November 2021 Moms

STM+ Check-in 7/21

How far along are you? 

Any new symptoms?

Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? 

How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 


GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do?

Me: 29 | DH: 28
Due: 6 Nov 2021
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Re: STM+ Check-in 7/21

  • @mayoduck happy 24 weeks! I recently met someone who had a baby girl at 21 weeks and she survived! It's so nice and crazy to see what medicine can do.

    How far along are you? 21+6

    Any new symptoms? Nope

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? I have a normal check up in a few weeks

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? DS, 1y9mo

    How are your other kids doing this week? He's so temperamental/clingy ever since I cut him off of breastfeeding over a week ago :( hopefully he'll go back to being his happy go lucky self, but I think it coincided with the early terrible twos so who knows


    GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do? I was second place in a national language competition for Mandarin Chinese. Also I picked up a storytelling art thing in Chinese to help with language learning
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  • @marbellie 21 weeks, oh my gosh! How scary! But how wonderful modern medicine was able to help her!
  • How far along are you? 24 + 3

    Any new symptoms? Just heartburn and insomnia has come back.

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Just a regular check in a couple weeks, then the GD test shortly after that.

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they?  1 4yr old son

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s good, we are redoing his room and he got to pick out all the furniture and posters and he’s so excited. I’m exhausted from all the cleaning, and just eager for it to get here. 

    Concerns/Questions: Not really. Like @mayoduck I’m just so relieved to have hit 24 weeks. I think that has made it all the more “real” in my head and I’ve been eager to go through all of our baby stuff to get it ready.

    GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do? Hmm, I might have to come back to that one. I’m pretty much unmatched when it comes to hoarding art supplies 🤣

  • How far along are you? 24+2

    Any new symptoms? no

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? A pretty pointless phone appointment today.

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? DS 5; DD 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? DD is frustrating me lately because she just refuses to eat almost anything and we are supposed to be trying to get her to gain more weight because at her last checkup she hadn't gained weight since her 18 month appointment and has actually been losing it. So it's just stressful and I don't know how to get her to just eat.

    Concerns/Questions: NA

    GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do? I don't really know, I feel like I'm good or ok at a lot of things but not the best at anything.

  • How far along are you? 24+1

    Any new symptoms? Not really..minor back aches hear and there.  Oh wait, swelling.  So much swelling.  I drove for 6.5 hours after working a full day last week and my ankles overlapped my feet 😳

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Had 1 last week, everything’s good! Next one is the gestational diabetes test, I believe 

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? 1 5 year old 

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s good, we took a trip to my moms in Plymouth, MA last week and since we’ve been home he’s been crazy clingy.  Which I suck up for the most part until it’s 2 and 4 am and he’s asking for me 🤦‍♀️ Is 5 year sleep regression a thing? He’s definitely preparing me for a newborn lol

    Concerns/Questions: nope!

    GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do? Ummmm I’m really good at functioning with no sleep? That’s my only talent lol 

  • @RoseShadow873 Hey! Sorry your toddler is having eating struggles, and wish I could say I haven't been there myself. Have you reached out to a speech pathologist? We visited one for maybe 4 sessions and I learned a lot about how to get Arlo to eat more, basically by being interested in it. He still goes on hunger strikes (we're in one right now, post Oreo-for-every-meal-while-sick last week, but I know that he'll come back around and won't starve in the meantime.
  • @mayoduck I feel the same way, I’m 24w too and I felt kind of relieved this week. I’ve been so worried this whole pregnancy, but this week was definitely a milestone for me too! 
  • How far along are you? 24+5

    Any new symptoms? The hip seems to start reacting to my accumulated body weight 

    Any appointments recently or coming up? How did it go? Had 2 appointments yesterday. Blood, urine, weight looks great. Baby girl has a strong pulse. She is however smaller, on the 10% percentile. Hope she catches up a bit before birth. 

    How many kids do you already have, and how old are they? My lovely 2 yo

    How are your other kids doing this week? Baby girl had fever and sore throat. She really struggled while being such a nice baby. She dropped 1 kg over 3 days, basically 10% of her body weight. Hope she gets better over the weekend so that she can enjoy her last vacation week. 

    Concerns/Questions: I hate being pregnant 😠

    GTKY: What’s something impressive you can do? Have chocolate cake for breakfast and never be tired of it 😂 on a serious note, people always underestimate me for how I look. I on the other hand can eavesdrop in a couple different languages and bust people😂

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