Just need a safe place to rant about an over-involved friend. I swear if she could crawl up in my uterus during this pregnancy she would have.
I’m 36 weeks along with my second kiddo, in pretty much constant pain, exhausted, not sleeping, and I’ve got no effs left to give.
She and her husband are good friends, have known me and my Hubs since college and she’s always had a way of centering herself in every conversation. Usually I can handle it - it’s just her - but I’m fried.
She’s the kind of person who consistently tells me how *I* feel and constantly compares my pregnancy to hers. It’s stupid things - like how I’m so lucky to have experienced labor with kid #1 because SHE always wanted to feel contractions but never did due to c-section. Or comments like “you look bigger today” or “wow your belly has really dropped” or “you know I had twins and…”
When my mom visited for the baby shower, she told my mom not to worry about coming out after the baby’s born because she’s here and is “chosen family.” There’s probably not a day that goes by without her messaging me “you know we’re here for you, right?” I feel bad complaining but Jesus, please get your validation somewhere else, I just can’t. I’m done.
Re: Over-involved friend