January 2022 Moms

Weekly Randoms 8/18

A little late in the week, but oh well. 

How are things going? What's new? 

Looks like we may be getting smoky around here soon. There's a huge new fire between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe, and winds are predicted to shift and push a bunch of smoke into the Bay Area. I literally hate this time of year. I was going to take the kids to an amusement park tomorrow, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the predictions are wrong. Or at least late. 

Re: Weekly Randoms 8/18

  • Did you end up taking the kids to that park today? I hope the winds didn’t shift smoke over to you. So sad to have to live with and plan around that.
  • @katepattsea Nope. The air isn’t great, and it turns out the park isn’t open on weekdays anymore 😭 and with Covid ramping up, I probably won’t take them on a weekend where it’s crowded. 
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  • @lisa3379 Oh no! Stay safe. That's so scary. 

    We took our cats to get their annual teeth cleaning. They couldn't eat breakfast so of course were crying for food and then were crying once we put them in their carriers. It broke my heart. The last time we took them, when they got home they were so drunk from the anesthesia it was hysterical. They were bumping into things, falling over - I could literally laugh out loud thinking about it. My husband missed it the last time because he wasn't home, so I kept hyping up how funny they were going to be. But they aren't this time - they're just spooked. They've had a traumatic day. 
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