February 2022 Moms

WTF Wednesday 7.21.2021

Re: WTF Wednesday 7.21.2021

  • My 4yo is being impossible in the mornings which makes it a Rock Paper Scissors battle daily with the hubs of who gets (un)lucky enough to get her ready and take her to school. 

    She is sensory everything sensitive right now (hasn’t △⃒⃘lways been this bad). Refuses to wear underwear or socks 😳 every shirt Cant have sparkles or ruffles. Cannot be a tank. Won’t wear dresses. She prefers the shorts with pockets but not jeans. The legging type shorts she’s △⃒⃘lways worn all of a sudden are too tight. We have replaced her wardrobe like 2 or 3 times already trying to accommodate her ever changing sensitivities….
  • @angelz429 Ugh, that is rough. Sending positive vibes your way. Does she do okay if she picks out her own clothes in the morning or does that overwhelm her?
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  • @angelz429 That's so difficult! I wondered too about what @makingbacon said. If she has the choice, is it better? Or is there virtually one outfit she's willing to wear?
  • @angelz429 That's frustrating.  I was like wtf when my then 7yo son decided he didn't like a polo shirt I'd gotten him.  He'd never had any opinions on clothing before that.  He's definitely more picky about clothes now than he ever was, but he's also an age where I can reason with him.  4yo's have their own whole world going on that none of us ever truly can understand.  

    AFM - I've been basically MIA from here because my usually reasonably normal and enjoyable workplace (been there nearly 13 years) has turned into a madhouse lately.  I won't go into details, but it's been hard and demoralizing and is probably only going to get worse.  The timing is awful.  If I wasn't pregnant I'd probably be looking for a new job, but I feel stuck here for at least a year just to get through pregnancy, FMLA, and work whatever time is required to not have to refund the company for covering my insurance during FMLA (I think that's a thing...). 

    Anyway, I'm sorry I'm not around to give more support, but I'm going to try to drop in at least once a day just to see how things are going with everyone and participate.  I've been reading our board in the evenings on my iPad, but I can't find my password to actually log in anywhere other than my laptop. LOL.  I'm a mess.  
  • @makingbacon @lexilougolden

    no. We’ve tried having her sleep in the clothes she wants to wear. Picking them out herself. Nothing helps lol. 

    She WOULD wear her Sonic pajamas every day if we let her. 
  • @angelz429 That is frustrating and probably creates some anxiety leading up to the time you have to get her dressed, for both of you. 

    @Murphie82 Work can be so rewarding and so draining! 
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