January 2022 Moms

Weekend Randoms 8/14-8/15

What’s everyone up to this weekend? 

I was set up to have a fairly chill weekend at home - need to fully kick this cold or whatever it is. Turns out I’ll be on pins and needles all day because my dad just called 911 - he can’t wake up my mom. She’s super congested, and when that happens, it’ll probably turn into pneumonia, which is all bad for someone with MS. Luckily the hospitals aren’t super impacted here. I don’t think. Think positive thoughts for us. F**K MS. 

Re: Weekend Randoms 8/14-8/15

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    @Lisa3379 omg I’m so sorry sending you all the positive thoughts, vibes, and prayers if that’s your thing that everything is ok!!
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    @shinyobjects Thanks. This happens about once a year, and the hospital visits have been going on for about 6 years… I’m hopeful, but it’s hard to ignore the feeling of “what if this is it”. She’s a fighter. 🤞
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    @Lisa3379- that so so scary!!! Hope and pray all is ok.  Keep us posted.
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    Oh no @Lisa3379, please keep us posted. Thinking good thoughts for you and your mom.
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    Sending positive vibes to your Mom. That's scary. 
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    Weekend randoms: 
    My husband was at a university buddy's cottage last night with his old roommates, and this afternoon is going to a retirement party (briefly). 
    I will be making cupcakes with our son and attempting to clean up a little bit. 
    Another couple is coming over tomorrow afternoon and we are doing a little sex reveal shindig (bought the gender reveal baseballs on Amazon and our son will *hopefully * hit the ball). So that's exciting. 
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    @Lisa3379 that's so scary! Thinking of you and your mom, and sending positive thoughts. Keep us updated when you can. 

    We just got back from our vacation last night, and it feels good to be home! We're taking it easy today and tomorrow since it's my last weekend before work starts again. I have Monday and Tuesday off too, but have a lot of errands and appointments those days. 
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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