April 2022 Moms

GTKY - general location

DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT share your actual address on the internet :D but I'd love to know generally where everyone is from/living. I know at least a few of us are outside the US. So... (again, be as general as you feel comfortable; if your city is 10 million people then it's probably fine to share that, but if there are 50 people in your town probably best to share your state or county or "northwest ___")

Where did you grow up?

Where do you live now?

Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?

Re: GTKY - general location

  • Where did you grow up? bay area, california

    Where do you live now? bay area, california (but we only moved back at the very end of 2018 after having DD - turns out NYC is not the easiest place to have a baby lol)

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? the award for both goes to DC. When we first moved to DC, we haaaated it. Hated it. We could not wait until DH was done with law school, and we could move back to NYC, but after a year it became our favorite place. I still miss it a lot. We'd probably have moved back there instead of to the bay area, but we have zero family support there, and it's rough having no family support with a kid! But it was an amazing balance of easy public transportation, easy driving/parking, easy walking, good food, not too crowded, actual seasons but relatively mild, easy access to nature but not in the middle of no where, etc. I'm really sad we haven't been back since October 2018 :( 
  • edited August 2021
    Where did you grow up?
    I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and Long Island 

    Where do you live now?
    North Jersey (35 min outside of nyc) 

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?
    I lived in LA and loved it for the change and the beauty of the mountains/ocean etc but hated being so far away from my family. I also felt isolated because you need a car to get anywhere and I was just coming off of my 20s living in Manhattan where you run into people you know on the street, take the subway everywhere, stumble home with your girlfriends after a night of drinking, etc. Was a tough change 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
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  • @winterviolethope needing to drive places was a really huge culture shock for DH. He grew up in lower Manhattan, and he never lived anywhere else until we moved to DC when we were 25. 
  • I live in basically the same place I grew up: suburban Indiana. Lived in the city for a minute during college, but I was broke and missed out on a lot of the “cool” stuff. For a while I did what most kids around here do and made plans to move away but with tuition, increased cost of living, etc, it never happened (obviously I’m averse to taking on debt hahaha). Now I’m glad to be here because we have a really great homeschooling community, low cost of living, etc. 

    My least favorite place to live was on the north side of town. People weren’t very friendly and traffic was always awful. I love our house now— we have a really big yard, close to everything in town, about 20 minutes from downtown (although we haven’t really been in a while). But my dream is to live on land out in the country and be homesteaders. There are certainly other places that would be cool to explore/live in but it’d be hard to leave the community we’ve built here. 
  • Where did you grow up? NY, right outside NYC 

    Where do you live now? CT, right outside NYC

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?  I adored my childhood town and the town I live in currently equally. They are small towns very close to NYC. They are like stars hollow (of Gilmore girls). I adore them. 

    Least was Ohio. I liked Columbus but I could never be in Ohio long term. I could never be in the Midwest long term. 
  • @kiwi2628 besides being local to each other im also a huge Gilmore girl fan! 
    Me: 36 DH: 36
    Married: October 2011
    DS: January 2016
    DS: May 2019
    #3: April 2022
  • SmashJamSmashJam member
    edited August 2021
    Where did you grow up? Indiana, in a big university town (hey @hoosiermamajayden!)

    Where do you live now? Vermont, near the NH border

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?

    I don't hate any place but I did not want to live in Indiana long term and am happy I left. I moved to DC out of college(from  a different big university town, still in Indiana) and LOVED DC. made great friends and also agree with all  @doxiemoxie212 said. BUT...I'll never leave VT, and it's now my fave place. Hopefully we'll never leave this town. Small Town community, as weird as it is, is definitely for me. We're making roots here, and I love that.
  • Where did you grow up?
    North Dakota and then moved to southwestern Washington state right before high school.

    Where do you live now?
    Coastal North Carolina

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?
    Favorites - WA, FL and New Zealand (just for a year during undergrad) all rank pretty high. Excited to move back to WA sometime next year. 
    Least favorite - Yuma, AZ. Though this part of NC is a close second.
  • Where did you grow up? A small town a few hours outside of Toronto (Ontario, Canada lol)

    Where do you live now? In a suburb of Vancouver (BC, Canada)

    Favourite place I’ve lived? Probably Bali, I spent a couple of years there after university 

    Least favourite? A suburb of Toronto 
  • Where did you grow up? Edmonton, Alberta Canada Hellos fellow Canadian @doula-mama !! 

    Where do you live now? A smaller town outside of Edmonton

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? Favorite place is where I live now. I love the slower pace of things here and it's only 10 minutes outside of the city so if I need something that I can't get here it's easy to go in. 

    Least favorite was in the middle of nowhere about 45 minutes out of the city. I had no cable or internet service out there. I was in my early 20s shared a car with my at the time BF who always went out and left me home alone. I read a lot, painted my nails every night and watched a lot of One Tree Hill because that's the only thing I had on DVD lol. 
  • Where did you grow up? Very very rural New Hampshire

    Where do you live now? Cape Cod, Mass

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? My favorite was Providence, RI, and I don’t have a least favorite. Either I have only lived in awesome places, or I am extremely easy to please lol. 
  • Where did you grow up? Greater Boston Area

    Where do you live now? Northern Iowa

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? I love Boston but it’s mostly because of my community, friends, family… etc. We lived just 15 minutes outside of the city which was great because everything was super accessible. I definitely do not like Northern Iowa (I’m sorry to any Iowans on here!!). It’s very “first world problems” because I complain about not having like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s lol. We’re two hours away from a major city, mall, or airport and there isn’t much nature to enjoy. Neither me nor my husband have any friends or family around too so I’m worried about the support aspect of all this. I will say though, I do really enjoy the fact that there’s never any traffic!!! 

  • @miss_lynn9 I love the idea of living outside of the city where there is slower pace but being close enough to it for things you need! 
  • Where did you grow up?  Central Illinois - small city, so not rural, but close to the country

    Where do you live now?  Nashville, TN

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?  This is hard because I've only lived in 2 areas and both have their pros and cons.  Obviously I miss having family around, but I've lived in Nashville for 14 years so I've got a fairly good support system built up here. And my sister lives near here as well.  My in-laws are in Alabama, so they're closer, but still far enough away to not see them a whole lot.  
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • Where did you grow up? Edmonton, Alberta Canada Hellos fellow Canadian @doula-mama !! 

    Where do you live now? A smaller town outside of Edmonton

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? Favorite place is where I live now. I love the slower pace of things here and it's only 10 minutes outside of the city so if I need something that I can't get here it's easy to go in. 

    Least favorite was in the middle of nowhere about 45 minutes out of the city. I had no cable or internet service out there. I was in my early 20s shared a car with my at the time BF who always went out and left me home alone. I read a lot, painted my nails every night and watched a lot of One Tree Hill because that's the only thing I had on DVD lol. 
    So you can hire gocleanco???? PLEASE DO!!!!!!!! lol if you don't follow her on ig you're going to think I'm insane.

  • Where did you grow up? Cincinnati OH

    Where do you live now? Cincinnati OH

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? Favorite place was Northern KY, which is where we lived for the past 8 years but just moved back to Cincinnati a year ago when we bought our house since it's more affordable to live here than Northern KY. 

  • Where did you grow up? Half of my childhood in South America, Peru. I then moved to the US and went to High school in Texas.

    Where do you live now? In NY, North of NYC @kiwi2628 @winterviolethope -hey neighbors!!!

    Favourite place I’ve lived? I also lived in a suburb of LA for a short time and really enjoyed the weather, ability to do outdoor things year round, beach/mountain/lakes so close to each other. 

    Least favourite? Houston…kind of blah…good cost of living though!
    ******TW******Siggy warning
    BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
    BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks; 
    BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016 

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  • Where did you grow up? MA

    Where do you live now? MA... lol. About 1/2 an hour from where I grew up.

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? I don't really have a least favorite, but like @maggiemadeit my favorite was Providence, RI! I love that it's a small city so there's still so much to do and that city feel but it's not overwhelming and the traffic is manageable.

  • Where did you grow up? I was born in Miami FL, but spent most of my school years on in Salt Lake City, Utah

    Where do you live now? Near Salt Lake City, Utah

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? I don't remember much of Florida, but when I was younger I hated living in Utah, the culture here sucks, especially when you're school aged. As I got older, I came to appreciate all of the seasons and outdoors activities available here.
  • @doxiemoxie212 I don't follow them no. I don't use the products that they use so I follow a different cleaning account. 
  • @miss_lynn9 I want to hire them so bad, but they don't come to the US let alone CA. 
  • Where did you grow up?

    Where do you live now?

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?
    I've only ever lived in AZ lol but when I was young and had no money I lived in some not nice places in Mesa that I won't go back to 😅
    I love living in "the valley" (Phoenix and the surrounding cities). 
  • Where did you grow up?

    Chautauqua Lake— a very small rural village about 1 1/2 hours south of Buffalo, NY.

    Where do you live now?

    Sunny SWFL ☀️ 

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?

    I've only ever lived in 2 places, but we love the weather and nature here. We live 7 minutes from the coast and beaches and are currently building a home on a river that leads out to the gulf, so we’ll all be able to go kayaking and boating right from our backyard! 😊 Coming from an area where we barely see the sun behind all the clouds and snow, we really appreciate that we can have such an active lifestyle and go walking, hiking, paddling, swimming, beaching, etc after work and on the weekends!
  • @fameonmain2 Yes! I love all the old architecture and history in Providence too. Nice to see another Massachusetts mama :smile:
  • Where did you grow up? My dad was in the Army so we lived all over the place! Germany, Georgia, Arkansas, California, Kansas, Washington state, North Carolina, Texas… But DH and I went to high school, college, and got married in NC so that’s where we consider “home”.

    Where do you live now? 
    Hawaii! We are super blessed to live here, but we’re moving to Northern California in December for DH’s job. None of y’all want to hear me complain about island life (and honestly, there isn’t much to complain about), but the pandemic really made us reevaluate our lives and it’s very expensive to live here so we can’t travel or see our families more than maybe once a year (and last year it was not at all… and then our governor in all his wisdom closed the beaches and hiking trails so we had nothing to do for a while).

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? 
    Favorite place has definitely been Hawaii. This place is unreal. I don’t have a least favorite place— maybe growing up in the Army made me see the bright side of everywhere?
  • Where did you grow up?
    suburb of Chicago. 

    Where do you live now?
    southern Wisconsin

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived?
    favorite would probably be the United Arab Emirates. H and I lived there for 8 years and loved it. 
    Least favorite. Southern Wisconsin. We’ve been here 3 years and it’s just not us. We just don’t know where we want to be
    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
  • Where did you grow up? Northern Nevada and Southern California. Then I lived in Texas for most of my 20s. 

    Where do you live now? Currently in Oregon but will be moving to Washington (Tacoma area) in just over two weeks! 

    Favorite place you've lived- That’s so hard because I’ve liked bits and pieces of every place I lived. Small town Nevada was a cool place as a kid. Southern California was great for high school and undergrad, but I’m glad I don’t live there now (too expensive any crowded). Texas was great in many ways too, but with recent politics and COVID policies, I’m glad we moved. And I love the PNW, so I’m excited to be staying here long term for my new job!

    Least favorite place you've lived? I guess I’d say northern Texas. So dry, no mountains or real trees. I need to be surrounded by trees!!

    @jennykatedvm Where are you returning to in WA? Maybe we’ll be nearby!
  • @monstera13 We'll be somewhere in the area a little east of Seattle near my sister, so super close!! I miss the PNW so much. I was down in the Portland area for a year during my internship and loved it there too. It's all great ☺️.
  • @dinomeetsjedi hey neighbor! Would love to meet up some time once we feel comfortable doing so :)

    Where did you grow up? I grew up in Boise, Idaho and lived there until 3 years ago. All my family is still there so we go back quite often.

    Where do you live now? Greater Salt Lake area in Utah. Moved here 3 years ago because we needed something new and had some family here we wanted to be closer to.

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? I've only lived 2 places so its hard to choose. We love it here in Utah, but do miss being near a lot of family in Idaho. Don't love the traffic here but love that there's so much right at our fingertips. Easy to find anything you need in the city, but then its a quick drive to the mountains for camping, fishing, hiking, etc.
  • Where did you grow up? Nebraska/S Dakota 

    Where do you live now? Iowa(we live in a tri-state area, we put an offer and it was accepted on a home in S Dakota the day before I test positive so we will officially be S Dakotans for when this baby comes hopefully. 

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? They are all within a few miles of each other so no real difference. But I am very happy to be back in S Dakota 
  • Where did you grow up? Rural northern NY, near Ottawa, Ontario, our closest big city with a usable airport

    Where do you live now? KY

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? Difficult to decouple stage of life from location. I loved living in Houston for college, but that might have been because college was so much fun. I spent a decade in the San Francisco Bay area, which I think is my favorite but deal breakers include cost of living, distance from family, and smoke inhalation. I loved having amazing outdoor adventures, and I miss my dear friends terribly. Almost the entirety of my time in KY has been in isolation from being new/breastfeeding/working remotely and then the pandemic. I don’t think I’ve given it a fair shake, but so far KY is my least favorite place.
  • Where did you grow up? North Carolina, closer to the SC border for most of my life. I spent some of my childhood in upstate NY-Sullivan & Orange counties.

    Where do you live now? We live in a northwest suburb of Philadelphia, PA about 20 minutes outside center city (on a good traffic day).

    Favorite place you've lived/least favorite place you've lived? Both places have their perks, but ultimately I prefer PA as I feel there are more career and cultural opportunities here. On some tough days I do miss the people and pace of NC. As someone else on here mentioned it is hard to separate place vs. stage. 

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