Omg, I was sitting on the floor earlier getting together some homeschool supplies and pulled by back I guess and now I’m crippled. 😩 I was just sitting!! Wth. Im assuming relaxin is to blame again..
Alanis Morrisette was in town yesterday. It was a very full outdoor concert. On a weeknight. In the middle of a pandemic.
I masked the whole time and luckily whoever was supposed to be near us moved or didn’t show. But ugh. It was disheartening to see so many maskless people 😞
@angelz429 Alanis Morrisette, though! How was the concert?
We’re supposed to go to Chicago mid September for Riot Fest to see my all-time favorite band, Nine Inch Nails. I plan on being masked and hanging back (normally at their shows I go for the rail), and my doctor said that as of now, and if I’m masked, should be okay. I’m increasingly worried though. And I’m hoping they do what they did for Lolla, which was proof of vaccination or negative test. There were cases from Lolla, but surprisingly few, considering how many people were there.
@angelz429 ugh that sounds amazing! @ninrms I feel you - and I am also always at barricade/rail! I have several concerts (some rescheduled from 2020 and some new) in the next 4 months scheduled and it's hard to decide what to do. One is outdoors, the other venues are indoors but are requiring proof of vaccination for entry and my county seems keen on requiring masks indoors as well again (they already consider it "highly recommended" but some businesses are requiring it too). I'm not too worried about the outdoor one, the indoor ones I'll just hang back and keep my mask on. Show baby girl what good music is
@angelz429 I didn't realize she was still doing concerts! My sister is 6 years older than me, and was a huge Alanis Morisette fan, so I by default was, too. So jealous you got to see her.
I had an impromptu ultrasound today at the doctor. Baby decided to go hide in my pelvis, and the doctor couldn't find him/her with the doppler. Not going to lie, there were a few tense moments because I still haven't felt any definitive movement. Baby looked good though with a strong heartbeat.
@makingbacon How nice that your doc could just whip out an ultrasound! With DS1 that happened the first time we were checking for a heartbeat. I was too oblivious to be super worried about losing him that early on (I was 11/12 weeks?), so when she couldn’t find him with the Doppler and said they’d have to order an ultrasound I was pretty nervous. Luckily he moved and she got a heartbeat. But I would have had to wait days BC I’m in such a rural place!
@makingbacon Baby did that to me last check-up and the doctor goes "I'm so sorry this is stressful!!" I wasn't even stressed yet. But then I was after she said that. Thankfully she finally found his HB. I'm glad all is well with your LO!
@ninrms I didn’t even realize our clinic had a portable ultrasound machine, but am very thankful for it today.
@lexilougolden I’m always super nervous for Doppler at appointments until I can feel baby move. I just kept reminding myself that baby was hard to find at my OB intake appointment at 11 weeks, too.
@lexilougolden stunning pictures! Everything about them, congratulations!
@angelz429 Glad your husband isn't needing to go to the hospital, but so stressful nonetheless. Hope he recovere quickly and the rest of the family stay healthy!
@angelz429 I hope your husband feels better soon, and I’m glad your mom is able to be there to help you.
I must not look as pregnant as I feel/thought because I walked around my office and warehouse today, and no one even glanced at my stomach. I wear flowy shirts, so I’m blaming that lol.
@angelz429 that’s sweet of your mom! Sorry about your husband! Hopefully his symptoms will be mild. Mine still got pretty sick but it was better and more short lived this time!
well, I’m on my way to get covid tested today because I started having symptoms (just runny nose and slight cough). But with my husband positive (even though he’s been strictly isolating since Wednesday), it’s very likely I have covid 😩
So I’m on my way to get tested. I opted to take my husband’s jeep so I don’t “contaminate” my van, so my mom can use my van still. Except then this happens on my way. So my husband is here on the side of the highway changing my tire.
I just want to scream. I got hardly any sleep at all last night. I’m catastrophyzing if I have covid what that means for my kids and my mom, as well as this pregnancy since covid increases the risk of CHI (why my last pregnancy failed and why I’m on all the meds and immunosuppressants). I won’t know then, if I lose this pregnancy, if it’s because I was the unlucky 8% where the protocol doesn’t work… or because I got covid 😩😩
@angelz429 Oh my gosh. What a hell of a week! I’m so sorry—about all of it, but definitely COVID. How much does COVID actually raise those risks? I didn’t know anything about that. Are you able to schedule a telehealth with your OB or send her a portal message to talk it through?
I really hope your case stays really mild and that you and baby are okay. 🤞❤️
I don’t know if anyone knows the relative risk, just that it’s definitely associated.
I’ve already been in contact via text with my MFM (yes, I have her cell phone number 🤷🏻♀️) and she wants me to get the monoclonal antibodies ASAP. I have an appointment tomorrow.
Other than that, there really is nothing to do except pray. Will know more about how baby is growing/how the placenta is doing at my visit on 9/3… which luckily I WILL be able to attend since I will be out of isolation earlier that week 😩
my mom is going to try to solo go it this week until hubs is out of isolation on Saturday… or until/unless anyone else develops symptoms. Kind of taking it day by day now.
@angelz429 I'm so sorry! That's a hell of a lot to deal with. Fx for you and baby. And that the rest of the family can avoid it. My thoughts are with you!
@angelz429 I'm glad your mom is here to help support you and the family. fx for you having a mild case and that this passes soon without any additional hardship
Re: 8.16.21 Weekday Randoms
@ninrms I feel you - and I am also always at barricade/rail! I have several concerts (some rescheduled from 2020 and some new) in the next 4 months scheduled and it's hard to decide what to do. One is outdoors, the other venues are indoors but are requiring proof of vaccination for entry and my county seems keen on requiring masks indoors as well again (they already consider it "highly recommended" but some businesses are requiring it too). I'm not too worried about the outdoor one, the indoor ones I'll just hang back and keep my mask on. Show baby girl what good music is
I had an impromptu ultrasound today at the doctor. Baby decided to go hide in my pelvis, and the doctor couldn't find him/her with the doppler. Not going to lie, there were a few tense moments because I still haven't felt any definitive movement. Baby looked good though with a strong heartbeat.
@lexilougolden I’m always super nervous for Doppler at appointments until I can feel baby move. I just kept reminding myself that baby was hard to find at my OB intake appointment at 11 weeks, too.
so I get to solo parent while my kids have to quarantine and he has to isolate.
@angelz429 Glad your husband isn't needing to go to the hospital, but so stressful nonetheless. Hope he recovere quickly and the rest of the family stay healthy!
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!
well, I’m on my way to get covid tested today because I started having symptoms (just runny nose and slight cough). But with my husband positive (even though he’s been strictly isolating since Wednesday), it’s very likely I have covid 😩
So I’m on my way to get tested. I opted to take my husband’s jeep so I don’t “contaminate” my van, so my mom can use my van still. Except then this happens on my way. So my husband is here on the side of the highway changing my tire.
my mom is going to try to solo go it this week until hubs is out of isolation on Saturday… or until/unless anyone else develops symptoms. Kind of taking it day by day now.