MH got my a prenatal massage for my wedding gift and ohhhhh my. Is it too much to ask for one of those every week?! It was bliss. Especially after a wedding and a tough week of throwing up all day. I needed that more than anything!
@lexilougolden awww that sounds amazing and I think once a week isnt asking too much, I mean, we are creating life up in here and at a very stressful time, you know what, ask for twice a week, reach for the stars!
Suggestions for milk alternatives closest to skim or 1% milk? I tried oat milk and both my daughter and I did not like it, way too thick. I just bought some almond milk that my daughter will drink mixed with ovaltine or with cereal at my Moms but she wont drink it straight and says its gross. Is there a milk alternative close to skim or 1% milk? IM trying to switch us from cow milk.
@livingoffpbjs aww happy birthday pupper I've heard cashew milk is close! @lexilougolden prenatal massages are prescribed on a regular basis in the netherlands so you go for it!
We picked up our new foster cats this morning, a mama and 5 week old baby. All of the fosters I’ve had in the past have been undersocialized strays so it’s a totally new experience having these designer breed cats from a loving home this time around. They are soooooo cute I’m not sure how I’m going to get work done with them in my office all the time! Samson is totally smitten and it’s giving him a lot of practice with how we handle babies (we don’t pick up babies without help from an adult, babies don’t understand how to take turns, we don’t jump on babies, etc etc etc). Should be a great experience for him! (Pic in spoiler!)
I've been kind of absent these last few weeks but it has been crazy around here.
My husband graduated on Friday from the Police Academy, and we were able to be there in person for the ceremony. I hosted a surprise graduation party for him on Saturday and all was going well until my FIL started to get really rude towards me and after being called a liar twice by him, I told him he better watch the way he speaks to me or he knew where the door was. He started this in front of of family and friends and I am STILL seething over it. My husband was right there when it happened, he heard every bit of it, and now his dad is saying he never said that, and I always overreact and I just lost it for no reason. Gaslighting much? We BOTH heard it. Then my FIL said the problem is that my husband is always on my side. Uh, yeah- if you can't be respectful both of us in our own home- you don't belong here.
And the kids started school on Monday, and I began online classes on Monday to keep plugging away at my teaching degree.
Also , pregnancy related, I still don't feel pregnant. Zero symptoms, I just feel- normal. 🤷♀️
@lexilougolden weekly massages seem perfect and not "extra" at all! Go for it!
@modoodles Yikes, sorry about FIL! Is there a history of him acting like that? And if you mentioned it elsewhere I missed it and apologize—but what are you studying to teach?
@ninrms there is a years long history of strained relationships between MH family and I. It started when my husband's brother started dating one of MH exes, (she cheated on him, got caught, and then when he ghosted her, she tried to trash his reputation at work- several years before I met him) and when my husband blew up about it his family blamed me for it. They said I must be getting in his head, etc- even though it had nothing to do with me. She told his family a bunch of lies about me (saying I was super manipulative, always at the bar, etc) even though I had never met her. I have never been the type for hanging out at the bar. My ex husband didn't drink at all, and the one boyfriend I had between my ex husband and my now husband was the recipient of a double lung transplant, and we also were literally NEVER at the bar. And as for being manipulative- my ex husband has said many times that I'm the best person he knows, and that is post divorce, so I must not be too terrible. Anyway, because MH refused to go to any function she was present at, he didn't talk to his brother for almost 2 years and of course, that blame fell on me as well. But typically it was his brother pointing the finger at me. And before he started seeing her he was always kayaking with us, hanging out with my family, in my home, etc.
This incident was because of MH dog.. He had an outdoor dog when he met him, and because I owned my home in town, close to the kids' school and everything they moved here. We have tried for 3+ years to train his dog and it has been miserable. He has terrible separation anxiety, pees all over everything, and even with being walked 2 miles every day, he still has so much energy. He has pushed out screens to chase people down the street, been found on our ROOF, and could not be free in the house because of the behaviors. He was always having to be kept in the mudroom or kenneled, and my own (very well trained) dog was suffering because of it. She would have to be with him otherwise he would destroy kennels (2 in the last year) or howl all day/and chew through the wall. Once MH went to the academy it was all me and it was more than I could handle. I cried and told him I could not do it anymore, that he should ask his dad if the dog could stay with him for the duration if the academy, and then when he came home he could have him neutered and put in some major training classes. He said no, enough was enough, he wasn't going to put that burden on his dad, and we would be better off and the dog would be better off in a different home. One of my daycare families farms and they had told us they were looking for a kid friendly older dog for their farm, and when we talked to them they jumped on the idea of letting the dog go for a trial run there. And he has been a completely different dog for them. He sleeps inside at night, but spends all day with the husband in the tractor or in the cattle barn, and their kids adore him. We all made the decision to let him permanently stay there. Truly the best for all involved. (This was in early June)
When his dad found out apparently it really upset him that MH didn't ask if he wanted him, and he confronted us about it at the party. In the same conversation he said he was really upset that I made Nick get rid of his dog. I interrupted and said I did t make Nick get rid of the dog, and in fact, had suggested he ask him and do a lot of training after he came back, but it was MH dog and MH decision, and I just did what he wanted. He called me a liar and told me that he knew MH would never get rid of a dog, so he knew I made him... at that point I told him it honestly wasn't any of his business unless that dog was in his home destroying absolutely everything, and that I wasn't going to discuss it with him and would be walking away from the conversation. As I walked away he said, "good!" And that's when I turned back around and said he better watch the way he spoke to me or he knew where the door was.
Now MH sister is upset because "that dog was family before your wife was" and "we NEVER disrespect our parents like that" and she also KNOWS I made him get rid of his dog, blah, blah, blah. MH sent them screenshots dated in June where I was pushing for the dad to take him temporarily, but they still think it is all me.
Basically, they've disliked me for several years and it doesn't matter what I do it isn't going to change. MH is firmly on my side and has been consistently. He was always more passive and has been less so since we've been together. He's established/establishing boundaries and they don't like it.
@livingoffpbjs I was dairy-free while nursing DS2. I cooked with oat milk and loved it for that (it didn’t make anything taste different whereas soy/almond milk did), but I drank unsweetened almond milk or the sweetened chocolate almond milk. I liked the sweetened almond milk, but it was just too sweet for me. It reminded me of the milk left in the bowl after eating a sugary cereal.
@modoodles I’m so sorry you’re going through that. Rehoming a pet is a hard decision, but it sounds like it was the best decision for everyone. Plus you rehomed the dog with a known family, so you know he is in a quality home.
@kaf1788 Those cats are adorable! I love watching kittens play/explore the world. They’re so cute, yet ornery. You’ll have to keep us posted on your adventures with them.
@modoodles oh good grief. Your husbands family sounds toxic af. Of course your husband wouldn’t want to hang out with his ex?? Sounds like his brother crossed the line by dating her and should have been the one to blame for the relationship problems between them? That’s so obvious, and the dog problem is none of their business. Good for you for telling him to back off. I would have done the same thing.
@modoodles That's terrible! I'm glad you're able to stick up for yourself and that your husband is learning to do so too. People can be cruel. Sorry that they have sticks up their butts and can't see that the dog situation is over and well taken care of.
@livingoffpbjs I drink almond milk. SS doesn't like milk alternatives either, would be great if I could find one he likes! I think cow's milk in unnecessary to drink.
Re: 8.23.21 Weekly Randoms
@lexilougolden prenatal massages are prescribed on a regular basis in the netherlands so you go for it!
we also like cashew milk, but almond milk is more universally available. Almond milk definitely has a little “nuttier” flavor than cashew milk IMO.
My husband graduated on Friday from the Police Academy, and we were able to be there in person for the ceremony. I hosted a surprise graduation party for him on Saturday and all was going well until my FIL started to get really rude towards me and after being called a liar twice by him, I told him he better watch the way he speaks to me or he knew where the door was. He started this in front of of family and friends and I am STILL seething over it. My husband was right there when it happened, he heard every bit of it, and now his dad is saying he never said that, and I always overreact and I just lost it for no reason. Gaslighting much? We BOTH heard it. Then my FIL said the problem is that my husband is always on my side. Uh, yeah- if you can't be respectful both of us in our own home- you don't belong here.
And the kids started school on Monday, and I began online classes on Monday to keep plugging away at my teaching degree.
Also , pregnancy related, I still don't feel pregnant. Zero symptoms, I just feel- normal. 🤷♀️
@lexilougolden weekly massages seem perfect and not "extra" at all! Go for it!
@livingoffpbjs I love the pup birthday photo!
@kaf1788 those cats! 😍 I would probably be a foster fail.
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!
@ninrms there is a years long history of strained relationships between MH family and I. It started when my husband's brother started dating one of MH exes, (she cheated on him, got caught, and then when he ghosted her, she tried to trash his reputation at work- several years before I met him) and when my husband blew up about it his family blamed me for it. They said I must be getting in his head, etc- even though it had nothing to do with me. She told his family a bunch of lies about me (saying I was super manipulative, always at the bar, etc) even though I had never met her. I have never been the type for hanging out at the bar. My ex husband didn't drink at all, and the one boyfriend I had between my ex husband and my now husband was the recipient of a double lung transplant, and we also were literally NEVER at the bar. And as for being manipulative- my ex husband has said many times that I'm the best person he knows, and that is post divorce, so I must not be too terrible. Anyway, because MH refused to go to any function she was present at, he didn't talk to his brother for almost 2 years and of course, that blame fell on me as well. But typically it was his brother pointing the finger at me. And before he started seeing her he was always kayaking with us, hanging out with my family, in my home, etc.
This incident was because of MH dog.. He had an outdoor dog when he met him, and because I owned my home in town, close to the kids' school and everything they moved here. We have tried for 3+ years to train his dog and it has been miserable. He has terrible separation anxiety, pees all over everything, and even with being walked 2 miles every day, he still has so much energy. He has pushed out screens to chase people down the street, been found on our ROOF, and could not be free in the house because of the behaviors. He was always having to be kept in the mudroom or kenneled, and my own (very well trained) dog was suffering because of it. She would have to be with him otherwise he would destroy kennels (2 in the last year) or howl all day/and chew through the wall. Once MH went to the academy it was all me and it was more than I could handle. I cried and told him I could not do it anymore, that he should ask his dad if the dog could stay with him for the duration if the academy, and then when he came home he could have him neutered and put in some major training classes. He said no, enough was enough, he wasn't going to put that burden on his dad, and we would be better off and the dog would be better off in a different home. One of my daycare families farms and they had told us they were looking for a kid friendly older dog for their farm, and when we talked to them they jumped on the idea of letting the dog go for a trial run there. And he has been a completely different dog for them. He sleeps inside at night, but spends all day with the husband in the tractor or in the cattle barn, and their kids adore him. We all made the decision to let him permanently stay there. Truly the best for all involved. (This was in early June)
When his dad found out apparently it really upset him that MH didn't ask if he wanted him, and he confronted us about it at the party. In the same conversation he said he was really upset that I made Nick get rid of his dog. I interrupted and said I did t make Nick get rid of the dog, and in fact, had suggested he ask him and do a lot of training after he came back, but it was MH dog and MH decision, and I just did what he wanted. He called me a liar and told me that he knew MH would never get rid of a dog, so he knew I made him... at that point I told him it honestly wasn't any of his business unless that dog was in his home destroying absolutely everything, and that I wasn't going to discuss it with him and would be walking away from the conversation. As I walked away he said, "good!" And that's when I turned back around and said he better watch the way he spoke to me or he knew where the door was.
Now MH sister is upset because "that dog was family before your wife was" and "we NEVER disrespect our parents like that" and she also KNOWS I made him get rid of his dog, blah, blah, blah. MH sent them screenshots dated in June where I was pushing for the dad to take him temporarily, but they still think it is all me.
Basically, they've disliked me for several years and it doesn't matter what I do it isn't going to change. MH is firmly on my side and has been consistently. He was always more passive and has been less so since we've been together. He's established/establishing boundaries and they don't like it.