't burn up my esophagus from acid and throwing up
Upcoming Appointments? Finally have my first OB Appt on October 4th after all the hoopla with my IF clinic/MFM/OB docs - I'll need one more family doc appt and my Anatomy Scan in between though.
TTGP Grad? no
IF/RPL/High Risk? IF/RPL but not High Risk anymore!! Got my TIA risk removed so I'm off to a regular OB
How are you feeling? Really good - my belly seemed to kinda pop overnight. I had a lot of groin pains the last two days so I'm not surprised.
Rants/Raves? I'm already getting nervous about finding a replacement for my time off with this awful hiring market.
Questions? None right now.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? DOG! We have a Australian Shepard name Finnigan - he's 5. Then we have two litter trained lops and a chinchilla as well.
Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
@lexilougolden - With how hot it's been lately, I've had to take a break from running, too. I'm so looking forward to Fall weather so I can get back out there. I've been going on walks but it just isn't the same. How Far Along? 15+0
How big is baby? Size of a yellow canary
Upcoming Appointments? 8/30 - first OB appt
TTGP Grad? Kinda-sorta (was with my first pregnancy, brief 2-month stint this time around)
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA
How are you feeling? Pretty good, except nothing tastes good and/or I get full quickly. Everything just tastes bland/blah, so it's hard to get excited for food.
Rants/Raves? Rant - DD has had a stomach thing going for a week now. At first, I thought it was norovirus or gastroenteritis, but it lasted much longer than either of those, so we're starting to think it's food-related. We've cut out all wheat/gluten (no bread or Cheerios), and are sticking with single-source baby foods for now (mostly apples & bananas; rice cereal). We also switched from Enfamil Gentlease to Enfamil Nutramigen, and she seems to have transitioned well to that (thank goodness!). Now I just need her pediatrician to confirm that was the cause so we can get insurance to help cover some of the cost of the Nutramigen, because that stuff is expensive!!
Rave - We found out this baby is a BOY!! I still can't believe it; I thought for-sure it was another girl. (And I kinda hoped it would be...boys are hard to keep up with - I say this as someone who grew up sandwiched between two brothers.) We had finally decided on a girls name, we even shook on it lol, and then two days later found out it's a boy, so now we're stumped. MH has a looooong list of boy names he likes, and although the name we had decided on works well for a boy, he says there are other boy names he likes more, so we're still undecided. I have a feeling we won't decide on a name till he's born.
ETA: Given that my first OB appt isn't until I'm almost 16 weeks along and the NIPT has to be done between 10-14 weeks, I asked my PCM if he would be willing to put me in for a NIPT screening at an independent lab that accepts our insurance, so he did and we got the results on Friday. I'll be bringing them with me to my OB appt next week.
Questions? Nope
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? We have four large dogs, and four fish (2 danios, 2 neon tetras). Our dogs are: 9yo lab/pitbull mix, 8yo english mastiff, 6 yo german shepherd/collie/keeshond mix, and 6yo lab/mastiff mix. It's a lot of dog in our house, that's for sure, lol. But, we wouldn't have it any other way.
Upcoming Appointments? need to schedule my 20 wk anatomy scan, have 22 wk scheduled for late september
TTGP Grad? yes, feb2021-may2021
IF/RPL/High Risk? no
How are you feeling? today I have a migraine and I am not pleased about it. but I have noticed more consistency with baby girl moving!
Rants/Raves? I made my COVID rant over in the vax thread but now I'm in the process of cancelling/rescheduling/trying to get refunded our our NOLA babymoon because I am taking zero chances between delta and lambda in the south.
Questions? natm
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? we have a dog and a cat and I love them equally. MH definitely likes the cat more but he is still very good with the dog. both pets have been very snuggly while I am laid up in bed today.
@kaf1788 I had the inconsistent movement for a bit, it's definitely worrisome but it is normal! as you get further along you should be able to sense it more often but as always, if you're really concerned definitely talk to your medical team @angelz429 girl you need a break!! I hope all this garbage subsides soon and you get to enjoy second trimester @makingbacon I just started doing some prenatal yoga at home with livestream classes! I'm also doing other stretches/squats whenever I remember, mostly because it feels more comfortable for my back lol @JWatt5 aww yeah for a belly pop!
Upcoming Appointments? Next two appts are at 20 weeks, one with MFM for anatomy scan, and one with regular OB.
TTGP Grad?
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA/IVF/thyroid
How are you feeling? Last week I mentioned daily headaches, that has stopped the last 3 days!! I hope everyone also dealing with them will feel relief soon! With those gone, I feel good.
Rants/Raves? NATM
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? While I LOVE dogs, I am officially a cat person. I've just had my one kitty for about 10 years and would like another after her, but we will probably get a dog. I'm just spoiled because she is so easy. I also relate to cats lol
@kaf1788 I have the exact same experience right now.And someone else may have said it, but it's later that the OB may have you count kicks and report if anything is off. Of course if there is a real concern bring it up.
Upcoming Appointments? Next Tuesday, regular ob. Hopefully we can schedule the anatomy scan too!
TTGP Grad? Yes, from june 2019-may 2021
IF/RPL/High Risk? Secondary IF
How are you feeling? Good overall! I’m starting to get a little breathless, especially when moving a lot and wearing my mask. And I’m starting to feel heavy. I can tell that this baby is growing because my abdomen has been very crampy feeling all week. Not bad. Just stretching I guess.
Rants/Raves? This week has been pretty busy. I had lots of errands and my husband signed me up to set up an aquarium for some fish his friend is giving him. He has been wanting one for a while and I had the time. So I had to dive into learning about cycling fish tanks and all kinds of crap this week. And a couple of trips to the pet store for advice and supplies. We’re going to try to finish up painting the nursery this weekend. But we’re taking our time. Im a planner so I like to have things done well in advance, so the nursery is the first step!
Questions? My ob is pregnant and having a baby in December so she will not be able to deliver me, or do my care for those last several weeks. I’m going to talk to her about it next week, but I want to be assigned to a new doctor once she’s on leave so I’m not just floating around. Are there any considerations that I should take when asking for a new doctor? I’ll be having a scheduled c-section.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I have a dog but I am 100% more a cat person. Our personalities just vibe better.
@photographerwife as far as the OB stuff all I'd say is that it should definitely be a conversation you start having with your current OB sooner rather than later! and it sounds like you already are on top of that. at my midwife practice I don't have a guarantee of who will deliver me so it's actually encourage to float a bit within the practice. I'd ask your OB who they recommend of who else is at the practice or who outside of the practice they could connect you with for some continuity. if you're floating between other drs at the same practice, that might not be /terrible/, but it would be inconvenient. do whatever is comfortable for you!
(better late than never right?) How Far Along? 15 + 4
How big is baby? a peach
Upcoming Appointments? Early Sept for 16 week appt.
TTGP Grad? no
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA
How are you feeling? :: knocks on wood :: better. oof I"m glad 1st tri is done.
Rants/Raves? None atm. Super busy with back to school and by the time I sit down to check in with y'all, I am pretty much asleep!! Early bedtime is key for my survival
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Neither! No pets.
Re: 8.23 Weekly Check In - For All
Upcoming Appointments? Well, because of covid, I get to go get monoclonal antibodies, hopefully today. But no MFM appts til 9/3.
TTGP Grad? Kinda. Briefly participated.
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk. AMA, previous preterm birthday, TMFR for sIUGR w/ CHI causing placental failure
How are you feeling? Today, like poop because of covid. Just bad cold. Fatigue but can’t sleep well. Runny/stuffy nose. Headache. Can’t take a lot of medicine to help make me feel better because pregnant. I woke up with an earache too. So I’m hoping I didn’t get a superimposed ear infection. 😩
Rants/Raves? I will continue to rant about covid for the next 8 days I have in isolation I’m sure. I was vaccinated Dec/Jan. Hubs was March/April. Now I understand Florida is a covid hotbed, but please have your SOs get their boosters when able, even if you haven’t gotten it yet or are planning to wait until the end of pregnancy. Protect yourself by having those around you protected.
Questions? Natm
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I like dogs. I love to pet dogs and visit dogs. But I am 1000% a cat person. We have 3 cats currently. We have tried to have a dog before (foster/babysit), but they’re higher maintenance than cats and we were theme park people… so gone for 1-2 days regularly (pre pandemic), which isn’t conducive to having a dog.
Upcoming Appointments? My next appointment is 20 week checkup/ultrasound
TTGP Grad? Nope
IF/RPL/High Risk? RPL, AMA, Thyroid
How are you feeling? Nausea and vomiting are hit or miss these days. I'm still decently tired, but I halfway wonder how much of that is from chasing the boys and/or traveling for work.
Rants/Raves? I think I felt baby moving. It's more of a brushing feeling periodically vs. the internal pummeling the boys did from the beginning lol. DS1 and I are visiting my parents this week before heading home. I have work in the area, so I brought him with me to visit. DS2 hates the car and voices his displeasure via constant screaming and meltdowns, so he stayed home with DH. It's a 10 hour drive, and I value my ear drums.
Questions? I'm trying to give myself pep talks to go back to the gym and do some light exercises. What is everyone else doing? I've got some hang-ups about going due to loss #2, but I keep telling myself if I'm cleaning the house (I clean like it's an Olympic sport, so all the furniture gets pulled out), walk 5 miles a day with the dog, and chase kids, then I can go to the gym. I also have no pants to wear, so that would also need to be rectified before going lol.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I'm a dog person, but we have a cat who is pretty awesome. We adopted the cat to keep my dog company. She has since passed away, but I had adopted her the summer after my freshman year of undergrad, so I talked DH into adopting a friend for her because I was worried she'd get lonely by herself during the day. We adopted a new beagle awhile ago, and she is fun to watch with the cat, too.
Upcoming Appointments? Next week, check up. Then anatomy scan on 9/10.
TTGP Grad? No
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA
How are you feeling? Much better than last week. Last week was rough. Trying to get wedding stuff put away, visiting with friends/family from out of town, getting SS ready for school to start this week. I was really sick for 4 days and then the last few days I've been great! I've even gone on daily morning walks which wasn't doable before (everything made me nauseous).
Rants/Raves? Rave: I mentioned this in the weekly's but MH gave me a prenatal massage for a wedding gift. It was divine. I've never done one in a resort, so to have the whole luxurious experience was amazing.
Questions? Any back sleepers out there? I've had the hardest time transitioning to my side. My back hurts all night as I try to sleep on my side. I have a pregnancy pillow but it's too hot right now to use. Any advice?
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Dog person, for sure. I've owned labs, corgi, and now a golden retriever. I'm so excited to see my dog (Lexi) with the baby
@makingbacon I know the sizes have me scratching my head every week. I'm with you, I keep thinking I feel him move but then I doubt myself. FTM over here and I don't what I'm feeling, haha. I have only been able to walk here and there. I had big plans to keep my running routine up but then got too sick to do so. I would love to see my dog interact with a cat. Right now, she has the typical dog/cat hate-relationship with our neighbor cat.
Upcoming Appointments? OB Appt on the 31st
TTGP Grad? nope
IF/RPL/High Risk? nope
How are you feeling? A lot better! Still totally exhausted but I'm sure a lot of that has to do with me taking benadryl constantly for allergies
Rants/Raves? Unrelated Rant: my favorite coworker took a role at another company and they're giving me all of her work until they hire someone to replace her
Questions? Did anybody else feel their baby very obviously and then have it stop? I had one day where I felt very strong, obvious kicks that my husband could feel from the outside and then nothing again. Maybe some slight movements but much more subtle. I assume it just depends where she's hanging out since she's still so small? Not sure if I should be worried..
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I love both but haven't felt I was at a place in my adult life to take care of a dog. I have two cats and they're just so easy. I love being able to just leave a bowl of food and water out if we go away for the weekend and not worry about boarding or anything. Ironically I just got an email from the local humane society asking me to foster a mama and her kitten so I'm picking them up tomorrow! Pretty excited.
@makingbacon I just work out at home (in theory) and have been starting to get back into it after the misery of the first tri. I really like strength training but I get nervous about doing my regular Peloton workouts because I'm not totally sure what's pregnancy safe. I just signed up for a 2 week free trial of Momma Strong which I've heard great things about. Everything is totally pregnancy safe. I'll let you know how it goes!
Upcoming Appointments? Wed for an elective ultrasound
TTGP Grad?no
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk (factor V, AMA (1 month away)
How are you feeling? Great! The nausea is pretty much non-existent.
Rants/Raves? I can’t to feel the baby daily, I’m feeling better getting farther along, but I’m still super nervous.
Questions? NATM
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets?
Dog for sure, we have a wild golden doodle who is 2 1/2 years old. I do like cars, but I’m extremely allergic to them.
Upcoming Appointments? Not until Sept 17th - Anatomy exam
TTGP Grad? Idk what this is
IF/RPL/High Risk? High risk due to PCOS and bicornuate uterus
How are you feeling? Great! Heartburn is starting to get bad though
Rants/Raves? Nothing comes to mind
Second baby so no questions right now
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets?
More dog than cat but I have two of each!
Upcoming Appointments? A couple of weeks from now. Anatomy scan isn't until Oct. 6 because of scheduling issues. Bummer.
How are you feeling? So much better now that I'm over my cold. An occasional bout of nausea. Honestly I miss the nausea because it kept me from eating everything in our damn house!
Rants/Raves? This is my last week of break before we go back for workshop week next week (students start the day after Labor Day), and I'm starting to get stressed. September is going to be a hell of a month for both my husband and I. We're driving with DS1 (20 months) 9 hours away to my cousin's wedding over Labor Day. Then two weeks later we're making the 12 hour drive to my mom's house for a three day weekend. With the beginning of school, my son starting daycare for the first time ever, all the local wildfires that my husband is on call for....it's just a lot right now.
Questions? Not that I can think of
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Always been a dog person, much to my husband's chagrin. He'd love a cat. Right now we have a sweet 7 year old mutt named Doppler.
Upcoming Appointments? Finally have my first OB Appt on October 4th after all the hoopla with my IF clinic/MFM/OB docs - I'll need one more family doc appt and my Anatomy Scan in between though.
TTGP Grad? no
IF/RPL/High Risk? IF/RPL but not High Risk anymore!! Got my TIA risk removed so I'm off to a regular OB
How are you feeling? Really good - my belly seemed to kinda pop overnight. I had a lot of groin pains the last two days so I'm not surprised.
Rants/Raves? I'm already getting nervous about finding a replacement for my time off with this awful hiring market.
Questions? None right now.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? DOG! We have a Australian Shepard name Finnigan - he's 5. Then we have two litter trained lops and a chinchilla as well.
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!
How Far Along?
Size of a yellow canary
Upcoming Appointments?
8/30 - first OB appt
TTGP Grad?
Kinda-sorta (was with my first pregnancy, brief 2-month stint this time around)
IF/RPL/High Risk?
How are you feeling?
Pretty good, except nothing tastes good and/or I get full quickly. Everything just tastes bland/blah, so it's hard to get excited for food.
Rant - DD has had a stomach thing going for a week now. At first, I thought it was norovirus or gastroenteritis, but it lasted much longer than either of those, so we're starting to think it's food-related. We've cut out all wheat/gluten (no bread or Cheerios), and are sticking with single-source baby foods for now (mostly apples & bananas; rice cereal). We also switched from Enfamil Gentlease to Enfamil Nutramigen, and she seems to have transitioned well to that (thank goodness!). Now I just need her pediatrician to confirm that was the cause so we can get insurance to help cover some of the cost of the Nutramigen, because that stuff is expensive!!
Rave - We found out this baby is a BOY!! I still can't believe it; I thought for-sure it was another girl. (And I kinda hoped it would be...boys are hard to keep up with - I say this as someone who grew up sandwiched between two brothers.) We had finally decided on a girls name, we even shook on it lol, and then two days later found out it's a boy, so now we're stumped. MH has a looooong list of boy names he likes, and although the name we had decided on works well for a boy, he says there are other boy names he likes more, so we're still undecided. I have a feeling we won't decide on a name till he's born.
ETA: Given that my first OB appt isn't until I'm almost 16 weeks along and the NIPT has to be done between 10-14 weeks, I asked my PCM if he would be willing to put me in for a NIPT screening at an independent lab that accepts our insurance, so he did and we got the results on Friday. I'll be bringing them with me to my OB appt next week.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets?
We have four large dogs, and four fish (2 danios, 2 neon tetras). Our dogs are: 9yo lab/pitbull mix, 8yo english mastiff, 6 yo german shepherd/collie/keeshond mix, and 6yo lab/mastiff mix. It's a lot of dog in our house, that's for sure, lol. But, we wouldn't have it any other way.
Due with baby #2: Feb 2022
Upcoming Appointments? need to schedule my 20 wk anatomy scan, have 22 wk scheduled for late september
TTGP Grad? yes, feb2021-may2021
IF/RPL/High Risk? no
How are you feeling? today I have a migraine and I am not pleased about it. but I have noticed more consistency with baby girl moving!
Rants/Raves? I made my COVID rant over in the vax thread but now I'm in the process of cancelling/rescheduling/trying to get refunded our our NOLA babymoon because I am taking zero chances between delta and lambda in the south.
Questions? natm
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? we have a dog and a cat and I love them equally. MH definitely likes the cat more but he is still very good with the dog. both pets have been very snuggly while I am laid up in bed today.
@kaf1788 I had the inconsistent movement for a bit, it's definitely worrisome but it is normal! as you get further along you should be able to sense it more often
@angelz429 girl you need a break!! I hope all this garbage subsides soon and you get to enjoy second trimester
@makingbacon I just started doing some prenatal yoga at home with livestream classes! I'm also doing other stretches/squats whenever I remember, mostly because it feels more comfortable for my back lol
@JWatt5 aww yeah for a belly pop!
Upcoming Appointments? Next two appts are at 20 weeks, one with MFM for anatomy scan, and one with regular OB.
TTGP Grad?
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA/IVF/thyroid
How are you feeling? Last week I mentioned daily headaches, that has stopped the last 3 days!! I hope everyone also dealing with them will feel relief soon! With those gone, I feel good.
Rants/Raves? NATM
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? While I LOVE dogs, I am officially a cat person. I've just had my one kitty for about 10 years and would like another after her, but we will probably get a dog. I'm just spoiled because she is so easy. I also relate to cats lol
@JWatt5 that's exciting!
@kaf1788 I have the exact same experience right now.And someone else may have said it, but it's later that the OB may have you count kicks and report if anything is off. Of course if there is a real concern bring it up.
@angelz429 How are you feeling??
@babyodo congrats on your baby boy!
Upcoming Appointments? Next Tuesday, regular ob. Hopefully we can schedule the anatomy scan too!
TTGP Grad? Yes, from june 2019-may 2021
IF/RPL/High Risk? Secondary IF
How are you feeling? Good overall! I’m starting to get a little breathless, especially when moving a lot and wearing my mask. And I’m starting to feel heavy. I can tell that this baby is growing because my abdomen has been very crampy feeling all week. Not bad. Just stretching I guess.
Rants/Raves? This week has been pretty busy. I had lots of errands and my husband signed me up to set up an aquarium for some fish his friend is giving him. He has been wanting one for a while and I had the time. So I had to dive into learning about cycling fish tanks and all kinds of crap this week. And a couple of trips to the pet store for advice and supplies. We’re going to try to finish up painting the nursery this weekend. But we’re taking our time. Im a planner so I like to have things done well in advance, so the nursery is the first step!
Questions? My ob is pregnant and having a baby in December so she will not be able to deliver me, or do my care for those last several weeks. I’m going to talk to her about it next week, but I want to be assigned to a new doctor once she’s on leave so I’m not just floating around. Are there any considerations that I should take when asking for a new doctor? I’ll be having a scheduled c-section.
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? I have a dog but I am 100% more a cat person. Our personalities just vibe better.
How Far Along? 15 + 4
Upcoming Appointments? Early Sept for 16 week appt.
TTGP Grad? no
IF/RPL/High Risk? AMA
How are you feeling? :: knocks on wood :: better. oof I"m glad 1st tri is done.
Rants/Raves? None atm. Super busy with back to school and by the time I sit down to check in with y'all, I am pretty much asleep!! Early bedtime is key for my survival
GTKY: Today is National Dog Day. Are you a cat or dog person? Or neither? Do you have any pets? Neither! No pets.