I feel like a broken record. I'm tired of being sick. I really hope the second tri would bring me hope but it's hit or miss. I may just be one of those sick-all-through pregnancy and I'm trying to come to terms with that.
@lexilougolden it's rough yo, I feel you a bit on that. some days I feel normal, others if I don't eat in like 3 and a half minutes I'm going to puke over everything
@chgilmore that’s exactly how I feel! I’m also having some irritable bladder/uterus feelings. If I have a full bladder, it feels like my pelvic area is irritate or inflamed. Lifting the kids like at the park or something that is heavier can irritate my uterus, so I plan to talk to the OB about it on Tuesday.
Is anyone else starting to feel more leg cramps and joint pain? I feel like it was a switch that flipped on like two days ago. Apparently it's because of relaxin and the pelvis widening so I know it's "normal" but still.
@chgilmore Yes to joint pain! I had been feeling just fine until a couple days ago too. (I’m 13w4d.) now my lower back is killing me and I’m achier. I don’t remember when it started last pregnancy, but I attributed some of last pregnancy’s pain to weight gain. Haven’t gained any yet this time, so I guess that wasn’t the only issue! Def the relaxin. Ugh.
@chgilmore I haven’t had any joint pain (yet), but I know it’s coming. My back has been hurting easier, but it’s usually from holding DS2 for prolonged period of time.
AFM: I got my first of who knows how many yeast infections. I can’t use Monistat because I react to it, so the doctor gave me a different cream. I usually don’t get them until 3rd trimester, and she said I can’t have the pill medication I usually take until then. I made the mistake of googling the cream. So now I know all the doom and gloom associated with it, and my brain is choosing to ignore the fact it also said the cream should be safe during 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
Okay it's weird to consider this a "pregnancy symptom" but the same exact thing happened last time I was pregnant soooo.... is anybody else having sex dreams like EVERY SINGLE NIGHT? I'm not complaining but it's funny because I feel so sick during the day that is 100% not where my head is at ever.
@kaf1788 I think vivid dreams is a pregnancy symptom, i dont know if it means sex dreams too lol I havent noticed a difference there but it did make me think of a super weird pregnancy symptom I have related to sex.
When Im pregnant I cry when I orgasm. like sobbing. its terrible! I am not an emotional person, I do not cry often. My husband teases me that my heart is black but when I pass the first trimester I sob like a big ole baby right after that O lol. I hate it so much it makes me not want to dtd.
@kaf1788 definitely have had my share of vivid dreams...including sex ones! one in particular was so...intense that I'm pretty sure I had an orgasm in my sleep. @livingoffpbjs what's the sobbing about, do you think? besides hormones, I mean. maybe this could be a way to be in touch with a more sensitive part of yourself (emotionally, not just physically, lol).
Constipation is back. This time I think it is also Zofran contributing. I feel like I've done it all and nothing happens! Any miracle cures out there? I drink Miralax, eat fruits and veggies, drink a cup of coffee, and yoga (daily). I don't want to strain too hard because then I spot.
@chgilmore I have no idea but I dont like it. I guess it could be emotional and I just dont know it because Im not really in touch with my emotions?
@lexilougolden Usually just eating frosted mini wheats daily helps me but if youre doing all that Im thinking mini wheats might not cut it What about those metamucil bars? They make fiber thin bars that arent too bad.
Is anyone getting car sick? I’ve never had this problem. I can barley handle a longer car ride now without feeling sick. I think I can take Dramamine but I don’t want to be sleepy either.
@makingbacon Ugh yes. All over gets me. I tried sitting in the backseat today hoping it wouldn’t be so bad but it was worse! And yesterday a 30 minute ride in the passenger seat made me sick too, driving isn’t as bad but it still gets me. I’m just trying to go to target and buy pants. 😩 where I live everything is a commute.
@photographerwife Ugh, that stinks. Back seat is the only place that gets me. Everything here is a commute, too, so I feel you. My baby app says Dramamine is a Category B drug, but I hear you on being sleepy. I’m tired enough before taking something that makes me sleepy lol.
@photographerwife Yup, to be fair I've always gotten motion sickness to some degree, but I can hardly stand being in the car right now. It never used to bother me if I was the one driving but I can't do that either (not complaining. I hate driving ). It doesn't help that we live in an urban area so every ride is constant stopping and starting and rotaries. I'm also always sleepy anyways so I just take the dramamine if we're going on a longer ride and I can feel it's going to be an issue.
@photographerwife 100% with you on the carsickness. Even when I'm driving which is awful because I drive a lot for work. I have to have cold a/c blowing on me for some type of cool air. Normally I can't stand any air blowing on me like that but it helps. I try not to be a passenger right now, it's too much for me.
@livingoffpbjs I have acne too, a huge breakout on my forehead and along the sides of my eyes. I don't normally break out so I'm sure it's the hormones wrecking havoc.
Today I am officially 14w and my body said goodbye to first tri by giving me the worst insomnia the last 2 nights (hello 3 am right now and melatonin not helping 😩), heartburn ❤️🔥, and baby flutters during tonight’s wake up roll call 💜
Okay so kinda following up from the belly button stuff on the Linea Negra thread - I heard that skin tags are normal during pregnancy and I realized that I have one growing in my belly button??? has anyone else noticed skin stuff like this? (I'm going to follow up and clarify this with the midwife on Monday but figured I'd reach out here too)
@chgilmore I haven't gotten any (yet) but they're definitely a normal pregnancy thing. My friend had her baby in May and got a bunch - she's getting them all removed now and it seems like a pretty easy process (if they bother you).
17 weeks today, this is my second child and I dont think Ive felt my baby move and its making me super anxious. I have a check up today so hopefully they can give me some peace of mind but with my first daughter I felt her pretty early on, like 15 weeks.
@livingoffpbjs I’m a little over 16 weeks with #3, and I haven’t definitively felt him/her yet. The other 2 pummeled me starting around 15.5 weeks, but this one I feel something, but I’m not sure it’s the baby. It reminds me of the feeling when baby is bigger and leans, if that makes sense? So I feel pressure and that feeling, but not actual kicks, flutters, etc.
@makingbacon Im 17w today and I dont think Ive even felt that But I feel better that you have had other kids before and this one is more chill. Maybe it means this baby will be a chill baby since my first was an infant monster lol
@livingoffpbjs I haven't felt movement either (17w) and it also freaks me out. There are times I think I feel something but I'm definitely not sure. I know he's a mover on US. Wonder why it takes some people a while to feel movement?
@lexilougolden I think some of it is placental placement. Anterior placentas can take longer to feel because the baby’s movements are more cushioned. I had one with DS2, and I felt him right on time, but it took longer to feel him move consistently. I was probably 24-ish weeks when that happened. This baby has a posterior placenta, which surprised me because I’m really not feeling much (if anything), so I’m hoping to start feeling him/her move soon.
@livingoffpbjs I look forward to seeing how that turns out for you lol.
Re: August symptoms
AFM: I got my first of who knows how many yeast infections. I can’t use Monistat because I react to it, so the doctor gave me a different cream. I usually don’t get them until 3rd trimester, and she said I can’t have the pill medication I usually take until then. I made the mistake of googling the cream. So now I know all the doom and gloom associated with it, and my brain is choosing to ignore the fact it also said the cream should be safe during 2nd and 3rd trimesters.
When Im pregnant I cry when I orgasm. like sobbing. its terrible! I am not an emotional person, I do not cry often. My husband teases me that my heart is black but when I pass the first trimester I sob like a big ole baby right after that O lol. I hate it so much it makes me not want to dtd.
@livingoffpbjs what's the sobbing about, do you think? besides hormones, I mean. maybe this could be a way to be in touch with a more sensitive part of yourself (emotionally, not just physically, lol).
@lexilougolden Usually just eating frosted mini wheats daily helps me but if youre doing all that Im thinking mini wheats might not cut it
@livingoffpbjs I have acne too, a huge breakout on my forehead and along the sides of my eyes. I don't normally break out so I'm sure it's the hormones wrecking havoc.
DX: Endometriosis - Stage 4, DOR, RPL
03.2016 - Natural BFP - MC 5w4d
04.2016 - Natural BFP - Chemical
10.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = IUI Cancelled (cyst/no mature follicle)
11.2016 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFP, EDD 08.2017 - It's a BOY!
TTC #2 06.2019
08.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #1 = Chemical
09.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #2 = BFN
10.2019 - IUI w/ Injections #3 = BFN
01.2020 - IUI w/ Injections #4 = BFN
08.2020 - Natural BFP - MC 9w5d
11.2020 - IVF Retrieval - 3AB & 4BB
05.2021 - FET #1 = BFP, EDD 02.2022 - It's a BOY!