February 2022 Moms

STM+ check in 8.18

How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 



GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? 

Re: STM+ check in 8.18

  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they?  Just one, and he’s 20 months. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s doing well! We’re all getting over a cold, and luckily it didn’t seem to hit him hard other than a day or so. Almost over it now. 

    Rants/Raves: Still stressing about daycare over here. Small chance it’ll work out, but it’s been very hard to get ahold of the one daycare I’m hoping will pan out for us.

    Concerns/Questions: none now!

    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? I also love Cat and Jack! I like some items quite a lot from Primary, too. And we own a lot of Carter’s lol. 

    @photogr@photographerwife Oh man, I hope I don’t catch hate for this—but I bedshare with my son, and I still nurse him. I have been trying a sloooowwww approach to getting him to sleep on his own because, while idk what sleep will look like with Baby 2, I don’t want T (my first son) in bed if I do end up bedsharing again. We’ve had a toddler floor bed for my son for over a year, but he’s only napped in there, and occasionally. My plan is to do what you’re doing—put his bed next to ours, get him used to that, then move it elsewhere. Because of the layout of our house, the best place for him (temporarily) will actually be our walk-in closet in our bedroom. But right now I’m focusing on gently night weaning first, otherwise I’m afraid I’m going to end up awake all night nursing this kid.
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  • edited August 2021
    @ninrms no hate from me! My son breastfed until 26 months! And the only reason we stopped then was because I had a medication to treat an ectopic pregnancy that wasn’t safe for him. We have also bed shared most of our time. I tried so hard to get him to sleep alone, and even tried sleep training for a short period of time but it wasn’t for us. We’re trying to get him out of bed for that exact reason! I know this baby will at the very minimum room share with us, and I don’t want it to be chaos for ds while I’m up breastfeeding etc.. all night. Goodluck! It sounds like we’re In the same boat! I hope your childcare stuff works out too! That’s stressful! 
    ETA: we joked about putting ds in our walk in closet too, but he’s scared of it 😅
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? Samson, 2.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? He's fine but home from daycare for two weeks and driving me CRAZY. Even with my mom here.

    Rants/Raves: A combo. My work announced a backup daycare benefit which is awesome. We have backup centers available to us when our regular daycare is closed for $10/day. The rant: It becomes available on September 1. Samson is home from daycare until August 30th.  :D:s

    Concerns/Questions: nothing right now

    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? I am super picky and annoying about baby clothes and probably end up spending more on Samson's clothes than my own. I shop from a lot of smaller bougie brands like Rylee & Cru, Wild Wawa. For bigger/cheaper brands I like H&M and Zara. My husband is definitely fearing for his wallet now that I have a girl coming.
  • @photographerwife Thank you—that makes me feel better! (In my other bump group, which is pretty small, I’m the only mom who didn’t sleep train, and the only one who bedshares and is still nursing.) We started with T in a sidecar bassinet, but he never “slept well,” and by the time the 4 mo sleep regression hit…phew, too tired to do anything. (Plus, tbh, I sleep well next to him and love the cuddles!) 

    Oh but I hope he’s not afraid of it!! 🙈 He plays in there a lot lol, but not sure how he’ll feel sleeping there. If you find anything successful with your son, please share!
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2; 11yo boy & 4yo girl

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    The oldest is home from school today with food poisoning :( 

    my 4yo peed the bed last night. She keeps fighting us about trying to go to the bathroom before bed and thus ends up peeing the bed about once per month. I know it’s not that big of a deal or anything, but it is annoying. 


    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? 
    I like cat & Jack too, but right now granimals is regularly in rotation due to it being inexpensive and my 4yo changing her clothing sensitivities weekly 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 2 boys, 4 and 1 years old

    How are your other kids doing this week? They're doing really well. DS1 had his 4 year vaccinations on Monday, so Monday night was a little rough with sore legs.  I let the boys stay home when they get shots (minus the flu shot), so he had a fun day overall.  Otherwise, they're happy and healthy, and hopefully stay that way!

    Rants/Raves: I traveled early yesterday morning (left the house at 6 am) for a customer visit, and I was so tired and not feeling well by late afternoon.  DH picked up dinner without being asked (I didn't have anything out to cook), and when DS1 came inside from daycare, he grabbed a blanket and covered me up on the couch. Then he did all the things I usually do when he doesn't feel good, like patted my head and asked what hurt/how I felt/etc. It was adorable. DS2 was oblivious and tried to climb on me like a jungle gym lol. Thank goodness everyone slept last night, so I'm feeling better today.


    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? I bought a lot of garage sale clothes for the boys when they were younger, but favorite brands are Cat & Jack, Under Armour, and Jumping Beans (Kohl's brand).  DS1 has hit a size that is hard to find at garage sales, so I've been buying his stuff, and he gravitates towards Champion, Under Armour, and Jumping Beans. 

    @photographerwife Good luck! Hopefully your streak continues with sleeping in his own room. Both boys sleep in their own rooms, but DS1 has been having a harder time being by himself before bed.  We usually leave his lamp on until he falls asleep, and will sit with him sometimes until he falls asleep. DS1 is also really tall and looks older than he is because of it. I always wonder what size a newly turned 4 year old wears on average because he's in size 5 right now.

    @ninrms No hate here! I nursed DS1 for almost a year, and I nursed DS2 for 9 months, but pumped until almost 11 months.  DS2 was a biter, and he was removed lol. I think it's great that you've been able to nurse that long. It's not an easy feat!

    @kaf1788 That's awesome your work has that option, but yeah, that timing isn't helpful. That is 100% something that would happen to me lol.

    @angelz429 How is your son feeling today? Hopefully he bounces back quickly. Food poisoning is never fun. DS1 sometimes gives us trouble about going potty before bed.  He still wears a pull-up and pees in his sleep, but he's really competitive, so we always make up a race for him. Like the other night, he raced me to the bathroom to see who could pee first. Racing usually prevents meltdowns in our house.
  • @makingbacon oh. She’s competitive. Maybe we can try that. 

    He’s feeling better today. Slept til 2p though!
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? Parker - he’ll be 4 on Saturday!! 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Parker’s been a bit calmer this week haha. Not begging us to go to the park every moment of the day. Starting to talk to him about starting at his elementary school in two weeks. 

    Rants/Raves: I’m excited for his bday. We got him a scooter I think he’ll love. And headed to see my sister & nephews for the weekend to go to a huge splash pad near Toronto. Parker loves splash pads. 

    Concerns/Questions: none right now. 

    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? Parker wears a lot of Whistle & Flute and a Canadian brand in Quebec called L&P Apparel. A lot of Gap or Old Navy too. 

    @photographerwife - Parker sleeps with me, I need to get him back to his own bed. But it helps so much make sure we all sleep. 
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • @kaf1788 that’s nice about the daycare, if you need it in the future, at least.. I bet your husband is fearing his wallet! I’ll have to check out those brands! 

    @ninrms I hear you! That’s how my old birth group was too. I’m pretty crunchy though. I like to be science based, but also with a more respectful parenting style. I’m a softy I guess. My son just recently starting being “scared” of stuff so maybe if you move him soon he won’t be! 

    @angelz429 sounds like you and your kiddos are having a rough week, hope it gets better. And it’s super annoying! The other night ds woke up when I went to the bathroom and then just had to go to, then he asked for a drink of my water and poured it all over himself, so we had to do a middle of the night clothes change. Like you said, not a huge deal but annoying at 2 in the morning! We love granimals too! Especially for around the house and play clothes! They really do have cute stuff sometimes! 

    @makingbacon that was sweet of yh. It’s always nice when they’re aware. And thank you! I hope it goes better too soon. Our kids are around the same age and he is getting “scared” ie aware, of stuff more lately. So I think that contributes to it. I should try a bigger lamp! 

    @jwatt5 I’m about sick of kidney punches too! But he does sleep really good with us! Sounds like you have a fun week planned! 

  • For sleeping, I started bedsharing with my daughter when she was like 10 weeks old. No blankets or pillows around us and I was a super light sleeper. I had to, she wouldnt sleep unless she was touching me and I had to work and husband would not wake up in the middle of the night no matter what so it was survival mode. We bedshared until about 9 months and at that point she went to her crib. What sucks is she will NOT sleep with me at all anymore, she wont fall asleep if Im in her bed, she wont fall asleep in my bed, she wont nap with me, nothing. Im glad I dont have to worry abotu kicking her out of my bed but also I want the snuggles! 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @livingoffpbjs aww! That is the downside! :(  My boy is such a cuddle bug. To my dismay sometimes, but at least he’ll let me cuddle. 
  • elksammelksamm member
    edited August 2021
    Sorry - accidentally posted here, I’m Jan22

  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they?  3, ages 2,4,6. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Summer needs to end and these big kids need to start school again. Yikes. 



    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? So I have 3 girls. I can honestly say that carter’s clothing disintegrates between kids. I like Hanna Andersson. (If I had unlimited funds!) 
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 

    I have 2 other kids. My daughter is 5 and just started kindergarten this year. My son is 2 and will be turning 3 in February. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? 

    My daughter just got over a bug so is finally back in school. My son is doing fine.


    Its so exhausting being pregnant with 2 other kids. This pregnancy is hitting me so much harder than the last 2. 


    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand? 

    Garanimals because they're affordable. Carters too.
  • How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1,  age 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? So far so good lol!

    Rants/Raves: nothing really 

    Concerns/Questions: none

    GTKY: what’s your favorite baby/kids clothing brand?  cat and jack , gap 
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