February 2022 Moms

Weekly check in for all 8.16

How Far Along?
How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) 

Upcoming Appointments?

TTGP Grad?

IF/RPL/High Risk?

How are you feeling?



GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? 

Re: Weekly check in for all 8.16

  • edited August 2021
    How Far Along? 15+3
    How big is baby? A doughnut 

    Upcoming Appointments? Aug 31st

    TTGP Grad? Yes, from June 2019- May 2021

    IF/RPL/High Risk? Secondary IF

    How are you feeling? I’m starting to feel great! My nausea is mostly gone unless I get motion sickness and my aversions are much better! I’m finally getting some energy back. 

    Rants/Raves? My husband is finally back at work after being quarantined. His isolation was up about a week ago but they still made him wait. So back to normal life now! We are not sending ds to pre-k this year, so I’m going to start looking into doing some homeschool preschool, so that should be fun! And my friend and her son moved out this weekend so we finally have the nursery back! So I’m going to start breaking out my sons baby stuff and organizing a bit so I can see what I need! I’m excited about that. I went ahead and pulled out newborn-6 months yesterday and got rid of anything I didn’t want, or had poop stains on it. 😂 I must have been in a hurry when I packed it all up! 

    Questions? Natm

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I hate to see everything die, but I’m stoked for autumn! I have some projects that I want to get done in the cooler weather, and I just really love the season. And the smells! 
  • angelz429angelz429 member
    edited August 2021
    @photographerwife look at Blossom + Root. We were doing that with my daughter during early covid. Nature/environment and play based, no more than an hour a day, and SUPER inexpensive compared to everything else out there.  

    How Far Along? 
    14+0 (first day of second tri!)
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute)  peach

    Upcoming Appointments? 
    None til Sept 3, but at least I have my therapy appts to keep me company and sane until then 🤣

    TTGP Grad? 

    IF/RPL/High Risk? 
    High risk

    How are you feeling? 
    Physically was feeling fine, but have had heartburn the last couple days and MOTN insomnia. So that’s annoying because then I’m super exhausted throughout the day. 

    Annoyed with insomnia, as above lol. We are officially house hunting. We put a reservation on a new lot build. It’s further north than I wanted, but there was literally no downside to reserving the lot. They hold a check that they never cash and there’s no penalty to cancel 🤷🏻‍♀️ So, we’re looking at a couple more communities this weekend. If we don’t find anything else we like, then we’re moving forward with this one!


    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? 
    I’ve △⃒⃘lways been a big big fan of summer, which is why we made the move from Michigan to Florida 7 years ago now. However, as much as I forever love the heat, Florida’s autumn & spring are more temperate (in the 80s) so I’m definitely looking forward to autumn here 💜
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  • @angelz429 thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely check it out!  Congrats on the second trimester and house hunting! That’s exciting! Hopefully It won’t be too stressful to move or build now! I hope your insomnia gets better! 🤞🏻
  • How Far Along? 13w3d
    How big is baby? a lemon

    Upcoming Appointments? First appointment with the OB on the 31st.

    TTGP Grad?

    IF/RPL/High Risk?

    How are you feeling? I was feeling way better but nausea came back a little today. Still a big improvement though.

    Rants/Raves? Not *really* a rant but Samson's daycare is closed for vacation for two weeks. If anybody deserves a paid vacation right now it's daycare providers but even with my parents helping it's soooo hard to get work done with him home.

    Questions? nope.

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I'm so sick of the heat. My allergies also get terrible in August. Very ready for Autumn
  • How Far Along? 15w5d
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) today she is apparently "as big as a lightbulb" according to TB but like what kind of lightbulb? last week they said she was the size of a donut and the next day she was the size of an apple, like what kinds of apples and donuts are you people eating?!

    Upcoming Appointments? my 16w appt is scheduled for next Monday but I'm calling today to see if we can be moved up because I am impatient :)

    TTGP Grad? yep, feb 2021-may 2021

    IF/RPL/High Risk? no

    How are you feeling? today just tired. I've noticed more movement and more insomnia (really just waking up from dreams more often in the night), as well as having to get up either earlier than I want and being up or once very early and going back to sleep, to pee. 

    Rants/Raves? I re-watched the movie "what to expect when you're expecting" and I just, could not handle it. 10 years old and it did not age well, IMO. 

    Rant and rave I guess? Also! MH keeps being all like "you are really showing" and I keep telling him "no, I just feel like chubby or bloated and like I have a muffin top" and he immediately goes "no, that's not what you look like" so there's that I guess? taking it with a grain of salt because I think he has seen like 2 pregnant people ever

    Questions? natm

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? bring on autumn! it is too damn hot and I want my cozy comfy sweaters
  • @photographerwife glad you're feeling better and that the family is too!
    @angelz429 see, I left FL because of the lack of their autumn lol therapy appts keep us sane while waiting for other things
    @kaf1788 I can barely manage myself working at home alone! you are working hard, and you got this <3
  • How Far Along? 14 weeks 6 days
    How big is baby? House mouse, Beet, or a Troll Doll

    Upcoming Appointments? Wednesday!

    TTGP Grad? Nope

    IF/RPL/High Risk? RPL, AMA, thyroid

    How are you feeling? I am so freaking tired. Where is the 2nd trimester energy?!

    Rants/Raves? We had DS1's birthday party over the weekend.  It was good, but glad it's done.


    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I'm not sure where everyone lives, but autumn here is pretty for about a day. Leaves change, then they fall off, and it snows.  Sometimes it snows before the leaves all fall off the trees.  It usually rains for most of it, it gets really cold, and then it snows.  We've had snow start at the end of October. As you can tell, I'm not a huge fan of cold/snow lol. So even though it's been unseasonably warm (and dry - we need rain!), I'm not ready for summer to end. As a side note, I'm also hoping/praying we aren't having a blizzard when it's time for baby to arrive.
  • @photographerwife: glad your husband is doing better!

    @angelz429: ohh, good luck with the house hunting. That can be fun but also difficult.

    @kaf1788: +1 for allergies. I'm excited for autumn for that reason too!

    @chgilmore: I know, the measurements sound so skewed sometimes. I remember one saying baby was an orange and now a couple of weeks later is an avocado. To me, oranges are bigger!

    @makingbacon : Hoping for a few more days of fall for you!
  • @lexilougolden round ligament pain is in the groin area

    back could be kidney depending on where it is or just back pain lol. Sorry you’re having back pain. 
  • How Far Along? 14w 4d
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) Peach

    Upcoming Appointments? Had a regular appt today - nothing crazy. Need to book my next appt in a month.

    TTGP Grad? no

    IF/RPL/High Risk? IF

    How are you feeling? Good - really feeling pretty much normal right now

    Rants/Raves? I think with being so tired the last couple months I've gotten in to a being lazy habit. I used to want to get out and do stuff and now I'm happy to lay around at home lol. Once I get going I'm good but I'm not always thinking of things to do like I was before.


    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I'm all good with Autumn. Actually  I like right now where the days are still 24-ish but the nights go below 20 so it nice to have the window open. But I defiantly have more clothes to wear in the autumn.
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • How Far Along? 12w 6d
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) Lime or almost a lemon!

    Upcoming Appointments? Just had my first appointment (insert complaint about HMO). Was so relieved to see a little being in there with a heart beat and submitted blood for NIPT. 

    TTGP Grad? Yes 2014-2016

    IF/RPL/High Risk? No

    How are you feeling? Still having random nausea and headaches and hoping for some second trimester relief. I scored as moderately depressed on questionnaire but some of it is physical pregnancy stuff. I’ve been meditating and starting to sleep a little better.

    Rants/Raves? They told me because I’m older (39 gasp) I’m going to have to take baby aspirin to avoid preclampsia. Now I need to research that … any other geriatric ladies up in here 🤣

    I’ve never been more READY FOR FALL
  • @glitterfingers I’m on the baby aspirin train too (there’s confusion around whether I was becoming preeclamptic with my last pregnancy so we’re doing it out of an abundance of caution) the nice thing is I get terrible pregnancy headaches and I feel like it’s helping that a little
  • @glitterfingers I’m AMA (35 and geriatric 🙄) but also high risk because of CHI in my last pregnancy (and preterm birth before that one). So I’m on 2 baby aspirin. And lovenox. And hydroxychloroquine. And prednisone lol. Plus prenatals and all the other vitamins/supplements. 
  • 37 and also on aspirin! I agree @kaf1788 - it also seemed to help my headaches. 
    Me: 37 DH: 37 - Married 10.2015 ❤️ Canadian 
    DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
    TTC #1 07.2015
    03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
    04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
    10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
    11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
    TTC #2 06.2019
    08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
    09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
    10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
    01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
    08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
    11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
    05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!

  • @glitterfingers I’m 35 and also on aspirin. The current recommendation in this office (maybe everywhere?) is induction at 39 weeks for AMA pregnancies. I don’t want induced, so my doctor told me to take the aspirin, and we’ll see how everything looks at 36 weeks when the weekly ultrasounds start. 
  • @JWatt5 @kaf1788 @angelz429 @makingbacon Thanks ladies! Makes me feel better to know I’m not the only one 😉. I was going to put it off a little put could use any additional help with headache relief so I think I’ll start it this week.

  • @chgilmore yesssss I feel these comparisons with fruits and other things are all over the place, one place said Homer Simpsons donut so I liked they were a bit more specific with it but also I have no idea how big Homer Simpsons donut is, I would assume pretty massive but it cant be that big since another place says an orange. I want a 40 week model of babies that i can hold and look at lol 

    @glitterfingers another one for baby aspirin, started at 12 weeks due to blood disorder, Im not considered geriatric since I dont turn 25 until March lol, right before the cut off 

    I feel like my body is old and doesnt want to handle pregnancy, if Im up on my feet and moving boxes around and cleaning for more than 2 hours I hurt bad, and I get these terrible shooting pains  in my pelvic/ tailbone area (not Round Ligament Pain) so I start hobbling around like an old lady. It sucks

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @glitterfingers I'm 34, will be 35 in October and my doctor hasn't mentioned it. 

    For all of those taking aspirin, would you recommend it? I'm curious if it's something I should look into.
  • How Far Along? 13w
    How big is baby? Jalepeno

    Upcoming Appointments? Sep 1st is my 15w

    How are you feeling? getting more round ligament pain between yesterday and today, may have overdone it yesterday with the yardwork - it's a week of vacation for me and my oldest turns 5 Monday so we're having her party on Saturday. Going to be a long week of house prep.

    Rants/Raves? DH is finally finishing the downstairs trim and all my decorations (rug/curtains/etc) are going to be put in place by Friday. I'm SO excited to have both our living spaces operational again. 

    Questions? natm

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I am stoked for autumn, I love the cooler sweater weather and everything that comes with it. Going to the corn maze, picking pumpkins, my favorite wine comes out (stocking up for early next year lol), plus Halloween is my favorite holiday. I used to look forward to spring over everything but now I enjoy how everything feels like it slows down with the cooler temperatures.

  • How Far Along?
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) 
    The size of a house mouse

    Upcoming Appointments?
    8/30 - First OB appt (finally!)

    TTGP Grad?

    IF/RPL/High Risk?

    How are you feeling?
    Pretty good! My mom thinks that because this pregnancy has been easier on me then that means it's a boy (first was a girl), but I think I've just been too busy to focus on my pregnancy complaints this time around lol. I also noticed that I'm not enjoying food very much and get full quickly. I didn't experience that until late in my pregnancy last time.

    Rant - Still waiting on my NIPT results (blood draw was on the 6th).
    Rave - Work is good, home is good, life is good. I'm feeling very grateful.


    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? 
    I am so looking forward to Fall. I wear spooky stuff year-round. I started painting & decorating a spooky birdhouse a few weeks ago, and today I wore a Haddonfield High School tshirt (from Halloween), just to name a few things. Granted, it's still almost 90 degrees out right now, but I don't care. I'm also thinking I might pull the Halloween decorations out of the attic before I'm too big to climb the ladder.
    Me: 37 / DH: 41
    Due with baby #2: Feb 2022

  • How Far Along? 12+6
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) - the Ovia app says baby is the size of a toy soldier now! 😳

    Upcoming Appointments? September 8th for 16 week appointment and US to measure cervical length

    TTGP Grad? No

    IF/RPL/High Risk? No

    How are you feeling? Honestly, not pregnant. The only real symptom for me is some mild food aversions. 

    Rants/Raves? Rave: My husband graduates from his academy on Friday and I'm so ready for him to be home! He has only been home on the weekends since May and yeah, I miss him, but I have so much stuff for him to do! 😂

    Questions? Nope

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn?  Ooh.. I am a summer forever kind of person but I am sooooo ready to send kids to school next week. 
  • makingbaconmakingbacon member
    edited August 2021
    @lexilougolden The genetic counselor recommended it for me. It was weird because I had a regular OB appointment the week before my NIPT testing, and she didn’t say a word about it. So it might be something to ask about and see what your doctor says. 

    @babyodo I am looking forward to the bump themed shirts for Halloween and Christmas. I’ve always wanted a Halloween baby skeleton shirt, but I’ve never had a bump at the right time. 

    @modoodles That’s exciting that YH is graduating and coming home! I love that you already have a list lol. It’s also nice to have another member on Team Summer. Is fall in your area also cold, wet, and have a decent chance for snow towards the end?
  • @makingbacon yep! Fall here is cold, wet, muddy, and there seems to always be a chance for snow on Halloween! Plus, pumpkin stuff is gross. 😂😂
  • @kaf1788 hope wfh isn’t too bad the next two weeks! That’s hard. I didn’t even think about august allergies! I’ve definitely had some mild allergies too lately. 

    @chgilmore ikr! The sizes are so different! I swear for 3 weeks different apps were telling me that he’s the size of a peach! Yh reminds me of when I asked my husband if I looked pregnant or like a dumpling last week and he said, you look great! And I said that didn’t answer my question, so he giggled and said both. 😂 this is just that stage!

    @lexilougolden baby must be one of those big avocados! I’m so glad your wedding was everything you hoped for! Congrats! 

    @makingbacon if you’re baby is the size of a house mouse! I want nothing to do with a place so such large mice!! 😬 beets are so much bigger than mice! At least where I’m from! Sorry about all of the snow. :/ I don’t blame you if that’s the case! we don’t get a ton of snow. It just looks wet and dead al winter. 

    @jwatt5 I hear you on the lazy habits! Same! I felt like i was sick and miserable all summer!

    @glitterfingers I’m sorry about your depression evaluation. I hope you’re able to maintain well and it doesn’t go into ppd. Thinking about you. And I’m not taking aspirin now. But I did basically the whole ttc time (secondary IF) and it helped I guess. Apparently it’s good for inflammation and all kinds of stuff. 

    @angelob88 I notice that some days my rounds ligament pain is much worse than others, without any cause. But maybe you were just dehydrated? 

    @babyodo I’m ready to decorate for fall too! We just bought our house last year around this time so I didn’t get to decorate for fall. So I’ve already told my husband to get prepared. 😂

    @modoodles I hope your appt goes well! And yay for your husband! I bet you are ready!

  • How Far Along? 15w1d
    How big is baby? navel orange

    Upcoming Appointments? Phone appt before being able to schedule the anatomy scan this Friday. Normal check in with my local doctor first week of September. (We live 2.5 hrs from where I deliver/my OB, so I don’t see the OB as often or early as my family doc here.)

    How are you feeling? Now that I’m getting over my cold, so much better! Have had a fairly persistent headache for over a week, so that’s annoying.

    Rants/Raves? I told my principal about baby yesterday and she was so excited! I proposed taking second semester off because of baby’s timing and she’s totally supportive—yay! Now I just  need to submit my request for board approval.

    Questions? Natm

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? I hate the heat, lol. I get migraines and sick, even when I’m not pregnant. We live so far north and on a lake that normally we have frigid, long winters, which I happily exhange for a mild summer (usually high of low seventies, and about one week of eighties). But we’re in a pretty bad drought here and it’s been SO hot—many days in the eighties all summer, often high seventies, and a few in the 90s. Miserable because we don’t have AC. So bring on the fall! 😂
  • @photographerwife LOL at "or am I a dumpling" XD 
  • @photographerwife I blame myself for the snow. We moved here for my job after grad school, knowing that I hate snow. So I complain a decent bit about it, but really, it's my fault lol. 
  • @ninrms girl you must be super rural! I live in the country but 2.5 hours?! Mine is like 40 minutes and I thought that was far! That’s awesome that your principal is good with your plan, hope it all works out! 

    @makingbacon hey, just because you chose it doesn’t mean you can’t complain about it! 

  • @photographerwife Yes and no! We’re in a tiny town (one stoplight! Lol) but a very touristy spot, so it doesn’t feel rural. We have a clinic where I go for prenatal/my son goes for well child checks, and an adjoining hospital, but they quit doing deliveries some years ago. There are a couple small hospitals between us and the hospital I’ll deliver at, but they don’t do births either. That’s a big reason that I’m opting for a second c sec this time instead of trying for a VBAC (first baby was breech; failed versions)—winter baby, far from hospital, etc etc.
  •  regarding the aspirin, my first pregnancy ended in a mmc.  My next pregnancy the dr said try baby aspirin through the first trimester. All fine.  Next pregnancy I forgot all about it.  This pregnancy I just started taking it myself and when I brought it up to the dr he said keep taking it and take it the whole time.   
  • @ninrms oof the whole very far from hospital and winter baby thing - I can't imagine. also like, you'd think more hospitals would have at least one person who could support births? 
  • @chgilmore I’m from a much bigger city originally, so I’ve had to adjust a lot to living here the last few years. But once I got pregnant I was reading about how this is a serious issue in rural America. Many hospitals decide they won’t offer births anymore because of liability issues and an inability to keep enough of the equipment they’d need. So, for instance, if I were to go into labor and be too far along to drive down and decided to go to this hospital, they’d just shove me in an ambulance and send me down the road. It’s pretty crazy, and until I was pregnant and lived here, I had no idea.
  • @ninrms and this system could work well if you never have any complications and can do home birth relatively safely, which is what I imagine they think is the alternative, but that doesn't work for everyone!
  • How Far Along? 16 +2
    How big is baby? (I added this because I saw it on another bmb and thought it was cute) Avacado

    Upcoming Appointments? Today had 16 week, including glucose test but don't have the results, other than that was uneventul. Next is 20 week at MFM

    TTGP Grad?

    IF/RPL/High Risk? IF - male factor, high risk - ivf, ama, thyroid

    How are you feeling? All prior symptoms gone but I get headaches every. single. day. 

    Rants/Raves? Not really

    Questions? No

    GTKY: Are you dreading the end of summer or stoked for autumn? While we don't really have seasons here in Florida, I am soooooo ready for milder weather especially less humidity.

    @chgilmore first, I just watched that movie too ha. Second, my mom and MIL have talked also about me showing and I had the exact same response, for me it's true, it's just fat/bloat lol

    @ninrms That is so interesting, it's hard to think that being able to deliver a baby at a hospital would be standard, even though I know it happens. I also know that not all hosptials have NICU's either so that is an added concern.
  • @bloomer0060 I have a headache every single day too!!! This did not happen last time. When I’m not pregnant I’m pretty susceptible to migraines, sooo…I’ll take a headache over a migraine. But daily headaches? Oof.
  • @bloomer0060 & @ninrms Ive been getting daily horrible headaches too, but I usually dont get headaches often. Im also getting really bad neck tension pain, like pinched nerve bad, I do have problems with my neck and am constantly in pain from it normally but this is way worse, its hard to deal with and I try not to take much medicine at all when pregnant but Ive had to take tylenol and excedrin migraine. On Saturday I kept an icepack on my head and neck almost all day. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • +1 to daily headaches. Mine might also be allergy related because I had terrible headaches at the end of last summer too. When I'm consistent at taking benadryl every night it definitely help. I also have one of those ridiculous ice pack wraps that you can velcro around your head  :D
  • +1 headaches/migraines. had to call out of work today because of it, 10/10 would not recommend
    @livingoffpbjs I feel you on trying to avoid meds, normally I'd just take a bunch of tylenol or an edible but obvious those are off the table. reading this I'm now trying an ice pack; also a warm/hot shower seems to help mine at least temporarily!
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