2nd Trimester

Scared first time Mamma after Anatomy Scan

Hi Mammas!

So happy I found this group. I'm a first time mom pregnant with our little girl and 19weeks pregnant. My husband and I are both in the medical field which is a blessing and a curse because you almost know too much and can't go into things blissfully unaware. 😟 I had my anatomy scan on Monday and have been an absolute anxious, emotional wreck ever since. Our baby girl looks great, all structures present and looking normal, but her head circumference was only measuring in the 6th percentile. According to my OB anything under 10th percentile warrants a follow-up with maternal fetal medicine and we have a repeat can on Tuesday. From my research anything less than 5th percentile is abnormal (1st to 3rd percentile can indicate microcephaly) and obviously 6th is so borderline! All of our genetic screenings including NIPT have been normal. Of note, I do believe my due date is inaccurate and I am more likely to be around 18 weeks based on known conception date, however my ob said they wouldn't change the date unless my first scan showed a >7 day discrepancy (mine was showing 6 day discrepancy). Any mammas with a similar experience? I'd love to hear about any outcomes and get some advice on how to try to calm myself down! Thank you all in advance 💕

Re: Scared first time Mamma after Anatomy Scan

  • No experience here but I have heard anatomy scans aren't perfect. It may be due to how she was positioned and the ultrasound tech couldn't get a 100% accurate measurement? Follow up appointments will definitely be more telling. Sorry you're going through this! I'd be worried too :\ but there may be nothing to worry about. Try to stay calm until your next visit.
  • my first pregnancy measured in the 5-8th% the entire pregnancy, they said it was Intrauterine growth restriction(IUGR) . I just had to do more scans to make sure he was growing enough. they said if he didnt then they would take him early. its a problem with the placenta or cord most of the time. but my little guy stayed in till 42 weeks and was born happy and healthy at 6lbs 13 oz.
    he is now 7 years old with no problems. try not to worry momma, im sure everything will be fine!
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