My 8 month old baby has been waking up 5am since forever. We did gentle sleep training at 5 months, he sleeps in pitch black room with white noise. We’ve tried everything: dropped the third nap, earlier bed time, later bed time, longer naps, shorter naps, I tried feeding snd putting back to sleep (he won’t), and I’ve tried leaving in him there until after 6 (I’ve done this for weeks and weeks) And he will babble but eventually starts crying. He sleeps about 7-530, but bed time can range from 630pm/730pm but always he’s up between 5-530! When we did bedtime after 8 it backfires and he wakes up earlier. His naps are 2 In total and usually are about 1.5 hour each, sometimes a little more sometimes a little less but never longer than 2 hours.
does it ever get better or are some babies just programmed to be early risers. Am I missing anything ? I know it’s still a great stretch of sleep but it’s hard to get ready for work