Has anyone gotten their linea nigra (dark line on your stomach) yet? I noticed mine last week and was an aww 🥰 I’ve never been this far along before so I’m enjoying everything about it.
@livingoffpbjs OMG the bellybutton disappearing! So I didn’t know that was a thing. When I went in for my (scheduled) c section, I was a nervous wreck, especially before my husband came in. One of the doctors made a nice joke about the fact that I still had a bellybutton, and I was so nervous I started yammering away about how when one of my sisters was like three she could only fall asleep if she had her finger in her belly button and another finger in yours (or my moms, or whatever). It was a very strange story to tell, but they were cracking up. I hope they remember the weirdo patient who told that weirdo story and tell people about it in the future lol.
@angelz429 Thanks and congrats to to you too! I am just a little kid excited about all of these changes. I’ve fortunately had a pretty easy pregnancy so far so that might be part of the reason lol
@lexilougolden Yeah it will probably get darker with time. I don’t want it to stay afterward but I think it’s cool now. The body is just fascinating and I think personally it’s incredible how God made our bodies function for all of these stages/ tasks.
@2022_ivf_momma your belly button can totally disappear! I think it depends on how deep your betting button is prior to being pregnant. Mine flattened out all the way 😂 but mine is semi deep so you could still tell it was a belly button. I actually have a small umbilical hernia from my first pregnancy, so we’ll see how this one goes. It’s super small, but my doctor didn’t recommend repairing it.
@livingoffpbjs My belly button has already halfway disappeared. Does yours disappear evenly? Mine goes one side and then the other. It’s weird, and I’m not a huge fan lol.
@makingbacon it just starts stretching out to where it goes flat. But it’s a gradual flattening out. It’s like a mini baby pool right now. I’m trying to picture one side and then the other, like right to left or top to bottom?
@livingoffpbjs Mine doesn’t stretch, it just pops like an uneven popper thing on turkeys when they cook. It comes out right to left, so I still have a belly button on the left, but the right side is almost completely an outie.
Re: Linea nigra