January 2022 Moms

Weekly Check-in 7.26

How far along are you?:

Upcoming appointments:

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? 

Re: Weekly Check-in 7.26

  • How far along are you?: 17w2d

    Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow! Ultrasound and 16 week check up. It feels like it's been forever since my last one. Excited to see baby girl again!

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good!! Though more round ligament pain and last night I started getting some crazy sciatic pain that is really bad if I move or lay a certain way. Happy to be squarely in the 2nd tri! Also libido has picked up, so that makes DH happy too, lol!

    Rants/Raves: No real rants other than the little bit of pain I mentioned above. Oh and the insane heatwave this week. It makes me cranky and my poor son reaps the result. But my rave is that we have no specific plans for the next 2 weeks! Just relax and play!


    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? That's a tough question. I love food! I've had lots of good meals. Probably a fancy steak dinner at one of my husband's company functions. 

    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • How far along are you?: 15w2d

    Upcoming appointments: August 2 for 16-week checkup

    How are you feeling?: I feel hugely pregnant, which is concerning me since I have *knock wood* 25 more weeks to go...But otherwise, pretty good! My pregnancy pillow has been a lifesaver. Only complaint is I constantly feel a pressure/pulling on my lower abdomen which I assume is normal but it makes me nervous? 

    Rants/Raves: My rant is that work is really stressful right now and my boss isn't the easiest person to get along with. But only 2 more weeks until vacation...

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? Probably at The Girl and the Goat in Chicago, IL. We ordered a bunch of items and each one was spectacular. 

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  • @fifilala516 I've had increased abdomen pressure too. Round ligament pain usually ramps up around 16 or 17 weeks. I wouldn't worry, but if yours never dissipates, I'd maybe mention it to your OB to see if they have any suggestions or concerns. 
    DS: 3-6-15 💙
    Baby Girl Due: 1-1-22
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • How far along are you?: 14 weeks today! Hello 2nd Trimester! 

    Upcoming appointments: This Thursday I have my monthly appointment. 

    How are you feeling?: very very tired...although I have a tiny bit more energy than I did before, but I just get tired so easily. And nausea has gotten better, but I still get an occasional day where it’s terrible. Oh, and I’ve had an upset stomach. 

    Rants/Raves: I’m getting married in 12 days! There is soooo much to do and I feel like my head is spinning, but we are announcing our pregnancy at the wedding and revealing the gender too...I’m so ready for it not to be a secret anymore! 


    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? I’m such a foodie this is hard! Honestly I just love a good hibachi steakhouse with yum yum sauce! Craving that bad right now 😂 

  • elksammelksamm member
    edited July 2021

    How far along are you?: 14w

    Upcoming appointments: my 16 week appointment in two weeks. Just had my 13 week US and everything looked good, waiting for genetic testing results to come back next week.

    How are you feeling?: still pretty tired, not super nauseous, but it’s definitely still hanging around, still kind of crampy not bad just kind shows up here and there as kind of a dull pain. 

    Rants/Raves: I am so over work. It’s not that demanding at all but it’s just so hard to stay motivated.

    Questions: Has anyone done a nursery decorating service? 

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? I don’t know if there is one that sticks out as the best ever but my favorite brunch spot was Olea in SF - the Cazuela was my absolute favorite dish. I’m SO sad it closed. 

  •  How far along are you?:  16+5

    Upcoming appointments:   Anatomy scan in the middle of August

    How are you feeling?:   Pretty good. I was feeling some crazy uncomfortable pressure a couple days ago but it’s gone away. I think it was just some gnarly bloat. 

    Rants/Raves:   Rave: we took the boys to the lake today and it was awesome! They had a ton of fun and were really well behaved. Rant: it’s soooo smoky out here and being outside all day has caused my allergies to act up and my throat hurts. 

    Questions:   nope

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had?   That’s a super tough one. It’s a toss up between a meal we had in Hawaii like 9 years ago (every course was perfection) or a super long dinner at our favorite steakhouse. We usually get soup and popcorn crab for an app, steaks and lobster mac and cheese for entree, and some sort of amazing dessert. And a ton of wine. 

    @elksamm I would love to have the nursery professionally done but that room would be so far above and beyond the rest of the house, it would be comical. 

    @chelswcu12 that’s so exciting for your wedding! I can’t wait to hear how everyone’s reaction went when you announce the pregnancy. 

  • How far along are you?: 16w5d

    Upcoming appointments: monthly check up this Thursday 

    How are you feeling?: Tired, as usual 

    Rants/Raves: Rant - I’m having terrible insomnia! I don’t remember having it this bad with my other 2 kids.

     Rave - Today is my wedding anniversary! 14 years! 

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? Steak dinner from Peter Lugers in Brooklyn 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @GracieL79 I’m a native NYer (born and raised in Brooklyn) and have never been to Peter Luger!
  • How far along are you?: 14w5d

    Upcoming appointments: this Friday! Ultrasound!

    How are you feeling?: Much MUCH better than a few weeks ago. I can finally eat again without wanting to vomit!

    Rants/Raves: Rant - My in-laws have not bothered to check in and ask me how I'm doing since we announced my pregnancy on Father's day 😐. Rave - a week off of work and a trip to the beach was just what I needed!! 🌊🏖

    Questions: none. 

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? Oh geez... there are too many to pick from! Currently the only thing on my mind is sushi and how I can't have it 😭

  • @lilyfox Oh man, do I feel you on the sushi. I have dreams at least twice a week about spicy tuna.
  • How far along are you?: 14+2

    Upcoming appointments: not until the end of august

    How are you feeling?: my energy levels are getting better. Still a little nauseous in the am, but that might be the extreme hunger. 

    Rants/Raves: I still haven't announced my pregnancy publicly (we told family), as we are waiting on NIPT results. It's getting very hard to hide (like, I might be kidding myself that coworkers don't see it...I wear an apron when I work to try and hide it). 

    I'm on a waitlist for a midwife, so I currently have an OB. I *really* want a midwife again as I loved the experience with my son. Please send positive vibes that I get the magical call!

    Questions: can anyone share their experiences with NT/NIPT results? Baby's NT results came back as 1:235 chance of abnormalities (chance based on age alone is 1:200), which is below their cutoff of 1:350. Baby's NT measurement was 1.9. I know the chance is very small, but I still unnerving to need the NIPT and am awaiting results for another 4-8days. They can go by fast enough. 

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? 

    Oh gosh. Well. Any meal can be the best ever if I craved it. I had yam tempura....like the last 3 weeks and I inhaled it the first week. 

  • @magalina_h yay for ultrasound appointments!

    @fifilala516 let the count down to vacation start!

    @chelswcu12 Best Wishes to you!!

    @elksamm a nursery decorating service, i didn't even know that was a thing! If i didn't have MH i would need that.  Thankfully MH is a designer so he has a good eye for things.  I'm curious about this service, you'll have to let us know if you use one!

    @Lisa3379 the random bloat some days.  After getting off the PIO it went down so much but now it just pops up out of no where.  (or maybe because eat the wrong thing)

    @GracieL79 Happy Anniversary!

    @lilyfox Inlaw relationships are so freaking hard.  If i'm honest, i've just given up and let MH have the relationship and I smile and do small talk if we ever see them.

    @sarah_is_pregnant I hope you get your midwife!

    How far along are you?:  13+3

    Upcoming appointments: Nothing for 3 more weeks (which is odd since i've had at least biweekly appointments since the end of March)

    How are you feeling?: Better.  Like most mentioned above, i'm not as tired.  I'm not taking 2 hour naps in the middle of the work day, but still going to be about 9 and not getting up until 6:30.  Had a bout of nausea that caused horrific puking last Friday when we had friends over.  So i'm trying to make sure i don't eat too much in one sitting which i think was my issue.  

    Rants/Raves: TBH I am really frustrated with my boss and I know I'm being selfish but because he won't get vaccinated, I have to wear my mask in our leadership meetings.  It makes the meetings so much harder for me to talk and feel comfortable in.  I know people get to make their own decisions, but with the significant rise in cases over the past two weeks it really frustrates me.  I put my foot down and said I'm only coming into the office for our leadership meeting each week otherwise I'll be working from home the rest of this pregnancy.  I know I'm blessed that I can do that, I'm just venting here for a minute.  Thanks for letting me vent.  

    Questions:  Anyone else really awkward at telling people about the pregnancy?  I have close friends that i haven't even told yet mostly because I find it so awkward to share the news.  

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? I'm tempted to say the two hotdogs i ate a few weeks ago when i was only craving meat. But I have always loved fondue and went to a Melting Pot before the pandemic and it was incredible.   

  • owly13owly13 member
    @chelswcu12 Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • owly13owly13 member

    How far along are you?:  16w5d

    Upcoming appointments:  August 23 for monthly and August 25 for 20 week(!!!) scan

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good.  Still very congested.  I'm starting to feel huge, but have only gained 4 lbs so far.

    Rants/Raves: My relationship with my mom is stressing me out.  Nothing like becoming a mom to stir up issues with your own mom.  I've started realizing that I'm emotionally more mature than she is, which sucks.

    Questions: NATM

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? I used to to to this Ethiopian restaurant all the time in Michigan called The Blue Nile.  Ethiopian food is like a cross between Indian and Moroccan food.  This place was sooooo good; it was all you can eat and my friend and I would go and practically had to be rolled out the door because we were so full.  I've been to lots of other Ethiopian restaurants and nothing comes close to The Blue Nile!  

  • alpacamama2alpacamama2 member
    edited July 2021
    @blackhottamales omg YES! Telling people is soooo awkward. We are slowly announcing to individuals and friend groups (we told immediately family earlier) and it never seems to not be super weird. I feel like it is because the reactions run the gamut from polite indifference to overly nosey/opinionated
  • GracieL79GracieL79 member
    edited July 2021
    I live in NJ but I love going to Brooklyn especially Brooklyn Bridge Park and all the great restaurants around there. 
    We went to Peter Lugers years ago before kids and I thought it definitely lived up to its reputation. @fifilala516

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @GracieL79 I always imagine we'll pick up and move to NJ eventually...my uncle lives in Union County and I love it over there! 

    Have you ever been to Cecconi's near Brooklyn Bridge Park? It's one of my faves!!
  • @fifilala516 I grew up in Union County and still work there. I live in Monmouth County now. 
    I’ve never been to Cecconi’s but I’ll have to check it out next time where in the area. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you?: 14+1

    Upcoming appointments: Not until August 13

    How are you feeling?: Less nauseous, but still so tired. This pregnancy is feeling more real, though, as my belly is popping a bit, so I'm feeling pretty excited! 

    Rants/Raves: Rant - We decided super last minute (i.e., a few days ago) to have DS2's birthday party this Sunday. We keep birthdays relatively simple around here, but I'm still stressing a bit--literally don't even have any plans for food yet. Rave - I have been taking some classes this summer, and my last one is tonight! Pretty pumped to have a couple weeks off before I go back to work when the school year starts. 

    Questions: I know I had one, and of course I can't think of it now. 

    GTKY: What was the best meal you ever had? This is a fun question to think about. We had some really good meals with great views when we were on our honeymoon in Greece. But I might have to go with smoked brisket from Franklin's in Austin--sooooo good and worth the wait. 

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