November 2021 Moms

FTM Check-in 7/28

How far along are you?

Any new symptoms?

Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? 

What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy? 

Questions for FTM, or STM+? 

GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to?
Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Re: FTM Check-in 7/28

  • How far along are you? 25+4

    Any new symptoms? Not new but worsening rib pain

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Tomorrow, just a regular antenatal appointment 

    What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy? I’m looking forward to a baby shower!

    Questions for FTM, or STM+? 

    GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to? I can’t really think of any place that I never ever want to return to but there are some states I’ve been to where I wouldn’t be upset if I never went back (like Delaware, Maryland, etc.)
    Me: 29 | DH: 28
    Due: 6 Nov 2021
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • @jackie_dunny as a non-native resident of Maryland, I completely don't blame you 😂 I wouldn't live here if DH didn't have a large family heavily rooted here.
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  • How far along are you? 22+4

    Any new symptoms? No, the reflux has gotten better with pepcid though! Either that or getting back to my normal eating has helped.

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Next appt is next week. I should get another ultrasound in 2-3 weeks to check on my low placenta as well.

    What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy? I feel so behind! I didnt realize you had to book maternity photos so far in advance. It took me contacting 6 photographers before I found one that wasnt booked out until the end of the year already! And daycares?? Im so stressed out I didnt know I should be looking into that already too?!? We are starting to work on the nursery now which makes me feel a little better.

    Questions for FTM, or STM+? 

    GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to? Oklahoma (no offense to anyone from there). My parents lived there when I was in college and its hot, there are tornadoes, it's not particularly pretty.
  • How far along are you? I think 23+4 or something, honestly didn't look when I opened the app today

    Any new symptoms? Nothing new but luckily since I got back into my normal routine from vacation the heartburn has decreased and motion sickness went away.

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go?   Next appt 8.12

    What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy?  Just finished painting my bedroom, which will be shared due to a 1bd house, so I'm excited to start putting some furniture and decor together.

    Questions for FTM, or STM+? 

    GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to?  Iraq... hot, sandy and not a whole lot positive going on but I also did a deployment in Doha, Qatar and I would love to go back there. 
  • How far along are you? 23 weeks on the dot.

    Any new symptoms? I’m hungry a lot, morning sickness finally subsided. 

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Had an appointment this past Thursday to find out the sex. I’m having a girl!

    What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy? I’m more nervous about labor then anything else.

    Questions for FTM, or STM+? 

    GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to? Georgia. Was too boring there.
  • How far along are you? 24+4

    Any new symptoms? Waking up in the night with aches and pains. Not loving that... Now where is my coffee?!

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? 16th August check-in.

    What are you most looking forward to/most nervous about with this pregnancy? Having the right stuff. I've just found out I can expense a breast bump from work which is wild!

    Questions for FTM, or STM+? Do you have moments when you can't feel your little bean and it worries you? I'm getting a lot of this anxiety recently!

    GTKY: What state or country do you never want to go back to? Hmmm didn't love Dubai, it felt super fake. I'm pretty open minded and would go back if my partner wanted to but wouldn't book a trip there. 
  • @jenharvey84 I haven't yet but that's because I think they're still pretty small with room until about 28 weeks. I just try to think if I've felt her a couple times per day

    If I want to get the babies going to check, I drink some cold juice or water, lay down with knees elevated and give my belly a jiggle. That almost always riles the baby up to fight back 😅
  • @marbellie good tips! I think I'm just being paranoid 🤣
  • @jenharvey84 Yes, I think having those feelings occasionally is quite normal! My first was verrrry active. I'd feel him moving about every two hours so I didn't often get a chance to feel concerned. THIS little one will sometimes go almost a whole day without me noticing her move (though as she's getting bigger, I'm noticing movement more frequently. Almost 26 weeks along now).  And it's definitely had me starting to worry sometimes. Some babies are less active than others. DS is a verrrry active toddler; it took him over a year to sleep from bedtime to wake time, and he's always needed help slowing down to even realize he's tired otherwise he'd just run around run around straight though to cranky overtiredness. I'm hoping the longer stretches of movement for this one means that she'll be a bit more laid back.  :D
  • @mayoduck oh yes the activity level difference between Baby 2 and DS is so stark. I had an anterior placenta with him and even so would still feel him all day from a very early time (maybe 18 weeks). For DD, my placenta is posterior and I don't feel her jump around even a quarter as much
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