April 2022 Moms

Thankful Thursday 8/19

What are you thankful for today? 

Re: Thankful Thursday 8/19

  • Tea. Coffee in the morning is just not happening anymore with this nausea, so hot tea has been a lifesaver.
  • I'm so thankful for limited smoke in the air so far this year. Last year was horrible - it was like 3 full months of not being able to go outside for hazardous conditions. 
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  • White toast. Never ate it before pregnancy, but my stomach literally wouldn’t be surviving without it right now 😅
  • Thankful to have family near by. We moved to my husband’s hometown a few years ago, and it’s the first time we’ve had family close. My MIL brought 2 gallons of milk by this week already while we’re in isolation ❤️
  • Thankful that my in laws took the girls on an adventure so we can spend time with just the boys this weekend and I can organize the kids' school stuff and make a few more freezer meals before morning sickness ramps up to full steam. 
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