November 2021 Moms

UO Thursday 7/29

What’s your unpopular opinion?
Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
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Re: UO Thursday 7/29

  • @artsiefartsie ALL. OF. THIS. I'm not a particularly patient person when it comes to ignorance, so I feel angry about this 24/7 now. RAGE RAGE RAGGGGGGEEEEE!
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  • @artsiefartsie what's even worse are those in the medical field who are anti-vaxxers and can't even intelligently articulate why! They give just the standard anti-vax spiel. I know several nurses and pharmacists in Florida (where I went to school) who fall into this category 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🥴
  • @marbellie I honestly don’t get it.  I live in Missouri, and it has been extremely bad here for a while. A big part of it is we have two separate local private practice doctors that are spreading insane misinformation and advertising ivermectin prescriptions because no reputable doctors around here will prescribe it. I don’t understand how it is even legal. They are just lining their pockets by playing off of people’s fears.

     Thankfully, local pharmacies are refusing to fill the prescriptions, but it’s driving people to just go to feed stores and buy the animal versions because they honestly think it will cure them. 

  • @artsiefartsie omg that's so sad and insane!
  • stephk2120stephk2120 member
    edited August 2021
    They won’t be so dumb when their life is on the line. I know people who were all about the antivaxxing. Then they got COVID and got their vaccines a few months after having COVID. Dumb&$@es. I live in Florida and we are having a spike in COVID cases cause of these dumb anti vaxxers. I’m not sure I feel safe having my child in a hospital setting at this point… But, I totally get you on this. I mean don’t get me wrong we had questions about the vaccine, but, ultimately wound up getting it months ago. I haven’t stopped wearing my mask, my job still requires me to wear one and still requires guests too as well. For as long as kids under certain ages cannot get vaccinated we all should be wearing masks. The cdc is being too soft on this matter. It angers me cause I have to bring a child into this nonsense.

    and ivermectin? What are they stupid? Yeah, make money and get people sick or god for bid kill ‘em with animal drugs. Good job. Yeah, that’s a doctor who you should take advice from…. God, what idiots… now I’m mad…
  • @marbellie this makes me crazy! I’m in the medical field and I have some conspiracy theorist coworkers who, after working thru the pandemic, still say things like ‘it’s not that bad’ 🤬🤬 how can you say that? You saw it…

    It makes me crazy.
  • @jenharvey84 that’s a tough one. I’d have to go with COVID solely because it’s killed 4 million people. 

    It’s refreshing to know that other people are as irate as I am about all of this 🙃
  • @sliztee seriously, with the constant unbridled rage I’ve been feeling lately, it is nice to know we are in good company ❤️
  • As a HS Chem teacher, all of this bullshit makes me so sad. Science education and critical thinking skills are severely lacking in so many places.

    Fund education and maybe people will learn to wade through the nonsense. 
  • As a HS Chem teacher, all of this bullshit makes me so sad. Science education and critical thinking skills are severely lacking in so many places.

    Fund education and maybe people will learn to wade through the nonsense. 
    Man, I'm not even convinced that would solve the problem at this point (though, I am 100% pro-funding-education) - the ignorance and selfishness outweighs reasonability and rationality.
  • And now it has gotten to a point where I think it isn't even about having access to the correct information or having that information accessible... like some of you have said earlier with people who still think "it isn't that bad."  How do you convince an entire population of people of the "facts" when they don't even believe the subject is a real thing?!  You can't convince someone the Delta variant is a concern when they still think medical professionals are inflating the numbers and exaggerating the symptoms.  I hate being so cynical but these are the battles I find even having discussions within my own family.
  • @gingerale87 I agree. The amount of people I’ve seen who are literally dying in the hospital with covid and still think it isn’t real and they are sick with something else. I don’t know what the solution is, but I’ve reached a state of total apathy. 
  • I hope you all don’t hate me here, but I’m unvaccinated… I’ve had Covid 2x now, once in March 2020 (when DS was 9 months old and I was breastfeeding) and once in May 2021 while working at a hospital (pretty sure I got it from a patient). 

    My OB has told me since I already had it 2x now to wait to get the vaccine until after baby is here, and I’m okay with that. The vaccine is still not FDA approved and in emergency status. I have natural immunity right now (although the science hasn’t told any of us for how long anyone has immunity either vaccinated or not.) I still wear my mask out (hubby doesn’t since he’s vaccinated and CDC regulations have said vaccinated individuals don’t need to wear one until recently). I have 2 small kiddos who can’t be vaccinated so I wear it for them. 

    I honestly hope I’m not shunned here because of my decision I’ve made with my doctor. 
  • doodleoodledoodleoodle member
    edited August 2021
    I hope you all don’t hate me here, but I’m unvaccinated… I’ve had Covid 2x now, once in March 2020 (when DS was 9 months old and I was breastfeeding) and once in May 2021 while working at a hospital (pretty sure I got it from a patient). 

    My OB has told me since I already had it 2x now to wait to get the vaccine until after baby is here, and I’m okay with that. The vaccine is still not FDA approved and in emergency status. I have natural immunity right now (although the science hasn’t told any of us for how long anyone has immunity either vaccinated or not.) I still wear my mask out (hubby doesn’t since he’s vaccinated and CDC regulations have said vaccinated individuals don’t need to wear one until recently). I have 2 small kiddos who can’t be vaccinated so I wear it for them. 

    I honestly hope I’m not shunned here because of my decision I’ve made with my doctor. 
    I’m not vaccinated either. I’m nervous that it’s still so new and because of that the long term repercussions are unknown. I’m seriously considering getting it though because my OB has so strongly encouraged it. My husband is very much against me getting it and I worry that if I go ahead and get it and the baby has any problem whatsoever I will be blamed :/

    I am so extremely cautious though. I never go anywhere. If I visit with family or friends indoors they are all vaccinated and if not vaccinated we see each other outside and distanced. I typically wear two masks. I am dreading my oldest starting kindergarten and am thinking of homeschooling her. I don’t want to do that because she is so social and so excited to go, but I’m afraid the numbers are only going to get worse before they get better. And, despite being seemingly healthy you just never know how this virus will impact you.

    ETA - Jennifer, I have the UO that if you’ve had covid you probably don’t really need the vaccine 🤷‍♀️ 
  • artsiefartsieartsiefartsie member
    edited August 2021
    I completely understand the hesitation to get the vaccination while pregnant and I think it is important to weigh the risks and the benefits.

     My OB initially wanted me to wait because I have a high loss history and at the time I was very low risk since I work from home and can basically just not go anywhere. Then our area blew up with cases and a lot of local pregnant women were being put on ventilators. That coupled with new evidence that the vaccine was safe in pregnancy I got spooked and went ahead and got my first dose. Then at my next appointment I figured she’d be mad that I went ahead and did it, but she was thrilled, she had been seeing a lot of really sick patients.  Had the anatomy scan between doses and it was really comforting that everything was fine. It came down to the risk of the vaccine vs the risk of getting covid which was suddenly a lot higher for me. It is definitely a personal choice. 

    I’m go back and forth on whether I think you should be vaccinated if you’ve had covid.  I definitely think you have some natural immunity, but I get the whole viral load thing too. With natural immunity you have no idea how much virus you actually fought off so you have no idea how much your immune system is “trained” but with the vaccine you have a scientifically tested and measured amount of information to trigger the immune system. So natural immunity is more of a crap shoot.

     But I agree, @jenniferjoy37 in your case you’ve had it twice, I’d probably wait until after baby was born too. 

    Overall, in my eyes, people who are legit vaccine hesitant and still take precautions for everyone’s sake are 100% not the same as the antivax nutters who just spew misinformation with no regard for anyone but themselves. 

    So no shunning here at all ❤️❤️
  • sliztee said:
    @doodleoodle First, I want you to know that I understand your concerns and recognize their validity. That said, I really hope you’ll get vaccinated before moving to FL. It’s an absolute shitshow down there and there is evidence to show that the vaccine is safe during pregnancy (I’m even a part of the ongoing study). Like you said, weighing the pros and cons, there is no doubt that you and your baby will be healthier with the vaccine than without. It can be incredibly dangerous to get COVID while pregnant. I care about you and all women on this forum, so I hope you’ll consider!
    The move is really what is prompting me to pushback against my husband. I normally would not make a unilateral decision that impacts one of our children, but I feel like it’s not a matter of if I get covid but when. It really is the Wild West in Florida. And while 1 in 1,000 people testing positive isn’t that many people, I think the numbers are only going to continue to rise. 
  • @doodleoodle we can send you a bunch of studies/evidence if you need ammo to talk your husband into it lol. That is what got my husband on board, he realized that not only was getting covid a huge risk to baby it was a huge risk to me while pregnant and he practically made the appointment for me 😂
  • @jenniferjoy37 Thanks for sharing your truth, and I understand where you’re coming from. My primary concern for you is immunity to variants (which are proving to be far more contagious and effective in infecting unvaccinated people). If you doubled up with the vaccine on top of the antibodies you already have from the original strain, you would basically be a fucking superhero. 
  • @artsiefartsie give me all the studies, please!
  • sliztee said:
    @jenniferjoy37 Thanks for sharing your truth, and I understand where you’re coming from. My primary concern for you is immunity to variants (which are proving to be far more contagious and effective in infecting unvaccinated people). If you doubled up with the vaccine on top of the antibodies you already have from the original strain, you would basically be a fucking superhero. 
    Hahaha! My work is requiring us all to get vaccinated or face termination (I work at the top hospital in the state). So once baby is out, I’ll most likely be getting the vaccine while on maternity leave or face the consequences of being out of a job. Right now, I’m claiming medical exemption (and they have recognized pregnancy as a medical exemption). They would only require it for pregnancy IF the FDA approved the vaccine. But as it stands, it is still in emergency use, so I don’t mind waiting until baby is here and have her get antibodies and such through breast milk. 
  • @doodleoodle

    This study shows the increased risk to numerous adverse effects due to Covid infection in pregnancy.


    This study shows how covid can increase your risk of preeclampsia


    This study shows how just pregnancy alone makes you more susceptible to contracting covid.


    This study shows that the adverse pregnancy outcomes in vaccinated pregnant people occurred at the same rates that they normally occur in the regular pregnant population, so the vaccine has not increased the rates that complications occur.


    This study shows the immune response in pregnant women and how it is higher than natural immunity. 

  • Personally I don't mind the vaccine hesitant who mask up/socially distance because they're still doing the community good for now. It really really irritates me and I get hot thinking of those claiming that COVID isn't real, that masks don't work/shouldn't happen for their own personal freedoms, etc. Basically I just really hate selfish people who put the community at risk 
  • @freakymagoo the thing that’s really making me consider getting vaccinated, despite my husband’s wishes, is that at my last OB appointment by OB told me that last year she personally delivered 3 babies in the second and third trimester that passed away in utero 10-14 days after their mother contracted covid. It was a really upsetting thing to hear. I’m afraid to not get the vaccine now, but also afraid to get it. If that makes any sense.
  • @doodleoodle Totally valid to feel those fear feelings. I feel as though you’ve largely weighed the risk vs. benefit and maybe just need your husband to support your choice, regardless if agrees or not? That’s not unreasonable; that’s to be expected from a partnership ❤️
  • @doodleoodle if it helps I was absolutely terrified of the vaccine but covid was getting bad again so I went digging for any and all legit sources I could find to weigh the pros and cons and I could not find one single case where the vaccine was directly linked to an adverse case in pregnancy, but found many cases where covid was linked to very serious adverse cases. I have been following our local hospitals very closely the last few months and the amount of pregnant women they have had in the icu and on ventilators is staggering. 

    If there is anything we can do to help calm any fears we would love to help ❤️
  • I appreciate you all ❤️❤️
  • You would think that someone with COVID on high flow oxygen would want to consider a vaccine or take a second think but that doesn't happen.  In the past week we have had 15(?) covid patients on my unit, maybe one was vaccinated, one couldn't because of cancer and the others just weren't and we have ages 30s-90s with it, and patients who either lost someone from it recently or had it, its so frustrating. 

    What's even more annoying is the people not believing in the vaccine or saying it's not FDA approved except for emergency.  Well none of our treatments are FDA approved, its all experimental, all supplements aren't FDA approved either. 

    I'm so annoyed with my SILs brother who refuses to get vaccinated, he's all about "f cancer" cause his mom passed away from it but doesn't realise that the vaccine could help protect others who were like his mom. And he wants to have a wedding and have my BIL officiate it. 
  • @MaximumEffort I blame Fox News. I’m staying with family right now and they have Fox News on 24/7 and it’s nonstop conspiracy theories about covid and the vaccine and those seeking asylum. Apparently Bill Gates and George Soros are in this together 🙄

    And if my anti-Fox News stances offends anyone then I just want you to know that I also can’t stand MSNBC.
  • I read all my news. It’s easier to weed out the bullshit. You can look up links, authors, who’s funded the writing, etc. 
  • @freakymagoo the thing that’s really making me consider getting vaccinated, despite my husband’s wishes, is that at my last OB appointment by OB told me that last year she personally delivered 3 babies in the second and third trimester that passed away in utero 10-14 days after their mother contracted covid. It was a really upsetting thing to hear. I’m afraid to not get the vaccine now, but also afraid to get it. If that makes any sense.
    I totally and utterly get it. The thought of doing anything that may jeopardize your pregnancy is absolutely terrifying. 
  • marbellie said:
    Personally I don't mind the vaccine hesitant who mask up/socially distance because they're still doing the community good for now. It really really irritates me and I get hot thinking of those claiming that COVID isn't real, that masks don't work/shouldn't happen for their own personal freedoms, etc. Basically I just really hate selfish people who put the community at risk 
    I wholeheartedly agree with this! My view comes from arguing with my mom who is now a chronic Newsmax viewer and would rather take the view of a commentator vs talking to her Dr about it.  That is what just irks the crap out of me.  I feel like if you have made the best decision for your family after weighing all the info then fantastic.... choosing to not even consider talking to your medical professional because some senator in another state or whatever says COVID is made up just blows my mind.

    I got my first vaccine at 3wks and second at 6wks.  I wasn't even sure at the first one if I was pregnant but my mind was telling me that I would rather just be done with COVID and be part of society again vs waiting potentially until after breastfeeding to be able to get it.  But again that was a decision I made after talking with DH.   Now obviously, the variants are through in things off for being part of society again... but I think I may like it better out here on the outskirts.
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